Forums / In game politics / Val 73

Val 73
16:29:50 May 9th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

haven't played VU for a long time - can someone remind me how plague works - its full on in the SW map corner.

16:32:25 May 9th 21 - Den Norske Sam Wise:

Unfortunately there's not much you can do but return your men to the south eastern corner. 

17:37:36 May 9th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

@Rambo Slayer - plague works by jumping from one city to other nearby cities at each tick. Once a city is infected, it will infect any armies stationed in the city on future ticks unless the Plague is Cured (requires magic level 3).

Plague starts because someone with magic 8 unleashed it on a target. Had the target been an army, the plague would not have spread unless that army A) enters into a city to be stationed or B) drops a city, thereby infecting that city and starting the spread process. Because of this, you'll see infected players move infected scouts out to drop cities near "clean" areas, spreading the plague to them as well.

While a city is plagued, pez growth stops, and you lose a % of pez and soldiers each tick. Same applies to soliders in army. Only way to keep an army safe is to move all troops into army, move them outside of a city, cast Cure Plague, and let them sit there until the Plague has run its course. Only way said army can then catch plague is by entering a city. Even if the city is clean when you enter, should the city becomes plagued due to proximity of other infected cities, that army will eventually catch it. Outside, it is safe.

Duration of plague is directly proportional to magic power cast with. If they cast plague with only like 10k Magic Power, it would have lasted maybe 10 ticks to so. Given this one was a 48+ tick plague, that had some power behind it, so itll be here for a while.

When you cast Cure Plague, its supposed to keep the city/army cast on free of the plague for a certain amount of time, with that time dependent on the magic power Cure Plague was cast with. You can see why mages rarely do this though, as casting at high power over an entire core can be quite costly to the mage. If the plague is addressed early enough, this method prevents spread. Catching it too late (especially if not all members are active) will cause it to run rampant. Same can be true if cast on a mix-core scenario, such as two allied KDs building in the same space or 1 KD taking over another KD, as one mage cannot cast CP across all cities in those events, as it can only be cast on members of the same KD.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!

18:25:30 May 10th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Green Knight of The Wild Vine):

Was 56 ticks when I got it and jasper had it for at least 3 before me

21:35:13 May 10th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

Fallen Knights has fallen.
We are now Fallen Fallen Knights.
this will repeat every time we lose until we reach Fallen Fallen Fallen Fallen Fallen Fallen Fallen Fallen Knights.

22:09:30 May 10th 21 - Den Norske Sam Wise:

After Fallen, Fallen, Fallen, Fallen Knights, we'll become Fallen Archers. Once that's exausted we'll be Fallen Swordsmen and in the end we'll just be Fallen. 

Falling till we can fall no more, like we're in some alternative universe. Still tapping away as one of nine active players on VU. Seeing occassional suggestions about boats and new races.

21:58:07 May 11th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Lightbringer Anduin):

I prefer to call FK "Knights Who Can't Get Up"

14:03:57 May 14th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

BF as a kingdom was set up to go after the big guys... this era we took down FK last era winners.

We stated this era in J core and had good relations with them last ear so made an early NAP to concentrate on FK

Now FK is finished we are cancelling our NAP with 7 days notice as per the agreement. This is so the era keeps interesting, a death match to the end.

BF will carry the fight agent the biggest kingdom in 7 days, may the best kingdom end on top

We respect the smaller kingdom (if they don't get in the way otherwise they are food... ORCS what can you do with them.)

11:44:43 May 16th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

OK FK can you stop pushing this arm please.

12:29:26 May 16th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

tf you mean FK? We're dead, leave us out of this and go nap some more KDs :D

14:27:43 May 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Elite Khave of Foolery):

Moff isn't FK, but an independent neutral 3rd party Arma caster.

We have a Valhalla wide discord where judgement, hns, and fk all decided it was good to get a 10 day timer going.

Whether Judgement kills hns by then or the judgement v. darkness war is over yet will be irrelevant.

Hns has a fraction of the econ judgement has, and it's only a matter of time (and resources) till they are overrun. I also think it's unfair to let a whole map stay dead while 12 players have a pissing contest over who owns the most parts of an already mostly dead map.

You're free to join us on discord Hamish to directly participate within the Valhalla wide community =)

14:44:49 May 16th 21 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

When did Hammer and Shield Decide that?

I don't remember the discussion. 

We have 10 members with at least nine active. I presume you have more than 2 active players, and Darkness does as well.

It isn't over, and we didn't advocate for Armageddon. We weren't going to fight it if everyone else wanted it but it seems Darkness still wants to fight, and the combined strength of those two kingdoms does exceed that of Judgement, so the conclusion is not forgone.

We won't be going after the armageddon city. But we did vote no. 

14:48:21 May 16th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

Judgement - do you won’t ARM?

Let's decide here, do will kill the elf or not?

17:45:46 May 16th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

Accusations of multi :joy:

You could just vote it down if you don't want it.
Or you could destroy the city, except i've got 50% protections? 

If you and others agree to NOT end it, I can wreck, but I don't see that agreement coming.

To be fair, HnS did not agree to it, but was generally on the same page as other KDs, we don't need the world to last for 6 weeks with one KD trying to dominate while others go inactive, further killing the game.

17:47:26 May 16th 21 - HorusPanic (Darth Fynnio):

Do the arma, I want to run it back

18:11:47 May 16th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

@ Rambo Slayer: You're new to this world, but Moff is a guy who likes to play, but just doesnt have time to these days. As such, he drops on Val to cast Arma when the world is ready, preventing KDs from needing (though they can still have) a magic 9 person, allowing for him to cast whenever the map is dead/dying or if players are generally ready for it to end. This prevents eras from lasting 60+ days like they used to, which drove the playercount way down and nearly killed this world. 

We have taken not-so-subtle steps to ensure the quality of this map. One is Moff as Arma caster, which prevents someone needing to sacrifice for magic 9. The other is the sister-kd approach that HnS, Judgement, and FK are partners in. Its what allowed the map to deal with the Ashoka multi-feed issue early era before it became a massive problem. Though it did still mess up FK's era, since he was dealt with quickly, it will discourage that type of gameplay in the future, preserving this world as a training ground for new/returning players or those who simply wish to better their skills.

You've been gone for a while and probably expected the old way things worked, but we have taken these steps fairly recently to help increase player retention and slow the player loss that came with being forced to wait for 40+ days until a KD owned the entirety of the map. And as the results on Val show, its been fairly successful thus far :)

If you would like a voice in how these matters go, consider joining the Valhalla Training Grounds Discord server. Its a Val-specific community, where anyone on the world can join general chats, have KD-specific categories/chats, and the leaders of each partnering KD can discuss new Gentleman's Agreements for the next era, when to cast Arma, KD compositions for balancing, etc.

18:40:50 May 16th 21 - Den Norske Kongen Sam I:

This is a new player world where play should be encouraged, not stiffled by a selfish few wanting domination. You have nine days left and from where I'm sat, that's plenty of time to get a clear top player. Stop the complaining and get on with it, or move to a different world?

18:44:20 May 16th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:


@ Rambo Slayer: You're new to this world...

Rambo Slayer is definitely not New in any world. I see a clear "ERROR" in your calculation Percy. 

And he's definitely way better than you or anyone else on the map, from what I've observed.

19:13:40 May 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Elite Khave of Foolery):

Hns is running around with sword armies...yea, you are hot shit.

19:26:06 May 16th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

From the 3 eras I have been here I have seen a lot of bottom feeding going on, this ear was particularly bad for this kingdom behaver. I have seen Arm used to allow lazy kingdom to win twice.

Let's do this only old school and try and remove these abuses.Demolish the city elf, the is clearly no concusses for ARM, and you are abusing your position.

New players are welcome to drop if they do not bottom feed, lots of space in our area. Join the fight.

19:35:21 May 16th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Farmer Mike):

Hamish, FK was against the entire map last era, and deservedly won the era. The era before that, Judgement pulled out a win after a shorthanded era long war with Mimic.

Neither were "bottom feeders".

Hamish has no right to "demand" anything.

Let arma continue, if hns isn't overrun by then, we can cancel it. Very simple.

21:14:02 May 16th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

"When did Hammer and Shield Decide that?

I don't remember the discussion. 

We have 10 members with at least nine active. I presume you have more than 2 active players, and Darkness does as well.

It isn't over, and we didn't advocate for Armageddon. We weren't going to fight it if everyone else wanted it but it seems Darkness still wants to fight, and the combined strength of those two kingdoms does exceed that of Judgement, so the conclusion is not forgone."

Cancel the ARM you have 2 kingdoms agenst and one that has not spoken (J) the is NO agreement that this era is over.

21:32:53 May 16th 21 - Den Norske Kongen Sam I:

Fortunately Rambo, you don't get to speak for everyone. 

00:02:32 May 17th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

@Ahsoka: I wasnt saying he's a new player. He is new to this world, as he has only recently returned to the game after a long absence. Thats an undeniable fact that he himself stated.

How can you say he's better than me when I'm not even playing?? I see an error in YOUR calculation lol

@Rambo: What do you mean by bottom feeding? Having be a part of FK last era and Judgement before they split into 2 KDs, I can confidently say there was no bottom feeding. Unless you mean all out OOP fights followed by attacking other players on the map to allow the OOP loser to rebuild, then attacking them later when they are strong as bottom feeding... Which is in fact the opposite, as the entire time I've played this map I've prevented my KDs from doing what you mention. 

You may have seen other KDs do it, but not FK last era or Judgement the eras before that. We have a higher standard than that.

08:16:32 May 17th 21 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Nifzab):

last era on val i fought my ass off. ask HnS who took them out of the northwest. who broke 2 of judgements armies with out taking a swing back.(not to mention the others) who stopped judgement from making a strike in FK's deep north last era. ask them they will tell you i put them in the ground every time. alright ask jelly he even lost his army to me. i waged war from the moment i felt i should have until i lost my army then spammed my ass off for the win while still keeping my allies safe.

08:36:40 May 17th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:


@Ahsoka: I wasnt saying he's a new player. He is new to this world, as he has only recently returned to the game after a long absence. Thats an undeniable fact that he himself stated.

If a returner can be new to a world, then those who doesn't play anymore probably forgot how to play, according to you Percy :)

Too much noise for a tiny issue! Dude, just kill that Elf if he refuses. He has No Right to cast Arma whenever he wants. You don't need any permission 😜.

13:32:26 May 17th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

The elf is protected by the 50% rule.

15:01:06 May 17th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

You guys do realize that players can restart and build a good core due to the 50% rule and then if they want to take an active part in the war they can ali with one side or the other... Yes they are unlikely to win the era but if the big player can help them out a bit rather than bottom feeding that happens now. Don't know where the perverted way of running VU came from on this world, but its kinda small-minded and childish

On that subject am going to go take a few abandoned city's "The people of this city has not heard from it's ruler in a very long time!"

16:20:07 May 17th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

J crew can you make it clear that you do not support the ARM, thanks.

16:29:17 May 17th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

Can I make it clear that I do not support your attitude, thanks.

17:16:48 May 17th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

So you support cancelling arm then, good to be clear on things like this :)

17:21:03 May 17th 21 - Ms. Aisha:

We can cancel the arma if you're not dead Hamish, no problem.

Arma was not casted by someone we don't know
Its a guy that is assigned by all 3 kingdoms to work on arma...

We will not end the map if you guys are winning.

18:43:58 May 17th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Mr. Rambo Slayer:

The elf is protected by the 50% rule.

I didn't think that I'd need to reply again. 

You can attack an "Arma Casted City" & closed gate city, without having to think about the 50% rule. 50% rule has many holes, this is one of them. So just burn it down.

23:13:07 May 17th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

@Ahsoka: If I were to just drop on Mantrax today out of the blue, I would be new to that world despite not being a new player by any measure. If mechanics are in play there I dont like, I would either work to correct it more in my view or move to a different world that more suits my fancy. Same is true for this world. One perfect example is why everyone quickly killed you off, as those shenanigans belong on Fant with the other cheaters.

@Rambo: I agree, Arma was cast prematurely, and should have been unanimously agreed upon by the Pact (HnS, Judgement, FK). As I said in the Discord, given Moff's sucess was on a 16% cast, I'll bet money he was burning high-dice chance to allow a better cast when it does come time for it. When it hit, there was nothing he could do as it wasnt a 1-building city he could demo in 1 tick. But... 

This is not Fant or Mant. Your whining and ranting does you no good. We have a specific set of sub-rules we abide by, and that has had a very large impact on the playerbase of this world. When I joined it, there were 3 KDs only (all were hardly active), and they would farm for 3-4 weeks until one side just couldnt farm any more, which was generally the losing KD, and that was how things were for several eras. We didnt like that, so instigated OOP fights era after era and relentlessly pursued people until the world grew to be active. I wont sit idly by and allow that to happen again just cause you miss how things used to be. Fant, Mant, and Zeta are that way. We are trying to keep this world as active as possible. And to showcase its effect, nearly half of FK, Judgement, and HnS are new/freshly returned players. 4-5 eras ago, these players were not here. Just showing results in case you wonder why so many have agreed to them :)

All that said, I do appreciate how you like to attack frequently and relentlessly. Always room on this world for people keen on fighting cleanly :)

11:31:27 May 18th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

Reading thought the fluff it seems J wants the ARM cancelled? Can we just get a simple answer yes/no as good to have a consensus on this.

13:11:07 May 18th 21 - Ms. Aisha:

You can come to Discord and be more informed on the subject

FK is Abstain (dead and want to play again, but willing to let era play out)
HnS is Against (wants to fight)
Judgement is For (wants to fight, but allow other players to rejoin the map)

We sort of wanted to speed it up so FK does not have to wait for a very long time. 
But they do not seem to mind more fighting... 
So that will happen.

You guys are giving too much importance to the count down, we already said if its not determined by time arma ends, we would stop it. Obviously we would not stop the world if there is nothing determined yet. Looking at eits of armies HnS have (seeing 100k armies of level 1s) was the reason why we thought this will not last long. But ok, if you want to be completely demolished, we can do that.

And just for your information
Arma town can not be casted invisibility on 
And is never under 50% rule...
Imagine the abuse that could bring... 

So its quite easy to destroy the city if its not really well defended.

14:00:15 May 18th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

I put an army on the arm city and it was protected by the 50% rule otherwise I would have just BURNED and we would not have had all this fluff :)

naz resting on the city with burning touches

End Tower

City Info
Owner: Grand Moff Death HarbingerKingdom Banner
Size: 38642 building(s).
Kingdom: Professional Arma Casters
Race: Elf
Gates: open

We have not attacked them and they have not attacked us.

We own more than three times as much land as this ruler.

This ruler is protected by the 50% rule.

Send a message

15:36:12 May 18th 21 - Ms. Aisha:

Oh that sounds like a bug to me, something that should not happen.

Worthy of reporting as bug I think.

16:56:35 May 18th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Exactly. Why on the earth you cannot destroy an Arma casted city!!? When Armageddon terms says that "any player can destroy the Arma City to cancel it".

Contact with vu Admin ASAP, and burn down the Elven City without asking him anything caz he wasted your valuable time when he has No Right to cast Arma & decide when the world ends.

17:10:50 May 18th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Jas):

For all Hamish has said, I understand he's atleast frustrated by his inability to do anything about the situation and though he made some assumptions I don't like, it's still acceptable.

However, comparing this ENTIRE situation to people actually dying is the most disgusting thing I have read in this forum in a very long time. I am very sad we don't have forum mods anymore because you are nothing but a pool of toxicity.

17:16:21 May 18th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Happy):

Editing your post does not make you any less disgusting:

17:34:39 May 18th 21 - Ms. Aisha:

Hamish, instead of taking out tagless who want to play the game

Better teach them, help them enjoy the game 
If you go batter people they will most likely not enjoy the game and quit...

That is what Valhalla is about..
Helping new players, in hopes to get more people playing...

Why not help Dreadful Penny rather than taking his cities when he makes a mistake?

You (5/18/2021 2:04:45 PM)
If you kept your cities open nobody could take your city
Closing gates removes 50% protection
Mr. Dreadful Penny (5/18/2021 5:04:39 PM)GOODBAD
Ohh thank you so much , I didn't know that lol

17:46:45 May 18th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Unfortunately, it's not a "mistake". There's no such thing in a war game, it's a strategy.

Well @Jas...

Fuck your respect, fucking multi.

My post is on-topic. Morever, i helped reporting a bug with the same post. The pandemic is the current situation & is related with the game because we are all Real peoples here. And everyone need to know how valuable the time is caz i think they're not beware enough! So do whatever you want.

18:15:32 May 18th 21 - Ms. Aisha:

When a new player does not understand game mechanic which is not explained well, then its not a strategy but a lack in knowledge of the game, I have been asked numerous times by new players if enemy can walk in the city if they do not close the gates, and I have had to explain many times that closed gates only prevent people walking over the city, and does not give any advantage to defending and such. Heck in one of my first eras I have made the same mistake and I remember someone telling me about it, so I try to inform new players as well. A simple fix would be to have popup window appear once, first time a character closes gates of the city thats asking are you sure you want to close gates (you will lose 50% protection rule and everyone on the map can see cities that have closed gates, and closing does not give advantage to defending army) 

18:21:46 May 18th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

The guy was asked not to cross our border with a big army, he ignored this, I sent a small army to see what the problem was he killed it. He has no 50% defence as he attacked. I pass over his city a few times with big armies, then he closed the gates, locking my armies out, message him to see if he wants to Ali, no reply.

Now he dies, it's just the way it is, he has had his chance. He looks like a bottom feeder to me, they are food.

18:47:34 May 18th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

“I don’t understand why people on this world bottom feed, I hate that, you guys suck”. 

We show abundant evidence this does not happen and that we openly reject that entire style.

“I only bottom fed because they wouldn’t abide by my specific rules and I didn’t like it”.

So which is it? You’re the only one “bottom feeding” despite criticizing other KDs for doing it, when you have no evidence to support anyone but yourself as doing it? This player is clearly new, should be trying to bring them into your KD to learn rather than try to have relations (which from experience, a noob likely won’t do, just how it goes) and let them figure things out in their own. This is a training world for crying out loud, not Fant.

18:57:43 May 18th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:


So which is it? You’re the only one “bottom feeding” despite criticizing other KDs for doing it, when you have no evidence to support anyone but yourself as doing it?

You're the one who LACKS evidence Percy. You always come up with your silly calculation & maths trying to prove someone something. You could not proove anything last time, and you have no proofs this time either.

So it'd be better if you don't talk about "evidence" stuff, again.

19:18:34 May 18th 21 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Range Test Officer):

My evidence is Rambo’s exact words… in the post preceding mine… my goodness you’re dense

19:32:10 May 18th 21 - Mr. Rambo Slayer:

Such drama... tap... tap.. tap...

19:35:46 May 18th 21 - Mr. Ashoka The Great:

Life in my side is dense. If i tell how, Jas is gonna come here again saying "No no, i don't wanna hear this. Mods... We should have had Mods..."

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