Forums / In game politics / Jelly Bean Empire Next Era

Jelly Bean Empire Next Era
23:35:18 Sep 4th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

Hey join us next era were recuting people of all skills but only those who are loyal ..... !!!

JOIN the mighty EMPIRE !!!!!




00:06:55 Sep 5th 09 - Duke Angelus:

i will be Duke Yellow Jelly bean :D

00:13:53 Sep 5th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:

hallo dear friend

what are teh benefits of joining a jellybean?

00:33:55 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Shame:

your more curvey X D

EDIT- Looking at the pic below you can see a slight curve :D

00:35:20 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Shame:

12:14:59 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

All those who join next era get free Jelly Beans :)

12:19:08 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

LOL .......................You guys should join the New Nebulous elysium guards kingdom.

we can have strenght in Numbers..

12:39:45 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

Nar Jelly Beans much better :D

12:43:57 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

I was serious I will be joining along with the members of Celtic Guardians and there is additional players who will be crossing were hoping to have 20 active members

12:47:41 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

Nebulous Elysium Guards

Kingdom Banner

Name: Nebulous Elysium Guards
Members: 7
Created: 9/5/2009 2:15:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Velirixius The Archwizard



12:48:21 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

This is the one mate if your INTERESTED give me a bell

13:08:28 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

Well i like my KD and its all about loyalty towards it :)

15:53:05 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

I would make you a vice then youll still be loyal to your members crossing over

16:20:37 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

Pointbreak how about joining us ?

ill make your a vice

20:01:33 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

The Reason and only Reason mate i wouldnt join is because the name Nebulous is a game from Facebook where there is plenty of members who will eventually cross over to play VU when they see the name Nebulous they will know that members in the Nebulous kingdom and will know that memebers will have skype for communication and startegy.

also they would know members within Nebulous are use to working in Groups as that game has factions instead of Kingdoms.

some previous members could eventully join from kingdoms already here due to playing Nebulous beforehand.

i.e. Moonshine -RVL some time might fancy a new challenge(former nebs player).
i.e.Endless happy meals-Fate might fancy a new challenge(former member of Nebulous).

There are also members i havent discovered yet which could chance there arm within the Nebulous kingdom.

so Mr Jelly now you know my reasons its about recruiting and regrouping friends from previous games and expanding with New friends from online games.

This is why i have such a drive for the Nebulous kingdom and why i ask you come onboard is due to having good friendship from previous Era.

Its not about the winning for me its mainly about the craic and chatter amongst friends and the challenge at hand of the VU game.

20:03:51 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

"Its not about the winning for me its mainly about the craic and chatter amongst friends and the challenge at hand of the VU game."


Exxactly the reason i stay in JBE

but also some other reasons that i dont truelly know how to explain ...

20:06:43 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

no problem mate

08:23:38 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Jelly:



Jelly Bean Empire

Kingdom Banner

Name: Jelly Bean Empire
Members: 5
Created: 7/22/2009 10:28:52 AM
Leader: Mr. Jelly



Join the Jelly Bean Empire all are allowed as long as they are loyal, invites will be acepted very quickly
Requests acepted within 1-30 mins


10:36:20 Sep 6th 09 - Psycho Buttwiggle:

JBE forever!!

17:16:04 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

Demons of Razgriz

Kingdom Banner

Name: Demons of Razgriz
Members: 2
Created: 9/6/2009 3:39:12 AM
Leader: Mr. Justin

you guys should merge with these so you have enough members to start the Era.

17:33:52 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

Point break we do now and plz stop asking me to merge beacuse itl never happen .... soz i just wont

19:52:35 Sep 6th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

dont worry about us point if need be justin and i aswell as those who have joined us will merely reform come era start.

21:45:25 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

Jesus Mr Bean just trying to helpout no need to be arrogant.

Sorry- Flame Lord Phoenix I was just giving you possible options but the next of some people.

00:59:14 Sep 7th 09 - Psycho Buttwiggle:

did you ever plant a jellybean?  I have and a jellytree grew.  I never had  to buy candy again.

01:14:43 Sep 7th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:


07:39:58 Sep 7th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

beanstalks don't grow from jellybeans.  have you ever planeted one?  lol

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