Family History

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Mr. Salaracen Scranoi
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

Lost to a world of hate and spite, the Vineraven clan stumbled through existence, blinded by rage and crippled by war. They found little acceptance from other Noble Elven families in their homeland. As a result of this they were forced into a world of danger and perpetual violence. The wild lands. The ice and burning.

Millenniums later we come to the life of Scranoi. Named Salaracen like his ancestors. Unexpectedly though, the young Elf showed very little of his predecessors in him. Unlike so many generations before him the traits of the bloodline started to differ in many ways. One of the most obvious was the physical appearance of a Vineraven.

Take our Scranoi, tall, pointed ears, pale. All attributes you'd come to expect from a Vineraven (or an elf in general). The difference with Scranoi though was his snow white hair and blue eyes. This image contrasted greatly with the most Iconic of the Vineraven clan, Malekith the pillager, with his raven black eyes and hair.

Fortunately the mindset of a Vineraven had almost completely changed as well. A mind that was once filled with visions of duty, pride and hate was now filled with honor, forward thinking and with visions of glory.
But what had caused this almost complete change in the nature of the clan?

The most likely cause would have to be the self banishment and isolation to the white wastes, the wild lands.

This raises another question; why would a family of such self acclaimed reputation choose to hide away from the rest of the world?

Reports from the 34th era claim that the family leader of the time, Stromus Vixi Vineraven, led a colossal campaign of migration in a southernly direction. Even further south than the original claimed homeland, the grey lands of Naggaroth.
We can only presume that what once was an attempt to purify and strengthen the bloodline of the family drastically changed the family altogether. Leaving mixed concepts as to 'What a Vineraven actually was'.

Since this report there has been no notice of any Vineraven activity in the central world. Until, of course, the present time period. The age of reconcile, the era of Bogdan.

Our story starts off with the young Scranoi journeying through the wild lands of his birth. It was common for the young Vineravens, predominantly male, to go hunting through any sort of forest they could find. This was a family tradition passed down since the time of Tikocato Frostcomet. The original events between Frostcomet and his father, Malekith Naggaroth, were trials that were meant to get Frostcomet ready for leadership. At the time the hunting of dangerous animals was likened to leadership due to the quick and decisive thoughts and decisions that had to be made.

The ancestors had become almost like religious icons to the family of Vineraven. Each child at an early age chose one ancestor to look up to. For a long time Malekith was the choice that most parents forced onto their children, but as the common ideology changed so did the preferred role-models.
The young elves started looking up to characters like:
-Salaras Lentorix for his strength of tongue and speed of shield.
-Salaracen for starting of the great Vineraven Clan.
-Ledarxiz for being the first Elf with raven black hair and dark eyes and enduring the shame of defeat so many times over.
-Nolfe Flamehorn for providing an answer to so many of his kind without direction in life.
-Lexas for choosing strength and purpose over pleasure.
-Salaracen Flameborn for his teachings in of the Tri-fox.

These were just a few of the more notable role-models before the great migration to the white wastes. During the 12 eras within the white wastes there were a great deal of thinkers and fighters that Scranoi would have read about

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