Forums / In game politics / Fantasia Era 83

Fantasia Era 83
19:43:19 Apr 11th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

lol what's this guy smoking

21:47:27 Apr 11th 22 - Venus (Mr. Gollum):

Think there's a reason why imperium has more members?

Hint, it's not the last 2 era wins.

23:26:22 Apr 11th 22 - Mr. Kool Dude:

When the tigers away the monkeys will play..

23:30:10 Apr 11th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Venus falling for bait too easily smh

00:17:52 Apr 12th 22 - Prime Minister Gimli Back:

Yeah guys team up against us otherwise it’s no fun 

04:59:21 Apr 12th 22 - Konstant (Mr. Farmer Frank):

**Looks at mad/zerk 18 person "kds" acting as a single kd**

**Looks at Imperium's 16 person KD**

I wonder why Imperium needs at least 15 members.


Mystery to me.

06:08:36 Apr 12th 22 - Mr. Kool Dude:

Are you warring mad?

06:43:37 Apr 12th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

In some ways Berzerkerz+MAD are just as responsible for 90 day eras as Imperium because they train 200,000 Ogres when they play Orc

07:15:38 Apr 12th 22 - Mr. Most Based Cyrone:

Arrogant asshole

08:38:31 Apr 12th 22 - Prime Minister Gimli Back:

I guess MAD are the equivalent of our 14 day farmers 

13:50:22 Apr 12th 22 - Death God Pdc:

Look at them feeding

14:02:58 Apr 12th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):


14:03:19 Apr 12th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Massive feed fraude by Imp going on.

15:08:57 Apr 12th 22 - Prime Minister Gimli Back:

Indeed super convenient for our mage to leave mid battle with Zerks while leaving all of his walls and guard towers in tact…

15:12:17 Apr 12th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Jan Pieterszoon Coen heeft niets verkeerd gedaan!

i mean
feeder alert!!!!! burn at the stake!

15:19:57 Apr 12th 22 - Prime Minister Gimli Back:

Je moeder is een feeder

15:34:33 Apr 12th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Als je ziet wat ze mijn pa allemaal geeft, nogal ja.......

17:20:53 Apr 12th 22 - Mr. Mavich:

Anybody want to share how much they were able to plunder? Or are we going to have to listen again how they justify this?

17:22:22 Apr 12th 22 - Mr. Fcukr:

I plundered 

17:50:22 Apr 12th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

"again" lol
i'm in favour of sharing, though b&d would be ideal. Not that i can see whats going on other than some closed gates ofc

18:29:54 Apr 12th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Was this a kick or a ragequit?

If he left on his own then Gollum chose the perfect LoTR name.

18:34:33 Apr 12th 22 - Jarl Gandalf The Reborn:


Was this a kick or a ragequit?

If he left on his own then Gollum chose the perfect LoTR name.

Lmao Facts!!!

19:00:07 Apr 12th 22 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

Maybe he ran out of Bt

19:37:51 Apr 12th 22 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Ancalagon The Black):

he rage quit

04:51:00 - Gollum has left your kingdom!

20:26:44 Apr 12th 22 - Legend (I am Brainpower):

A silly child has left the game

21:37:37 Apr 12th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

Oh corn on the kob, don't call others btc's when zerks have used 200+ bts already.


As for Venus/Gollum.

Imperium's official stance is that while it is sad that he has left the kingdom for his own reasons, we wish him well and hope that he finds joy in VU elsewhere =)

Imperium has never been about one player; it will never be about one player, and it will prevail.

01:26:40 Apr 13th 22 - Venus (Mr. Wizard):

I informed konstant of my reasons for leaving abruptly.

The main reason is being the main target and focus of 3 people who have used well over 100 BT combined was too much stress and time on me, and it was affecting my real life.

And for the record I used TWO paid BTs on Fantasia, out of 3 i allocated there, out of the 6 I paid for.

If any of Imperium would like more detail, message me in game as Wizard.  I'd rather not share here.

Lastly, I expended what resources I had, and left defense intact, because I don't believe in plundering like that.

01:31:47 Apr 13th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Choosing your real life over VU is a good decision, can't complain about that. Though if the two paid BT's weren't enough, maybe Kob can pitch in for some more? :P

01:49:43 Apr 13th 22 - Mr. Mavich:

I am tired as well, but don't worry I left my Gts as well. 

01:53:45 Apr 13th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Let me plunder your GT's Mavich senpai ~~

05:28:18 Apr 13th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

You are NOT allowed to sleep or step away from the computer

12:23:31 Apr 16th 22 - Mr. Most Based Cyrone:


20:44:54 Apr 20th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Noble Gilgalad):

This is something we haven't seen for a while in Fantasia. 5 different KDs represented in the top 5 HoH.

Mr. Aloysius
Mad and Dangerous

Dragonlord Ancalagon The Black

Mr. Ghost Face
Seven Deadly Sins

Chief Trogdar

Mr. Ronnie Flex
The Dutch Rappers

Mr. Fred The Terrorist
Mad and Dangerous

16:35:19 Apr 21st 22 - Mr. Ghost Face:

Let it be known people who are not Halfers deserve to be there, and Halfers are there only because of the flawed scoring system.

21:21:16 Apr 21st 22 - Venomz (High Warlord Typhoon):

Stop halfer shaming! We already drew the shortest straw.

11:07:25 Apr 23rd 22 - Mr. Most Based Cyrone:

Yo, anyone know if Berserkers has any members besides PDC? I'm pretty sure they've been comatose since day 1 or something.

02:28:25 May 5th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Congratulations to Seven Deadly Sins for confirming the era win for Imperium! Good effort on all accounts, with the logical conclusion :)

03:23:55 May 5th 22 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

What does that mean? How can you claim victory when nobody is dead yet

04:59:04 May 5th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Says the guy refusing relations because of Mant


08:33:13 May 5th 22 - Prime Minister Gimli Back:

All hail the true era winner….

The Plague for killing us all! ;)

20:49:40 May 5th 22 - Dark Spawn (Sir Dominion):

Never expect to talk diplomacy with someone who just joined the kingdom few days prior, always talk to kingdom leader he has more power for diplomacy :-)


Says the guy refusing relations because of Mant


21:08:35 May 5th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

in unreplied: :'(

Date sentSubjectSent to
24th Apr (17:29)Your kingdomMr. Homunculi

02:10:21 May 7th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

17:28:25 May 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Congratulations to Seven Deadly Sins for confirming the era win for Imperium! Good effort on all accounts, with the logical conclusion :)

afk Trogdar left Team B alone out of reverent fear and not as a courtesy

02:48:21 May 7th 22 - Venus (Mr. Alexander of Macedon):


17:28:25 May 4th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Kraantje Pappie):

Congratulations to Seven Deadly Sins for confirming the era win for Imperium! Good effort on all accounts, with the logical conclusion :)

afk Trogdar left Team B alone out of reverent fear and not as a courtesy

I honestly didn't know you were mostly inactive, otherwise I wouldn't have.  Was a waste of magic.  Was a nice test of MT range though, took 45k MT. :)

20:59:02 May 7th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

The city you EQ'd was far outside your line of sight but I left the gates closed to form a wall for Seven Deadly Sins.

I honestly thought I left 200k MU in the city before I went inactive but I only left 100k- much easier to EQ. 

Strategically it doesnt make sense for you to go for an EQ though.
EQing a target so far outside your range would cost A LOT of MT (not a lot of MU though because the target had weak defense) but more importantly:

This reveals that Team B must have an alliance with Imperium (and Seven Deadly Sins), which is fine, but choosing to EQ a third-party spoonfeeds the win to Imperium.

I'd give Imperium a hard time about forming an alliance on a map where theyre the strongest kingdom by far but everyone knows that Imperium left Team B alone for the same reasons TROGDAR did: its good for the health of the game.

21:13:51 May 7th 22 - Venus (Mr. Alexander of Macedon):

Honestly, given what you said above, you're our only real target left on the map, besides the inactive Dwarf by me (which we're taking out too).

I also did it blindly, I didn't eits till after because I didn't want to break range.  I couldn't reach your other 200k, btw, I do know where it is. :)

As for the MT cost, 7 ticks of income and a little over a RL day to build.  Blew way more than that EQing Berserkerz. :)

21:31:23 May 7th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

You dont have LOS on either 200k unless I close the gates to help wall off Seven Deadly Sins, youre EQing from 1 corner to the other.

Team B has multiple potential targets/threats left
Imperium's last remaining large threat is TROGDAR

If your goal is to set Imperium up for the win at the risk of having your kingdom attacked then you made the right move, but in most cases I think players would avoid the EQ you went for because:

1. It is almost as costly to you as it is to me (19 ticks of my income vs 12ish of yours?)
2. It potentially harms your kingdom if I retaliate

Realistically it's still more fun for everyone if I don't attack Team B and I focus efforts on the winning kingdom.

It would be extremely lame if I just got mad and abandoned my position to wipe out the weakest kingdom instead of trying to battle the strongest kingdom, so I think I just carry on.

21:39:30 May 7th 22 - Matthew (Chief Trogdar):

Curiosity question for Venus/Gollum:

Does your 90k Magic Tower city have range from the lower-right corner all the way up to the upper-left corner?

I ask because you have range from the lower-right corner up to the upper-right corner, which would have taken more than 50k Magic Towers, which makes me assume you just went all-in and built a full 90k Magic Tower city. 

You must have range from the bottom-right to the lower-left as well, but does your range extend all the way to the upper-left corner too?

For some reason I really it works like that.

Tell us how far your magic range is with a 90k MT city.

23:03:29 May 7th 22 - Venus (Mr. Alexander of Macedon):


Curiosity question for Venus/Gollum:

Does your 90k Magic Tower city have range from the lower-right corner all the way up to the upper-left corner?

I ask because you have range from the lower-right corner up to the upper-right corner, which would have taken more than 50k Magic Towers, which makes me assume you just went all-in and built a full 90k Magic Tower city. 

You must have range from the bottom-right to the lower-left as well, but does your range extend all the way to the upper-left corner too?

For some reason I really it works like that.

Tell us how far your magic range is with a 90k MT city.

I'm NOT in the far bottom right corner, obviously.  As I stated, I needed 45k MT (42.5k actually gives range, btw).  Your city of Trogdar is approximately 28 scout ticks from my magic city, and I'm Elf.

If Team B is napped to 7DS and Imperium as you said, who else is left?

I actually do have range to most of the top left, but as I already stated I can't reach your other 90k (and again I know its exact location but out of courtesy I won't describe it).

23:23:27 May 7th 22 - Venus (Mr. Alexander of Macedon):


You dont have LOS on either 200k unless I close the gates to help wall off Seven Deadly Sins, youre EQing from 1 corner to the other.

Team B has multiple potential targets/threats left
Imperium's last remaining large threat is TROGDAR

If your goal is to set Imperium up for the win at the risk of having your kingdom attacked then you made the right move, but in most cases I think players would avoid the EQ you went for because:

1. It is almost as costly to you as it is to me (19 ticks of my income vs 12ish of yours?)
2. It potentially harms your kingdom if I retaliate

Realistically it's still more fun for everyone if I don't attack Team B and I focus efforts on the winning kingdom.

It would be extremely lame if I just got mad and abandoned my position to wipe out the weakest kingdom instead of trying to battle the strongest kingdom, so I think I just carry on.

I correctly stated my loss, I'm an experienced mage.  You can ask Berserkerz how much damage they took from me.

It would've been more fun if you hadn't gone inactive and went for the strongest kingdom, yes, but I did note that your city probably didn't have a really large army due to where it placed on HoH (I won't reveal its composition here).

I highly doubt my EQ of you affected whether Imperium wins or not.  While it COULD affect how Team B finishes the era, I wouldn't have attacked as a rogue.

And lastly, I didn't know you mostly went inactive.   It's pretty much the end of the era.  Konspyre said it best, and I won't repeat his words.

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