Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era of Magneto

Fantasia Era of Magneto
05:36:17 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Big Mac Attack:

Not much to say, just always wanted to make one of these threads :P

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Mad Against Drugs23Mr. Aloysius100
Foundation33Sir Feanor100

05:38:29 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

lol either this can escalate to a war :)
or they can ally up :P

lets follow the news :p

05:38:45 Jul 20th 09 - Duke Detroit Rock City:

hmmm will they NAP and branch out to take over all other maps? Will they Map and work together to protect intruders from entering Fantasia?

05:42:17 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

Good Luck Fate and and MAD

05:44:10 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

Hey how revelation ended up in Mantrax

05:44:41 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Big Mac Attack:

I think the 50 people/world cap is still in :S

05:45:28 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

23 + 33 = 56

06:16:22 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

go prepare yourselfs cause Angels shall once again reign over!

the  Era Of Sleperirth is aproaching!

07:41:44 Jul 20th 09 - General Sweet Daddy:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 33 Sir Feanor 231
Hot Inactive Veterans 5 Sir Binh The War 0



13:21:51 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Archion II:

It's look liked that we landed at Starta not Fant. So I think Fate will have the same position like Juicy have last era. LOL!

16:15:47 Jul 20th 09 - Ms. Bluelight:

Fate has more members than juicy had last era. so i guess they can hold better.
i may be wrong though. ;-)

18:45:48 Jul 20th 09 - Duke Windscar:


Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 36 Sir Feanor 4746
Hot Inactive Veterans 12 Sir Binh The War 1050
Neon 2 Duke Windscar 100

woot for me!

19:49:56 Jul 20th 09 - Duke Deadpool:

Ms. Bluelight


11:15:47 Jul 20th 09 Fate has more members than juicy had last era. so i guess they can hold better.
i may be wrong though. ;-)

Yeah they should have enough....but when is it going to be enough :-p

20:06:57 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

it was never enough in carnage...

21:15:33 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

you are an imbecile braniac lol...
you have venomz so this isnt carnage without venomz...

+ Dark riders had something like 72 players

22:26:18 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Takes an imbecile to know an imbecile : P


and I could careless if dark riders had 100 players. I'd say more power to em : )

22:44:05 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Sorra:

Fate turned from a really exclusive high class KD to a zerg bring in anything KD.

22:50:15 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

Really? I always kinda thought of them that way in the first place since they let in TBL... Lol

23:00:11 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

Sir Sorra


23:44:05 Jul 20th 09 Fate turned from a really exclusive high class KD to a zerg bring in anything KD.

those bring in anything players are way better then all of your kd x1M times :) so yeah you FAILZ kitteh

@Braniac, no to know an imbecile is really easy... you just ask a few questions or see how he talks and you know. it doesnt need one to know one. like a retarded person , most of those people look abit diffrent.
2 part. Yeah they took in TBL which made Elements a way better kingdom (which won 2 times Kob and Augh) , the only thing elements regret was letting you to farm (phailzor got #2 place). Tbl is a fąg sometimes and does dirty stuff with relations like in veggies but atleast he made kingdom get top without those things, you cant even make a decent army yourself.

23:13:38 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

I built up cities YES, and didnt train any troops, you were trying to outfarm elsin lol
thats called farming.

23:18:30 Jul 20th 09 - Mr. Brainiac:

No its not farming because my kingdom was just destroyed by Legacy before. I had troops, I took cities, I fought. My kingdom had to rebuild and so then we could move out and fight. What'd you expect me to train troops without money?

 I had over 100k advents and nearly 25k-50k advents looking for sciences and somewhere near 100k ponies too. I had plenty of troops....  

I had troops ok so lets just drop the subject since you seem to not know all the dam details?

23:36:41 Jul 20th 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

i dont play for era win, im the guy who kills everything ( you who takes the easy citys and leaves the armories)
im challenging you for 1x1. and there wouldnt be anything hard with it cause your a loser

22:29:20 Jul 21st 09 - Duke Windscar:

so whos warring who so far...i know there is

Fate vs Choc

who else?

22:41:52 Jul 21st 09 - Duke Slade:


Who told you those lies, Its fate then dont war, they whore..... DAH!!

Just a joke fates a great kingdom and good luck to you all ^_^

23:40:34 Jul 21st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

fss we in choc have no intentions to baby farm!

01:17:58 Jul 22nd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

Thanks all mighty

01:22:50 Jul 22nd 09 - VU Admin:

Off topic, spam, name calling and bad content deleted

01:31:18 Jul 22nd 09 - Sir Pubeguin The Hairy Cheezburger:

im lovin it

01:55:24 Jul 22nd 09 - Duke Drakos:

VU Admin


19:22:50 Jul 21st 09 Off topic, spam, name calling and bad content deleted

damn, i missed it. :P

05:12:43 Jul 22nd 09 - Duke Slade:

And the wars Begin

06:15:10 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Alterax:

chocolate and macdonalds in idea of heaven..

08:53:03 Jul 22nd 09 - Prince Sprout:

I just want my Fries well done and My burger with bacon and cheese  but plain and dry.         I will think on some chocolate for desert

10:43:46 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i stopped at the drive through for two minutes now im being mugged!

10:48:00 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Mercenary:

it will be fun n fant this era, not like the last one :o

11:42:47 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Alterax:

Mr. Hanky Panky


19:43:46 Jul 22nd 09
i stopped at the drive through for two minutes now im being mugged!


maybe its something to do with this:

Mr.Hanky Panky(Choc) 14:38:37 says: Ok i have come up with these 11 herbs and spices and i am thinking of putting them on chicken and making a franchise chain to rule the world!


You saw it here on VU forum first folks.

14:44:34 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Yorimm:


14:45:27 Jul 22nd 09 - Mr. Yorimm:

just wanted to say that.

14:51:38 Jul 22nd 09 - Chancellor Mcfeast Deluxe:

Hey Yorimm! Hanky already got a spank from Carina :D

14:58:47 Jul 22nd 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Hanky just wanted to be nice, he doesnt want to dash dreams this early!

18:04:21 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Sammael:

So whos warring who atm?

18:08:54 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Windscar:

idk...choc, fate, and hiv are all clumped together in one big there maybe something going on up there?

19:19:33 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Windscar:

and i think we're gonna end up warring fate....

19:22:44 Jul 23rd 09 - Sir Big Mac Attack:

Nope, no warring, just flipping burgers, dun mind the most fearsome list! :)

19:22:51 Jul 23rd 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

good luck with wind elf guy!

19:28:03 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Slade:

Fate warring thats a funny one Griffin,

We are trying to out farm each other ^_^

20:03:53 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Windscar:

well not this ben dover guy down here....he wants to hes prepping on one of our blockers


lol btw look at this msg i just got

Message From Mr. Coolcat

Fantasia Era of Magneto

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Mr. Coolcat (7/23/2009 1:54:17 PM) GOOD BAD
neon = sexiest banner

You (7/23/2009 2:02:12 PM)
y ty

20:18:15 Jul 23rd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

yeah that guy is a tard =P

jk <3 Cat

20:22:13 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Windscar:


ur so kind :)

20:23:12 Jul 23rd 09 - Duke Windscar:


Kingdoms in Fantasia
Foundation 37 Sir Feanor 959
Chocolate 21 Wolflord Karac 361
Hot Inactive Veterans 14 Sir Binh The War 228
Neon 8 Duke Windscar 100
Gladiators 2 Mr. Heads Hunter 61
The Chosen 2 Mr. Sammael 47

03:54:35 Jul 24th 09 - Mr. Moon Warrior:

We are now getting a lot more people.

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