Forums / In game politics / Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )

Zetamania wars ( Era 35 )
03:53:58 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

i am sorry jackdaniels.  though you are a tasty drink i think you fail to see the motive here.

think on it for awhile, just think real hard

03:55:16 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

they are not going to take a huge hit from me, maybe 5-6 cities

they still have two very powerful allies

03:56:32 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

So? Its not making me happy... Charley will vouch, I stopped a war to help fix traitors...

Come to think of it, you were there with Havoc when Millenium backstabbed you. I personally offered my assistance and ordered ROC to stop attacking till he was gone, even though it was the last 24-48 ticks of the era

03:57:39 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 2:44:59 AM
i almost halted my attacks for DMB.  you should watch him a little more.

don't get so heated up over stuff so easily it's just a game, you sound like a 12 year old boy on here
lol...Darks a great player...youre a scumbag lets not talk about tainted...Preds are the greatest and will remain that way...we going to do the forums a favour by posting messages from other KD leaders who received messages from Holly....who are disgusted by it...we been watching you for ages and Mars and all the vices wanted to take you out...I vouched for you in the hope you could become a great Preds fell at that hurdle not me.

03:57:42 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

you have to remember that predators did this to military

in the middle of a war they took in a military members who instantly went and took a bunch of military cities on the front lines causing them to collapse

03:58:34 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

Read my edited post, Holly

04:03:33 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 2:57:42 AM
you have to remember that predators did this to military

in the middle of a war they took in a military members who instantly went and took a bunch of military cities on the front lines causing them to collapse
Sweetheart...i might need to draw you pictures here...Military made the first attack...we never took a military player in and as Mars said...."Speak to him" not be a coward...dumb *beep*

04:03:51 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Yeah that was annoying because Mr. Sarafan backstabbed and I spent the last hours of the era freezing his nubbish yeah Inco and I sure as hell stop wars when it comes to traitors...

04:09:44 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

I slaughtered an entire KD that accepted 12 members that betrayed me...Living Dead Girl, Teacher and I wiped the floor with Millenium, Sam and the rest of the traitor bastards that joined Dark Riders.... and will continue to do the same because traitors disgust me

04:11:11 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Ms. Holly


10/1/2008 9:09:47 AM
i think you are wrong spud, DMB is a better leader cause of his social skills

No Holly, just like Pimp said, what DMB says goes... but when DMB is gone, which seems for log periods, Pimp steps in and tells us what to do. and because of this, we have fought our way out of situations such as the one we will fight ourselves out of here.

04:12:17 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

i'll stop if you say please

04:15:18 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

Please? Please is a word said out of respect....

04:40:35 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Holly, cant you see that you've made a stupid decision? Everybody in the forums is turning on you. Maybe your not the right one here... And now you offer words of respect from us? Thats the last thing we will give you.

"think on it for awhile, just think real hard."

04:49:06 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Here we go! Ok, so I got a message from DMB. It reads...

Sir Darkmarsbar [Preds] (9/20/2008 1:22:55 AM) GOOD BAD
Mr. David [XYZPDQ] (9/19/2008 1:41:47 PM)
I spy a little spy and his name is Holly :)

Mate, I like fighting against Preds. Been a very interested Era, but I don't like dirty little spies working against you from the inside. Hence the warning. Up to you what you do with it. I'm just letting you know. Here are the two letters he just sent me. I haven't said a word to him, so you should have some time to get some armies in place to take over his cities if you decide to kick him:

Ms. Holly [Preds] (9/19/2008 2:58:17 PM) GOOD BAD
Good job man. I know I am a Pred, but I am not a huge fan of them. They have pissed me off this era. I've been with them for awhile now and I am losing respect and faith for their leadership.

If you want I will warn you about armies.

Just don't let anyone know.

Ms. Holly [Preds] (9/19/2008 2:58:55 PM) GOOD BAD
An elf of 10-20k is about 11 ticks away. And orc of 1000-1500 is about 5 ticks.
You (9/20/2008 7:28:39 AM)
Let the Kingdom know and get troops into position. Lets take Ms. Holly out before she does the same as Piker.


Suprize Suprize. David, an honourable man. Holly, Dishonest to the core and yet she calls Preds Dishonest. My reply, as you can see, was to kick you. BUT! Just as Pimp stated previously, he saved your a$$ by not letting anyone kick you. Hoping that you would come around....

...Stupid *BEEP*. I did that beep myself so you can fill in the blanks. Or, maybe you should fill the blank spot in your head first.

04:52:56 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

And I stood alone in keeping you...EVERY pred wanted you gone

04:55:41 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Otto of Alzey:

Mr. David [XYZPDQ] (9/19/2008 1:41:47 PM)
I spy a little spy and his name is Holly :)
Isnt holly a girl.

04:56:23 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

or a guy with no balls...same thing

05:00:57 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

If you dn't like your Kd, at least leave with dignity and respect -__-

05:05:39 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Pimp:

We sat watching for 11 days hoping she would prove herself honourable and redeem this error in judgement...guess no such thing in VU anymore...and then got the cheek to call me "dishonourable"

05:10:56 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I am getting a headache >< and we are getting close to 1000 posts...

05:15:54 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

That just makes us more interesting than the other worlds.

05:41:48 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

yeah ik...we are a fun filled world

05:45:25 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

Its cos you have me with you ;)

05:53:07 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Oh hush...I swear, you come from some random place and suddenly you think you are cool :p

05:53:55 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

I don't think, I know it ;)

Coming from a "random place" just increases my WOW factor. :p

05:58:46 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

....not at all :p just makes you a weirdo XD

06:00:18 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

F-you! :p

06:01:23 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Preds just added another sad...

06:08:19 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

Maybe they took pity on Holly and let her back in. We've all seen how strong the love is :p

06:10:56 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Nope...they added Velez...whom we have heard about so much...great move on Preds part...if you dont wanna beat em...just add them to the already superior respect just soars now

06:14:50 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

...What? We have another member?

06:17:54 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

What the --- I think something is wrong... especially if they knowingly accepted him after all the BS I had to read ¬.¬ Unless....!! :O Rogue vice!!

06:23:19 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Oh god. not ANOTHER traitor.

06:23:36 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

phhht...congratulations are the proud owner of a BRAND NEW MEMBER :O!

06:23:48 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

you think honor really matters that much, they can preach it forever...

i may be tainted but so are they

06:24:57 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

Anybody here who still needs to learn what irony means? :) Read the above and it'll come to you :p

06:28:52 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

i think it's all fair now

Predators took in a traitor from military early off.  piker betrayed them.  i betrayed them and then they got Velez to betray military.

06:31:00 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Funny how this reminds me of last era...seems like deja vu...

06:56:07 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Van Effen:

Maybe Velez took this line from Military's kingdom information a bit too literally?

"Only the strong survive, become a predator before you become the pray."

07:00:16 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Lets play the "who the hell let him in" gameshow! Brought to you by Predators.  "If you dont like them...KILL EM!"

Here are todays candidates to find out "who the hell let this guy in"
I automatically remove Spud and Pimp due to alibi's and reactions to the new member :p

07:02:08 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Incognito:

*Spins a roulette, tears still in his eyes and on my knees laughing (at RIP's answers)* xD

07:02:22 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Duca:

suddenly Predz was nominated the betrayers rod....a second can of $hit messing things up.

If you guys are so bored...go ride a bike, play soccer...finger f-k yourselves...just dont unload your crap over us.

07:02:34 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Psykee:

I say it's Pimp, Deallus XD No wait...All those replies by Velez weren't crude enough to be Pimp...

07:03:26 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Anderson:

Love it Love it Love it

keep up the good work Holly thats some funny *beep* good bad ugly what ever its ju*beep*nny even if it happined to my own kingdom idd just laugh but I see not everyone like that cause I see preds still cry about everything just as much as ever

07:05:03 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Mr. Anderson


10/1/2008 2:03:26 PM
Love it Love it Love it

keep up the good work Holly thats some funny *beep* good bad ugly what ever its ju*beep*nny even if it happined to my own kingdom idd just laugh but I see not everyone like that cause I see preds still cry about everything just as much as ever
Funny you should talk. I thought we finally shut you up when we took you out after you said that we werent going to get into your core... in other words... Shut your trap.

07:07:01 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Holly:

When you click on a kingdom and copy the ruler/vice list, they will all provide a link right

if you are in the kingdom and in the list it won't provide a link to your own name

now go back to charlie's list and see which name doesn't provide a link ;-)

07:08:28 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Pimp and Spud are out in my opinion...Inco says that Pimp was offline and Spud was on here like "wtf"

07:09:38 Oct 1st 08 - Ms. Psykee:

Hmmm Holly...I wonder...

07:10:52 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Darkmarsbar Leader
 Oneeye Vice
 Pimp Vice
Skyer Vice
Cao Cao Vice
 Spud Vice

07:11:43 Oct 1st 08 - Duke Spud:

Not true Holly...

Edit* Oh wait, wrong page lol.

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