Forums / In game politics / Fant Era 102

Fant Era 102
02:29:28 Oct 2nd 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

So theres an idea of a solo competition on fantasia for the coming era on vu discord. The idea is that the more active good players should challenge themselves by playing races that are not normally strong oop (Not orc, human or haflings). The players that are a bit less active but still active can play any races. The players that are not so active can play in a duo or trio kd as any races. 

If people want to sign up now post here on your intention for next era. And who you will play with if you fall into the last category.

Binh: solo as Elf

02:50:32 Oct 2nd 24 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

right now MAD is just me and Kobu, plus a new guy Chuky (though he is a returning player that happens to land near us).

personally, Im not a fan of this idea, I'm not that active to fight solo, but I can choose a race 'not normally strong OOP' and will not restrict my player count if ever old members decided to play and ruin the 1v1 era.

03:15:47 Oct 2nd 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

And thats fine. Like I said the less active players can still group up in a kd to be able to compete with more active soloers.

And if theres a kingdom that chose not to participate by this rule, thats fine too. Im sure the soloers are smart enough to form some sort of diplomacy to fight against a big kd if they feel they need to.

08:08:42 Oct 2nd 24 - Mr. Adventurer:

I'd also join solo, I will either go elf or troll

13:24:46 Oct 2nd 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

I too will play solo as elf 

13:43:39 Oct 2nd 24 - Lady Jasmine:

I too will play solo as dwarf

15:58:32 Oct 2nd 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez The Great:

I will play solo Elf.

16:07:14 Oct 2nd 24 - Woody (Lord Woody):

I will solo.... something 

16:20:25 Oct 2nd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Erratic):

Not as active as I was but this sounds fun. I’ll solo dwarf. Think I’ve ever only played it 2-3x lol. 

19:19:03 Oct 2nd 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

Oh I am not that active but I will take part in the challenge. But as being semi inactive I might pick a stronger oop race just so I don't die right at oop.

04:24:44 Oct 3rd 24 - Mr. Grendel:

I guess I'll try solo elf... yall don't laugh at my pitiful elf build

08:11:42 Oct 3rd 24 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

When is this expected to happen?

12:07:32 Oct 3rd 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

Whenever the current fant era end

12:38:16 Oct 3rd 24 - Professor Mcgonagall:

I can end the era since I have the magic necessary for it.

16:56:38 Oct 3rd 24 - Woody (Lord Woody):

I'd say go for it personally, but that's just me.

02:22:10 Oct 4th 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

I think i have a change of mind and will be playing dwarf

04:11:17 Oct 4th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

If the really good players don't play elf this era will be super interesting... how many hammers can you guys pump out??

05:54:28 Oct 5th 24 - Marquess Whooop:


Didn't even had the chance to vote and we were not finished 

07:07:01 - Age 101 of Fantasia has ended by Armageddon votes! There where 5 people who wanted the age to end, 2 didn't, and 6 did not vote.

08:26:18 Oct 5th 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

As always... 

08:36:45 Oct 5th 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

Guys you could have written anything, if you said you want to fight more, we would support you. We did freeze you and I would reach the city in time and bounce you. In long run we would lose, that is true. Majority wanted next era to start…

10:11:44 Oct 5th 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

I had no chance to say anything because when I woke up, the era had ended :D 

We had two days to finish everything. I had magic city close to freeze you, CW and pass in the core. :) 

Anyway era ended.. gg

11:26:56 Oct 5th 24 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Me aswell:(

13:24:04 Oct 5th 24 - Mr. Armaman:

Duke Vytautas Didysis:

I had no chance to say anything because when I woke up, the era had ended :D 

We had two days to finish everything. I had magic city close to freeze you, CW and pass in the core. :) 

Anyway era ended.. gg

Oof, that would be my bad. So what happened was I misread what you said in DMs. Probably shouldn’t have casted it without reading the dm properly. Thats on me.

14:24:22 Oct 5th 24 - Lady Jasmine:

Problem is that half of the convo was made on Discord, and if you're not there, you missed it. All in all, you won the era by performing best. We had 3 blockers and 2 armies, so we would not be able to defend all three overtime anyways, and your income was far greater due to all the spoils you guys took. Took me by surprise just how long we lasted to be honest. I am pretty sure we would die within 2 RL days, so your win is all fair :) Congrats!

14:28:32 Oct 5th 24 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

So if you are not on discord your vote does not count.

15:30:31 Oct 5th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

Who said it does not count?

17:11:46 Oct 5th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Harfoot):

Drama always finds a way lol.

17:45:47 Oct 5th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

Clearly. Just reminds me of the times when the arguments were at its peak. And it was just like this, one side holds their belief and the other theirs, and nobody changes. In the end, both sides are as bad. 

I was member of Imperium few eras, wish I was not. I rather not get myself affiliated with anything that Konstant represents. After being among the very few people that stood behind him after the misunderstanding back when he first started the game, he returns it by being a total ass and has changed my opinion of him from being among the most fun people to be around when he first started to never wanting to have any contact with him atm. Both sides are evil. Saying that as an objective bystander. 

Hope it never returns to that in VU.

22:37:41 Oct 5th 24 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

The top player/kingdom should be consulted first for the arma cast. 

Hahaha. Imagine if that happens to them. 

02:22:33 Oct 6th 24 - Professor Mcgonagall:

Ill be more aware on who is winning and all before casting. I thought Duchy had won that one.

17:41:40 Oct 6th 24 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Good luck next era! :) 

20:46:28 Oct 8th 24 - Mr. Consumerman:

Well, looks like everyone is in the area. Looking to see how things turn out. May the best VUer win.

22:06:47 Oct 8th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Infected):

I was seeing the same! Looks like everyone stayed to the plan! Should be fun! Thanks for the stone market Binh 🙄😩 lol 😂 (all jokes and fun)

00:59:36 Oct 9th 24 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Stonemason):

There are stones above mine. :) if they think they can get it sold above the native .6 atm let them think that way :D

06:01:15 Oct 9th 24 - Marquess Whoop:

Lol I sold them at low price. I just wanted that no one could sell them to the natives xD or at extremely low price. 

18:38:59 Oct 11th 24 - Spartan Fiend:

It's a shame that MAD is playing as a kd still... elf orc and troll... even bigger shame they couldn't kill me as a dwarf...

16:00:29 Oct 12th 24 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Excuses me but i dont have discord, wacht no aware of new rules for fant.

16:13:15 Oct 12th 24 - Dark Lord Anewbis:

Good thing it was mentioned at the creation of this thread.

22:00:49 Oct 12th 24 - Mr. Mad Aloysius:

Ah. A hypocrite expect that everyone is in the loop of a made up rules. And then proceed to troll post that he can’t be killed. If you can fight us 3v1… why publicly shaming us? 

Don’t justify that you gonna lose in the long run because of how unfair your made up expectation is. 

As far as i know, Binh… agreed to me about my stand here this era, we are not that active to play solo, unlike you having all the time to play and troll post, while still proud you can defend against these 3 shameless players. 


22:15:29 Oct 12th 24 - Spartan Fiend:

Looked pretty active when your orc was taking woody out oop 😳 and your troll managed to have 2 armies oop also?? Kinda difficult without activity... if you're scared say that...

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