Forums / In game politics / The Return of the Black Chain

The Return of the Black Chain
22:58:27 Dec 8th 08 - Mr. Blood Fang:

Hello again valued players,

I am Blood Fang, also know as: Transet, Sieghart, and Syuveil from past eras. I am here to announce that the Black Chain will be back from the grave next era in Mantrax.

I understand to some that we are not the most well known, but to those who do know us, it could be a bad or good thing. We have had many odd sercustances with other kingdoms on the topic of NAP, MAP, and Bloodpacks. But I am here to put all of this aside and hope to start a clean slate next era.

Lastly I would like to invite all past members to rejoin me and my men, along with any newcomers wishing for an interesting experiance with skilled players and strategic planners.

23:09:15 Dec 8th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I am in, but i dont know where Slade is so i dont know what we will do about enemies.

= ]


= [

i wish he were on more

23:10:16 Dec 8th 08 - Mr. Blood Fang:

Ya, I remember back in the day with Slade running SK. good times, good times

23:22:05 Dec 8th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Ahh the black chain is back, you guys never give up do you? =P
Jk, best of luck to you guys. I've always had some good friends in BC. Btw where is slade nowadays, havent seen him in a while.

23:55:44 Dec 8th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

IDK i dont even know where the rest of his laggies are at either...

00:18:17 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Slade is spending 'quality' time with his sheep.

00:19:38 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

He has sheep?


i dont even want to think about what he does with them

=* [


how are you doing FrizzleFrak?

00:25:33 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

LOL... doing well Uther, will you be in BC next era?  I have an invite which may end up on Mant!  Be good to kill you again  :p  just kidding, I love Uther... oh, will BL be back?  Cause if so, well... you know  ;)

00:26:36 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Kev still luvs you Penny :-p

00:31:22 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Blessedlegion:

Burning F88King legion


lol im so hated , im not even warmed up yet

01:50:39 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

:P:P:P rememba meee

02:32:30 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

HOLY *beep* MAFIA!


man, you are one of the players i would say i have missed.

Wasn't Slade in your kd when i first met you? hahahahaha

good times

Ced do you know Kev?
if you do tell him that Penny misses him dearly and that he will soon be killing RoC for real this time

03:01:41 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Lord Frizzlefrak = Lord Kevdwayne = Grandpa :D

03:49:39 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Frizzlefrak is kev?


no... you lie!

i even forgot what kd hes in!

03:51:02 Dec 9th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Slade the nub? That Slade? Isn't he a vice in BoW?

03:51:10 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Kev is in DA on Starta.

03:55:43 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


i really do wish he would have stayed in RoC...

04:17:21 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Well at first he was going to take a break from being a leader and was gonna head to Fant with us if we went but i reminded Sabbath that Phoenix couldnt go higher then Mant so Kev went to Fant i think for a little then joined up with UN on Starta then they died and he went to DA and thats the last i saw of him. The last visible city that he had has been taken by CE.

04:26:57 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Not yet Justin, I have 2 left.  LOL, what a friggin' era (actually I have been in 4 KD's, twice the number I have been in my whole time on VU).  I did take a break, hooked up with Surviver (who quit and that KD fell apart) went to Starta and joined... I dunno, someone and that one fell apart and Tongan took over (small eye roll) and then it became UN and then that merged into DA... quite the debacle and all I wanted to do was fight or farm and now here I am flaming Slade in a thread he isn't even a part of!  :p  And do not worry Uther, we shall meet again  :p  who knows, maybe I will join BC (slightly larger eye roll).  Oh well, a toast to a really strange era and a wish the next is better!

04:39:36 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

HAHAHAHA you're being kiled by Cease?

thats ironic...

i left that kd thinking that i wouldnt get any good action...

and a slightly bigger eye roll?

Kev after you see what i will do to your boys you will know that Uther isnt effing around anymore...

o yeah heres the banner

04:41:43 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

And heres a banner for maybe a split off Co-op kd.

BloodFang, Kev, Legion, and Ced

What do you think?

this is my picture editing at...

well not its best but i like it.

04:46:39 Dec 9th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Oh thats right, Uther was in our kd for a whole two days. Thanks for all the help mate.
Thats what you get for not having faith in us =P

04:47:24 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

You could just call me CD instead of Ced...because I may go back to Charley someday :-p

04:50:28 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Sorry Cao Cao...

though killing Kev must be fun i would rather kill his baby (RoC).

I love Cease because you are all good players but my problem is i just kept coming in too late and got *beep*ed everytime.

not gripe about your kd...

by all means you are all great.

04:53:56 Dec 9th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Nah man i'm only kidding. I know you got off to a late start, and we pretty much got raped on Fant. Cant blame ya for wanting to make your own kd on a lower world, i know the feeling. 

No hard feelings, until our kds start warring each other next era. 'Cause its gotta happen sooner or later ;)

04:54:48 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


which world you heading to friend?

Mant? because if so then im in luck

04:56:20 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

good luck guys

will sanoh be in it?

04:58:00 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

RoC is without me...of course I never got a good start with them...always thrown into some OOP war that f*cked me over :-(

05:09:57 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


yes, Sanoh will be with us like always

05:15:42 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Maybe you should change the name to BCE (Black Chain of Emo's)  :p

05:22:44 Dec 9th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


Sanoh is the only Emo here...

the rest of us are Black, save for Burning Legion....


just kidding
but we would never consider that

; ]

08:13:55 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Lord Uther Pendragon


12/9/2008 4:50:28 AM

Sorry Cao Cao...

though killing Kev must be fun i would rather kill his baby (RoC).

It's not X-mas yet Uther. So you will have to work for that, you will not get a victory as a gift. Who knows - you (and Sorra) might even loose.

13:12:15 Dec 9th 08 - Mr. Blood Fang:

Hmm, I say to banner still needs work. I will have to do some sprucing up.

00:00:24 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

Lord Uther Pendragon


12/8/2008 11:09:57 PM

yes, Sanoh will be with us like always
Lord Uther Pendragon


12/8/2008 11:22:44 PM

Sanoh is the only Emo here...

the rest of us are Black, save for Burning Legion....


just kidding
but we would never consider that

; ]
geez Uther you always talk for me. but if im ungrounded i will be in BlackChain. and i cant be the only emo in BlackChain

00:29:30 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


wheres PJ?

00:55:08 Dec 10th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Can't we all just get along?
Yes? Good.

This is my list of demands for next era.

I demand one map tile as my own personal farming space. It will have blockers and anyone who spawns on the inside will have 48 hours OOP to leave, in exchange for their city, they will gain one of equal value on the outside.

Secondly, I demand that no peace agreements are to be made between any KDs without my permission. If anyone is found doing so, I (and any other croonies that may follow me in my glory) will exterminate them.

Thirdly, I want two 90kers built in my honour inside my core by two people I think are worthy of doing such a job. They must be in seperate KDs and choosen at random.

I also require one 90k tavern city to be made, and run by someone else. My troops will regularly visit this city to boost on morale and spend their wages.

Next, I demand entertainment at some point so wars shall be waged when, where and how I deem fit.

Another thing, everyone must address me as "His holy lordship."

City names I may find offensive will be taken and razed.

Any armouries, or small cities put near my personal core will be attacked and if they turn out to be armouries, your KD shall perish until my superior might.

That are the rules for next era on mant.
Those who do not comply, shall perish.


01:47:45 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Cant we all just get along?

who have i heard that from before?

he sound a little pompus doesnt he?

= ]

01:56:59 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

wilber honestly am goin mant next ur dead:P and uther head to mant aswell we kan be strong together:) am in Requiem

03:27:36 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Alright Mafia...

i believe that everyone in BC would enjoy being allied with you...


that is not my decision to make...


03:40:07 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Blessedlegion:

wilber i will take pleasure in watching your citys burn to my legion

13:30:20 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


17:28:43 Dec 10th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Well, you guys are screwed then. I gave you a list to keep the peace but if you want war, perish under my forces.

17:33:16 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Samual:

i liked it in zeta(i think it was zeta, correct me if im wrong) on the era of dark blood where there was royal order of claidmore, safrican knights, black chain, dark angels and havoc

22:27:50 Dec 10th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

uther pendragon is still alive i thought he died thousands of years ago:P did my research hes King Arthur's dad lol

22:53:23 Dec 10th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

you are right samual that was a very nice era =-D i owned like a quarter of the world that era   =-P   and wraith cast arma  ;-)

23:22:50 Dec 10th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Royal Order of Claidhmore, Border Patrol,  Dark Fires, Sarafan Knights, Black Chain, Dark Riders Wing(I think), Havoc, White Wolf, and Shinobi Empire or w/e...there was also another KD like...UNSC or something.

Sarafan Knights was the strongest for a time...Worked on killing BC for quite awhile and tried to war Havoc.  Then we pretty much merged into RoC to kill Trogador Liech(who put me on his "to kill" list afterwards).  I think RoC vs Havoc was a fun war though.  SK protected Wraith against BP which was funny...Slade set up several people to protect him XD

00:22:53 Dec 11th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

yup knigh and i were body guards =-P

00:36:29 Dec 11th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

It was an odd time...Mr. Sarafan left us with like 10 ticks left and thought he was good.  I froze every army of his easily, but when he took a city of Mr. Zump's he acted like he was the sh*t.

01:42:32 Dec 11th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol yea i was jus 3 ticks from devastating his core area before the world blew up with arma =-(  

02:09:42 Dec 11th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Stupid Wraith XD

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