Forums / In game politics / Mant 98

Mant 98
15:58:44 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Congrats on the victory ikwillkas,QM,FW. 

16:15:03 Oct 13th 24 - Prophet Eldarion:

Its not over yet?

Xerxes still has 600k Axemen, right?

16:19:47 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

You're delusional if you think somehow we can turn this around. 1 player you mention vs 2 elf armies probably over 200k AMs at this point. If we were fighting just QM sure lol 

17:15:57 Oct 13th 24 - Prophet Eldarion:

Yes 14 of you vs 6 of us, would be more fair, you're right.

17:23:03 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

14? Lol vs 6? Can't count right.

18:35:36 Oct 13th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez The Great:

I’m confused. Is QM working with RoC?

18:42:27 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl of Pesti):

No they are with ik wil kas, fw. 

18:53:34 Oct 13th 24 - Professor Mcgonagall:

Interesting, I did not know that (Currently in Incubation)

19:16:56 Oct 13th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Bergkaese):

Thank you, thank you!

19:50:47 Oct 13th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

QM died right after oop, every member of the kingdom had to rebuild, and we rebuilt at same place where FW rebuilt after they lost. So both our kingdoms have lost and had to come back. That is the reason for the diplomacy. Keep in mind its just Roxy and Binh (who started late) I believe. Even if we do have alliance, we have much less numbers than you guys have. And you never had to rebuild I believe. 

20:26:39 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Why the aggressive attitude when I congratulated you? It is no lie you are all allied. I'm not complaining I simply said Prophet is wrong with her numbers. Don't be sour winners.

20:29:26 Oct 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Also don't pretend that Binh and Roxy are easy targets. You haven't beat FW since I've been back to VU. So now you just nap them. Join them if you can't beat them I guess is great strat. Take the easy way. 

21:37:19 Oct 13th 24 - Lady Jasmina:

I do not think I was aggressive in my post? I was merely stating some facts about our troubles this era, which made the era be more impressive I would say. Thats all, nothing bad against you. Thanx for the congratulations :)

Who ever says the original FW members are easy to beat does not know anything about VU, I would never say that. They are extremely difficult to beat, even if defeated they find a way to come back. It is true, I have trouble beating them, but I did find several wins on Mantrax against them in the past. It has not happened in a while. Sure, you will NAP someone every once in a while, I have been playing for almost 20 years, I can say I now have been the main enemy of FW, their member for a short time, as well as their ally now. 

22:42:28 Oct 13th 24 - Mr. Burrito:

Lady Jasmina:

QM died right after oop, every member of the kingdom had to rebuild, and we rebuilt at same place where FW rebuilt after they lost. So both our kingdoms have lost and had to come back. That is the reason for the diplomacy. Keep in mind its just Roxy and Binh (who started late) I believe. Even if we do have alliance, we have much less numbers than you guys have. And you never had to rebuild I believe. 

Fw didn't lose... ask professor btw... I didn't leave fw on purpose... I'm only in the cheese kd for the rest of this era

23:32:59 Oct 13th 24 - Professor Mcgonagall:

"Fw didn't lose... ask professor btw... I didn't leave fw on purpose... I'm only in the cheese kd for the rest of this era"

Wanna just tell our side:

Incubation hesitantly went to war with FW. Tbh, it kind of threw a wrench in our plans (More than half of our kingdom was fighting QM/Kaas). I said that leaving RoC alone wasnt the best idea considering how far away they were, making them a threat. But it is what it is. FW took part of our northern core so FW actually hustled us just enough to the point where RoC came out of hiding and started to attack. Eventually, we just stopped attacking FW. It became FW/QM/Kaas/Incubation versus RoC. But unfortunately, our kingdom mates had just been dealt a blow to income so in the end, we fell apart.

Spartan only joined for the lulz

00:10:18 Oct 14th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Bergkaese):

oh yeah also, we all died while roc farmed for weeks, but i guess that doesnt matter to roc because it skews their perspective

00:28:30 Oct 14th 24 - Mr. Rick Sanchez The Great:

"oh yeah also, we all died while roc farmed for weeks, but i guess that doesnt matter to roc because it skews their perspective"

That would be a my bad. We in Incubation ended up attacking Kaas with Anewbis being the last living member of Kaas. No hard feelings Kon considering we too got murdered lol

00:31:14 Oct 14th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Kon bitching and whining as usual. Was waiting for the insecurities to come out. Can't even congratulate the whiner without him complaining.

00:49:41 Oct 14th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Bergkaese):

It is me, Kon! Konstant, the whiner!

Only Jarl can whine and then dress it up as "congratulating", then somehow call me a whiner for simply pointing out that i died.
Which I clearly did. 
I have not attacked RoC, and I doubt RoC has even seen me exist, yet I genuinely played this era. 
But I died. 
Which I said. 
And Jarl calls it... whining?

If anyone understands what's going on in his brain, please translate and explain on discord, thank you.

01:22:05 Oct 14th 24 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Roc):

Also we have only had 8 people the vast majority of the era, a couple went inactive very early.

01:48:27 Oct 14th 24 - Konspyre (Mr. Bergkaese):

you had 8 active people farming while all others were fighting? damn ok

05:42:07 Oct 14th 24 - Mr. Burrito:

I lost around 200k knights being inactive 😞I'd say you shouldn't really count me but it looks like my little knight raids are costing you guys a bunch

05:55:27 Oct 14th 24 - Mr. Grendel:

Posted that with the wrong bad

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