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Sir Abacus

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Soroban).

Abacus, son of Abacania who lived in Era 11, watched over by The Abacanian (RIP) who lived and died in another place entirely.

Known to all in the other place he is somewhat "reserved" but is always willing to stand in for a friend in need.

And so it came to pass that the young Human Abacus entered the Land of Fantalia where he was made very welcome by King Sumo of ARRSE and the Knight's of Sumo's Round Table:

Sir Baghdad, Sir White, Sir Semmyson, Sir Flipper, Sir Ticklishrodent The Third, Sir Sixty, Sir Gonzo The Great, Sir Nicolai, Sir Antarsius, Sir Humbug The Mighty and Sir Lasalle

Major Doomtrain, King Sumo's Chief of Staff also bade the young Abacus welcome as did the land's most wondrous Lady Spooky and the Court Jester, Arrsehole.

Joining these new friends, Sir Abacus vowed to avenge the slighted, defend the weak and support the strong.

Astonishingly, he discovered that this land was peopled not only by the lovely inhabitants of ARRSE but also by hordes of disgusting, vile disreputable rogues and roguettes. His new quest, then was to travel the land in search of people who would be friends with ARRSE - or at least not enemies - and offer them glad tidings from King Sumo.

Along the way he has found many who have approached the virtues expected of ARRSE friends, some even resident in vile kingdoms, as well as discovering several kingdoms of virtue which he, his King and the other peoples of ARRSE have come to count on as friends.
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