Forums / In game politics / Ally Gone Bad

Ally Gone Bad
05:54:35 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Phhht...I had a friend get me a complete new sound system(4 speakers) for my car including a radio for like...$200...and it was sweet too...Pioneer radio and speakers...he got them for almost nothing with his connections....oh...well back on guys need to take anti depressants and also go out

05:57:21 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

lol no!!!!!!BC started this BS and now we are going to fini*beep*. They are taking pathetic swordies up against catas and nazzies!!!!

06:01:02 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

......I think it is much better to use action instead of words...take RL for example...I punch first and ask questions later =D

06:57:29 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:

That's how I pick up my women, too.

06:59:07 Sep 23rd 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Punching them and asking questions later??

07:33:11 Sep 23rd 08 - Ms. Kish:

Why you can't pick them up otherwise? I'm just curious :P

21:22:52 Sep 23rd 08 - Mr. Chaoslegion:

sabbath you sleaze bag dont pull that crap that heard of a possible attack



i know FOR A FACT dev has been planning war against bc 4-6  days PRIOR to the delcaration


you lying sap




and .. father knew he was making an armory, AFTER the fact TDS had armys camping in our core right on the maps edge  


why would an ally camp a 2800 nazzie army in a critical spot for days before any words of war were spoken>? eh


your were getting ready ... and father armory never got near compleltion .. not eve*beep*uildings were up ...



you just wanted to steal anumins

01:47:55 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

lol i would love to see your proof chaoslegion.

And since i highly doubt you have any stop accusing us of BS that we didnt commit. You fuked up. You leaked info to someone you shouldnt of and now its bitting you in ur ass. Dont worry i think there is still room on starta or Nirvana when you restart.

01:54:29 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

wow ghost how many post do you have?Human are selfish and nature and usally mess up thing and this one of them. but the kingdom is resign from allying so period.

01:56:45 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Sokine are you in BC or TDS?

01:58:51 Sep 24th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

im in AoA ftw XD

02:30:09 Sep 26th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



tsk tsk tsk...


you are a sad strange little man.

we dont need proof because we know its right and no matter what you know that it will come back to you, you are a cheating, backstabbing, twofaced prick who has no honor and you try to make it seem like we were the ones stabbing you in the back?

you guys had no reason to have that army down there and camp it for as long as you did, like Chaos said our armoury hadnt even been up for long enough to get barely anything into it, and for sure that army had been there more than 20 times as long as it was. I do not respect or like cheaters and liers and i have learned that justice always comes around in due time.

04:08:40 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Hello we heard RoC was going to start attacking us soon so we had destroyer scout down there and that army was there to fight back if they did you dumb Brit!!!! Now we will show you our true power and will teach you all a valuable lesson. I suggest you take Chaoslegions advice and train on a LOWER world cuz you desparetly need it.

06:09:05 Sep 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus: one better be calling people dumb Brits now...that is crossing the line >_>

06:47:14 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Ghost


9/26/2008 4:08:40 AM
Hello we heard RoC was going to start attacking us soon

Hmmmm, then "some" knew more about us than we, ourself, did.......

Of course you keep an eye (scout and/or GTs nearby) with all you beloved neighbours. And they do the same to you. This is afterall a war-game.


06:57:18 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Mcmax alls we did was scout to see if it was true. The army we used was just a procaution to just incase the rumor was true which it wasnt.BC we knew they were going to attack us especially with Chaoslegions aggression towards us.

10:59:02 Sep 26th 08 - Necromancer Lust:

everybody hates ghost... aka justin funny guy, funny guy

12:12:37 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Taoth Horay:

Chaoslegion is aggresive towards everyone. That is just how he is. We weren't going to war with Dev because we still needed your alliance. We were actually trying to wipe out AoA and we thought that we could use your help still. I found out differently when you declared war on us. We have been betrayed too often not to be suspicious of everyone but we would not break an alliance with no heads-up. I'm just saying that the war between us because of suspicious natures, misinformation, and misunderstanding the situation.

15:29:15 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Necro im not as hated as Revenge so i could care less.  Taoth when we get messages from Chaos screaming at us calling us traitors because we ally AoA for you guys because your stupidy woulda cost you your kd. But see now that AoA is almost gone you have a new enemy. And they are much worse. Heaven is tearing you apart in the north. Not like its hard since the quanity of all your guys troops are small.

21:33:45 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

i HATE chaos legion hes kicked me out cause he asked us to post our accout details and i said it was a load of rubbish theres no point and you could hack us later on in the game and he posted me this

Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/25/2008 10:54:31 PM) GOOD BAD
you little dirt bag you are never to disrespect me again

another word and your out
You (9/26/2008 8:03:51 PM)
i see you didnt say that in the forums at least i have the guts to say stuff in the forms and if im that bad then... go
Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/26/2008 8:09:41 PM) GOOD BAD
uh huh? samual your the worst player we have here

and normally i dont mind someone whos not very good but ur just trying to piss me off now and im not dealing with you
You (9/26/2008 8:11:38 PM)
me you cant handle me so you kick me out.


so this is wat was said as i said i dont want to get in a war with BC just chaos legion but i am preperd to go into war with bc

21:34:20 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

we treats us like rubbish he sucks as a leader/vice and now hes going to get bc to attack me so it aint very fair but oh well and tds i will goin you cause i dont care now there going to keep him in the kd so ill goin you

21:35:53 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

NOTE: or any over kd at war with bc

21:57:05 Sep 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Well Rev is forum banned =(  So that means everyone gets bumped up a rank in the Most Hated Players list

22:47:49 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

lol chaos... when will he learn

03:39:29 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol chaos will never learn

03:41:10 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol sabbath he even has an army called Nazzie Bastards going after destroyer. Lol destroyer is going to whipe him out.

04:29:57 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

Wow, I think it is about time for me to make a post here. So far I have just read the forums here and eaten popcorn and laughed. But seriously there is some interesting points on both sides of the fence if you don't take a side.

On a side note, I apologize Samual for Chaos and understand where you come from. But you must understand that this game is about respect.

05:04:10 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Destroyer:

 BC you guys suck when it comes to troops i beat almost all your southern forces with one army with only 2k nazzies in it. =)

05:32:16 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

lawls, destroyer. I will say 2k nazguls are fairly strong, but be serious you are picking on our new players who have never played. you cant really make a statement around a kingdom unless it is based off of every player.

P.S. the one army of mine you did kill was on purpose to get rid of some of your army, every little bit helps.

Any more smart comments from the peanut gallery?

05:52:22 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Ghost:


05:54:00 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Bounces a peanut off of Justin's head*

06:09:44 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

we know ghost, congrates, you took an armory that i can still use EITS on. we know you have been training.

06:12:50 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Lol dont try and lie. The only sh*t u casted on me was CW when i didnt have any MUs on me. now im about to add 15k MUs and 2k Nazzies to the mix in oh. 12 tics. If you would like ill post my News proving thats all you casted on me not a single EITS

15:21:15 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

if i remember right, when someone casts EITS on you it doesnt tell you in the news page

15:53:01 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Pretty sure :p never had anyone live to cast a spell on me :)

16:33:57 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

AoA is almost gone?....your kidding...

If it wasnt for Chaos Bc would fall faster

20:15:03 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

lol, sanoh is right, it says if i attempted if it failed. if i succeed you know nothing!

05:43:49 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

ok prove it. Show EVERYONE wat i have

04:28:27 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

Last time i looked you had 605 nazguls in the city and a 33k army inside.

ta da!

05:00:34 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

last time i looked that was WAY wrong.

Ta Da

05:06:38 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Brutii:

lol justin
ta da!

07:52:39 Sep 29th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix Chosen:

ta da?  >_> toodooloo

07:55:30 Sep 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

I smoked a joint and maaaaan that looks wayyy right

13:14:20 Sep 29th 08 - Sir Syuveil:

dude, it has been like what 5 real days sense i have cast it, the point of the conversation is that i know what is going on periodically not every second, now stop being ignorant.

13:30:01 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

alright, TDS i thought i could trust you guys and it was my mistake in thinking so, i have been told by Kev, Wolfenstein, Grimdeath, Slade, PJ and many others that i trust too many people...

for now on i will hunt you down Ghost, because you honestly are the biggest *beep* i have ever met on this game, at least a few eras back when i wass fighting this so called "jerk" Burning Legion he didnt even talk crap and talk down to me, so to tell the truth you are worse than him, because he isnt as bad as you all say he is.

The problem is that there are too many people on here that think because they can move and "Army of Nazguls to kill someone" it gives them the right to stir the bucket of crap.

This game is also a place to meet people and pimarily thats what makes the game fun, so really if i ask a question on the forums and Ghost replies putting me down then i reallyfind something wrong wih his priorities...

you went out of your way to do so...

sad little man, wait (Boy)


22:56:17 Oct 1st 08 - Mr. Brutii:

*laughs at the children in the posts, which aren't ghost*

23:54:45 Oct 1st 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Elbows Uther*
I think I told you the same as Kev and them...

00:02:50 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

whats that supposed to mean???

01:01:27 Oct 2nd 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Haha bring it on uther. Lets see you hunt me down and "kill" me.

23:43:13 Oct 6th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

you know i will...

and yes Charley you did tell me that as well...


i also have that problem RL

one day i am going to pull off the road to help someone with a flat and im going to wind up shot and dead, but whatever i'd rather die trying to help someone rather die trying to advoid helping someone...


anyways, ghost i will find you, and after that happens i wont have anymore hard feelings... thats just how i do things.

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