Forums / In game politics / Anarchy

04:36:08 Oct 29th 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

Any questions or concerns let us know here.  Or send me or one of my vices a PM.

Enjoy the era.

04:57:13 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Methane:

I declare war :)

06:56:30 Oct 29th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Marked:

 be careful methane we know your weakness >=-) 


-_-  plop plop fizz fizz methane

01:57:23 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Helionii:

Lod Sabbath The ark are you still recruting?

03:19:23 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

we're gonan chomp you guys :D

05:34:23 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer:

Woot woot! MUNCH ftw!

07:36:26 Nov 4th 08 - Mr. Ghealdan:

hahh yeaaa yall havent seen nothing yet.

23:05:07 Nov 6th 08 - Mr. Helionii:

Mr.Methane umm you smell funny

02:10:25 Nov 7th 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

Its keeps the enemies away :)

05:32:43 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Anarchy is recruiting. No Flames guys.

05:54:35 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

*Torches thread with napalm cannon*

Anarchy got Chomped!!!!

05:58:16 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Chompers didnt do jack crap. The only ones who defeated us were Prosapia. We destroyed everything when Prosapia broke that blocker methane had. So taking cities and blockers that were long destroyed and had troops taken out of LONG before we let you in must be an accomplishment huh?

06:16:40 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Justin.. look north of Pros core. See all of the cities? Those were anarchy's. There were alot more but Anarchy wrecked em. Don't say that "Chompers didnt do jack crap" because your full of yourself.

WE broke through their blocker WAY before you did. so don't even say that
"So taking cities and blockers that were long destroyed and had troops taken out of LONG before we let you in" because you don't know a dern thing.

MUNCH and Pro both played a part in Anarchy's demise. Now *beep* becuase you probably farmed through the whole thing.

I respect Pro and their vets, but I will not give any recognition to a person full of ignorance.

06:25:36 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Woah... Your an Anarchy? That makes you even more ignorant. You didn't even know wtf was going on!

I rest my case in the Post above.

Bah.. I'm tired

09:51:27 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol wow so you take forward offensive cities and you think you destroyed us? Man you were having a hard time with my army in Gracemeria before i decided to restart. I kept pumping in knights and catas and the most you could do is siege it. But atleast it slowed your dumbasses down enough for us to take our forward troops and put them in our blockers. Even with that pathetic 50k merge you didnt get far on that blocker till AFTER we destroyed them and pulled armies toward you so you could kill them so we could restart due to PROSAPIA; THE ONLY KD TO CONTRIBUTE to killing us off. Taking a few cities that was meant to go against you is nothing to be proud. Prosapia got into our core. Moved through it and took it. You took FORWARD OFFENSIVE cities. you didnt even touch our core before we let you walk in so we could restart due to PROSAPIAS power.

18:05:38 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Well we don't like to brag :)

20:10:41 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

I didn't take Gracemeria because i was going to give it to someone. be in the end they didn't want it.

puny 50k merge? BS, we could've killed you off by ourselves with those troops.
You don't have a clue on how many knights I actually have.

And I broke through one of your blockers way before they broke through Methanes blocker. (I know because I could see the two blockers.

And meaybe if you didn't rely on 1 players power you might have not died. Get good, learn to actually play in a KD and go play on nirvana or something.

22:39:29 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Wilber:

How many knights do you have antharic... 100, 200k?

23:29:48 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Nunya Wilber :D

00:34:18 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Wow the nub doesnt know how to read. THOSE WERE FORWARD OFFENSIVE CITIES. Those werent even close to our real blockers. And no you couldnt. Wow knights. PATHETIC, Learn to train catas.

02:59:29 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

Im done speaking to you. You've been beaten. I really don't care who did it. You got owned becuase you relied too much on one person. Now drop it. Im done speaking to you.

Catas are worthless unless you have no life.

03:10:37 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol catas are worthless. Pathetic Nub. And no we didnt rely on Methane. Methane was acting stupid with his army and taking them out of blockers while we were trying to defend. He did lone ranger sh*t which is no acceptable in Anarchy. If he would have kept them in his blocker it would not had been lost.

03:18:06 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

And yet I'm the nub and you're the one who is dead?

03:22:25 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

you know for someone who missed 7 days out of the era and only had a 30k income you had problems on your own. So ya your a NUB. I wasnt even in a fighting status with income but i was holding you off BY MYSELF while my teamates got to the real blockers

03:22:26 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Due to Prosapia not that pathetic nub kd Chompers who needs to get their noses out of Prosapias ass and out of their beds and fight a war that a kd isnt already losing. We start fighting prosapia and start losing. Pathetic chompers come in, act like they did somethign and say they killed us. LOSER!!!!! Wilber is who killed us. And looky there WILBER IS PROSAPIA. he is the only one that cause most of the problems besides methanes stupidty of taking his armies by himself into an enemy core. So stop acting like you did something and go fight a kd that someone else isnt fighting. Then lets see who dies. Ill laugh my ass off when you do. Now get

03:45:21 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Antharic Grudgebringer:

I've already told you, I'm done talking to you. You died, not me. I'm not going to die. Now go play on Nirvana and shut your piehole.
(No offence to Pie Maker)
Don't blame being 1 week late for anything. I started 2 weeks late 2 eras ago and came 20th on mant.

Now I won't respond to anything you put here, so don't even bother wasting your time typing something stupid. Go focus on not dieing on Nirvana.

03:49:09 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Then GTFO of my kd thread you dumb ass nub. And yes you will die. Dumb ass nubs who dont know how to train their best units usually die. We will be back on Mant next era. Lets see who dies then Nub. and its starta you know nothing twat. Ive seen ass hairs with more intelligent then you. Now shoe fly and let the big boys play their game.

05:02:12 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Anarchy
Members: 7
Tag: A
Created: 11/10/2008 6:04:52 AM
Leader: Mr. Justin



The Brethren of The Anarchy, descendants
from the Kingdom of Angels, forged from the mist of flames, great wars, and battles that ravaged the lands of Mantrax in the Era of Dark Blood.

Four lords from the once great Kingdom of The Devastators, Bloody Sabbath The Dark, Justin The Great, Brutii The Wise, and Destroyer The Bold sought out on a quest to bring together a kingdom of prosperity and conquest and from the lands of mantrax with these four companions in honor the great Kingdom of Anarchy was Forged in the Year 35 , The Era of Bill Thomas Killman.

============We are Anarchy (A)============

We are a kingdom of brothers and companions. Where one goes we all go. We all work together to strive for one common goal, Conquest and Prosperity. Teamwork and Communication is a necessity and mandatory in our kingdom.


If you wish to join The Kingdom of Anarchy and help us in our crusade for prosperity and conquest. Fill out an application and contact me (Justin) or any of my following vices (Lord Sabbath The Dark) and (Phoenix). We are also New Player friendly but we are very limited to the amount of new players we can accept to train.

Please include a little information about yourself in your application if you wish to join us.

- Name
- New or Experienced
- Eras Played
- Previous Kingdom
- What are your intentions for Joining the Anarchy

P.S. Please answer all questions. It makes our jobs easier if you do and makes the process a lot faster. Also if your invited please tell us who invited you. And please be patient. We may be sleeping.


We are recruiting a few more players on Starta.

00:39:37 Nov 14th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Wilber is who killed us. And looky there WILBER IS PROSAPIA. he is the only one that cause most of the problems

*Wilbers ego grows*

00:50:27 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol wilber i knew that would help your ego =P <3

01:18:44 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

Don't blame being 1 week late for anything. I started 2 weeks late 2 eras ago and came 20th on mant.

That's it? I started 2 1/2 weeks late, as Orc, and came in 9th in Mant. Boy you have a long way to go =P.

03:59:10 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow. So you farm all era and you think your better then me. Pretty big ego. Thats the only way you get those points is by FARMING.

07:15:12 Nov 14th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Marked:

i farm >_> on the bodies of my dead enemies >=-) dead pezzies make good fertilizer.

15:54:03 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Justin:

That indeed they do Phoenix >=-). Like chompers will next era cuz this time i wont have to be absent for a week. And Adrastos i was orc last era for the first time and the reward of training nazzies and MUs is rank 12 for that era and 20 minning cities from DeD, BC, and Heaven. I ended with a 1 million army upkeep and 1.5 million income. Now im guessing you ended up with a 67 army upkeep and a 20 million income.

16:38:04 Nov 18th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

Sir Antharic Grudgebringer


11/12/2008 7:54:35 AM*Torches thread with napalm cannon*

Anarchy got Chomped!!!!

And chompers are about to get ripped to pieces by the wolves

17:16:59 Nov 18th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yay slade        XD       rip 'em a new one    =-P

18:27:37 Nov 18th 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

im going to cherish this moment, the first time someone cheered from me :P

And we will Phoenix we will :P

19:28:39 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Slade sux.

21:00:57 Nov 18th 08 - Prince Mielo:

agreed *100

22:20:32 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

That's it? I started 2 1/2 weeks late, as Orc, and came in 9th in Mant. Boy you have a long way to go =P.
 i started a week and abit more late in fant and got 14 ;)

23:08:57 Nov 18th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

the real question justanius is can your head get any bigger?  =-P

23:15:21 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Judging by yours, yes :)

07:51:39 Nov 19th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

tuche john  =-D

09:36:36 Nov 19th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI


11/18/2008 10:20:32 PMThat's it? I started 2 1/2 weeks late, as Orc, and came in 9th in Mant. Boy you have a long way to go =P.
 i started a week and abit more late in fant and got 14 ;)

Depending if you whored an era long ... it's all irrelative

16:29:12 Nov 21st 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yay anarchy.....   =-D

17:01:17 Nov 21st 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

lol none of us are whoring milo so i dont know wtf your on about.. i think your just pissed of were catching up to you so fast.. and soon enough be #1 on mant :P

18:15:19 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Wilber:

Slade, hes talking about if you whore all era long, it doesn't matter if you start late. You can still get a good spot on fant.

Was directed at justan.

It's not suprising your catching up so fast, what with the numbers, easy targets etc etc.

#1? Doubt it, you seen the stack of players from pros on HoH? At one point it was only mielo, now look

Mr. Lightbringer
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Mr. Kayn
Member of: Prosapia.

Sir Wilber
Member of: Prosapia.

Guildmaster Drenthinio
Member of: Prosapia.

Duke Senturu God of *beep*
Member of: Prosapia.

Sir Antharic Grudgebringer
Member of: The Chompers.

Mr. Patas
Member of: Mad Against Drugs.

Prince Mielo
Member of: Prosapia.

Mr. Adrastos
Member of: Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Sir Abaddon
Member of: Prosapia.

18:44:29 Nov 21st 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

The current game (era) will last for 26.3 more day(s) (631h).

nuff said

18:51:17 Nov 21st 08 - Sir Wilber:

4 of the 5 top rulers, 6 in top 10.
4 of 5 strongest armies (although its numbers, 2 are orc)
Strongest KD
Over double the amount of victories, 2 thirds of your losses
4 we've KDs killed off (or near enough), to your ???
2 our strongest armies are stronger than your whole merge (when it was 500k size)

Stats upon stats upon stats. Nuff said.

20:13:00 Nov 21st 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

We will see wilber.. we will see

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