Forums / In game politics / Mant 96

Mant 96
19:11:03 Jun 25th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez The Clone:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
IK WIL KAAS3High Warlord Edam110778
Loriem gliem2Mr. Eldrin Faeloria104458
Royal Order of Claidhmore15Battlemage Mcmax The Eldar57763
Forgotten Warriors25Senpai Rockem Sockem46372
Wolfpack7Mr. Perrin920
Souls Of Abyssal4Mr. Mad Hatter536
Incubation4Mr. Sleeper100
Edoras6Sir Dementor13
Man Thrax2Mr. Chemical Ali1

Okay, we see you IK WIL KAAS and Loriem. Can anyone do arma now so we can move along? Im pretty sure everything is dead now.

19:40:20 Jun 25th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Gouda):

you can call out whoever you want but we have no arma, so go right ahead

19:48:18 Jun 25th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

the most feeding and multing ive seen in a long time lol Why do people ruin the game like this...Its not fun for anyone imo. I also want arma, actually dont care. Can resign whenever. I wasnt active enough to know who done the cheating but its clear there is * this era.

00:08:56 Jun 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Waffle Fiend):

Arma 💀 someone at least working on it 😅

02:20:52 Jun 28th 24 - The Sidodis:

I failed like 6 fracking times so far uggg still trying tho

03:36:49 Jun 28th 24 - Mr. Eldrin Faeloria:

I also failed about 20 times, but I'm heavily training Mus and hopefully I'll get it today

06:50:24 Jun 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Waffle Fiend):

Well god damn lol. Heard that guys. 😭

13:34:57 Jun 28th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp of The Royal Order):

Nice job to those of you who survived 🤣

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