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Mr. Teirdel

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Teirdel) and was a member of Agenda

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Teirdel) and was a member of Royal order of Claidmore

Most miracles happen in an ancestors lifetime, they then descend to legend, myth, religion and folktale. After that they slowly erode from our memories. In these tales the Hero's and Villains are remembered from their deeds once done. They are remembered for their successess and not of their failures, because people are fickle, envious and prideful. This is a story not about heroe's or villians. Not of dragons, knights and damsels, but of a teacher not so unlike but a few. The man of Alascar mountian.

It all started 2 years ago, When a young lord named Galen was charged with the defense of his kingdom. He had slowly but surely earned rank as he rose above numerous positions to become one of the more trusted individuals of his land. However this did not stop him from betraying his delinqeunt king. He there too had been a valuable asset, however he had felt lost and in dire peril of the kingdoms collaspe he had helped contribute to it by switching to a more solid alligence... One that now asked of him a great deed.
He was to combat an enemy on the open plains. An enemy that slowly creeped upon the new kingdom, one who had lost themselves in their own misery and defeat. A horde of beings who were fueled by their rage, lust and instincts to fight when cornered.It was because of this Untamed power that the other lords armies had fallen. They too had been slaughtered at the mountain passess and the flowing feilds of Grassla. They too all had been tasked with the same and lost. Now it was Galens turn and nothing could stop his knee's from dropping out from under him when his lord assigned him the task. He lacked the confidence to stop such wreckless hate. He did not even possess enough swords to counter such an enemy and he already knew the outcome that would befall him and his men. It filled him with fear. Because of this he had descended from his camp to a small village of Altier, the city of the mountian Alascar.
Galen slowly made his way through the village on his stallion. He was a tall man with slender shoulders and a wiry build. He had brown hair with no facial hair. The bangs hung down to his eyebrows, his hair wrapped into a short ponytail. His armor gleamed in the sun, his sword scabbard reflecting the light from its tips giving away to small rainbows on the trail he rode. However despite his stature not one of the few individuals who raomed the streets payed him any attention. They had better things to do, they had always been independent from the empire and would always remain so. They had a way of living that apalled most living creatures. It had even stuck fear into the orcs.
After several hours of searching for the individuals that he sought he began to lose hope. It was then that he dismounted and asked an elderly women sitting in the shade of a shack for directions.
"What may i assist you with youngling?"
"I am here to seek assistance from a great being known as the Warlock of the broken promises."
" I am sorry but you must be mistaken. He has been deceased for Months now, died in the last battle of Grassla attempting to defend what he thought was his. Foolish he was." she tried her best to give a warm smile, however her teeth were old and yellow and compromised what she had intended.
"Is there anyone here who could assisst me?"
"Offer me a drink and bed, then Perhaps i shall offer my assisstance." Her smile then faded into a grin. It took less than a minute for him to pull the coins out of his purse and ask her to accompany him. They both came upon a small two story building with a withered sign. They entered and a small stubby inkeeper took notice of their entrance and walked in to the room and asked of what services he may offer. Galen bought the elderly woman a drink and payed for a bed. Then they sat down in a shadowy corner.
'I have done my part, now let me hear of this aid." The woman took one large chug of her beer before it all but dissapeared before him.
"Nothing you can do may prevent this, your loss is certain and your hold in this realm gone,seek your gains elsewhere you lack knowledge and experience to even be of use." She sat back in her chair calm and collected as if she had said nothing hurtful. Galen's eyes gave off a cold, solid stare.
"Those men pledge their lives to me and i promised them victory over the Demiser. So shall i give it to them. I may be outnumbered and outclassed but ill be damned if i must surrender everything to the him." His voice remained monotoned throughout the whole speech giving him an impression of great restraint.
"Then you too shall die along with everything you stand for." Her eyes gave off a stare equal to his own.
"I am a lord and I am required to act like one. In fact you are the one who is wrong. Even if i should lose someone shall take my place." His face started to turn red, his tone however was the same.
"No there wont be, if you have not noticed the other lords are dead and have abandoned all hope in you, even now they flee. Your friend to the northeast has switched alliance and you have a demon set upon you. There is only one way you may have of keeping your promise and that is to stay alive."
'How am i to stay alive, how am I to stop this menace and save those which i love and have sworn to protect!" He had lost control of his voice, he was raging and his arms flailing about.
"Become stronger."
"How am i suppose to become stronger, i have no more swords, the wizards have all but demolished themselves and we are outclassed as well as outnumbered!" He was panting now.
"Strength comes in many forms, especially in wisdom. This great warlock you seek, do you know why you sought him?"
"He was said to be blessed with the ability of a thousand swords." He was shaking violenty as he slowly begun to control his temper.
"Do you know why? By the look on your face i would say no. It seems that you require more than what you have. He was once the leader of the powerful order of the 13. The witches of the circle, beings said to be so powerful that even the nazghul strayed from their touch, however he had to sacrifice much to get where he was. In turn he learned to weild mass power and the 13 wished to direct him in using it for the benefit of the races, however he could not let go of his past experiences. They haunted him day in and day out, so when they finally presented himself he took all he had to meet them. This was the cause of his power, and demise. What you seek are things that I myself would not give you let alone the 13."
"Then what am i to do?" His face had begun to pale at his relization of his predicament.
"Call of your armies, scatter and grow, when the time is right return and claim what is yours. It is a hard and difficult road however if the cause is just they shall teach you." he remained silent. The elderly woman sighed. "What is it you want to see more than anything?"
"Th..The land united under one banner, one that will give prosperity to those i cherish. To the feilds of my ho.. h...home."
"Then come with me and you will grant your wish." his eyes appeared to begin to tear.
"Impossible you said yourself nothing can help me."
"There are other ways, they take time, patience and wisdom. If you are willing to disband your army and devote yourself to the order then i shall teach you."
"What do you have to offer that i cannot acheive on my own." Galens spirit had been crushed.
"If you have yet to figure it out perhaps I am just wasting my breath." She stood up to leave.
"Wait! I will do anything you ask of me! Just save them. I will serve your, I will offer you title, land and wealth! I will bow and call you master, just help me!"
"Then come with me to the council, i seek no titles, or wealth. They are unneccesary for where I hail from. As for land it belongs to the earth mother, not you. I will not save your people." She paused and a blinding light filled the room. Galen was blinded by its brilliance and baffled by what he saw next. Standing where the old lady was, there stood a beautiful woman. She had long blonde hair and a pure white dress. "You will save your people and you will call me master or teacher. I am Beatrice the 13th witch of the Witch's Council and you are my apprentice. From this day on you shall go by many names, all of which I shall choose. At dawn we ride to the council, Witch's Cove." She slowly ascended up the stairs and after several minutes Galen soon followed.
His armies were given an order of unknown origin to disband, at first they refused and they gave up hope. slowly the army eroded until nothing remained but burnt fires and tents. Galen went down in history as a fallen lord and nothing more. It would take a decade for his story to erode. However during this time he would be reborn, not as a man or a witch, but a prophet.
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