Forums / In game politics / Nirvana Wars (Era 35)

Nirvana Wars (Era 35)
07:13:41 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Kakanas:

hahaha Why would you go for Abaddon he just got Raped by Onkus :P



07:42:31 Sep 24th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

he smells bad? rotten tuna is NOT what i like to eat!

08:37:02 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Com:


09:25:13 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Im from France aswell

10:21:49 Sep 24th 08 - Duke Slade:

lol random

10:23:43 Sep 24th 08 - Lord Incognito:

No you're not Spoon... ¬.¬

12:46:15 Sep 24th 08 - General Manna:

*beep* em Sarafan Knights

Battles won: 142
Battles lost: 46

Players: 8
Duke Elliott
General Manna
Mr. Ludacris
Mr. Shogun
Mr. Averagejoe
Mr. Onkus
Mr. One Man Orc
Mr. Sirion

Battles won: 104
Battles lost: 141

Players: 15
Mr. Corto Maltese
Mr. Ranryuu
Duke Slade
Mr. Shakenbake
Mr. Cheif
Mr. Axyse
General Wolfenstien
Master Cloutier
Mr. Haldir
Mr. Amir
Mr. Elite
Mr. Kakanas
Mr. Vonhugenschlong
Mr. Sauron
Mr. Master Brain

15:46:01 Sep 24th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

manna, what is the link for that again?

im gonna have to save that somewhere....

18:07:01 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

19:45:41 Sep 24th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

thanks spoon!

where is music? i thought u had quit!

23:05:39 Sep 24th 08 - General Manna:

SK Sarafan Knights 15 Duke Slade 123
FU *beep* em 8 General Manna 100
TOF The Old Firm 5 Mr. Humanoid Invader 58
MUNCH The Chompers 5 Sir Soccermunches 29
Myth Mythic 5 Sir Blackguard 24
POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 8 Lord Timmiev 20
DA Dark Angels 5 Mr. Lucefor 19
SHY Shadow Hide You 3 Mr. Kexler 13
Angels Angels 1 Mr. Lite 2
Pro Prosapia 2 Duke Arzun 1
LEAF Konoha 3 Mr. Garrow Sightsinger 1
HK Holy Knights 2 Mr. Martio 1
SOASR South Ossetian Autonomous Socialist Republic 2 Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze 0
Panic The Panic 1 Mr. Sin 0
LE Lunar Empire 5 Ms. Typhoon 0

23:28:15 Sep 24th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

watch the dark angels.............they are about to climb to the top!

06:07:09 Sep 25th 08 - Mr. Onkus:

no way man, FU is gonna be the top soon and won't come down for the rest of the era

06:12:44 Sep 25th 08 - Mr. Onkus:

oh, forgot to post this earlier

Army command center
Outa Here Witch with 2525 soldiers awaiting your orders, Mr. Onkus...

The enemy has 5305 soldiers armed with Steel weapons and armor. They have 0 peasants traveling with them. We have 89% chance winning this battle.

for anyone not Kakanas, these 2 armies that I just beat are 1st, crimson sky, and below it, crimson glory. my army that beat sky wasn't even on HoH

They surrendered. Mr. Onkus. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 2025 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 639 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Onkus. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 7155 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 2259 enemy troops.

05:40:37 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Onkus:

this is a CLOSE battle...

*beep* em Sarafan Knights

Battles won: 180
Battles lost: 65

Players: 8
Duke Elliott
General Manna
Mr. Ludacris
Mr. Shogun
Mr. Averagejoe
Mr. Onkus
Mr. One Man Orc
Mr. Sirion

Battles won: 133
Battles lost: 162

Players: 18
Mr. Corto Maltese
Mr. Ranryuu
Duke Slade
Mr. Shakenbake
Mr. Cheif
Mr. Axyse
General Wolfenstien
Master Cloutier
Mr. Haldir
Mr. Amir
Mr. Moneykeeper
Mr. Elite
Mr. Kakanas
Mr. Vonhugenschlong
Mr. Sauron
Mr. Master Brain
Mr. Hellcrazy
Mr. Pitbull

06:00:12 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Belial:

lol i doubt that Manna DA is on its way baby

12:54:00 Sep 26th 08 - General Manna:

SK Sarafan Knights 18 Duke Slade 136
FU *beep* em 8 General Manna 100
TOF The Old Firm 5 Mr. Humanoid Invader 90
MUNCH The Chompers 5 Sir Soccermunches 41
DA Dark Angels 6 Mr. Lucefor 26
Myth Mythic 5 Sir Blackguard 20
POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 8 Lord Timmiev 18
SHY Shadow Hide You 3 Mr. Kexler 17
Pro Prosapia 2 Duke Arzun 7
LEAF Konoha 3 Mr. Antharic Grudgebringer 7
TDS Anarchy 3 Mr. Ghealdan II 6
Panic The Panic 1 Mr. Sin 2
Angels Angels 1 Mr. Lite 2
HN Heavens 2 Mr. Monastory 1
SOASR South Ossetian Autonomous Socialist Republic 2 Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze 0
LE Lunar Empire 5 Ms. Typhoon 0
HK Holy Knights 2 Mr. Martio 0



make your predictions!


FU *beep* em 8 General Manna 100

MUNCH The Chompers 5 Sir Soccermunches 41

POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 8 Lord Timmiev 18

15:43:24 Sep 26th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

well, SK broke the NAP.

no honor in that kingdom.

they will now drop from the charts.

and MUNCH will climb! :)

02:31:41 Sep 28th 08 - General Manna:

*beep* Em will be moving on up even further!

02:56:04 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

actually, u broke our CF. so, after SK FU will fall too :)

03:05:13 Sep 28th 08 - General Manna:

LOL, you made me laugh there man. i thought you were serious. then i read it again and laughed again.


come fight right now if you must because we are not waiting for Sk to be dead. :)

03:35:16 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

lol, right, since u CFed them to fight us. that definitely made me laugh as well.

03:40:02 Sep 28th 08 - General Manna:

they offered it, i just said yes and said *beep* Em. :)


also only reason for cf was so we could fight them after without them having an accuse of us kill them while they are fighting you.

04:34:07 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

well, they will be dead guess that didn't work out so well?

12:45:22 Sep 28th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

FU is wordbreaking scum, i guess their name says enough. IS that even allowed ZETA???

13:01:03 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

who's owning on my beloved world??

13:04:18 Sep 28th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

wordbreaking scum. ToF attacks people who offer a nap without answering their pm's, then after their army is beat offer a nap. FU promise nap talks then attack before them talks happen.

Where has the old VU gone?

13:12:27 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

its new age drenth ;) there isnt honor in the game anymore :)

13:12:30 Sep 28th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Duke Elliott [FU] (9/28/2008 1:04:37 PM) GOOD BAD
lol watever man i really dont care. You're going to die and thats that :)

DB are traitors to begin with. They were apart of LGC and left to form their own kd. Then they betrayed LGC agen and ended up fighting them.

Then there are numerous NAP and MAP breaks and misleading plays, as well as river jumping.

There's no need for you to msg me back, so dont bother :)


Will anyone in LGC please set this guy straight?

13:15:06 Sep 28th 08 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

I'd like to c one example of DB breaking a nap/map. And please tell him how many people left LGC to form DB and how many people from other kd's joined DB. Elliot is a little nab who doesn't from his own opinion. He just follows what other nabs say wrongly about a kd.

13:26:16 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

I joined DB when it was created ;)..but I came from another Kingdom..together with some others.
most peeps were from other Kds then LGC I think..
Though I got kicked out after one era, so I dnno about the NAP/MAP breaking..
the era I was with them, we never broke any relation

19:58:22 Sep 28th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Duke Elliott [FU] (9/28/2008 1:04:37 PM) GOOD BAD
lol watever man i really dont care. You're going to die and thats that :)

DB are traitors to begin with. They were apart of LGC and left to form their own kd. Then they betrayed LGC agen and ended up fighting them.

Then there are numerous NAP and MAP breaks and misleading plays, as well as river jumping.

There's no need for you to msg me back, so dont bother :)

He's offspring from the kd MAD ... enough said, they never had any clue what was going on in VU and how to play it ...

There's no need for reply me back, so dont bother :)
(that does sounds like a whiny *beep* with a stick far up his ass, doesn't it?) :)

20:04:07 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Kexler:

many people break the NaP..
I´m the leader of Shadow Hide You and we intended to do a NaP with SK but now I´m thinking twice because allies gotta trust each other...
by the way we are raising pretty fast who wants a NaP I will think about it and answer you...
good game all


23:45:36 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

kexler, i would highy advise you to not NAP SK.

they are dying fast, and backstabbers.

drenth, FU surely is wrodbreaking scum. i hope u destroy them!

00:09:17 Sep 29th 08 - General Manna:

yeah keep hoping. :)

20:38:59 Sep 30th 08 - Mr. Humanoid Invader:

Anybody heard something from Slade, is he dead allready ?

21:06:08 Sep 30th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

yep. i took all his cities in SK core.

unless he restarted or something.

11:43:41 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Ibis The Invincible:

Good to hear he is dead

14:36:46 Oct 1st 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

we actually found 3 moe his cities southeast. looked like he was rebuilding. well, those are dead as well.

22:38:30 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Sorra:



Kingdoms in Nirvana

TOF The Old Firm 7 Mr. Humanoid Invader 121
MUNCH The Chompers 12 Sir Soccermunches 100
FU *beep* em 8 General Manna 90
SK Sarafan Knights 12 Duke Slade 59


Just a while back we were...

SK Sarafan Knights 15 Duke Slade 123
FU *beep* em 8 General Manna 100
TOF The Old Firm 5 Mr. Humanoid Invader 58
MUNCH The Chompers 5 Sir Soccermunches 29



oh how the mighty have fallen....

22:44:25 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Ibis The Invincible:

No wonder chompers gained 7 members

23:06:16 Oct 1st 08 - General Manna:

to tell the truth i understand why i am not on top, one reason is because of we have 2 new members i am training and 1 inactive.

23:08:15 Oct 2nd 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

and we have 6 members with troops.

SK has only fought 2 members.

the other 4 have just started hitting anarchy, and haven't been in the wars at all.

00:14:55 Oct 3rd 08 - Mr. Kegstand Mcfarland II:

Hey how you link that battle report that is nifty?

03:18:50 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Kingdoms in Nirvana
MUNCH The Chompers 13 Sir Soccermunches 100
TOF The Old Firm 9 Mr. Humanoid Invader 88
FU *beep* em 9 General Manna 66
Myth Mythic 3 Sir Blackguard 21
Angels Angels 2 Mr. Lite 13
SK Sarafan Knights 5 Master Cloutier 6
SOASR South Ossetian Autonomous Socialist Republic 2 Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze 3
TDS Anarchy 3 Mr. Ghealdan II 3
POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 5 Lord Timmiev 3
SHY Shadow Hide You 4 Mr. Kexler 3
HN Heavens 3 Mr. Monastory 0
LE Lunar Empire 2 Ms. Typhoon 0
HK Holy Knights 2 Mr. Martio 0



FU is falling- FAST

04:39:32 Oct 6th 08 - General Manna:

yeah i'm at war with both top kds :)

05:30:31 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Where did SK go? O_o they lost 10 members...

22:28:41 Oct 6th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

MUNCH killed SK.

05:25:04 Oct 8th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Nirvana
MUNCH The Chompers 12 Sir Soccermunches 100
TOF The Old Firm 9 Mr. Humanoid Invader 93
FU *beep* em 10 General Manna 53
Myth Mythic 3 Sir Blackguard 24
SOASR South Ossetian Autonomous Socialist Republic 4 Mr. Vladzimir Shivernadze 14
Angels Angels 1 Mr. Lite 6
TDS Anarchy 3 Mr. Ghealdan II 3
POFF Paladins of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 5 Lord Timmiev 3
SHY Shadow Hide You 2 Mr. Kexler 3
HK Holy Knights 2 Mr. Martio 0
HN Heavens 3 Mr. Monastory 0
LE Lunar Empire 2 Ms. Typhoon 0

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