Forums / In game politics / Fantasia 93

Fantasia 93
09:50:53 Jun 12th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

Day one

5 members 2 inactive

I got down at the right attitude

Str8 at the right magnitude

Flew at the right altitude

I got all dat amplitude

⁠ I am the final bidder

Just here to lift weights

Not just to get bigger

To fill our dinner plates

09:57:17 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

<3 <3 <3

Let's go Hanky! 

10:14:41 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

Burn. Burn.
Burn. Burn. Burn.
Hawoooo ooooooh.
Come forth my army.
The age of man is over.
We can smell your salty fear.
The time of the orc has came over.
You already lost the war when we're near.

Your wives, neighbors, daughters n' sisters.
All are ours.

Hawoooo ooooooh.
Burn. Burn. Burn.
Burn. Burn.

10:16:33 Jun 12th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Demon):

I like the shape of the text Napoleon haha, looks pretty 

10:31:01 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:


11:40:51 Jun 12th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:


12:34:40 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

<3 <3

12:40:34 Jun 12th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

12:40:36 Jun 12th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

14:15:56 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

<3 <3


23:29:43 Jun 12th 23 - Mr. Enorcy:

Amazing that despite Ivanho making it obvious that he's Napoleon within days of making his first appearance, people still think he's "Napoleon" and not Ivanho. This guy has been ruining era after era for almost a decade at this point, right? It's easy to hate Ivanho, but at some point, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself "am I the problem?" as you get fooled for the 100th time by the same idiot.

02:37:55 Jun 13th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

Yes - it is a shock that multies appeared again when hoebag "napoleon" ivan said he's going "all out".

Shocker that this same hoebag "napoleon" ivan is so obsessed with the same people he always is.

Shocker that hoebag "napoleon" ivan has been caught repeatedly feeding himself on other worlds. 

Shocker that Illuminati have gained 5 "new" members, yet they play exactly like hoebag "napoleon" ivan.

Shocker that the guy who thinks he's all that and whose last alias was "genghis khan" now goes by another great general, aka hoebag "napoleon" ivan.

The most shocking thing of all? Zerks got beat down so badly they ran away last era to cry and almost didn't spawn this era, and suddenly hoebag "napoleon" ivan targets the top KD and all of the multies appear again...just like last time.


05:02:29 Jun 13th 23 - Prophet Hanky Panky:

“I know nothing”😎

05:42:43 Jun 13th 23 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Mortalis):

Anyone know what Konstant is smoking? I want some.

05:56:04 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

“I know nothing”😎

I have Mant kd. 2 players with no history. They're still playing tho for 30 days lol. 

They plays like me, of course. Because i tell them what to do every 1-4 tick. They're following orders. I'm the war general. Even their army will follow my orders. Pm Chuck Norris, he'll describe it well with a video trailer. Jasmina saw an example already in mant. 

I'm not the recruitment officer in Illuminati, not a vice. Jokes on you. Ask hanky for anything related with recruiting. My name shouldn't be there. 

16:55:02 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

Prove of Feeding from multi. City was taken immediately after protection off from the tagless newbie. SS is available. Kingdom has orcs to burn down cities but was taken intentionally to loot all golds, stones, trees & +10k peasants or slaves. The city was inside the core of kingdom. Sucks. 

Owner:The Ancient ArcaoneKingdom Banner
Size:10199 building(s).
Gates:no gates

16:56:14 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

Sucks. Army name says something does something else.

Multi Hunter

Army Info
Commander:The Ancient ArcaoneKingdom Banner
Size:Brigade (Around 5000)
Status:Moving South

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

This ruler owns more than three times as much land than we do.

16:57:51 Jun 13th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jaster):

who're you

17:00:08 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

You know all players? Name how many you know. Let's see. 

17:01:00 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

Why are you backing the feeder. The city wasn't even wrecked... that moment till now. 

17:03:36 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

City was made to "revolt" afterwards. So no one finds it out. Sucks.

He could camp the army to avoid
revolt but he move'd

IogOwner:Ms. Tiago TiltKingdom BannerSize:10199 building(s).Kingdom:*No Kingdom*Race:HumanGates:no gates

17:05:19 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

17:17:14 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

Let know if SS link not work.

17:22:02 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

SS 2 link

17:35:39 Jun 13th 23 - Percy (Sir Tyr The Great Oaf):

Funny. We called out all these people as multis: crickets. Supposedly “new” people suddenly know all the background issues and historical tensions on things? Get out of here multi.

We are taking over all multis first and foremost, and for fun will be assaulting MAD and Zerks. After about D10, we’ll be demo’ing everything, but exact time might vary by players.

We have no wish to fight anyone else whatsoever.  In this way, no one gets loot or spoils from multis to be used against actual players, allowing eras to be fun an engaging for all, and encourages smaller kingdom play (which for the past 2 years hasn’t been tenable on Fant, but now is).

17:47:59 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

You're supporting the feeder and showing your teeth on forum? Looted stuff will be used against Assault on mad, zerks kingdom?! Balancing! 

How long you playing this game. What is you starting name. What age you started with. What is your rl age. 
Dont you feel shame backing up multi feeders. One says "stopping multi" feeds most. Politics. and threats. 
Newbies... God please. 

17:57:55 Jun 13th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Kaljin The Giftless):

The game doesnt get that many new people. 5-6 in an era that then don't respond to any messages? MAD and Zerkerz, who cares, they bullied the world of Fantasia for months with their eras long MAP and feeding. Imperium sweeping the multis, even if they get loot doesn't negatively affect anyone other than PDC that is guilty of all kinds of sus play and just generally being a real knob. 

18:04:43 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

SS 3

18:05:35 Jun 13th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Jaster):

Ah okay, thank you!
Welcome back Chingis

19:00:44 Jun 13th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

It's like the devil accusing the Pope of being an atheist. 

You can't make this stuff up.


20:31:07 Jun 13th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

Sorry folks I was away from my computer on business travel, but never fear I am now here.

So hoebag "akuma" ivan, you want to talk about multies?

Check this screenshot out. Notice that hoebag "akuma" ivan has scouts at all of the multi cities...but ONLY the multi cities. As you can see in the NE corner there is a known non-multi player...and no hoebag "akuma" ivans around. This was right post-OOP.

Go back into the hole you crawled from napoleon/akuma/chinggis/maradona/tyer/tesla/wick/ect/ect/ect...

21:51:43 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

You feed and you accuse. did not your parents teach you anything. That would be if you had parents to raise you well. spoiled person.

Cheating. feeding open, not trying to say you did something wrong, coming in forum with your gang, killing other kingdoms on the name they are cheating, what are you even proofing here. You are the cheater. 

Your parents would be shamed of you. When they know. Politics and Politicians should not exist. 

21:56:22 Jun 13th 23 - Mr. Savinha Akuma:

Wrong is wrong. They do it. You do it. They cheater. You cheater.

You can not call them cheater. You are also cheater.

Stop wrong. They cheater. You better human. 

23:12:59 Jun 13th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

Uh-oh guys...I think I got under someone's skin.

Guess I'll have rent free living in multiple locations. truly doesn't get any better than this. You and pdc are literally the only reason I continue on. Never leave us, I would be so lost without you <3 <3 <3

00:39:07 Jun 14th 23 - Percy (Sir Tyr The Great Oaf):

Ivanho = confirmed at this rate. Hey Ivanho! Long time no see, hope all is well!

Secondly, let’s say someone knew what our goal was and dropped these multis hoping to call us out for cheating when we take them out. Given we’ve made it quite clear our stated goal is to catch this very thing, that only furthers the reasoning of why we’re here. Thanks for validating that what we’re doing is working, it would bring us great shame for multis to drop and us NOT be there to thwart it before others could feed off them.

03:39:16 Jun 14th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Demon):

08:24:52 Jun 14th 23 - Sir Ghostfaces:

I like how that map shows my city as "safe" - thank you for that. A simple /whois shows other characters and its easy to determine who actually has other characters playing. My mistake this era was not to spawn much earlier to travel to a corner to get a safe corner. Now I am in mid of map which does not work well. I was planning to do a 1 city and see how long I will last. Last era I did a smaller city which ruined me, but still had a semi interesting era fight Whoop and few others in Duchy until I died. Next era I will make sure to travel to a corner first.

11:16:46 Jun 15th 23 - Revolution (Lord Uther Pendragon):

All I see is regret leaving the BC and BF core. Whole lot of talk happened, not much action... 

11:29:36 Jun 15th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:


All I see is regret leaving the BC and BF core. Whole lot of talk happened, not much action... 

Hahaha. We haven't even started. 

If you thought we were invading to try to wipe BC off oop, that wasn't the plan. Besides it's BC+BF, only fools will think about such plan. 

14:04:17 Jun 15th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

Only fools think about killing a KD on a core drop and/or entrenching themselves for weeks?

15:06:58 Jun 15th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

You can do this. But you'll need forward armories set up of other members, forward magic city, core should be in a good position far away from hostiles. All members should participate.

We aren't going to waste our time with these on a silly kd like Black Chain. Not worth it. 

15:20:18 Jun 15th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable The Torch Carrier):

You're a lot of talk. Whatever you attempted to accomplish surely couldnt have been considered successful. 

You and Vile spent an insane amount of resources to amass nearly 150k Gaia, didn't take a single city. And you've been paying upkeep on them for Gods know how long.

But we're the "silly kd". 

Sorry we apparently bought the lease to live rent free in your head. I don't even remember signing the contract.

15:30:13 Jun 15th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:


Why we take city lol. I need to landdrop in a day. Black Chain can't beat us. If you think so, we're waiting. 

16:09:40 Jun 15th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

*takes notes*

"Only forward arms and forward MCs allow someone to win an OOP war"

*further notes*

"BT Spam = Skill"

*furtherer notes*

"Do not take cities during a core drop to avoid any sort of snowball effect"

Welp, I've been playing this game the wrong way for many eras, which explains the obvious lack of success I have had in my time.

Please, any more wisdom on your part oh great tactician BTspampoleon...napoleon.

17:34:27 Jun 15th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

we just love BT

17:36:49 Jun 15th 23 - Konstant (The Ancient Arcaone):

At least you admit it, unlike some people *cough* BTC *cough*.

18:18:44 Jun 15th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Kaljin The Giftless):

I like BTs. Maybe if we all bought BTs ZeTa would think the game had potential and do something with it. 

00:03:26 Jun 16th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Sable The Torch Carrier):

So what happened to MAD? Where's Aloy? Nort? Insane Weed, Ignix? Where'd they all go?

03:04:55 Jun 16th 23 - Mr. Napoleon The First Orc Imperor:

MAD is playing this era. 

01:14:33 Jun 17th 23 - Mr. Enorcy:


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