Forums / Roleplaying / Age of Mythology (Rome)

Age of Mythology (Rome)
09:48:31 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

The city of Rome is in Danger. For many of centuries, the Roman empire expanded, and later became a main target for villains and monsters alike, all trying to destroy and raid the glorious empire.  Just yesterday, a group of goblins have been discovered trying to dig a tunnel to access Rome. Today, their was a horrifying sight. Our soldiers reported to us that all the monsters that they had killed these past weeks, and men, have been seen walking towards the gates of the city. They are described to have red eyes, their body consists of only bone, although their are bits of rotten flesh. The estimated number of the undead army is rumored to be around five hundred thousand, and maybe more on the way. We believe that this is the work of evil necromancers, intent on removing the glorious empire of Rome with their undead.

We need help, and all help would be appreciated, as our soldiers, archers and mages prepare to battle this undead army, whether to die or not, it all depends on the battle......

Guys, you could chose to be either bad or good guys

Bad: Undead warrior, archer or mage. Necromancer, kraken leader, goblin leader, troll leader, dragon. Give me some suggestions if you want, and post it here.

Good: Healer, Archer, Warrior, Mage, Elf, Dwarf, Hero

Guys, their could only be 1 main commander of each type, and any other will not be the main commander, but perhaps individuals.
Ok, you guys could train troops, or raise undead, but dont make it impossible or ridicolous, you could also go out and explore, sometimes finding items, you could make items with stuff u find when you explore, do quests...etc, the stuff u make will be random, and i'll decide what u find and stuff :P. every enemy u kill will gain you 10xp, and 100 xp earns a lvl, everyone hav to be fair!


11:50:02 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

I will be the Leader of the good Group because im the God of Good Boys...

*Gboypt went to Earth and Created a Mortal Body  and then decided to live on earth temporarily as an ordinary citizen which became a hero class*
[i made myself mortal for a while to make things fair]
And my class is Good Hero...

12:47:32 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:


12:47:57 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

in this game their will also be gods affecting the game lol (dat'z me)!

12:50:12 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

ill be a dragon

13:04:03 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*Gboypt Trained So Hard Until he reached max level*

13:10:35 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

omg u cant do dat the battle hasn't started yet

13:11:57 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*gboypt pushed up Until his strength is at max*

13:18:17 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

ignoring gboypt!

13:29:58 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

uhhh there is no such thing as strength in this game... this game didnt have stats.... hehehe  my training is useless...

04:45:57 Mar 18th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

Ill be a Bad guy, necromancer for me.

15:34:24 Mar 22nd 08 - Mr. Deathbringer:

hey guys is this even still goin or have u gave up on it? if its still goin ill join, dnt sound to bad...

05:03:55 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:


10:16:38 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

Lol, I don't know what happened with this thing....

10:59:30 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

lol... i had the last lol... (just joking)

11:05:15 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

Lol, no you didn't :P

11:14:26 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

as long as im online i will have the last LOL....

11:55:55 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Valentine:

Hey peace. I want to play too.. I will become Mage for the bad guy..

12:14:22 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

13:14:31 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Deathbringer:

haha if this actually is gonna ever start can i be a nazgul lord? hehehe

13:17:48 Mar 23rd 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

"Come now Valentine, let us go to my generic evil lair"

*Leaves to 'the Lair'*

19:18:47 Mar 23rd 08 - Mr. Borador:

can i be a good guy archer i wanna shoot some zombies from the top of a wall

01:19:26 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Flameborn:

I guess you can...

We should probably wright this on a list

11:07:52 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Paladinofblood:

il be Kraken Leader

also do you play age of mythology?

13:03:01 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

wahahahaha... i still have the last lol...[when will this start?]

13:16:16 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

i play aom sumtimes but my internets kinda crappy atm sumtins gone wrong wit it so i dnt bother cos its 2 slow

anyways no1 answered : can i b nazgul lord?? hehehehe


13:16:35 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

o btw im deathbringer

14:14:19 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

OOC: Okay, I suggest someone take control of this Thread or something.

good guys

1.  Gboypt
2. borador


1. Salaracen - Necromancer
2. Valentine - Mage
3. Deathbringer - Nazgul lord
4. Paladinofblood - Kraken lord

14:26:52 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

ermmmm we need more good guys

+ peace is meant to b leader but if he dnt show any volunteers?

17:06:28 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

helo guys, i'll leave the roles up ta ya, but i'll be like a narrator :P, until game starts:PPPPP

17:08:18 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

well we cant rly start until good team has some more members 2vs4 aint rly fair

20:05:05 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

you missed me of the baddies list im a dragon i was one of the first to sign up

good guys

1.  Gboypt
2. borador


1. Salaracen - Necromancer
2. Valentine - Mage
3. Deathbringer - Nazgul lord
4. Paladinofblood - Kraken lord
5. Deathuelf - Dragon

21:57:53 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Paladinofblood:

but usual thats how these things are usualy the good guys are against impossible odds and they always come through.. havent you ever seen a movie?

22:08:46 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Ill go on the good side if i can be a Giant Eagle like off The Lord Of The Rings.

22:51:05 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

oki deathuelf is a giant eagle then

23:05:10 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

  • Good Guys
  1. Gboypt- please state what you wish to be
  2. borador-please state what you wish to be
  3. Deathuelf-Giant Eagle
  • Bad Guys
  1. Salaracen-Necromancer
  2. Valentine-Mage
  3. Dwarfy(DeathBringer)-Nazgul Lord
  4. Paladinofblood-Kraken lord

think we're rdy to start???

03:05:12 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

yes I do....

12:34:18 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Boradox:

i want to be a archer i said that........

12:38:28 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

  • Good Guys
  1. Gboypt- please state what you wish to be
  2. borador-Archer
  3. Deathuelf-Giant Eagle
  • Bad Guys
  1. Salaracen-Necromancer
  2. Valentine-Mage
  3. Dwarfy(DeathBringer)-Nazgul Lord
  4. Paladinofblood-Kraken lord

12:38:50 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

we're just waitin on Gboypt to tell us what he wants ta b

13:59:28 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

deathuelf-giant eagle leader, their's more of the eagles... lol

14:01:41 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

mmm ye i kno just he didnt say he wanted to b leader he just said he wanted to be an eagle, so its up to him to tell us before the game starts

14:16:04 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

ill be the Giant Eagle Leader

  • Good Guys
  1. Gboypt- please state what you wish to be
  2. borador-Archer
  3. Deathuelf-Giant Eagle Leader
  • Bad Guys
  1. Salaracen-Necromancer
  2. Valentine-Mage
  3. Dwarfy(DeathBringer)-Nazgul Lord
  4. Paladinofblood-Kraken lor

14:36:30 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

i will be a good hero of Rome...

14:40:13 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

  • Good Guys
  1. Gboypt- Hero
  2. borador-Archer
  3. Deathuelf-Giant Eagle Commander
  • Bad Guys
  1. Salaracen-Necromancer
  2. Valentine-Mage
  3. Dwarfy(DeathBringer)-Nazgul Lord
  4. Paladinofblood-Kraken Lord

kk we're rdy to start peace, or whoevers leadin dis

14:51:08 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

ok game could start, good guys could reinforce their main city (rome), or go off wandering. Their are 50 ap for each person, and they regenerate after a day, someone will hav to keep track. Every action u do costs 1ap, later in the game, players could search for stuff, build bases (1st one at 200gp and doubles later), u gain gold from battles....... someone be  a co leader plz

15:02:29 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

ok i will go wandering for now...

15:22:09 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomv:

guys it would help if you state your ap points lol..:P

gboypt you wana bring some escorts?? btw everyone has 100 followers of the same class exception of necromancer and dragon (50) as they are stronger. each lvl gives you a fresh 100 more, more could be earned from quests and stuff later

15:25:33 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

ill wander around with all my eagles.

15:29:13 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Dwarfy:

*wanders around with masses of nazguls following closely behind*

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