Forums / In game politics / Nirvana III

Nirvana III
22:44:56 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Spike:

there is nothing about this world so post all related stuff here.

22:49:31 Mar 31st 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

we were trying to stay in the shadows ;)

23:42:05 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

its just because there isn't much to do on nirvanna

23:55:01 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Spike:

we have wars just like everyone else

01:00:20 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

yes we do...

there are some politics, but Nirvana people seem to keep that stuff in the dark...


; )

01:10:41 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Kat:

pendragon r u related to sir uther something?

01:11:50 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

no i just had sex with his sister!

: )

wait... that doesn't explain the last name...


DAMNIT! you caught me!

01:28:50 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Kat:

how u doing i can't find acerf and instead of making a kd i joined zeon.

01:29:43 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

yeah he's in Mantrax

i forgot what kingdom though

01:34:22 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:


01:40:46 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Kat:

he was in spqr but i think it got killed

02:45:54 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

theres plenty of war on nirvana =-D seeing as most kingdoms are teamed up against hh or so im told.

03:08:23 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Spike:

well wat kds? idk who told u that but u obviously have 22 members more then half the players currentlly here.

03:09:12 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Spike:

ok u got almost half

03:30:03 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

hahahaha funny...


he's not alone in his wars

05:09:49 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

indeed im not alone >=-D

05:10:57 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

U better come back to Mant next era tho Phoenix

05:27:11 Apr 1st 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

Would anyone on Nirvana who is kingdomless please enter my name in the ruler box on the kingdoms page. Thank you.


05:44:10 Apr 1st 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

i fyou dont have anyone to do so then why not join one of the stronger factions?

05:58:38 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

why justin? i was thinking maybe zeta i have alot of new members. and the last 2 eras have not been so good.

06:02:33 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Justin:

NAP with angels again and settle right next to us and we could kick ass together. Remember b4 we got to choose our worlds every new person got sent directly to Mant. But settling next to angels would make us inconquerable and u guys to. we would wipe out any armies from the north south east/west

21:59:16 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Spike:

there must b more stuff going on in nirvana...

22:30:27 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Seth:

ofc there will be:D
some carnage dudes who thought Fant is too much for them this era are here too so it should be a nice fight
Who will win?The experience or the numbers?:)

22:37:08 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

some of the numbers have exp. dont think we arent experienced we are here to recruit.

01:00:04 Apr 2nd 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:

same here mate...

but the recruiting doesn't go so hot when there really isn't that many people on the map...


01:09:56 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Spike:

thats cause HH took them all

03:13:08 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Narix:


03:41:28 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Spike:


03:57:26 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Nozarob:

Double Trouble ftw!

00:34:53 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

HH i was the strongest but phoneix felt threatened by me and in 1 instant he kicked me and sent the entire kingdom after me


his goals were to take all my production which was about 5-6 times his , 150k gold and 25k wood , 30k food




he is a back stabbing rat

00:40:22 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

highlands honor just kicked Burninglegion. he refused to post messages here so to make you all know i did not just do so on a whim here is our correspondings. i apologize for the length but for all fairness i wont leave out anything so youll get all from beginning to end of each message list:

i will start with the message that i based kicking him for, i recieved it from one of my members:

Mr. Kleenedge [HH] (4/2/2008 2:28:15 PM) GOOD BAD

I received a message from Mr. Burninglegion today that may be of interest to you. I pasted the message below...

Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/2/2008 1:09:18 PM)
i am just curious to know

would you choose kingdom loyality or freindship first?

what are your relations with other kingdom memebers , like friends?

next my messages with legion:
You (4/1/2008 11:44:16 PM)
do you think you can block the gap at the end of the world north west of gold city? and we will need one at the river base to the right of the river north of gold city.
Mr. Burninglegion [BC] (4/2/2008 6:42:31 AM) GOOD BAD
i look over every god damn inch and i cannot find a city called goldcity

do u mean to build a blocker along the mountians where woodland scout II is?
You (4/2/2008 12:05:25 PM)
hit control + F and put in Gold City trust me its there sout west corner of the world.
Mr. Burninglegion [BC] (4/2/2008 1:53:11 PM) GOOD BAD
dude you suck at giving directions

the message's subject was from my woodland scout which is wayy north

you shoulda said it was in our core
You (4/2/2008 2:17:15 PM)
i sent the message when you were on and the scout wasnt that far north yet. i had hoped you would recieve it when i sent it. its obvious you didnt.

that one was minor nothing much i can over look it.

Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/1/2008 6:15:31 PM) GOOD BAD
my friend ... we have grown quite large

i suggest we have positions within the kingdom that depict jobs that a few carry out to Aid in the devolpment of our kingdom

Leader: You

Then appointed positions that the kingdom votes on

Devoplment Advisor - Breifs the kingdom on safe places to devolp mining citys, wood citys or food citys , also tells where armorys needs to be built, and is well informed on the strength of production of each memeber... watches over the market for Flooding which is very important

Military Advisor - Breifs kingdom and leader personally on military situations this person needs to have many scouts to keep us all informed on the warfare we are engaging , the word of this person is vital to determine if we wage war

Foreign Advisor - Keeps strong bonds with fellow kingdoms and consently posts important information on Alliances/naps/war, he also may assit the military advisor in some aspects
You (4/1/2008 11:42:46 PM)
we will indeed be appointing more vices more than likely filling very similar positions you have stated. but that wont be till next era when we know for sure who is staying. should you stay you are high on the list of possible vices.
Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/2/2008 6:38:12 AM) GOOD BAD
arg.... well the point i was trying to make is that i dont work well just being a memeber
You (4/2/2008 12:01:44 PM)
im sorry bout that but stick with us and you are basically guaranteed a position. we just need to know who will be with us next era.
Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/2/2008 2:00:14 PM) GOOD BAD
im dissapointed in you phoneix
You (4/2/2008 2:16:29 PM)
??? why would you be disapointed it is a group decision by the vices and i. nothing against you. we just want to know of our size before we make plans.
Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/2/2008 2:20:55 PM) GOOD BAD
well in that case im taking a big step down

i will be looking out for my self from now on, kingdom comes second

although its been a few days into this era i have done far more then then anyone else in this kingdom to benefit it
You (4/2/2008 2:24:33 PM)
im aware of this and i apologize but do you really think we will have this many members come next era im hoping maybe half will stay. and you are new plus you sent me a message telling me i suck. does that make a good impression on you if i sent you a message saying you suck? we came to this world knowing we would keep vices till end of era and then change things up that was our plan and we will be sticking to it. you are guaranteed a vice positoin should you plan to stay but for now and again i stress NOW we will be sticking to how things are.

those are them main reasons. please comment on it all criticism is welcome constructed or not.

legion feel free to post more if you wish, sadly i clean up my messages once a week. with alot of members i get alot of messages hard to see them all so its just easier to click delete all messages every sunday.

00:44:21 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

o and when i say legion i mean burninglegion just easier to put legion.

00:52:51 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

I was betrayed and lost 3 citys before i received that last message


Phoneix that im suprised you acually did something that proves u kicked me for no reason , did you Forget that i saved you from ROSE? i dont remember seeing that message


and then i let other people keep half the citys when i killed there armys, yea you forgot that also

O yea you forgot that I recruited half the memebers of your kingdom, man you keep missing important things


o yea how about all those time i gave you good advice .... hmm seesm you missed that too



00:53:11 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

just bumping this above the other threads about us so that all can be commented in one thread. i have posted in others also though directing to this thread.

00:55:00 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

strange i never recieved the message about rose. i posted ALL correspondants i have from sunday morning on. again if i missed some then by all means post the messages.

your advice was posted about the vice positions. that about sums up your advice.

00:58:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Spike:

Yea hh is way too big.

00:58:35 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

again bumping this above the other higland ones because this is the one that has everything.

00:59:05 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Spike:

maybe u can join us

01:01:57 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Spike:

aww seems u r taken

01:10:21 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

i keep a clear inbox, why dont you post everything that that was goin on behind my back


 Phoneix your a sensative little child that should not be playing VU

01:42:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

lol you think im a little child. im 19 hardly a child. and once again im bumping this above the other hh threads but i did post in the recruiting one. you want me to post my discussion earlier with kleenedge? ok i will.

01:43:37 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

Mr. Kleenedge [HH] (4/2/2008 2:28:15 PM) GOOD BAD

I received a message from Mr. Burninglegion today that may be of interest to you. I pasted the message below...

Mr. Burninglegion [HH] (4/2/2008 1:09:18 PM)
i am just curious to know

would you choose kingdom loyality or freindship first?

what are your relations with other kingdom memebers , like friends?
You (4/2/2008 2:29:54 PM)
hes planning on stabbing us in tha back i have recieved a message from him demanding that i make him a vice. he didnt take it well when i said next era. he also sent me a message prior to that telling me i suck which played a big part in my reason not making him a vice.
Mr. Kleenedge [HH] (4/2/2008 2:30:52 PM) GOOD BAD
I have quite an army in Moonlit Gate and could easily take out Grizm and Shugarni if needed. Will stand by, please advise.
You (4/2/2008 2:33:26 PM)
we may need to deal with him. do you think he will wait before hitting us? or should i kick him and take him unaware and unprepared? between you and i i think we can handle him. whats your position on this? will he remain or will he leave and stab in the back? i need an outside opinion.
Mr. Kleenedge [HH] (4/2/2008 2:34:54 PM) GOOD BAD
I think he will leave and stab us in the back, it is just a matter of time. I would take him out preemptively. Let me know.
You (4/2/2008 2:35:46 PM)
ok then we should move now. ill kick him refresh the map then move your troops but you'll need to refresh map prior to moving troops otherwise they think hes an ally still.
You (4/2/2008 2:37:05 PM)
move fast its done.
Mr. Kleenedge [HH] (4/2/2008 2:38:22 PM) GOOD BAD
Mr. Kleenedge. The city of Shugarni is now under our command!
They had 20 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 1437 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.
You (4/2/2008 2:39:12 PM)
good job now kill the army and move out against his other cities. you may not have a good % against his army though but hit it at anything higher than 50%

i have nothing to hide.

05:34:13 Apr 3rd 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


Highlander... there is but one thing that i frown on here... i feel that you had been discussing this with your council for some time and this may be why you didn't promote him...

Also if i kicked one of my members to attack them... i would tell him that he has been kicked and then attack him when he is actually signed on...

srry but that's just my opinion...

and that is all i must say

06:06:42 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

i did not promote him because i had not intentions of promoting anyone till we know who will be with us next era. once we know our numbers i will do the necessary promotions. i kicked him not even half a tick after messaging him. i did not tell him the kick was not long after i got kleenedges message. which was not long after the message about taking a big step down.

07:02:55 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

i will be looking out for my self from now on, kingdom comes second  <--- enough to warrent death by itself

10:31:27 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Zek:

 Why Do people DEMAND to be put in Vice it should be something you earn and is bestowed by your King , Not begged and Groveled for .  So you Did Good things for your Kingdom , everyone should Do there best for there Kingdom . 

20:50:06 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow phoenix the kingdom has changed since i left. all in all ive fought along side phoenix and he is a great leader and will and has done wonders for HH.

23:10:41 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

we have grown since you left justin. with growth must come change.

23:44:25 Apr 3rd 08 - Lord Ullic Pendragon:


good incite Highlander...

we have surprisingly grown some also... i hit a slump because i had no wood and noone was selling it on the market so now that i have some... i think things will pick up fast...

01:06:17 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

ive been putting some wood on the market it gets bought so fast though =-D

and thanks pendragon

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