Forums / In game politics / Devastators recruiting

Devastators recruiting
03:42:49 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

The Devastators

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Devastators
Members: 5
Tag: TDS
Created: 6/24/2008 12:29:11 AM
Leader: Mr. Bloody Sabbath III



(Founded by Bloody Sabbath III and co-founded by Justin)

We are a group experienced players who work closey together as one unit and as team. We thrive through our teamwork and dedication. If you are not someone who is dedicated and cannot work as team this is not a place for you.

- New comers are welcome, we are looking for people to train.
- Experienced Players are also especially welcome
- Space is limited
- You must contact us before we accept your appication unless there is a pre-arrangement already made.

- new or experienced?
- eras played?
- your reason for joining?

We look forward to you joining :)




Plz people, no flaming

03:46:48 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

No....flaming?  *Cries* I thought we were friends

03:50:23 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ernie u can falme ur cool

07:53:11 Jun 24th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

A traitor?

08:19:20 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

great Sabbath, we were hopping for some flaming from some ppl but instead we get Lewatha lol JP

09:56:51 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Revengee:

Dont join - Justin is a newbalot

10:30:35 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Water:

even revenge is better then justin ;)

11:18:33 Jun 24th 08 - Prince Melow:

We are a group experienced players

I guess everyone can use the word experienced in their sentences now ....

12:29:51 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Thebornloser:

But I'm a nub :( Only 40 days of VU under my belt here... :(

19:27:50 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

@Revengee-im better then you will be.


@WAter-Coming from you, that just ruines revengee reputation

06:59:44 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

Hey people. Devastators are still looking for 6 new or experienced players. the most we will accept is 9 more cuz we want to keep an active kingdom. Message me or Bloody Sabbath III with ur info. We will be on starta next era to train the new players and to test some SECRET stuff.

16:58:45 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

If i wasn't in a KD i would join.Bloody sabbath is a good player and i guess Justin is alright :P

17:04:11 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

>We are a group experienced players
>experienced players

Starting your kingdom with a lie isn't very nice.

19:00:42 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

pedro leave this thread is for recruiting not for u to bad mouth people to make you feel better about your sh*ty ass life

21:27:13 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Mr. Pedro Al Bear


7/1/2008 4:04:11 PM>We are a group experienced players
>experienced players

Starting your kingdom with a lie isn't very nice.

LEAVE>why do you feel to try ruin everyones KD's.and also DONT JOIN KOTGC.

22:03:38 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

Ty Knight. People dont listen to Pedro, he mad cuz his life sh*ty and he needs to ruine others to make himself feel good about himself. We are a good kd. Ive played since era 27 and Sabbath i cant remember if its 2 yrs or wat. We train everyone that wants it there is always someone willing to help.

22:27:48 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Call God:

omg they're gonna practice SECRET stuff! are they ninjas?

22:34:53 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

YES!!!! Finally someone has figured it out!!!! Nah we are just gonna make a name for ourselves with the stuff we have planned like the alliances and sh*t.

23:41:30 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Hey justin.can i join next a friend of sabbaths from

03:22:35 Jul 2nd 08 - Sir Stalin:

good luck next era justin. =D

03:58:17 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath III:

Hey Knight... yea man if you are being serious... you can join we would be happy to have you... i thought you said you had plans for next era already though?

04:10:30 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

I did but they fell apart.Leader was inactive and all.Can i bring another player with me too?

04:50:47 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath III:

yea man sure... hey go ingame and pm me

06:08:26 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Sir Stalin


7/1/2008 7:22:35 PM
good luck next era justin. =D

Thanks stalin ;)

And knight. We would love to have you. i hear ur a good player.

07:05:23 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

you didnt hear wrong justin lol.Im the best,well ok mayb not the best.the second best at

07:06:22 Jul 2nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol alright thats even better!

05:36:36 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

The Devastators

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Devastators
Members: 6
Tag: TDS
Created: 6/24/2008 12:29:11 AM
Leader: Mr. Bloody Sabbath III



(We will be going to STARTA next era for Recruiting and Training purposes. We will be back on Mantrax the following era.)

If you are looking for a good quality Kingdom to join. Then The Devastators is the Kingdom for you. We are a Kingdom of Honour and Teamwork. Communication and Activeness is our key to Success.

- Experienced players are Welcomed!
- New players are especially more then Welcome to apply.
- New players will be trained and taught how to play effectively.

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

We encourage you to join. We will teach and train all new members in our knowledge and strategies of the game. The Devastators are run under an open leadership. Everyone has a say in our diplomatic issues and relations and what goes on with the kingdom. But, inorder to be heard you must earn your respect first by showing you are willing to be active and communicative.

For any questions or concern contact our King Bloody Sabbath III or Head Vice Justin.

We look forward to playing with you! :)


08:37:06 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

WE are still looking for new players. We will be recruiting through the whole next era and training. Our vice Brutii will be training all the dwarfs. And with the variety of races Bloody Sabbath and I have played and what our other vices have played we can train you in every race. We just want active players on the field and in the forums because communication is the key to success.

01:46:13 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Justin:

We are still recruiting for starta!

20:51:10 Jul 13th 08 - Mr. Justin:

We are still recruiting. The new players and older players will get help with their race(farming, training, etc). There is always someone to help. Orc PLayers get trained by destroyer. Dwarfs By Our vice Brutii. Elves either by me or Sabbath. Trolls by everyone pretty much. Humans probably me or sabbath again. Halflings um well none of us have really played that race but we will help all we can.

18:34:07 Jul 15th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

im pretty sure it was this kd that preds beat up a while ago and their leader said he would get us back in a few eras time.....

well if it was he hasnt done anything to us

20:06:39 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Darkmarsbar we were allies man. And this kd has only be around since last era like 10 days before it ended. We are the ppl from angels remember?

21:08:10 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Brutii:


21:11:51 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Brutii it helps if u say something man.

21:26:04 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

oh thats what the forums are for;) jk


21:36:52 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

Lol Darkmarsbar we were in angels last era... we helped yall fight elements and what not... you got us mixed up with somebody else. lol

22:06:41 Jul 15th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

LOL GOD i cant remember the kd that said that to us but their names was simlar...

srry guys

02:50:34 Jul 16th 08 - Mr. Justin:

The Dacians Probably. They said that to everyone. ill quote gladiator. " Im taking names yes I am. All of Angels and Predators are going to pay for this." End Quote =)

13:32:17 Jul 16th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

no it wasnt them, its an older kd from the first few eras preds where around

01:35:11 Jul 17th 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

ohhh well hmm i dunno dude... you got me beat... but if you do find out... let me know who it is :)

00:52:19 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Bloody Sabbath:

Still recruiting a few more players!

19:55:37 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Wow sabbath thats the first time you have posted about recrutiment lol jp man. Ya we are still recruting on Zeta atm.

20:35:21 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Lord Kathandarion:

The Devastators

Kingdom Banner

Name: The Devastators
Members: 12
Tag: TDS
Created: 6/24/2008 12:29:11 AM
Leader: Mr. Bloody Sabbath



If you are looking for a good quality Kingdom to join. Then The Devastators is the Kingdom for you. We are a Kingdom of Honour and Teamwork. Communication and Activeness is our key to Success.

- Experienced players are Welcomed!
- New players are especially more then Welcome to apply.
- New players will be trained and taught how to play effectively.

In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

We encourage you to join. We will teach and train all new members in our knowledge and strategies of the game. The Devastators are run under an open leadership. Everyone has a say in our diplomatic issues and relations and what goes on with the kingdom. But, inorder to be heard you must earn your respect first by showing you are willing to be active and communicative.

For any questions or concern contact our King Bloody Sabbath III or Head Vice Justin.

We look forward to playing with you! :)


thought id put this as my name isnt on the vice's thing on the other

22:55:34 Jul 18th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Sorry Kath i shoulda put that up with it. But we are looking for ppl on Zeta wanting to join. We never break a NAP/MAP if your a kd looking for an allie. We train the new guys. But it goes both ways. The commitment you put out to learning is as much commiment we put out in teaching you the game.

16:48:44 Jul 19th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

darkmarsbar, were you thinking of the Demolishers?

04:33:41 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Justino:

do you have room for one more?

07:11:33 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Justin:

ya send ur app. there is plenty of space.

09:37:00 Jul 20th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Justino and Justin.... >.<



22:39:45 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Justino:

i guess hes the one who took my name... so i added a random letter lol

22:49:18 Jul 20th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

are you joining Devastators Justino?

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