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Sir Blackdagger

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Fafnier) and was a member of Invicta

I grew up an elf in a humbel village called Elveras, but when arma hit I was left alone. Then 50 hobgoblins found me, I thought I was going to die, but for some reoson they took me in thier leader. From that day on, I have been fighting to survive. So far I has gotten in a mighty kingdom of Abydos. We have been warring the kingdom of MDoW for about three months now. It's weary work, but we're getting ground. They arn't giving up, but I think we can defeat them in six more months.

It's horrible, The kingdom of Noob Table has attacked us and wiped most of us out. I ran north with peasents and what remains of my army.

I have gained a foothold. I have taken a town called Azrim and we're trying to rebuild there. My king, Oya, is trying to gather a force in the north to help us out down here.

Armadeggan has been cast! And at the same time the hordes of Heaven and MDoW have come up out of nowhere. My town has been colonized, but we're fighiting back. It has been taken back three times and colonized three times by my enemies. Soon It will be fully mine again.

I have sent out around five scout, but all but one have been defeated. I made a colony far in the north, I hope it lasts since it could be my last defense there aswell if Azrim falls.

Azrim has been captured by enemies so many times I can't count now on my two hands, but we still own it after so many invasions We're still fighting, but sadly i'm the last remaining in the south. If I fall, they gain ground, again. Though I have cities scattered around these lands, I will never die wholly. Heaven and MDoW will never be able to find my remainding cities. We shall die fighting, and this fight shall continue long after I am dead. There's only two and a half months till armadeggan hits, I sent my son away into the woods to live with the dark elves. He will come out after all this is done. The Elverian province of Abydos will last untill the world is gone, and then maybe it will last longer then the world itself, I cannot know, but I do know this, we shall always fight till death. Till every city is in ruins, till our race is gone. No one will defeat us completly untill that day....

(The rest of the words are illegibal, in later discriptions there said something about orcs invading Azrim, but we will never know if it stood or not, we hope it did.)
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