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Mr. Yeorl
Lived in age 2 of Tutorial X

Yeorl, many in the western empire say that name with scorn and others say it with hope and love.
Yeorl "The wise" took power during a long and dark tumultous time fifteen years after the fall of the great Western Empire, of course the Eastern half of the great Empire still stood intact but they were of a cowardly breed and stood only for their own devices and left the West to the great fires that engulfed the once, powerful beacon of civilisation and stability to a chaotic warring world.
Yeorl like many took pride in the Empire, his father being a freedman fought for the West as a mercenary in one of the last great legions. Unfortunately Yeorls father like many died by the hands of the Orcs of the East that sought safety and reverence within the West, apon being scorned destroyed her from the inside out.
Yeorls birth was on the island of Pyrdain a province in the West that only viewed the cataclysmic events from afar, yet Yeorl apon the fall banded together his small Tribe and took sail for he knew that he would attempt to re-unite the empire under one banner that of Pyrdania where his predecesors had failed he would sucseed in building a united Pyrdain which apon the fall fell into warring feudal states. All Yeorl had left was a whole world ripe for the taking, a world divided a world in strife just waiting for the infamed Warriors of Pyrdain to come and save.
A man of hope, a man of tact, patience and wisdom the ambitious Yeorl would become the last bastion of hope for the Empire.
So Yeorls men and people hoisted sail and raised a new banner similar to that of the old waving the rune of Hope they would set for new shores in a desperate bid for peace and prosperity, Yeorls quest would begin on the shores of Utopia where one by one he would sweep the provinces into Pyrdinian dominion.
His people may not be the most advanced or the largest but their hearts are big and their dreams are never viewed as fantasy not even by the most pesimistic Pyrdinian.
Will their dreams of global hegemony come true? Only Yeorl will be able to say.. And time, yes time will tell.
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