Forums / In game politics / Valhalla?

20:21:38 Mar 14th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Iew! You've got insects on Valhalla?! Glad we left :)

23:00:22 Mar 14th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

Skinny Vinny...your Angels KD lost against 1 Abydonian...plz...fok off from these lands!

18:12:33 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

there was only one angels member on val... skinny vinny. so skinny vinny lost to 1 abydonian?

18:14:40 Mar 16th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Gods Fort

City Info
Owner: Mr. Famous Kingdom Banner
Size: 12612 building(s).
Kingdom: Angels
Gates: closed

Looks like Skinny got a new name...You cannot see everything Kath.  I am sure there were at least 1-2 other members besides Famous and Skinny, but that is just from seeing a lot of their armies.

EDIT - Remembered that Hel The Sunshine was there also and died as well.  There was also Arthur Dent.

18:17:04 Mar 16th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

o yea i forgot them. and it was a question but im lazy so only put a ? at the end.

19:08:07 Mar 16th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

and a bunch of others who "thought" they could handle 1 player...I've seen nothing but lvl 1-2 troops...bunch of nabs!

23:50:28 Mar 21st 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

sooooo...anything happening here at all?!

00:06:06 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

We trying to get back on but... not too sure we will :P dno what else all we can see is our old cores(yes plural :'( Over 70% of valhalla used to be ours)

00:27:44 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

70% is a rather nice exaggeration :)  I would give you...40% at best.

00:29:42 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

....  scientist. all of the cities south of our core were either ours or dark wolfe. as dark wolfe only had a small core. also there was our core. also there was all tha land Luna walves now has. also the land BC has now. also that strip of land you have. also our Second core Elemental sanctuary have.

at our peak the closes KD to us were Grave and they were 19 % of us.... so i dont think its exagarating.

[Grave] Elemental Graveyard
With Mr. Earth as leader.

[Abydos] Abydos
With Dark Lord Finwe as leader.

[LW] Luna Wolves
With Mr. Mako as leader.

[ES] Elemental Sanctuary
With Mr. Oxygen as leader.

[BoW] Brotherhood of the Wolf
With Wolflord Karac as leader.

[FS] Forgotten Shadow
With Mr. Eatmyegg as leader.

[WP] War Pigs
With Sir Jadbalja as leader.

[Soul] Rebirth
With Mr. Overcome as leader.

[BEAR] Bear Machines
With Mr. Bear Banger as leader.

[PE] Pwny Express
With Mr. Goth as leader.

And all of elementals sanctuaries land was at one point mine. well atleast most of it.(land on valhalla)

00:51:09 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Magnetassium:

*Laughs hard*

The map is bigger than the part you can see, Sepelchure Grail, that's quite clear from what you're saying :D

Just wanted to point out that your statement is quite insulting to kingdoms like DE, Bearmachines, Angels, Forgotten Shadow, and last but not least... my own kingdom... Most of our land was once yours??? Get the f* out of here! :D

But then again, he who doesn't know his facts, cannot be insulting...

*goes to his cozy little bed*

00:53:36 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

so magnetassium which land do you have? and wtf your nto even in ES your in Grave...

and how did i insult bear machines. ask them. we took there core. and then they took it back. so that land was at one point OURS. Angels.. they came to valhalla AFTER THE TIME im talking about. i know when they arrived as we are MAP'd with them.
DE..... we probably knew more about there land then you as we were there allies....
FS..... We could see there core.

in short i had FoW on and from it i could see how far i could see. except for the north east corner there wasnt much i couldnt so :P dont really matter to me.

00:59:51 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Magnetassium:

Oh you actually did mean ES, thought that was a typo.

Well then, let me go back to my cage.... wait, how many land does Iridium and his pals have here??? Why would it be relevant to state that his cities all once belonged to your kingdom, ES is small here....?

But anyway if you meant ES then I do not know how much was yours (and don't care) and you can scratch the insulting thing. I do know a lot of OUR land wasn't formally yours (hence mentioning other kingdoms), and considering we're the biggest kingdom now Sci must be much closer with his 40% than your 70%. That's what I wanted to state, thank you, I'm out.

01:05:45 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

i dont really care my point was WE WERE ON VALHALLA lol.

01:06:14 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Were, and about to be removed again :)

01:07:35 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

its valhalla.... hardly worth the bragging or the arguments. even if you did have 70% of valhalla big deal :) you dont anymore

02:09:40 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

with joint worlds the fact its valhalla means nothing.... all the KD's we fought this era were fant standard. with possibly exceptions to yours but if yours aint fant standard it would be because of your member count.

and apart from BC but that was like a 3 day war so...

02:17:11 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

what KD would you be talking about this time...member-count?! wtf?!

02:20:39 Mar 22nd 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

hey, about me losing in valhala, i am a freaking dwarf fighting you Berkeley as well as DMC.  dwarfs are bull*beep* anyway but consitering i had to split my forces that makes it worse.  also, i pulled out my remaining troops from fighting you to try to fight back against DMC.  so yes, you were able to beat a lone dwarf that was fighting you with less then half strength, cudos.

02:23:55 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

Abydos.. all i said is it has less members than most Fant KD's do right now... wtf everytihng i say seems to start arguements.

02:24:59 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

lol "half" your troops along with the rest of your bumbums who tried to stop my far for your "lone dwarf" it went easier then stealing a baby away from a pile of candy :)

02:26:57 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

lool good one berkeley

02:28:02 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

you don't need huge member counts to actually do great on just need good players, which we have...and you obviously lack as you need aid from "bigger KD's" to even try to regain 0.000005% of Valhalla-land of which you used to own said "70%" in the past...

02:32:23 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

.... why are you flaming/insulting me. all i said is you have less members than fant KD's so i dont personally think you would win fant as the other fant KD's also have as you say good players.

and also which land did we get help from DE taking. DE helped us to keep our land on armageddon. they havent entered Valhalla to help us at any point so.....

02:33:55 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Sir Sepelchure Grail


3/21/2009 9:32:23 PM
.... why are you flaming/insulting me.

Obviously Osi wouldn't be pissed if you did nothing :)  Must be the *cough*lies you spread earlier on and made yourself a permanent enemy of Abydos.

02:35:37 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

im not talking to osi im talking to demonic william berkeley. and its starting to piss me off.

lies i spread... I told one person who was IN YOUR FLIPPING KD that we were NAP'd because as far as i knew we were NAP'd....turns out we wernt. i accept that and fight you. notice how only YOU and YOUR KD have brought the false NAP thing public. so explain which lie i spread. o yeah i said he ignored my messages. OH NO CALL THE POLICE. you obviously just some sad people.

02:37:58 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

getting on Osi's bad side often results in many many maaaaany deaths on your side...for the restless eye of Abydos never sleeps, never blinks and never shows mercy to those who have been in his sight...

02:38:42 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

wtf... your comment didnt even make sense with what everyone has said.... and you've lost more troops than we even had so.....(to DE) and as that was a result of you attacking us i would say you lost more then us :P its just we didnt have alot to start with,.

02:39:36 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

o.. i didnt see the getting on osis bad side thing i apologize.

12:21:45 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

and you've lost more troops than we even had so.....(to DE)

i would say DE are on the losing side of kill count atm ^^

13:48:42 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

yeah but im not counting DE loses as our own im counting our losses against yours :P

14:33:19 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

so what kind of point are you trying to proove? you have no troops really to kill

17:54:01 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

I said that already...

my point was william said it will vause many many deaths on our side. but more of your men have died then ours.

18:10:01 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

and yet your the ones who keep asking for peace :D doesnt matter if we lose more we still win

18:13:22 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

yeah we do want peace.whats the point of us fighting for the last 5 days then ending up on a crappy world next era....

20:23:35 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Actually, you guys keep sending troops at me and I keep killing them at 100% :)

  1. Demonslayer Scientist has won 114 battles, captured 30 cities and killed a total of 65119 men and women.

Most of those are yours and I have probably lost maybe 5k in mages and 3-4k in AMs lol!

21:15:27 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

...... thats impossible because at max we have had about 40K. we still have about 29K so....

21:22:59 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

You barely even remember your member Mr. Aznkid and his constant flow of armies onto Valhalla that I keep killing.  It does add up you know? Oh, and the armies of yours I killed early on.  Must have been between 5-10k.

21:42:43 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

you killed 3K knights and like 5oo MU's of mine. and he has sent 2 brigades. one of which is still alive......

23:10:48 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

He has sent more than two.  Cannot remember what your own KD does? :p  Do I still need to save battle reports just to keep you honest?

00:12:02 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

well ive only seen two...... i dont sit here watching what everyone is sending at you :P

00:15:07 Mar 23rd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

That is because they disappear when they come close to my army :)

00:19:12 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

lol probably is

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