Forums / In game politics / Zeta- DoD vs HOORAH!

Zeta- DoD vs HOORAH!
19:51:49 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Members of DoD and Military please post here.

I am stuck in between you two at Southern Pass.(near Central Fortress and Hunia or Monrovia) I understand you two are at war and i don't want to be crushed between you. I am inside the pass and to gt to each other, you have to pass through me. i would like to propose a temporary CF while we discuss this. i would like to find a way to let you two fight each other, but without me being involved.

20:00:12 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

best is to pm them instead of making a thread about it, soon it will turn into a flame thread between DoD and Hoorah


20:04:42 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Shimaree:

Hoorah! Im starting it then.

Military Rules

20:06:18 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Manwe:

well i wanted to be able to discuss three-way instead of two way

20:17:14 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Three way?! Woo!

20:19:10 Nov 10th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Oh Sit Manwe we already discussed this, you're not in danger there...
But sure, you can chat with them :)

By the way, no personal NAPs will be made.
The diplomatic relations stay as they are now.

20:19:30 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Peter Griffin:

@ Charley: LOL

20:49:36 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

Pimp steps forward at mention of threeway something...sits down with popcorn eager to observe this interaction

20:53:38 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

*Peter takes out his beer and joins Pimp*

*Both w8 eagerly for Charley to start something*

21:12:06 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Well, if you want a ceasefire maybe you should ask satan. Plus, you're getting nothing of the war, we've got two mega armies up north killing each other :)

21:14:31 Nov 10th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

*Stewie comes in and shouts*
"Daddy stop drinking!!!"

21:37:27 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sorry, I won't be starting anything ;)  I am dead XD

00:32:32 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Manwe:

people, this is a serious thread!

00:44:30 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

Pimp throws popcorn at Manwe

00:03:43 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Manwe:

can i request that both players from mil and dod not move such huge amazing armies through so slowly? they're intimidating and they make me think you're going to attack me!

00:06:56 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Evul Fakir Pimp:

lol...think you playing the wrong game

Pimp throws more popcorn

18:21:23 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

oh, come on you old scorage. You used to love little armies too? Remember when you used to play with those little 'action figures' under your bed? You made a gallows out of popsicle sticks and hung your sister's barbie doll, didn't you...

Let me reply:

Millitary thinks they are good but they are not. I hate arrogant people. It is hard to talk to them without them blowing up.

18:30:06 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Military:

Thank you for your opinion, its not really valued but thank you anyway :)

Anywho, who did you talk to that metaphorically "blew up"?  I would hope they didn't actually blow up, t'would require a funeral session and I have little time for that.

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