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Viceroy Kvahd

Lived in Era 14, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of The Medieval Dogs Of War

Kvahd is an Orc from the lands of Zaavan where most of the surface is ever-covered in great oceans of burning magma. The tallest volcano, Maaz (Wrath in the Human tongue), is at the very center of this violent country. Many other volcanos dot the land scape, surrounding the terrible mountain and adding to the lakes of fire and lava.

Kvahd was indentured to the Voice of Maaz at the age of 6, and thus began his apprenticeship to the Warrior-Shaman Kakuk. In the sweltering heat and humidity, Kvahd learned the ways of the mountain, learning how to commune with Maaz itself. At first Kvahd had thought Kakuk was making the actual voice up, but it was one particularly tumultuous night while he was sitting on the crater's edge that he first heard the voice of Maaz.

It sounded at first like the bubbling and hissing of the lava but suddenly he was picking out words amongst all the background noise. Following this moment he visited the mountain's top every night and listened to the mountain speak in a low whisper to itself of the secrets deep underneath the crust of the world.


Those were Maaz's first communications to Kvahd, promises of Knowledge, Power, Fear from the masses, and unsurmountable wealth. The mountain spoke of a place deep inside the world where there were smaller worlds where the determined fought on and on against eachother. The mountain said that there was a place of constant warfare, a place where blood ran like rivers. The mountain promised to show him the way. All he had to do was sacrifice ten Orc Children in the customary way. Evisceration and Immolation. The mountain promised to keep a secret. The mountain promised not to hurt anyone else from the village.

It was the fifth night of Kvahd's inner conflict when the Warrior-Shaman left for a Pilgrammage to the other side of Maaz, along the first Voice's way. It was on the seventh night that Kvahd had decided to do the unspeakable deed. But he lacked the stomach to do it sober, he could not bring himself to murder his own people without being drugged up. For days he searched through old scrolls and parchments within Kakuk's lodge. It was on the last night before Kakuk returned home that Kvahd had commited the foul deed. Ten of the villages young were splayed out like cleaned carcasses. Ten souls to open the gateway, the portal, the doorway, the pathway, the stairway to Utopia.

As Kvahd entered the archway to his destiny, he looked back through the closing port-way just in time to see a pyroclastic cloud envelope his old village, leaving it in cinders by the time it finished closing. Kvahd's mind cracked like thin ice, and it was from then on that the cruelty which Maaz had fathered in him took complete control and orchestrated everything he did.
Perhaps one day the marionette will cut its own strings.
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