Forums / Roleplaying / VU Gods

VU Gods
02:37:38 Feb 19th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I agree

and for some reason i dont fully get the purpose of this... Maybe its just me or my lack of intent of reading ALL of this thread, but the reason has evaded me.

also it is sad that i am not on here


02:52:15 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cow:

Its just to point out the various important people of VU history(Keyword: HISTORY) im guessing. Whats all this new people nonsense anyways?

P.S. Uther, you should definitely be on the list.

06:31:19 Feb 19th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Thank you...

i now feel loved


06:57:09 Feb 19th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

omfg... not the cow god

16:18:55 Feb 19th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Mr. Might The God of Cow


20:24:24 Feb 18th 10
First of all, the God of Kittens is above me? What has happened sense I was gone? and second of all... why has the name length been shortened cause I can't fit my s at the end of "Cows"
Basically Septim said that we should remove all inactive/nubish people on the list or demote them ;D

16:33:50 Feb 19th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

Charley's been here since you left, non-stop. If you want to be back up in rank, stay active. >=D

16:44:17 Feb 19th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Im lost on whats going on here, can someone explain this to me?

00:52:19 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Might The God of Cow:

Basically if you want to be a god, stay active and get known for something Uther. So basically keep staying awesome.

00:57:41 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Who the hell would want to be a god of the fattest, smelliest, moronic animals on the planet?

Lol jk, cows are tasty.

19:47:37 Feb 20th 10 - King Charley The Webnazi Kgb Mod:

Careful...the cows are more vicious than you give them credit for :O

17:59:21 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Salaracen Scranoi:

I wish someone would hurry up and get engaged so I can marry them D';

02:27:08 Apr 8th 10 - Sir Yellow The Brave:

This thing is still going haha?

Oh good times

10:53:01 Apr 8th 10 - Mr. Salaracen Scranoi:

Revenge! Do yooou have the urge to get married to someone?

22:17:44 Apr 18th 11 - Mr. Revenge Forum Banned:

Bump for this sht

00:22:41 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Koreh:

lol, Senturu is da PIMP!, although i never understood why i was the god of Evil Sp@m

09:49:08 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

Ahh VU gods.. was awesome till Charly showed up and made it what he wanted, Completly took over even tho he was a noob tard..

05:44:46 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Koreh:

that didnt answer mah question?

05:40:05 May 7th 11 - King Charley The Crazy Moderator:

03:49:08 Apr 22nd 11 - Mr. Sladius Maximus:

Ahh VU gods.. was awesome till Charly showed up and made it what he wanted, Completly took over even tho he was a noob tard..


That evil Charly...probably just did what the majority of non pre-teens told him to...too bad that nublar Slade fit into that category :o  Slade being a god of being slammed in the sludge. Not much else...oh and maybe making multiple accounts...but eh, who cares now? :p 

12:16:11 May 9th 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

Can i be the God of Clowns?

21:43:42 May 17th 11 - Mr. Senturu:

reddragon, to become a "god" you must show that you are in fact the harbinger of your aspect, back in the day i was a huge spammer. as such i have recieved the title of god of evil spam

04:28:48 May 24th 11 - General Who:

God of Biased Moderation - zond :)

i get a smiley. nuff said

13:49:24 May 30th 11 - Puppy Thinks Barny Mean:

Gasp.... I wasn't included! ;(


07:22:28 Jun 15th 11 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

horus i should be a god mann ;(

17:54:08 Apr 15th 12 - Sir Phoebe Kates:

"What is wrong with the realm of gods?!"
"This disease,*sobs* this disease of inactivity has got to be stopped!"
"When I was still a young god, before I had my hibernation, I enjoyed venturing this realm. But what's happening? Why is everyone sleeping when I woke up?:("
*cries harder*
"I am alone"
 The tone of his last word is very sad, and he(even though my name sounds female this time, well i am a guy and this name is from a girl I liked) was  hoping that the sadness of his voice will wake the others up. From their sickness.

"I am Sir. Phoebe Kates, descendant of the late god of Good Boys Gboypt, was reincarnated from my own flesh and blood due to excessive hibernation(inactivity) and was blessed with another personality and genre in RPing. I am asking permission from all of the other gods to renew my godship and replace my old throne from my old life. I want to be hailed as Sir. Phoebe Kates god of Sadness and Nobility!"


18:18:12 Apr 15th 12 - Orin (Mr. Orin):

Where do i fit in all this? and what about McMax and Wolfgore SkullSplit?

20:12:21 Apr 15th 12 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Moses Igba of The Mbororo):

I should be God of....kingdom internal affairs 

06:24:17 Apr 17th 12 - Septim (Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus):

*wakes up*

"Huh!? What!? Where? No, I'm watching Bobby Kennedy on the radio set! What?! No, his YOUNGER BROTHER!"

*falls asleep*

09:47:46 Apr 19th 12 - Sir Phoebe Kates:

*runs to the sleeping septim*

"Wake up! please wake up!"


"Dont leave me!*

19:08:26 Apr 19th 12 - McMax (Mr. Nobody):


You can't "run" to him. You have to swing in the lians.

Everybody knows Septim sits in the trees and shoot arrows from his bow (well that's how I remember him anyway....... but he might have developed a little since then).

02:28:17 Apr 20th 12 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:


08:57:05 Apr 20th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

Zetalam Balam 23

A psalm of Valar 
 1 TBL is my god, I lack nothing. 
 2 He makes me farm down in green pastures, 
he saves me cities beside quiet waters, 
 3 he refreshes my armies
He guides me along the right paths 
   for his name’s sake. 
4 Even though I walk 
   through the dredges of the PP valley,  
I will fear no evil, 
   for he is with me; 
his rod and his staff, 
   they comfort me.
 5 Valar prepares a feast before me 
   in the presence of my enemies. 
they anoint my head with oil; 
   my cup overflows. 
6 Surely his goodness and love will follow me 
   all the days of my life, 
and I will dwell in the house of the valiant

15:19:57 Apr 20th 12 - Dragon (Sir Great Dragon):

Ahhh a thread dedicated to the VU Guides.

How nice.

18:03:31 Apr 20th 12 - McMax (Mr. Roc Start):

GODS.... not GUIDES.

And there is only ONE God. So help us all.............

19:06:33 Apr 20th 12 - Dragon (Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer):


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