Family History

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Mr. Septimus

Lived in Era 47 and got 0 heir(s) .

Some say his family was from a far away land, over the sea, where they spoke a gay languid tongue. 'They enjoyed raw shrimp', said others, 'sprinkled with salt and lime'. 'They enjoyed frivolous habits', still others would say; they would explain of the white powders that filled their noses and raging debauchery that would follow. The wine, off course, must not be forgotten! The drunken, sweaty orgies that fill their homes on any day worth celebrating. No one really knew if these stories were true any more, but what was certain, was that the ancient family gold that was passed down through generations was squandered by ludic behaviour, fuelled by the love of everything grandiose.

Septimus was unlike his ancestors. While they were fair, tall and slim with a dash of blue-blooded flair; he was short, olive-skinned, and displayed no knowledge of decorous behaviour. An efficient body, broad at the shoulders and with a muscular robustness, one would expect of a rabid dog with no home. His hard square-like face was almost handsome, and demanded deference. His black beady eyes spoke of obstinate hunger. His hair was probably the only thing beautiful on his body; it was short and lush, slicked back with sheen that spoke of his noble ancestry.

His face bore odd scarring, that many said he received in battle. Oddly enough, no one was sure what military campaign he would have been involved in; no one could seem to recall him having left for an extended period of time. 'Futhermore', said the baker's son, one sunny afternoon, 'one does not acquire such scars in battle, they're to perfect!' This was off course true. The first of his scars, cut from temple to temple, removing must of his eyebrows. The second scar, was located beneath the eyes; in the exact same length, crossing the nose. Two identical scars, starting at both temples and moved down connecting the first two, gave his eyes a sense off being boxed in. The baker's son seemed to have inquired to much because he one day just disappeared. Anyone who poked into to his background too deeply seemed to disappear. This seem most peculiar because he was the last heir of a most talked about family.
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