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Mr. George The Monguin
Lived in age 0 of Valhalla

I am a monguin, mutant hybrid of genetically modified monkey and penguin.
That is the short version.
The long version is to explain my origin, appearances, and abilities that I happen to have.

A monguin is born from parents that are both orphanated, one monkey and the other penguin. This is an abstract from Sir Gabriel's journal that he wrote to Ficer:
The mixture required extra technology about the same level as space travel including precise genetic manipulation and spiritual devotion for both of your parents; otherwise the breeding would be impossible...
...You have eyes that are on the diagonal sides of your head. Your bill is flexible and your ears are found on your sides. You have both arms and legs like that of a monkey except your entire arms from the shoulder down to your fingertips are webbed while your legs are more spread out with the feet also webbed. Your tail acts as a fifth limb but is also flattened. Your belly is slightly bloated due to a diet that is required to keep you alive and is slick and white and includes a belly button for extreme measures of charisma. You wear tight short pants to keep you healthy and a mask to provide you with energy for your body. The pants are tucked underneath your belly so they don't get in the way of your sliding. Your mask wraps around your teeth, tongue, lips, and ears, plugs in through your nostrils and ears, and covers your eyes and the back of your mouth. Each of the five devices on your pants has two ropes with hooks on the ends and triggers to operate them so you can do various rope tricks such as whipping, swinging, climbing, and bungee jumping. You would rarely wear anything else so you can make use of your natural abilities.

This should give you a glimpse of what a monguin is. I happen to be stranded on this planet after the destruction of my ship, but the devices I explained to you are in tact. The humans got smart because of their traditions to always have backup plans so they can survive in a more primitive environment as underdogs.
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