Family History

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Mr. Blunts

Lived in Era 24, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Drug Lords

Mr. Puff Puff Pass
Lived in Era 23

He lived in Era 23 as a member of The Joker.
Known as Mr. Puff Puff Pass in that era.
Suporting every member in the Joker he
made a good vice. He was a good fighter
and helped out good with the war aginst
AA, and The Empire. All though there wasn't
a real end to the war, besides the world being
destroyed, The Joker dominated AA almost completly
killing all members, as well as destroying their kingdom.
However The Empire put up a little more fight then
AA, but they still had no choice but death. Mr. Puff Puff Pass
lead his armies south of The Jokers core, wiping out
alot of the Empires cities, then his armies heading south from there into the AA core.

Mr. Bluntman
Lived in Era 24
Now in the Dorian Empire he carry aon his fathers name.
All the leadership Bluntman posscess comes from his
fathers side. You see way back long long ago, a meteor crashed into this planet that nobody knew existed. This
planet ended becomeing the People of the Dorian Empire's world. As members sent out scouts to search the lands,
they noticed that they weren't the only living things in
their world. Rivalrys flairing, and enemys being gained
the Dorian Empire seeks to own the world. Mr. Bluntman
sends armies out to his fellow members, do to huge meteor crash they all landed in different parts of the world.
Soon hoping to start a core where they can start sending out
massive armies to start their objective!

After many intencive battles, Mr. Bluntman
Desides to resign as commander, and to join Vendetta.

Mr. Blunts
Lived in Era 24
Now in the real world, Blunts Lifeguards on a journy to
settle by some moutains. They have about 12 more days till they
reach their destination.
Now at this destination, Mr. Blunts Settles a colony and send out two scouts for his 2 new cities.
To Be Continued.
Long Live Vendetta!
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