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Mr. Spud

Lived in Era 25, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

as a young lad, spud was picked on day by day. He was a weak child and never seemed to ever win any fights. He never knew his father and was much of a "mommy's boy". one night his life changed, he was visited in his dream by a creature, no, not a creature, but a man. The man had a godly light blue aura around him and made it hard for spud to recognize him. In the dream the man spoke to him and gave him 2 things...a fine hand crafted long bow that was as strong as the horns of a bull, and a superior quiver of arrows that should never run out. Suddenly, spud had realized who this man was, his father. the greatest archer of the skullbound mountains. Just as he started to say father, the dream shatterd and he yelled "father" out and woke himself up. There lying beside him were his bow and arrows, never to be parted from the gifts he devoted his life to archery and became a great archer. able to pin a gull to a tree it fly by...then to split the arrow that struck the gull in an instant. And so, Spud would wonder the earth looking to seek the story of his father that few have known...and slept every night with his precious posessions hoping to see his father again.........sometime.
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