Ok, in this game, their are two opposing sides. The collosus, and the humans. The collosus have very primitive weapons or none at all, as their sheer strength can crush a human flat. They are not very agile, but they have great strength and health. (1000) health.
Humans, are very agile, very little health (400) but lots of weps. The weapons are as follows :
Human weapons : Short sword, Two Hander (500), Heavy Axe (1500), Dwarf sword (3000), Elven Sword (10000), enchanted sword (20000), Collosus slayer sword (50000). The armors are (iron, steel, dwarven, elf, magic, absorber and the collosus slayer master armor) There are 7 levels for Humans and Collosus. As you increase in lvl, your health goes up and you can use better weps and armor (each lvl allows you to buy a new one, also better lvl means more chance of winning. each time you increase a lvl, humans get 100 extra health and collosus 200. Weapons could be upgraded by paying the money required to purchase the weapon you want to upgrade, for example, elven sword is 10k so you need 10k to upgrade. Short sword can not be upgraded. When weps are upgraded, they deal more damage and are faster, you need to post if you upgrade or not. Also, every human starts with a short sword and iron armor.
Collosus lvls are as follow (small collosus, medium collosus, large collosus, gigantic collosus, super collosus, ultra collosus and collosus master.
After the game has started, i will decide how much gold and exp u need and get from different collosus and humans, depending on their lvls. Dead players could respawn after 24h, and they start from lvl 1 again. LETS SEE WHO DOMINATES!!