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Mr. Warpeace

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Rip) and was a member of Chronicles of Candlewax

Mr Warpeace comes from a long line of farmers, for centuries his family sowed the fields, no one of any note had ever come from the Warpeace family despite their name. They were not as poor as other farmers in the area due to his father also being a blacksmith which he imparted his skill onto Warpeace making tools for their family farm and other farmers in the area. Very little happened in their native home land, any disagreements were settled with a village elder and an ale in the small thatched village inn.

The days were long and the sun hot, but it was their slice of heaven after the long day, the villagers would all head for the Inn at the top of the hill for a well-earned ale, from there you could see the whole valley, the sun glistening off the river meandering through the ploughed fields. Towards the sea was the woodland of
Bosco, this was the gateway from the sea to the valley, a wild dense woodland in which the Elves lived, they had sworn to protect the valley in times of need and in return the villages of the valley provided their wears for a reduced price, the mountains on either side of the valley made for perils travelling, no army had ever passed through the mountains successfully the Elves guarded these narrow passes and their archers made light work of any would be attacker cutting them down.

In the far north there was a road that split at a fork, to turn left out of the village led towards a great human kingdom, this kingdom had provided much trade to the valley and the kingdom and Elves worked together to protect this trade route, but turn right and you were on a path unprotected by the elves or humans, bandits roamed free here, attacks were often and brutal, but the lure was strong as beyond this road lied several dwarven kingdoms of great wealth.

The harvest arrived Warpeace 15 years old woke at dawn to assist his father and the other farmers, it was at this time of year the valley came into its own every farm assisted each other to ensure the crops were harvested loaded and ready to move for market. The day started like every other, it was hot before the sun even breached the darkness, the villagers were out of their homes cutting, digging and lifting the vegetables and corn. By midday the first barges were ready to head to the elves. It was tradition in the village to hold a competition at midday where the farmer with the largest vegetable would be first to take the waggons to the elves and present it to the elven leaders.

After much measuring and deliberation, the village elder ruled that Warpeace father had grown the largest vegetable, a pumpkin as big as a halfling would be his to deliver to the elven leader.

Lead by Warpeace father five barges cast off to meander their way down the river the journey would take Two days as they left with the change of the tide to make navigation easier. The harvest continued for the rest of the day Warpeace had stayed to aid the rest of his family. With the sun falling the village elder called a halt to the harvest for the day, all the villagers claimed the hill to the inn to watch the boats arriving at the entrance to the woods.

Warpeace raced to the top of the hill in anticipation on witnessing his father pass into the woods, it was the first time in living memory a Warpeace had lead the first barges, as he raised through the crowds climbing higher and higher, the crowds became slower and slower, Warpeace watching his footing only noticed people had stopped ahead of him when he ran into the village elder knocking him to off his feet, Warpeace panicking got up and pulled the village elder to his feet and hurriedly brushed him down.

It was now he could smell the burning, he turned to see the elven woodland Bosco alight, outlines of ships could be seen on the beaches leading to the woodland, fire rained down onto the woods from ships in the bay. The barges clearly had seen the smoke as they had already turned and against the tide were attempting to sail back.

The village elder ordered the distress signal be lit on the hill to warn the distant human kingdom and request their aid, Warpeace ran to the highest point of the valley reaching the beacon, he rushed to light it focusing on the task in hand, when a hand was placed on his shoulder, in the distance smoke raised high into the sky from the human kingdom, their distress beacon already lit, no one was coming, the elves could not be seen but now the forest was fully alight not a single tree was not burning. The elder ordered the village be evacuated, they would take the path to the dwarves and seek help.

Warpeace went to his father’s workshop, his father had a small selection of swords well crafted & balanced Warpeace had been taught basic steps by his father, but he was no fighter, up to now the only fight he had ever had was with a stubborn pumpkin. He ran to the river to await the arrival of the barges, as they turned the corner, fire arrows fell from the sky, his father’s barge was at the back of the returning group and first to be hit, the flames caught the sails, this was the last he saw of his father.

The hand of his uncle fell hard onto Warpeace shoulder " we have to go, there is no protection for us here". Warpeace was dragged by his uncle to a horse.
The two hundred villagers on horse cart and foot made it to the fork in the road with little difficulty, as they turned right to follow the road to the dwarven kingdoms Warpeace knew he would not be returning home, but he did not look back, he did not want to see the fires.

They travelled for several days, several times the villagers were attacked, all the carts had been stolen, one group tried to take the children and several men had been injured and six killed in the attack, but working together the villagers had fended them off. The village elder decided each day where to set up camp, he knew the road well as he had traded with the dwarfs for many years, he decided to set up a camp in an old quarry used by travellers as a refuge it had only one road in and several good men could defend it, it was three days walk from the nearest dwarf city.

Night fell the village elder ordered everyone huddle close and dampen the fires, there was no moon, no light of any kind except those of the villagers guarding the entrance. The wolves could be heard in the distance howling and the trees above rustling, after the events of the week this made everyone on edge, their minds playing tricks on them every shadow was a beast, no one was sleeping eyes fixed on the trees above or the entrance to the quarry, the elder men did his best to calm the villagers reassuring them it was not anything to be scared of, this was a mistake, for those shadows that were being dismissed as tricks of the mind were in fact Orcs around fifty had tracked the villagers, without any warning arrows began whistling through the air raining down on the villagers below confusion ensued, the villages at the entrance to the quarry were very quickly brushed aside and the quarry filled with Orcs Warpeace drew his sword and rushed to protect his mother and sister, his uncle had been at the quarry entrance and Warpeace attending to the injured.

Warpeace reached his mother and moved to the edge of the quarry underneath the archers here there was a slight overhang protecting them from the arrows coming from above, Warpeace uncle arrived, he was injured a large open wound across his chest he was bleeding heavily, but still cut through several Orcs to reach Warpeace. More and more villagers gathered against this wall seeking its protection from the arrows the villagers armed with a couple of swords, but mostly farming tools stood backs to the wall fighting, their numbers thinning children were picking up tools and trying to defend themselves.

The noise of clashing metal, screams of the injured and the snarling of the Orcs made for a deafening sound, but was pierced by a deep hum, the fighting all but stopped at the noise, the deep hum got louder and louder, some orcs made for the quarry entrance, the villagers had never heard this noise, Warpeace was unsure of anything that could make Orcs scatter and so was afraid, he looked to the village elder "Dwaves" smiling and with that the sound of clashing mettle intensified the roar of dwaves could be heard as they slammed into the Orc rank that had hurriedly organised by the entrance. Very few Orcs came near the villagers they were to occupied trying to fight off the dwarfs eventually the slaughter ended, the villagers were approached by a dwarf with large bushy eye brows long red hair he did not say anything instead pointed to the quarry entrance and said leave.

The villagers were led by the dwarfs to the city of Gorboldor, here they were allowed to rest, were given shelter and food, the village elder had known the lord of Gorboldor for twenty years and they were welcomed, but the elder knew they would not be able to stay. Several weeks passed and it was agreed that the dwarfs would provide safe passage to the next human kingdom. it would be here that Warpeace would join the kingdom of Chronicles of Candlewax, where he was taught the art of war & Warpeace was out for revenge!
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