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Mr. Hehejones RD

Lived in Era 22, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Snakes on a Kingdom

OMGOMGOMGOMG First my start city is taken over, i recover with my city in core, then NARSSE and Deaths Demon gang on my kingdom, we beat deaths demons off, Narsse owns our south. then Narsse march on my up north city Peace or War i traing 16k troops is enuf? who know. our one mage just outa protection, useless, our strongest kingdommate mutinies to PKS, Mr. Metal tries to help wit ha tiny regiment, WN Abbey does nothing really, Zyrx Bane gets owned first thing. me left with Boogey to support whole kingdom. i get magiced my ass off, omgomgomgomg i have 2k troops in army ontop of my city but they magic hindered and can't move, and can't move troops into city. >_> EEEEEKKKKK MARCH TEH FREAKING DEVISION TO NARSSES WALL LAST DITCH BWUAHAHHA MARCH MARCH MARCH
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