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Viceroy Greywolf

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Greywolf II) and was a member of War Pigs

GreyWolf's story begaind like many Orcs breed for war, lusting for blood. But GreyWolf also lusted for power. Through cunning deciet and a strong right arme Quickly rose through the ranks to clame his clan. Upon his first contact with the outside world GreyWolf noticed many dangers, city the size beyond his beliefe.

GreyWolf set forth on his first quest to find like minded wariors. On his travels he found a King, though his kingdom was small his will was great. Forging an alliance with King Ursulo and many others was compleate.

Now the task at hand is to make his city Wolfsden a force to be recond with.
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