Forums / In game politics / A sad day for Haflings....

A sad day for Haflings....
14:56:44 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Vanganza:

Asadday.jpg picture by chivz92

14:57:27 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

ah the old map..... what wourld is that on? and i would KILL for food that cheap!

14:57:27 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Vanganza:

Us haflings are suffering because of people selling so low....

15:14:56 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Bobzon:

8 bonus turns???

15:17:00 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

That food is stupidly cheap....

Its on valhalla and also you and Vanganza posted at the same time , to the exact second  x]

15:24:19 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Nearly 3 food : 1 gold   O.o

I feel sorry for the Halflings, this is one of the main ways they make money if I'm right....


16:04:09 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

@ killstone, what do you mean with the old map? did i miss something? O.o

16:05:59 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Nobiggie:

yea. theres new map on fant

16:17:40 Jan 10th 08 - Prince Cephorus Septim IV:

Yep, sucks for us Dwarves, no mountains to mine, can't build our halls out of trees!

16:40:58 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

Lol actually the "new" map is an old map and the "old" map is the newest we have =p But yeah the market is really weird these days on all maps. I wonder if there are some programming improvements on top of everything else...

16:47:16 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

really, boys and girls, why can`t we get some inter-map exchange for market? isn`t that a good thing?!

16:49:59 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

My former kd ruined that actually lol

17:16:49 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Vanganza:

Also, stone is at 0.49 and tree is at a market crashing 1 gold per tree  O.o

Valhalla market has crashed....


18:02:51 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Norrris:

you think thats bad, its 0.27 stone on armageddon...

18:11:59 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:


The tree  O.o?


18:18:51 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:


im selling at 1 stone per gold! if i where to gobble up al lthat cheap stone id be rich!

and also since we psoted same second we arnt multis =D

18:24:17 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Ya lol

On the other note : The 8 Bt thing is just a joke Id imagine lol

18:28:09 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Dramborleg:

Can someone post a screen or something, i'm really exiting about the map.

the market prices on Nirvana are just low, how i like it =D 0.5 food, 0.75 stone, 1 tree and dont forget 100 pro slave ; )

22:19:11 Jan 10th 08 - Sir Evans:

22:21:43 Jan 10th 08 - Lord Clone IX:

Take advantage of the market prices then.

22:44:50 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

i have like 75k slaves on the market for like 366 or soemthing like that it used to be over 500k but hey people need their slaves =P

23:05:59 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

Mr. Bayushi Clamps


1/10/2008 9:49:59 AM
My former kd ruined that actually lol

You were in Agent?

23:59:07 Jan 10th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Just get your treasure hunting rolling, play like a true Halfling

00:53:47 Jan 11th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

0.27 per stone on Armageddon!??!?!?! Are there no mages? Are there no elves?
If it were 0.27 per stone on Fant, FF would have won by now... :P

01:21:48 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

how would FF win if stone was cheap?

01:34:58 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

ya i fail to see the point too neo =P

02:19:46 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Tongan Boii:

I really do fail to see the point neither...
What does stone have to do with winnin a war??
well i can think of a few ways, but it goea around too long
to many routes...

02:58:45 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

plus everyone can get the cheap stone

03:25:09 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Sickman:

Well with cheap stones people like elves can buy them and cast stone to gold and become rich.

05:13:25 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Soc:

and FF has two mages, and an avid stonebuyer! :)

just that makes us win, clearly! hands down!

08:13:32 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:


id say im STGing more than the FF mage and im only doing it part time.

how much stone does ur STGer convert a day?

08:49:36 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Mr. Killstone The Exploiter


1/10/2008 9:57:27 PMah the old map..... what wourld is that on? and i would KILL for food that cheap!

lol. It says there VALHALLA market

11:22:44 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

You are selling 800000 food for 224000 gold (0.28)

Yea, I'm a halfling and totally getting owned in the market.  I'm simply not building farms anymore, its useless!!! :(

15:16:34 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

ya a haywood i have mens deaseise when i finally relized it (after my last post) im like COOL does it say taht for the fant market too? which i go to atleast 100 times a day =P

and soc nearly all (if not all) my stone is bought by non FF players and im active so id buy up some of that cheap stone and sell it again for 1 per each and then id be pwning the market use =D

and its nearly immpossible for fant market to get that low by mid era because people STG and know the price of stone

14:26:45 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vanganza:



14:28:15 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Vanganza:


Lets let the food be bought cheap then we can build it back up...
Please, we can make sooooo much more money, we can actually live

Im actually going wood now because food is soooo low
Its just killing us.....

15:24:20 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Robert II:

I bought 400k of your slaves :P


16:00:07 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

Food is still painfully low...however, I think alot of the reason for that is because Valhalla isn't Fant, so it is full of farmers and new players who don't know how to prioritize their income :).  On Fant we'd have tons of gold-only army-churning people :D

19:39:14 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

At .2 its pretty extreme

1 Million Gold : 5 Million food

I meen c'mon....

19:49:07 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Kobuskan:

Why need selling food.

  • 12:00:39: Our adventurers found a treasure worth 1786000 gold

  • 19:52:41 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Revenge:

    1.7 million.....

    Thats not alot, but how many advents did you have?

    02:53:30 Jan 13th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

    they are lazy fat and drunken hobbits, what do you expect =P

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