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Sir Olaf

Lived in Era 11, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Mirror

The unknown King Martin IV ruled the secret lands of Orlothai. With a great castle, Alpakka, the proud men lived a harmless and peacefull life. The evil powers of outworld got this precious land in their mind, and a lot of dark armies intook the land. The mens mind were filled by honor, and they wouldn't give the land away for free. A big war was a fact, and Martin were victorius. But the evil wanted the land so mutch and the the Kingdom of OWN was to strong. Another war began, and thounsands of men died. A leader does not leave his army, so Martin fought but died with his army.

But King Martin IV got had a small child, Olaf. Olaf fled with the surviving people of Alpakka, to stony mountains.
The people met the dwarfs who took care of those humen.
A great alliance were a fact. When Olaf were older and became a real man, he wanted to take back for his father, and the great Castle of Alpakka should be in his hands.

With a great army of Humen and Dwarfs Olaf returned and took the land back. Mr. Olaf became King Olaf, and his empire is now stronger as ever before....
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