Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Sanctuary (next era )

Fantasia Sanctuary (next era )
02:03:47 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Next era I am thinking of creating a new kingdom in STARTA or lower.

Its called Fantasia Sanctuary, especially for those players who have enough from all these brutal wars on higher worlds and see no sense in a brutal world domination when there other peacefull ways of coexistence and prosper in peace and harmony :). And ofc for those players who need a break of playing VU all day and are still fighting with there armies when sleeping in bed :D,especially those ruined souls can enjoy the peace in our Sanctuary.

If you want to join in pls check first the current check list if you are really a worthy member of FS :)

- Member limit: none, we take every1 who fits the requirements.

- Inactivity: every one who is longer inactive then one era gets dropped

- Spoken Language: Can you speak ?, I don't care, as long you do not bother
me with any msgs( I have nearly 1k this era, this is enough for 3 ^^)
--> any language will do to name your towns and construction units ;)

- Races: every race is ok

- Playstyle: As this is a Sanctuary all players shall behalf and be friendly to your neighbours, also those stinky orcs :D. So doing nothing but farm äh, building up your towns is perfect. Ofc we will built blocks and station there our hoh armies inside to be watched by any traveller who comes close. But their purpose is to look good and beeing watched and to impress, but NOT TO FIGHT !

Ok those are the requirements to join.
Ofc we will accept any peacefull treaty we will get from any kingdom as long as they stay out of our farming spots called core :D.

Well nuff said, if you are  interested sign up here, when era ends I will try to form the kingdom,

cu there :D

respectully criss =P

02:40:41 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

...i dunno wat to think

02:52:47 Oct 4th 08 - Duke Arzun:

- Spoken Language: Can you speak ?, I don't care, as long you do not bother
me with any msgs( I have nearly 1k this era, this is enough for 3 ^^)
--> any language will do to name your towns and construction units ;)


So by your rules... you are not allowed in your own Kingdom?

03:47:07 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Silent:

that insult makes no sense what-so-ever......



03:52:15 Oct 4th 08 - Duke Ozai:

:) im in :P

03:59:41 Oct 4th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

Yeah, I could use a break from the constent attention Fant desires with the removal of walls......

03:59:51 Oct 4th 08 - Ms. Holly:

It would be interesting if you could actually pull off an entirely peaceful era, dealing with JUST the market and owning it.

04:14:55 Oct 4th 08 - Duke Ozai:

its not that hard i mean Carnage did it :P

00:57:15 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Darth Bane:

woah this is the lamest idea i have ever seen on a fourm. hello this isa STRADGY, MASSIVE WAR, KING OF THE HILL, KILL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT GAME NOT A HAPPY GO LUCKY HUG AND CUDDLE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just dumb if you are tired of fighting dont play and what are you gonna do when like 2 kds take over all other kd on the map and then precede to whipe you out??? role over find a peaceful solution????? yea right please dont taint the game like this.

01:35:23 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Mad Mage Pesterd:

dumb? i believe he won an era????

02:44:20 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Darth Bane's post screams >_<

02:54:48 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Darth Bane:

well if he won by farming i can understand but i dont get how you can play VU and then propose something like this

03:01:27 Oct 6th 08 - Duke Spud:

It sounds like a good idea to me. I mean, for all those guys that could use a nice laid back era. Im sure there are more than you think Darth Bane. Also, this KD could be used for those people who like to visit the forums and have a chat other than actually play.

03:05:04 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Septim would love this >.<  he never plays VU anymore...just goes in the RP forums

03:08:55 Oct 6th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Bane, figure out who you are talking about first, then go stick your head back up that dark smelly hole it came out of to post that.


This is a great idea, especially for STARTA OR LOWER, which, if criss decided, he could overtake all by himslef ;)


Have fun criss. GL to you.

21:55:06 Oct 6th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

wow, now that is something worth coming back for :) Is loggin on once every 2-3 days ok?

22:03:09 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Mr. Darth Bane


10/6/2008 12:57:15 AM
woah this is the lamest idea i have ever seen on a fourm. hello this isa STRADGY, MASSIVE WAR, KING OF THE HILL, KILL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT GAME NOT A HAPPY GO LUCKY HUG AND CUDDLE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just dumb if you are tired of fighting dont play and what are you gonna do when like 2 kds take over all other kd on the map and then precede to whipe you out??? role over find a peaceful solution????? yea right please dont taint the game like this.


Please die.


Hooray, khan is back. I'd contemplate joining this KD but i'm active at times so prosapia seems the best option for me :)

18:20:07 Oct 7th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Darth Bane


10/6/2008 2:54:48 AMwell if he won by farming i can understand but i dont get how you can play VU and then propose something like this

> Funny he did win by massive farming that era :)

18:31:31 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

Lol Bane.....

I think you better get to know who he is ;D

19:44:20 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Sharkmen:

Sorry criss is a little inactive for me :D

But good luck bro.

20:18:08 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Brisingrblodh:

that would be kool, but it would be boring. maybe if you all rallied at the end of the era and killed everyone :)

20:36:10 Oct 7th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Brisingrblodh


10/7/2008 3:18:08 PM
that would be kool, but it would be boring. maybe if you all rallied at the end of the era and killed everyone :)
This is pretty much for the inactive people is not like they will be on everyday and farm...they can be on every few days...or whenever they can get on...AND farm :p

01:01:14 Oct 8th 08 - Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze:

Cheers to this idea! Good on ya criss!

05:02:25 Oct 8th 08 - Sir Epyon:

Sir Mad Mage Pesterd


10/5/2008 7:35:23 PMdumb? i believe he won an era????

winning eras is overrated

05:11:43 Oct 8th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

what happens when you get attacked?

18:38:33 Oct 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Sir Mad Mage Pesterd


10/5/2008 7:35:23 PMdumb? i believe he won an era????


if you played that era you would know he didnt do anything to achive that victory or deserve it, in fact his kd was the only kd that didnt fight, so yeah anyone who spends an ENTIRE era farming can win.

19:00:00 Oct 8th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Wow suddenly this threat get recognized :).

@Khan: ofc you can join, even if you would show up only once in a week it would be an honor to play with you again :)

About getting atttacked.
Well, I really think that people are not aware what skilled farming is. Skilled farming is far away from only building up  towns. It is also to produce a lot of troops, because troops give more Score points then buildings, especially when you play halver and dwarf when your lev. 4 troops are very cheap, compared to other races.
So we will have a lot of troops. The only different from other kingdoms will be that we won't  use them to attack other kingdoms, but will stay in our blocks. Doing so we will safe a lot of money to built even more buildings and more troops :D.
This way any attacker will face our full power when he attacks and not a kingdom who is busy fighting somewhere else with splitted forces.

So we will defenitly be a hart nut to conquer. And if some1 will be able too do it, then he was just better.

The other point is, that we won't allow other kingdom buildings in our core, this will be a main condition of any peace agrement we will do, to avoid getting bypassed this way. People who will be unlucky to settle close to us will get a little time to move out somewhere else, if I am nice we can even arrange a town changing (we will built a town of same size outsie our core), but only if the other player is cooperative and knows how to behave and if current situation allow soch thing....

And no, the goal is not to rally and kill every1. I think kingdom goals will be like:
who is first to gather 1m troops higher then lev. 2 and no mus.
Who is first to make an army power bigger then 20 million OP
Who is able to built up most most towns in a short time.
Who makes first STG with 10 Billion !!
Things you are not able to make under current (normal) situations in higher worlds, those and other funny tthings will be our main goals :).

E.g. I am thinking on screens with towns who are placed the way that the town names are giving funny sentences :D. And a competition will be who can create a funny sentence + figure with a specific number of towns...

Well, there will be enough funny and ill things we will develope to kill the time without going out to kill our neighbours.

If some1 things thats too booring for him, well then just do not join, it is very simple :)

Oh and to all who do not understand why I am proposing something like that, I have few words:

Get going to organize a kingdom with a lot of player who are only able to log in 2-3 times a day or even less and play 72h every turn to make sure you will survive the first week OOP against a top VU kingdom.

Go and sent out msgs with the same meaning 4-5 times to players who still  not understand what you trying to tell them, because their english suxxs.

Go and survive 1 week in DB core by your own.

Go and spent every gold piece into troops while kingdoms arround you are pumng their econs big before going to war.

Trust me, after that you know exactly why I am looking forward to play an era like that. VU has more then only beeing the most active and most powerfull player.
VU also has a lot possibilities of fun and communication what is getting lost when you have a very stressfull era like that I explained a little.

I want to have some of this fun back, thats why I am creating that kingdom, for me, for all who feel same and for all who want to try out something funny and are able to not go killing your neighbours :).

The alternative would have been to leave....
Because too many stressfull eras are bad for your mood in game and RL ^^ not speaking about career and health...

19:42:22 Oct 8th 08 - Sir Thomas The Anomas:

Criss, if you land next to an kd, and the kd settle in your core then you gotta attack them to get an Core.

So I bet you will have atleast one war ;D

20:30:51 Oct 8th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

that is no war that is just bad luck for the others and also kind of farming ^^

20:47:46 Oct 8th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Go and survive 1 week in DB core by your own.

lol, that was my fave part of your lil speech criss. I congratulate you sir, it was a glorious speech indeed.

21:55:17 Oct 8th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

I think i  can handle loggin on 1-2 times per week. With you on this criss. No idea how this will turn out though, but am looking forward to be the first to pump 100 million hobbits into one single tavern.

03:29:46 Oct 9th 08 - Mr. Mozart:

A played two eras in VU and I thing I am pretty good. (I think atleast) But what kind of player do you considers good. Anyways, I played 2 eras in Fant and...and.....I died 2 times in an era, but my borther's even worce, he died 5 times, so he never had his income over 50k and never had more than 5k troops. I had enough of dying over and over again! (though I haven't died yet in this era, and I hope I won't) and I want to try a different KD in a lower world, to improve my skills and have a little more experince(hope so).

09:46:48 Oct 12th 08 - Mr. Brain:

I'd join, but only if this were on mant...

11:22:35 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Not planning to go to mantrax. These days, mantrax is full of war, not a good place for a peacefull play :)

Btw, I tried to make something like a banner, not sure if it is still too big...

isn't it lovely peacefully ^^

11:58:11 Oct 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

omg that banner is totally wrong!

13:56:42 Oct 16th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Lol. Looks like in Bambi movie.. :)

14:01:55 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

I never took care for creating a kingdom before so have no clue what format a banner has to be. so Any advices are fine, thre is still enough time left to get those things fixed :)

Or are you oposing my skill of taste Milo :D ?

14:29:29 Oct 16th 08 - WolfLord Durza Zoidberg II:

It's scary...

17:34:50 Oct 16th 08 - Khan Krtek Buldozer:

Hey, ain't those fish killer whales in there? That does not sound like a sanctuary stuff, more like "the beach" movie... :)

I mean, why not some peaceful, smiling little fish, or even better, make them naked mermaids. Now that's what i would call a sanctuary...

17:40:03 Oct 16th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

interesting CxC :)

18:06:25 Oct 16th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:


I thought this pic will do great.. LOL! :) Since you are going for peace and at least there are some humor in it.. :D But well, you can just google it or something? :D

Hope this pic will not cause this thread to lock. Just want to help, i guess.. :D

21:29:21 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Spetznaz:

FS.jpg picture by chivz92
How about this?

11:51:50 Oct 17th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:


12:40:43 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Little Halfling Farmer:

well it looks like lady mia is so impressed that she's speechless! :D

13:46:46 Oct 17th 08 - Lady Mia Valerie:

Lol. :P

Actually i wanted to say that what happened to my pic because i can't see it. But now it is okay. :)

15:48:07 Oct 17th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Crissxcross


10/16/2008 2:01:55 PMI never took care for creating a kingdom before so have no clue what format a banner has to be. so Any advices are fine, thre is still enough time left to get those things fixed :)

Or are you oposing my skill of taste Milo :D ?

>that's not a skill man! :) (definitely not in the case of your banner)

Spetznaz his banner would do your kd great, maybe a bit more background colored. But the 'sanctuary' letter type definitely gives some 'beach-chill out' to the banner :)

16:27:42 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Spetznaz:

More colour they say...
Better background they say...

Ill make it a beachy yellow background if I can..

14:10:16 Oct 23rd 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well, I think this issue can be solved when next era starts. Because Starta always comes a little bit later then fantasia and mantrax we have enough time to choose a banner which works for every1 :).

Anyway, I could need 2 volunteers who are picking my name as leaders, so I can create the kingdom and people can start to join :)

21:53:02 Oct 23rd 08 - Ms. Lickme:


Have Fun CxC <3

11:35:27 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

So kingdom is created, all who wants come in and join, we allready have our first task to complete, we need to find a banner :).

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