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Sir Fafnir

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Fafnire).

Viceroy Fafnir came from a humble town of Food, he grew up hoping for peace and prosperity, but unfortunately he has yet to see that day come. This is due in part to the Kingdom MDOW or also known as The Medieval Dogs Of War, but I am getting ahead of myself. My father who was a very a skilled and talented Archmage famous throughout all of Visual Utopia went out to that war, but once again something went horribly wrong and i have yet seen him since.
Once I over heard that they might start a war with MDOW, but they weren't sure, so I decided to find out, so I traveled to Ita Colony, a place close to MDOW and found out that there was no war going on.
I worked my way up to an Archmage and eventually became a viceroy in the kingdom. Now I am afraid this might be my last letter that I write since I am afraid that MDOW will start a war and I might die in it, but I have sent my son up north to the king, so the king could protect him.

Viceroy Fafnir

MDOW is not attacking so far, but the kingdom of NARRSE or also known as Arrseonia is attacking me, I am pretty much subsiding my towns to help my friends in need, I am now sending my wife up north to my king and to build a new town, my wife will make a new town and my name will continue.

Viceroy Fafnir

My cities in the south will fall, NARRSE and MDOW are both attacking them, I am afraid to say that I will be no longer in the south, but mark my words I will come back and I might make NARRSE pay for what they did.

Viceroy Fafnir

I am very weak in writing this, I have fought bravely to get rid of Dark Horde, but we lost, I am weak and injured. My friends are now carrying me to the north where I can rest in Don't Attack ME, this is horrible, my comrades will stay in the south to protect the cities that I have left.

Viceroy Fafnir

I am healed now and making a long journey to the south to help barricade our defenses. The kingdom of MDOW is still around, but they might not attack us with big numbers again. The Armageddon spell has been cast, but I am afraid it won't last long. If it does last my son Fafnire will keep on living.

Viceroy Fafnir

Well the Armageddon is still going strong, but sadly the kingdom of MDOW is at our borders, we are doing all we can to keep them out of our realm.

Viceroy Fafnir

I have made my own Kingdom, Dragon Slayers, we are doing rather well in my opinion. MDOW is having a lot of bad luck against us, I have destroyed several of their most powerful armies and my men in Booorrrrr defended the city against eighty thousand riders and one hundred and fifty thousand ghosts, but there is an even bigger army right behind that city, we pray and hope that he will lose.

King Fafnir

We did not lose Booorrrr, it is amazing!!! Well this kingdom has survived, but the Armageddon is just outside ours doors, I am sending my only son Fafnire out into the woods for hope that he will survive the Armageddon and carry on the family name.

Signed for the last time,
King Fafnir
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