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Mr. Rubyian

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Rubyian) and was a member of Music

After the death of his family; Rubyian, now an orphan, left Fantasia and headed to Mantrax to seek his fortune there. He built his city next to a river, which is where he spent most of his time thinking. His family had lived for 2 eras before this only to be killed off in one war. Rubyian, the sole survivor, did not take his families name and instead, forged ahead into a new life to make a name for himself in battle.

After establishing himself economically in Mantrax, Rubyian started to build an army. He recieved multiple invitations from the greedy kings around him to join their empires but he refused them all and instead chose to join The Legion, a group of warring rulers who were well organized and well able to defend themselves. They accepted Rubyian into their alliance after one of his friend who had also left Fantasia for Mantrax asked the leader of The Legion to accept Rubyian. After brief negotiations, Rubyian was welcomed as a full member of the group.

After becoming a member of The Legion, Rubyian was now offered protection from Allies and so he was able to attack and take over many small cities in the surrounding area. After securing a sizeable area of land he decided to build walls to protect his inner core area which consisted of his Capitol city called Rubyia, Some great mines, and the bulk of his military might. He set about readying for any attackers who might dare to approach and then rallied the rest of his military might to face the enemies of The Legion as needed. Right away after becoming settled, Rubyian was soon called to war. The barbarians known as the Luna Wolves were on the attack. Although the Luna Wolves were very unintelligent and and did not have many allies, they where a great military power, having over double the men and weaponry that The Legion controlled. The Legion however, stood together, fearless in the face of the large horde and prepared to defend its hard earned Empire.

After many great battles, things were starting to even out. The lines held and The Legion was still standing in the face of the Luna Wolves. But they still did not have the power to fight back and take back what was rightfully theirs. However, an alliance began to form between The Legion and other groups who did not like the Luna Wolves and all were determined to once and for all rid the lands of the barbarian menace that was the Luna Wolves.

All hope was lost. Soon after the alliance formed, it fell. Foul tricks were used on the group known as the Predators that weakened them. Another small group known as the Kingdom of Skulls was almost completely destroyed and the remaining members of the Kingdom decided to join The Legion instead. The battle waged and the balance was maintained but then in the north, a a dread sight appeared. The remaining three members of the Kingdom of Skulls had built up new cities all around Rubyian but they still had no military might ready. And then, terrible news. From atop the towers in the Rubyian's great capitol, Rubyia, a shout rang out. From the north came two armies of more than 100,000 strong barbarians in each. And from the east cam two armies, one of just under 500,000 barbarians and another that was made up of 20,000 of the strongest warriors the barbarians had ever fielded, the Berserkers. Very soon the horde of men swept across the land taking out many small cities that were out of the protection of Rubyians main kingdom area. The cities of Five and Iron where the first to fall. Then Rubyians last great fortress north of his main area fell as well. It was Kennys City. With it died 2000 of the first men to ever support Rubyian when he first entered Mantrax. But Rubyian had no time to mourn this loss, for soon the two barbarian armies that had come from the north where now at the very gates of his kingdom. Combined, they where an army of 220,000 men.

At the walls, Rubyian had an army of only 20,000 that was supported by 10,000 catapaults. Reinforcements were dispatched from Rubyians Southern lands to help support. They consisted of 10,000 archers, from the woodland area. All of them well trained, but Still this was not enough. Soon, all the resources Rubyian had were being poured into the defense of his kingdom. But still, he could not raise an army to face the barbarian horde. As he stood atop the battlements of Rubyia, watching his armies moving towards the distant walls, he felt a wave of hopelessness come over him. Their was one ray of hope though, the three remaining members of the Kingdom of Skulls were proving to be a very powerful group. They had erected great mining cities in both the southern and western areas of Rubyians Kingdom. They also began to send some troops to the walls. They were exceptionally fast at deployment of their armies and that ment that the walls were being fortified every day with fresh reinforcements. AMong the group of three was a great scholar. Previously, Rubyian had built a small tower to the East of Rubyia were he had sent a group of scholars to try and learn the art of magic. He had succeeded and had been quite proud of himself for it but this new person, the member of the Kingdom of Skulls, soon put his scholars to shame, summoning great powers from the heavens and using his power to help magically fortify the walls surrounding the kingdom. But would this be enough?

The walls still stood. The barbarian horde was still there but they could not pass. They had done everything they could and still they had not broken through. After a 24 day siege assault on the wall the barbarian armies were getting restless. Then even though they themselves feared them, the barbarian army asked for the aid of the berserkers. The berserkers would arrive in only a few days and then the wall would truely be put to the test. How long could it hold?

The berserkers were defeated!! After some good strategy, a small group of archers snuck uff the wall in the middle of the nigh and angered the berserkers and led them to the northern end of the wall. Their, 10,000 catapaults had been set up to destroy them. After a brief barrage, the berserkers were forced to retreat. Rubyian, watching from afar, breathed a sigh of relief. But his relief was short lived. Out of the night arrived a messenger from the great queen, Ashley. He had come from the powerful fortress of Sweet Escape. He brought news of two huge barbarian armies arriving just north of Sweet Escape. After sending out a scout, Rubyian was appalled to find that the Great Fortress had been captured by the Barbarian soon after the Messanger had arrived. And the barbarian armies were sweeping out to the west to attack his kingdom and the three ex-members of the Kingdom Of Skulls. Reports soon flooded in that their were somewhere around 10 armies sighted, each comprising of more than 10,000 men. And not far behind these armies was a giant army containing almost 500,000 men. Despair and hatred of these barbarians flooded into Rubyians heart. His shout went out and soon messengers had been sent out with orders to all his armies. No retreat, fight to the very end. He refused to come quietly. The next day, he himself got on his horse and headed out across the southern plains of Rubyia, towards the great Rubyia Fortress. He was determined that if he was to fall, he would fall fighting to defend everyone that he could.

Everything was in ruins. Every man, woman, and child in the entire kingdom had been either slaughtered or put into slavery. The knights had been forced into a retreating defense and then were surrounded and slaughtered. Rubyian survived the initial attacks and fell back to his biggest mining city, Glittering. With him was a group of 1000 poorly trained archers and 500 supporting catapaults. The final battle to defend the city quickly became a slaughter. Dead and dieing rangers lay everywhere, and the glow off the burning catapaults could be seen for miles around. Rubyian was at last the last man left alive. With nothing left to defend he jumped off the southern battlements of the city into the river and was washed away. 2 days later he was finally pulled from the river by a travelling group of musicians. Or at least that was what they appeared to be before Rubyian fainted from exhaustion.....
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