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Jesus as a Roman
09:20:21 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

hey i should be jesus' buddy lol my name suits it perfectly

12:31:39 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

dude are you kinda stupid we are talking about respect and you say *beep*ishly "hey i should be jesus' buddy lol my name suits it perfectly" let your mom take you to a doctor .

18:16:28 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

mbeidas, your writing style is very confusing. im not sure if you are for real or just some young kid pretending to be a muslim. anyway, in palestine israeli are the latest invaders, i know that. that land has been conquered and reconquered so many times. if you people, jews,muslims, christians, whatever just forgot about your religion and started voting in a democractic fashion, that would solve your problems. i know perfectly well that you wont so keep on warring as long as you like. you have your religions and you like killing each other for one reason or another so please, dont let me disturb. im not american, im from finland. just please keep it between your cultures and countries who support either side. try to avoid killing innocent bystanders.

18:48:09 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

1) jews made israel on a base on their relegion no body can forget his relegion GOD said :" if we muslims do things for god god will victory us .

i dont know how to say it that if we victory god got will give us victory no body can forget his relegion all the fighting goes cuz the deffernet nations and relegions crusades came for relegion points we cant do as because we muslims did it before cuz we forgot our relegion and fought for sovits and for nats and we losed but now we fight for GOD and we are winning i know we losed but wining now is more as lebanon won on israel .

and give me points how i pretend to be a muslims give me a proof i am not .

18:49:42 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

and if i am not muslims i am becomeing now i witness that ther is only one god and mohamad is his prophet and please dont change the subject.

18:58:33 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

islam fights for supreme points :

1) to save people from cruel people .

2) to find a good place to serve god .

3) to make the muslim nation strong and been feared by anther people .

and we have them in holy koran .

1)we dont attack for petrol .as america

2)we dont attack to be the world strongest nation as america and sovits fought.

3) we dont fight becasue in some way we have right to kill people with nucler as america did with japan and use it but iran and north korea not allowed cuz we are not allince as america .

why its right for all the allince to america even finland to have the power and we cant . arabs tought eurpoe the math in past .arab tought europe the coffe and suger . arab even tought europe the shampoo we didnt learn them guns and so .

19:20:37 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

You cant save people from cruel people by attacking them. You are cruel if you do. You can save people from cruelty by leaving them in peace.

I know Israelis are cruel too, but it does not help anything if you both are equally cruel to each other.

You need a good place to worship Allah? What is wrong with your current place. Im sure Allah lets you worship anywhere you like. You dont have to attack anyone for that.

First you say you dont fight for power then you say you do. Cant you see your own words contradict? To me you sound a bit mixed. Maybe you should consult a therapist and not some Imaam. I like discussing with you but you sound very worrying to me. You are full of hate obviously and your thoughts are not very clear. I hope you continue speaking with people and dont do anything stupid.

Why dont you just discuss and try to learn in peace? Why do you have to fight?

If you would fight for petroleum, at least we could make a deal to end the war. When you are fighting for religion that is really bad because there is nothing anyone can do to stop you from fighting, except killing you. It is better not to fight, but if you do, you will end up dead. If you remain peaceful, we can talk and live our lives happily.

We dont want religious fanatics have nuclear weapons because they could use them even more easily than the current nuclear countries would.

20:07:31 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Sakaal:

Mbeidas, I dont worship any God, but I think that 2000 years ago a man called Jesus existed and he taught people some very good advice. Love your enemy. They are just humans like yourself. Treat other people like you want to be treated yourself.

I dont think Jesus was a son of any God, but I do believe he had many great ideas and he teached those ideas to people. It is better do it that way.

Teach people, talk to them. Dont fight.

You can argue verbally, but never make it physical. When you do, people will start to get hurt and it will escalate beyond control. If you fight, you, and your loved ones will get hurt, on both sides.

You are not strong if you are feared. Fear only makes man weak. Fighting makes man weak.

You are strong when you are loved. You are strong when you love. If you want strength, find love.

20:32:18 Jun 27th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

@ Mbeidas

Shut up and learn what your talking about before you say a thing. First how stupid (no offense......well maybe to Mbeidas) are muslims? They TIHNK they will go to thier "paradise" for blowing themselves up and Killing Other People. I know not all of them are like that but that's just a plain stupid idea. Mbeidas you're right, the Muslims have had a great influence on Europe, and todays world might not be as it is if they havn't fought Europe. But right now Muslims are moving backwards, not forwards. Saladin had the right idea, don't fight, make peace. But Muslims are moving away from his idea.

Also just to tell you, America bombed Japan because they would not surrender. Also in 20-30 years Iraq will be so much better place to live thanks to the U.S. Where would Iraq be after Hussain died? I will tell you, in a cival war, much worse then it is now. I don't know, maybe they should of left Iraw alone to kill themselves.

08:57:52 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

i respect mr saakal with every word but you anyalius i only just dont respect you cuz i said before i wont say jews or just our eneimes fights in uniform so do that make them the right i know the best defence is attack but dont leave people with no house cuz 3 men only died .

japan was bombed cuz it was natz allies so what it refuse serrunder so u bombed it and its forcing as you make it the angels oh they refused surrender so u have reason to make them monsters looking people iraq is been taking for 5 years give us positive. to think in it .

as islam save people it treated them in good way if not ask the orthodux in jerusalem when it was freedom by muslims they was trated better than roman that what i mean it just their is no same way in translating and holy koran is only arabian boob i had hard to translate .

civial war as i think america is making the civial war .

saladin didnt have the idea of peace when jerusalem was taking by the crusaders he asked the peace when he get them off our lands .

i have a point on the fear .   if a normal kid i am not saying fear you as when he sees you as he saw devil no it means that no body attack it cuz he knows he will lose .    the find a place to serve god is mean as jerusalem is was freedom by muslims cuz its the gates of heaven and mohamad gone their in the speed of light and go to see god .

13:58:44 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

the only reason Islam grew so quickly was because when if first started they dominated in battle. Then gave choice of death or Islam to anyone they conquered.

17:07:21 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

That's true, I read somewhere that one time 10 Templar Knights where captured by the Islam. All 10 where given the choice of either life as an Islam or death right there. One by one, each of them lost thier heads, but they did not give in.

Also on an another note.......isn't like all gods near Europe are the same? Chirstians have one god, Muslims have one god, Jews have one god (not sure with Jews) but either way, 3 relegions, 3 ONE Gods......doesn't that say something? Hell maybe IT'S THE SAME GONE.

just God favors the Christians a bit more=P

20:37:08 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

The jewish God and Christian God are the same God. Because Christianity came from Judaism  after Christ came . The jews don't believe that Jesus was Christ, but they still believe in the same God. Islam was based at that point off of Judaism. A lot of the same people have major importance in all the Religions like Abraham and moses and a few others. The religions have similarities, in my opinion two of them have a lot of falsehood also.

23:25:41 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

those templars attacked the pilgrams of muslims going kaiba and the pilgrams said i got the leader name its "arnat" but he said the leader to let your mohamad get you out and kill them .

but i got evidence from chrtions before muslims history people that when jerusalem was been killed when the crusades came  .

look tell me how can a 5 muslims began a war with all the people in mecca how islam would be gone and saladin was after hotin after he capture arnat he treated the king of jerusalem as they said good and kindly and its story that saladin capture them he gave the king water to drink the king drink and pass it to arnat saladin got angried he sweared to kill arnat he got his sword and let him choose again he gave him his chance he didnt want .

and the templars wasnt the same who was killed cuz it was long after saladin won heten but he killed the jerusalem emplars and for information they was nt priests it was only a name .

23:33:32 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

i am with Arthion 100%   thats why i told you the battle between muslims and jews koran and old testemnt has same hisorical points we came from a father name ismaeel and it was brother to ishak which they came from . ismaeel gone to arebia desert when he was a baby .

jews as my history book in palestine say :in holy koran ther is much if you want more they made ther history black and they lied till it became normal and they betrayed and attack from behind to get ther wealth and its not new they lied and lied to convence the world palestine land for them and they know they are not the owner of (i donno its the leangh from thumb to anther ) and they know that all bad will be put on them till armgdon

23:40:26 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

When Abraham sinned and slept with his servant to have a child; Ishmael was the result. God told Abraham that The decedents of Ishmael(Muslims) would be a problem for Abraham's decedents (the Jews), as a punishment for the sin Abraham committed. Thats where Islam came from, and thats also why they hate each other so much.

23:44:51 Jun 28th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

no you cant say a prophet made a wrong

abrahem has a wife named sarah (mother of ishak) but he married her along and she didnt get kids so he married his servent hajar and got from her ismaeel after a month from ismaeel ishak was born so because ebraheem didnt want them to be togather because deffernet moms but god said no then god said yes to make aribia place of arabs its after ebrheem put them in desert water came from the ground and people lived and settle ther to make the arabia and then islam .  all was st rom beging

00:00:53 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

That didn't contradict what I said at all you just described it a little more.
And what do you mean
"no you cant say a prophet made a wrong"

01:54:41 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

prophets knows the pure right and the pure wrong so they cant make a wrong

02:15:30 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

So sleeping with someone other than your wife is ok in your religion; just like Abraham who God had told he would give a son through Sarah but he didn't believe God and took matters into his own hands.
I'm not trying to  put down Abe he was one of the most Faithful men in the bible.I'm just telling the facts.

06:10:10 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

lol lol how i didnt think your stupid so much i told you they married married MARRIED because sarah didnt give childrens and is fine if the wife agreed and she agreed .

and i told you prophets cant make wrong because he knows thats aint right .

he put them in desert as GOD commands GOD wanted to seprate the muslims decnet from jews as also to make reasons came in history later as kaiba was built with ismaeel and ibraheen so and to make kaiba for muslims .

and dont say that about prphet cuz if you understand i would kill myself not to understand you shame on me and you.

09:54:06 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

and yea its the same GOD the almighty muslims and chrtions and jews worship ONE GOD and moses and jesus and mohamad came in a message to warship him cuz he is the only GOD creator of everything so that he is the only one gave us merecales and evidences that he is the only and it must be worship by all humans . and i respect if you people who worshiping stones dont talk or move you make it , or nothing .

GOD favor those relegions all not only chrtions . and the favor was worshiping him and pray to him i think he gave those relegions advantges and disadvantges and if you get total of it we are same on one say : WE PRAY TO YOU GOD OF EVERYTHING.

09:55:26 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

and i respect if you people who worshiping stones dont talk or move you make it , or nothing .


13:46:52 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

So your just saying Abe had more than one wife, thats also a sin in Gods law. God uses IMPERFECT people to do his will they still sin, but they are very Godly people, and they point to the perfect person that did Gods will, Christ.

16:32:50 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

in islam you can have four (the most number and sombody must be ill to do it ) i know in chrtion only 1 but abrehem didnt folo a relegion cuz ther was no 1 yet his decent made all

22:21:00 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

So tell me this Mbeidas, back whenever. Pagans thought that whoever won battles and so forth meant thier gods where stronger and so on their side? So if this is true Pagan's Gods have been around since the first relegion started (before christianity and muslim and so forth). Does that mean the Pagan gods where the "real" gods for all those centuries?

Also on a side note, Mbeidas learn to spell for Gods Sake! It's already hard enough to understand your horrible sentence structure, but your spelling is just a killer! Lol, let an english teacher in here and he would go beserk =P

23:24:14 Jun 29th 07 - Mr. Sakaal II:

Mbeidas, listen to Enyalius--there is a good reason for you to learn better English, I mean if you want to keep writing in English.

Because you can't express yourself clearly, people may think you can't think clrearly either. You make a very uneducated and confusing impression of yourself. The reader can't help thinking you have some loose screws and therefore won't take you seriously. If you learn the language better, you can then write and maybe even think more clearly. People may start to actually listen what you have to say.

Currently your writing makes the reader laugh and cry at the same time--when we are not too confused trying to figure out what are you trying to say that is. And I am not trying to make fun of you here, I am just giving you some advice you really seem to need.

Really, keep on writing, but try to learn how to write better!

And, if you are a joker who amuses himself by spamming all the threads, still you could make your hobby more useful by at least spamming in good English.

05:55:34 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

i am arabian but you talk english and i can speak but i cant writes well  mean i can write but things i dont use alot of english i forget it and i am on base to learn all the history of all people i am tryin i know i am not gona do that .

ah ah ah what in hell and seven seas let me say the devil understand my talking and you dont .

ther is nothin named pegan if victory came from somthing it came from GOD for any both fighting even if they dont worship him cuz god will choose who will win from both .

omg oh they won and they said that myth let them won give me proof i am talking in GOD's proofs which is bibel and koran and some old testemnt as reader for the first and want to read the third .

look look the problem that i am translating the arb  meanings cuz i dont have knolidge in alot of english phases so i translate arabia phases .

omg i like to make people laugh and cry .  but laugh when they do good thing and cry when they enter the islam or the chrtion to start a new life and forget the past .

06:11:12 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Mbeidas, I don't mind the spelling as much as your sentece structure. It's kinda confusing, half the time I don't knwo what your saying, for real. Like this
ther is nothin named pegan if victory came from somthing it came from GOD for any both fighting even if they dont worship him cuz god will choose who will win from both . I got from that, that God decides which side wins? Also I have a problem with that. If you say God decides which side wins, then God is with America. You've been putting down America for a while now, but God is with them by your accounts. Also that's not true, i'm a logical person. If the other side has better disciplene, better equipment, better moral, and a better general there's no way possible that they will lose against an army that has poor desciplane, poor equipment, poor moral, and a poor generals. You want proof of this? The Romans.......Byzintine Empire......both Kingdoms lasted over 1,000 years. If you want to count the Byzintine Empire as the Romans (which I do) The Roman Empire technically lasted over 2,000 years, and then some. Because Rome is still in power, the Pope is there, or how about the Holy Roman Empire? So you're saying God decides who is in power? You're saying that it's God who keeps Rome so strong? Well I say it's the men, without the troops, without thier support there would be no Rome. Also come to think about it, people need God, whether he's there or not. If there was no God, havoc would rule the world, we would be nothing more then advanced animals fighting each other.

06:25:20 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

we have a sentence in koran said omg i wil translate but to let you understand

if we fight and if we rise his name up he will rise and give us victory thats why most of the arabs countries are not with GOD so that god dont give victory for us if we rise his name to fight for it as omar bn alhtabsaid:

we win because the enmeies faults not warshiping god if we even them with this fualt the power will be here as if the more and equpments and that thats why lebanon won at 2006 and thats why the egyptions lost on 1967 althought the egyption army only was bigger than the israeli without taking the jordan and strians and lebanon and troops caming from iraq .

you understand that cuz we not unite under the flag of GOD we keep losing but when people like hamas fight for GOD and america knows that hamas can beat it for that reason so they named every man a terorist cuz they are stronger .

even jews have this they also keep wining in this way they made a rebal in past of romans more than 1/4 of roamn army gone only to put rebals down as more than 6 legions as like 36,000 roman only for 5000 not so power but when the jews say oh we can take romans they start to be weak cuz they said no we take them our selves and forgot GOD so GOD forgot as its only meaning GOD dont forget gave it to roamns .

but loyalty and as i said if we even with the fult the power came as in bonitic war between romans and carthage both didnt worship GOD so power came and loyalty of roamns to rome won them the war and carthage losed all as they said a legion had control of all the north africa fighting all rebals .

GOD dont need us but we need GOD .


16:44:56 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Ok show me proof of that rebellion, where 36k Legionairs could not bring down 5k peasents, I want written proof by a real expert.

Rome AND Carthage both had Gods, I guess Rome's Gods where just stronger then any other God for 1.5k some years.

16:57:07 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

the proof is that the money taking from soliman temple used to build the colusium .

carthage are phinx and phinx are canan and hanibal mean bal worshiper and bal was god of canans . he was oldest as they say even from rome 6000 year from now oh i am palestine as son of the giants lol.

no hanibal troops wher cavarly he couldnt seige rome well so he fall and royalty of the people of rome and around helped too lol .

God says who be victory and that have reaso0n to make the romans become chrtions later and to make jerusalem after the banner of chrtions to be freedom by muslims in 636 .


23:31:26 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Ok I want Proof that most of his army where Calvary. Also you can still siege a city with PURE calvery, you just get off the freaking horse!

23:54:20 Jun 30th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Wasn't hannibal the *beep* who lost his elephant calvary in the alps?

05:38:37 Jul 1st 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

he liked horses and thought it would be good in everything no you cant leave horses its walking militry to put seiging things .

i donno but he had a lot of allies to destroy romans and between them gauls in france in alps .

after this war a caser wished to attack britain it was going to moon for romans he brought elephents to let them see a big animals they were scared after him hedrians built his wall .

22:24:39 Jul 4th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

Mr. Mbeidas

Edit post

7/4/2007 5:12:38 PM

to some people first thing god creat was a pen and ordered him to wright so it wrote the quran .

ok i am home i will write the evidence here and then copy paste it in jesus as roman and in universe creation also the great evidence that quran is a book from god  which mean ther is one and he made the universe a thing quran said it will happen and it happened in 7 years later as it said .

"the persian emparor attack what is now palestine and syria he took the money from most of churchs and the jews was fighting with him as rebels on the eastern roman empire because they treated them bad .

as the koran say in a verse named as "roman verse" 

alm * the romans were beaten * in the lowest land and after they are beaten they will beat their enemies  *  in few years , god who have the choise what to happened before and after , and when that happened the faithfull will be happy   *   

god is always truly say

now this is the subject the , this is your life barny ,sakaal , iwasfrozen , dake

and all people on earth its the proof evidence

i will translate all now         alm   its alot of words starting in koran when mohamad told us he said god didnt give me the meanings of them so i dont know .

the romans were beaten    the romans was beaten by persia and the historical right i looked in internet also the romans were beaten by persia and alot of people said romans will not get palestine and syria back .

abu baker after he heared the words from mohamad he said its ight but the people of mecca said its imposible and mohamad is lieing all notice that this meaned they were still in mecca and before the leaving to al madina in 1 year 

in the lowest land and after they are beaten they will beat their enemies 

this is the coolest thing , if mohamad really invent the koran the lowest land ment   in JERCHO in palestine its the lowest land like 400- low than the sea and historical it says that the final battle between persia and romans to get back palestine was near jericho and they won. 

now tell me people only knew that jericho was the lowest land in the 20 sentures how mohamad knew before 1428 or 1427 cuz we said it was 1 year before the leaving .

in few years , god who have the choise what to happened before and after , and when that happened the faithfull will be happy .

the few is always known as 3 - 9 . romans got palestine back in 7 years and koran said  in few ye*beep*M>, its historical and i cheked all that took me time and i was in my uncle's house that's also took me time .

and when that happened the faithfull will be happy .

the pretty good thing that abu baker wagered the mecca people on 100 camel (that was before the wager is bad in consider of islam)  it was always bad but islam took the learning little and little as you cant change in a day and night.

back the proof the chrtions are not the faithfull will be happy they got back no no the meaning was

1) mohamad and the small bunsh of muslims made their point that koran is right.

2)abu baker won 100 camel but he didnt have them cuz in this 7 years the wager is said to be bad and not good .


i wish all world read this cuz i want to help you

thanks for reading

mbeidas          i am not gonna die why i am saying this

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