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Sir Finwe

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Finwe).

Finwë had two wives. His first was Míriel, who passed away soon after bearing their only child, Fëanor. His second wife was Indis, of the Vanyar, who bore him two sons: Fingolfin and Finarfin, and two daughters: Findis and Irimë.

During Melkor's attempt to corrupt the Ñoldor, Finwë attempted to moderate his people and lead them back to the Valar. When Fëanor was exiled from Tirion, Finwë went with him to Formenos. There he was the first to be killed in Valinor when Melkor slew him at the doors of Formenos seeking the Silmarils. This act was the catalyst that led to the Revolt of the Ñoldor.
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