Forums / In game politics / The Recruitment Centre

The Recruitment Centre
21:25:07 Jul 11th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

well, you can have them if you want your kingdom to implode :P

22:16:37 Jul 11th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

lol no thanks

but why dont u join The Gladiators lew?

04:17:13 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Aries II:

Blood Lust

Kingdom Banner

Name: Blood Lust
Members: 11
Tag: Red
Created: 5/3/2009 12:35:36 PM
Leader: Mr. Aries II


If you send in an application, we wish to know a little bit about yourself. Even though we are newb friendly it still helps. Please tell us your era"s played, past kingdoms, and best race.

When entering you may or you may not choose to give the answer to this to Mr.Himanil, preferably you should.

"If your strategy gives the enemy a fair chance to fight, it sucks,
If you choose to be dishonourable, then you don"t belong here."

Apart from enquiring about this just message to Himanil a solution to this.

-If you are looking for relations please contact our diplomat, Himanil VI.

-If you wish to join BloodLust, talk to our recruiter, Kratos Wolf, before sending in an app. (Otherwise, it might be declined)

And good luck to you all! :)


We are recruiting for next era, if anyone wishes to join message myself, kratos wolf, or Himanil about joining.

14:20:39 Jul 14th 09 - Duke Pikachu:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Chocolate
Members: 23
Tag: Choc
Created: 3/28/2009 2:14:36 AM
Leader: Mr. Brannigans Law


Welcome to the smooth kingdom of Chocolate. we are sweet on the inside but hard on the outside! dont mess or you might choke!

watch out Fantasia



our kingdom theme tune:

Mr. Brannigans Law
  • Wolflord Karac
  • Duke Pikachu
  • Mr. Dargoth
  • Sir Justanius Fontainius XXI
  • Lord Stewie Griffin
  • ">Mr. Brannigans Law
  • Wolflord Karac
  • Duke Pikachu
  • Mr. Dargoth
  • Sir Justanius Fontainius XXI
  • Lord Stewie Griffin
  • " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

    brannigans sucks at positng KD info xD

    14:25:20 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

    PS. i hope noone can kick my members using that link

    14:46:16 Jul 14th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior King:

    That would be hilarious!!! No offense or anything Bran.

    02:14:15 Jul 15th 09 - General Zondervan:

    nope i tried lol

    02:39:20 Jul 15th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

    Tempted to join Chocolate, but I won't be around :)

    08:42:23 Jul 16th 09 - Mr. Unkown:

    Can i join ?

    i,m pretty good number 1 in midgard

    17:20:17 Jul 16th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

    Can i join ?

    i;m pretty good number 5 in fantasia

    14:16:27 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Caradoc:

    looking for a KD for next era...


    16:21:30 Jul 17th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

    Hey, I'm looking for a kd next era... for those that knew me i was Brutii, and have been playing for like ever but took a break 4 a while :)

    20:21:55 Jul 17th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

    Mr. Caradoc


    13:16:27 Jul 17th 09

    looking for a KD for next era...


    What is your experience with VU?

    23:32:35 Jul 17th 09 - Lord Deadpool:

    Don't worry Chade i think Caradoc needs to come back to PKS. ;-)

    17:17:40 Jul 20th 09 - Duke Windscar:

    lol just so it looks like its there:::


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Neon
    Members: 2
    Created: 7/20/2009 5:13:50 PM
    Leader: Duke Windscar



    Easy to see, but get too close and you"ll go blind!

    -=) RECRUITING (=-

    If you would like to join, send in your app with the following answered:
    > # of eras played?
    > What are some of your previous names and kingdoms?
    > How long do you plan to stay?
    > Have you been personally invited and if so who invited you?

    HF and GL to all!


    07:43:41 Jul 21st 09 - Mr. Koss:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: BioHazard
    Members: 2
    Created: 7/21/2009 6:02:57 AM
    Leader: Mr. Nice



    looking for both new and experienced players

    please send in with your application

     your race

    eras played (not that it really matters)


    and what world your on


    thanks and we are looking forward to hearing from you

    01:03:44 Jul 23rd 09 - Mr. Dregazhul:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Paranoid
    Members: 1
    Created: 7/23/2009 12:19:27 AM
    Leader: Mr. Dregazhul


    Accepting new members, Experience"s a big plus. In your Application write a few words about yourself.

    We look for new members but not for any price, applications like "hi can i join" will be rejected


    19:41:01 Jul 27th 09 - Guildmaster Chade:

    Guild Of The Fallen

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Guild Of The Fallen
    Members: 20
    Created: 3/30/2009 8:06:53 AM
    Leader: Guildmaster Chade


    Some former Brothers and Sisters of the Guild are welcome to rejoin in the search for honorable glory!!!

    Applications from former members of the Guild, experienced players (give us details for "eras played", "kingdoms played within", "previous known names") and invited players (in this case please state in your application "Invited by ........... "



    We are still recruiting in Nirvana, Armageddon and Fantasia (since we are based in three worlds) :P

    19:46:30 Jul 27th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

    Sol Invictus

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Sol Invictus
    Members: 11
    Created: 6/17/2009 10:09:52 PM
    Leader: Lord Polydeuces


    *~Sol Invictus~*

    We are a kingdom based on:

    We plan on working hard, and doing the best we possibly can to win our wars. We are going to be hell-bent on warring as much as we possibly can.

    We are currently recruiting a few more members if you would like to join send in an application with the following:

    -Era"s played
    -Past names
    -Past kingdoms
    -Race you plan to play (we will only allow one dwarf and one halfling)


    We are also recruiting, from any world... We need more members :).

    00:35:11 Jul 28th 09 - Mr. Kirby:

    Holy Sexy Union

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Holy Sexy Union
    Members: 5
    Created: 7/27/2009 7:39:40 AM
    Leader: Sir Sleperirth


    we iz sexxi

    do u think u are sexxi enough to join us?

    if u think send ur app


    09:16:47 Jul 28th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

    Sol Invictus would really like to have some more members to join us.  Looking for a couple more Mages preferably.  Please, if you are kingdomless, and/or looking for a new kingdom, send me a message, or an application!

    09:20:03 Jul 28th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

    Holy Sexy Union would really like to have some more members to join us.  Looking for a couple more Mages preferably.  Please, if you are kingdomless, and/or looking for a new kingdom, send me a message, or an application!

    heehee :P

    11:02:19 Jul 28th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

    Guild of the Fallen would really like to have some more members to join us.  Looking for a couple more not Mages preferably.  Please, if you are kingdomless, and/or looking for a new kingdom, send me a message, or an application!

    heehee :P

    heehee :P

    20:02:14 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Koss:

    biohazard needs more members a few mages would be nice but im sure we can make do without one :) but seriously we need more members so all of those people who dont have a kingdom feel free to send an app to us well accept


    20:06:05 Jul 29th 09 - Sir Sleperirth:

    holy sexy union needs more members a few mages would be nice but im sure we can make do without one :) but seriously we need more members so all of those people who dont have a kingdom feel free to send an app to us well accept

    heehee :P

    20:14:22 Jul 29th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

    Freedom Fighters of Nepal

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Freedom Fighters of Nepal
    Members: 1
    Created: 7/29/2009 8:06:26 PM
    Leader: Mr. Sun Warrior



    Currently recruiting active members. If you are interested please send in a app with these questions answered.

    * How many eras have you played?
    * Former names you went by?
    * How active will you be?


    17:31:01 Jul 30th 09 - Sir Ajax:

    I need a kingdom :(

    17:43:41 Jul 30th 09 - Lord Polydeuces:

    I need more members!!!

    18:49:50 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

    Sir Ajax, join my kingdom. I need some good players here on Fantasia.

    23:52:16 Jul 30th 09 - Mr. Abhishek:

    Desi Indians

    Name: Desi Indians
    Members: 1
    Created: 7/30/2009 5:00:41 AM
    Leader: Mr. Abhishek


    Desi Indians from India.

    People from all nationalities are welcome! Send in your applications.


    Mr. Abhishek

    19:17:18 Jul 31st 09 - Mr. Sun Warrior:

    I am joining you dude. I am giving everything up to join you so be prepared.

    14:23:30 Aug 1st 09 - Divine Elldorian:

    Lone Elven Raiders

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Lone Elven Raiders
    Members: 5
    Created: 7/31/2009 12:07:48 AM
    Leader: Divine Elldorian


    A single arrow soared skyward , its tip flaming, its trajectory curving in a graceful arc.

    the signal had been given.

    In a sweeping line abreast and with a shuddering of hooves, mounted cavalry emerged in a headlong charge for the camp. some had swords and clubs raised , others lances couched , and all were intent on destruction.

    A guard cried out and ran , throught fear or to alert. The gesture was fruitless. The Enemy were among them, hacking at the confused and rising enemy soldiers. bludgeoning and pinning the inert or slow. corpses lay blanket clad , larva- like , the whinnying of horses and shouts of men eddying in the maelstorm. Dawn was breaking.

    A process of elemination was under way, conducted with ruthless precision and effeciency.

    "Sieze everything of Value"

    We Ride alone. with no allies.

    For recruitment message

    Divine Elldorian


    Looking for about 10 more people. Do not need to be on talents so you know.

    13:53:29 Aug 5th 09 - Mr. Jellybean:

    Jelly Bean Empire

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Jelly Bean Empire
    Members: 8
    Created: 7/22/2009 10:28:52 AM
    Leader: Mr. Jellybean


    Join the Jelly Bean Empire all are allowed as long as they are loyal, invites will be acepted very quickly
    Requests acepted within 1-30 mins


    19:51:56 Aug 5th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

    The Randomators

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: The Randomators
    Members: 2
    Created: 8/5/2009 7:16:18 PM
    Leader: Duke Windscar The Random


    Our theme is randomness
    We make everything random
    We are The Randomators!

    send your app with the following answered:

    how many eras have you played?
    what are your past names and kd"s?
    whats your fav race?
    how long do you plan to stay a randomator?


    This kd is dedicated to the king of random,
    Random, himself aka raichu

    * Mr. Bragi takes a step back *


    03:24:28 Aug 6th 09 - Mr. Ninja Aburame:


    Name: NightWish
    Members: 1
    Created: 8/6/2009 3:13:14 AM
    Leader: Mr. Ninja Aburame

    There was a child who had a wish, a wish of having wings hes wish become true but what he didnt know was to whom he was making the wish to so the dark angel wings you shall have; dark wings, then the kid grew and grew up as hes wings did the same and he came by a day of creating a kingdom for people who would fight till the end...


    if you have a problems with the kingdom talk with the leader or the vices.

    Mr. Ninja Aburame

    23:08:37 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Haribs Del Nacho:

    Haribs is looking for a place to stay!

    Hey guys, trying for my second comeback after choco disbanded :'(

    so im lookign for a kingdom that will hire me and probably (if its a friendly enviroment) I will stay era' s long till the game got changed to much and its starting to fail.

    I played from era 36 look up haribs in history...

    also you can see wich kingdoms i went in, its not my fault they all disbanded :p...

    I can play all the races, but i prefer the trolls or human since they are the more balanced in my opinion..

    just pm me if someone wants me :)

    23:53:06 Aug 6th 09 - Sir Haribs Without Good Nickname:

    my post already been fixed, im now HIV positive, thnx rebirth for not accepting me, to bad would have been fun, now im with these guys and got hiv :p

    04:25:56 Aug 9th 09 - Mr. Rendezvous:


    Members: 2
    created: 5/7/09
    leader: Rendezvous


    We are recruiting members at the latha sever anyone can join so long as they stay active





    We are going to establish a pseudo democratic KD in latha with growing experience and active gameplay. We are willing to show the path for new lings help them enjoy this game the way that they want it to be. At the moment it is a good time to join for the watchfull peace is still in balance

    15:58:51 Aug 14th 09 - Mr. Zippo:


    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Nobodies
    Members: 2
    Created: 8/14/2009 12:31:41 PM
    Leader: Mr. Zippo


    We Are The Nobodies.
    We aRe a Team ,So we fight as a Team.
    We Do not give Up.
    We Will Help Are Fellow kgd"s in Need.

    We Are On the moment RECRUITING
    So Please Tells Us The Following.
    *Era"s Played.
    *What Kingdoms have you been in.
    *And somthing about Yourself


    If you want to discuss relations, contact Me(Zippo)


    Where in Fensteria and And in starta.

    And almost anyone can join on the moment

    05:08:28 Aug 29th 09 - Duke Kev The Reanimated:

    Royal order of Claidmore

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Royal order of Claidmore
    Members: 20
    Created: 8/10/2009 10:56:37 PM
    Leader: Duke Kev The Reanimated


    It is curious—curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.-- Mark Twain

    Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.-- E. F. Schumacher

    In the end, they wanted security more than they wanted freedom. --Edward Gibbon

    To know how to say what other people only think, is what makes men poets and sages; and to dare to say what others only dare to think, makes men martyrs or reformers. --Elizabeth Rundle

    I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is -try to please everybody.--Herbert Bayard Swope

    “When a cause comes along and you know in your bones that it is just, yet refuse to defend it—at that moment you begin to die. And I have never seen so many corpses walking around talking about justice.” - Mumia Abu-Jamal

    “The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.” Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
    - Peter Drucker

    Kingdom Information:

    Currently residing on Latha, just a lil" dress rehearsal for the big dance :)
    Please feel free to apply, just tell us who your are/ were and what you want in a KD.

    Please direct Diplomacy to Kev, it is his turn to suffer. Thank You


    ROC is back!  Looking for old and new members for next era.  We intend on being a force and need reliable, active people to fill positions.  Willing to train new comers as well.... Thanks

    16:16:36 Sep 1st 09 - Mr. Gankenstein:

    Looking for guild for upcoming Era, prefer a guild that is stable and on fant.

    Decent amount of Exp. little rusty though as I have had a break. Will play either Orc/Human.

    02:27:10 Sep 4th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

    Guild Of The Fallen

    Name: Guild Of The Fallen
    Members: 17
    Created: 3/30/2009 8:06:53 AM
    Leader: Junior Guildmaster Shmeh


    Some former Brothers and Sisters of the Guild are welcome to rejoin in the search for honorable glory!!!

    Applications from former members of the Guild, experienced players (give us details for "eras played", "kingdoms played within", "previous known names") and invited players (in this case please state in your application "Invited by ........... "

    For issues related war and alliances in Armageddon, contact Dread

    [ ~ # CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR ERA's 41-42 # ~ ]
    Junior Guildmaster Shmeh
    Junior Guildmaster Dragon
    Mr. Roheran
    Guildmaster Chade
    Mr. Dread
    Mr. Jay

    21:21:16 Sep 4th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

    We are looking for 3 more expirenced players for Black Flag, we aim to be affective with only 5 players, its a challenge are YOU up for it?

    Send a mail explaining background to apply.

    21:26:48 Sep 4th 09 - Mr. Vangard:

    Looking for kd for next era.  Played 10+ eras, usually go dwarf or elf, if ur looking for some1 pm ingame.

    12:43:10 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Jelly:

    Jelly Bean Empire

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Jelly Bean Empire
    Members: 2
    Created: 7/22/2009 10:28:52 AM
    Leader: Mr. Jelly


    Join the Jelly Bean Empire all are allowed as long as they are loyal, invites will be acepted very quickly
    Requests acepted within 1-30 mins



    Join now guys we know that once era starts we will have around 5 members so dont be put off by are size

    12:46:03 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

    Nebulous Elysium Guards

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Nebulous Elysium Guards
    Members: 7
    Created: 9/5/2009 2:15:12 AM
    Leader: Mr. Velirixius The Archwizard



    15:34:06 Sep 5th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

    Guild Of The Fallen

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Guild Of The Fallen
    Members: 14
    Created: 3/30/2009 8:06:53 AM
    Leader: Junior Guildmaster Shmeh


    Some former Brothers and Sisters of the Guild are welcome to rejoin in the search for honorable glory!!!

    Applications from former members of the Guild, experienced players (give us details for "eras played", "kingdoms played within", "previous known names") and invited players (in this case please state in your application "Invited by ........... "


    We want you!


    21:14:35 Sep 5th 09 - Mr. Hamish:

    OK we need two more active players, who is up for a challenge? gona take dowen the whole map (with a MAP or two) with only 5 players. Roll up... Roll up... last chance to be a hero.


    00:19:54 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Pointbreak:

    Nebulous Elysium Guards

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Nebulous Elysium Guards
    Members: 9
    Created: 9/5/2009 2:15:12 AM
    Leader: Mr. Pointbreak


    Members of VU,

    To be within our ranks of the Guardians of Elysiums... we must need to know your past experiences.

    - How long have you played VU for?
    - What kingdom(s) were you in last era?
    - What character do you usually play as?

    - Age
    - Where you live
    - Time displacement (Ex: GMT -7)

    All are welcome just simply fill us in on the Info above in your application to The Elysium Guards


    03:44:59 Sep 6th 09 - Mr. Justin:

    Demons of Razgriz

    Kingdom Banner

    Name: Demons of Razgriz
    Members: 2
    Created: 9/6/2009 3:39:12 AM
    Leader: Mr. Justin


    This kingdom is devoted to training people for their VU career. We will train you to the best of our abilities. It doesnt matter what race you choose, we have played them all. My vices and myself will break you in soft and help with each of your individual needs. This kingdom is also based on teamwork and friendship. If you are with us you are part of our family, our team and our friendship and will be treated as such.

    The bretheren of The Demons of Razgriz, forged in the pits of hell and brought to this land by the devil himself.

    Three lords, Justin The Dark, Phoenix The Great, and Brutii The Wise sought out to rain death and destruction upon the land. With this in mind, Demons of Razgriz were forged.

    =====We are the Demons of Razgriz=====
    We are a kingdom of brothers and companions. Where one goes we all go. We all work together to strive for one common goal. Teamwork and Communication is a necessity and a mandatory in our kd

    If you wish to join us in our Crusade then fill out an application. We dont care if your new or experienced, all are most welcomed.

    Please include this information in your application, Thank You.

    -New or Experienced
    -Eras played
    -Previous Kingdoms
    -What are your intentions in joining us
    -How long do you plan to stay


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