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King Senturu

Lived in Era 15, got 0 heir(s) and was the leader of dharan empire

senturu born in a small village called arendeth joined the imperial army to defend his home from the savage creatures of the dark. in the battle of araton senturu stood with his close friends against the evil horde. calacar the mage of the house of tara'um. salore the knight of the house entaro. and drako the archer of the house baraten.

senturu the swordsmen, calacar the mage, salore the knight, and drako the archer stood at the great dragon wall ready to defend it with their lives. calacar summond the great rains of fire down upon the horde decimating a great mass of them. drako stood at the rampart with his bow and five quivers of arrows fireing arrow after arrow at them. salore sat on his great warhorse shifting his armour waiting until the horde broke through the gate. senturu sat cross legged thinking about the killing he was gonna have to do, preparing himself for the dance with death.

a great horn blared from the horde and great war machines where brought to the gates to knock them down. calacar sent fire ball after fire ball at the horde. drako stood shooting his arrows at the horde slowing the progress of the war machines. salore drew his sword and prepared his horse for the battle. senturu stood up and drew his sword. CRASH the gates shutterd under the force of the blow, CRASH, CRASH, CRASH. blow after blow the gates held. but they would not hold forever.
CRASH, the gate finally came down, salore gripped his sword and reins even tighter. drako sped up whith his arrows. calacar kept sending fire into the enemy horde. the enemy horde charged through the debris on the ground stumbling some falling other running right over them. salore let out a mighty yell and drove his horse into the horde. senturu brought his sword up against his head, "sword be true this day" muttered senturu. a moment later he was rushing into the horde. every strike he made an enemy fell dead. it was a fluid dance all moves were made with a graceful movement. the battle waged on it seemd like forever.
another horn blared and the troops of the imperial order charged into the battle. senturu allowed a chance to look at his friends. when his consentration broke a sword was jabbed into his ribs, with a grunt senturu fell to his knees. before the one who stabbed him could finish the job the imperial order charged into them and pulled senturu out of it. the imperial order pushed back the horde until it finally broke and ran.
calacar the mage was overwhelmed and killed by the evill horde.
drako after the battle went into the shadowlands to find and kill the dark ruler of evil. he returned a changed man, an evil man. he turned on his people killing them. he was captured and hanged for his crimed against the people.
salore after charging into the horde fought off many of the evil ones when his warhorse was impaled and salore fell to the ground, stil clutching his sword he raised it and killed off to many to count. when the imperial order arrived and relievd him of his charge he fell ill of being overzealous, but he recoverd a day or so later. salore went home as a hero and bcame leader of his own city.
senturu after being stabbed was dragged out and brought to the medics. the injury was past the medics ability to heal, so a mage was brought in to heal him. during the healing the mage transfurred his magic into senturu. the mage died but senturu lived. after senturu recovered he began roaming the world until he found a village under seige by the dark lord. senturu snuck into the village and convinced the town fo form an army to fend off the dark one. with senturu as leader the village defeated the dark lords brigade. as gratitude the village was named dhara and senturu made leader of them.
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