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Inverted RPing?
21:38:05 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Now in this you get do do something a little different. There is one person who is THE VICTIM who must be active. Anyone else can place any sort of obstacle (try to be fair though) for THE VICTIM to overcome, and he must do so ASAP. If he does not respond I will give permission for someone else to say how THE VICTIM dies and the guy who said how THE VICTIM dies will then become THE (new) VICTIM.


1st person to ask becomes

23:51:01 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

OK... I'm the victim

06:56:16 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Arch Shade The Dark:

*You awaken to find yourself dazed.  Your hands are chained up on a bed; the sheets stained with blood and nasty fluids beyond any worldly idea.  Your mouth is gagged with a thick cloth.  Around your shackles are three demonic woman with wings that resemble large bats.  These are the succubus.  Their plans are unknown to you.  Each one holds a blade that have not been cleaned in ages.  The rust along the tools are enough to make you cringe....*

09:01:14 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I hear the succubus muttering about something, but decide to concentrate on more pressing matters. I realize with glee that the shackles are as rusted as everything else in this horrid layer, and might be breakable. However, my happiness turned to gore when I realized that a good portion of the blood swimming around me was mine, and I was nowhere near strong enough to break the chains in this condition. I rumbled around hopelessly, but it was a mistake: one of the creatures noticed and talked to her companions in a strange tongue. They all started sharpening tools and preparing insense in a manner which could mean only one thing: I was supject of a sacrifice. I pulled on the chains helplessly, but collapsed. I yelled in pain as something dug into my back. I edged away from it, and found that it was an old nail, sticking out of the bed. I quickly formulated a rough plan. While the beasts where busy I started an attempt to pick the lock of my bindings, however I am unpractised in such arts and have only just got free of my hand bindings before one of the succubus turns around to see me. She screams and begins toward me with her sword. However, my hands and feet compined are enough to break the shacles at my feet just as she reaches me. It swings it's blade, and I duck, rolling to the floor through the gore of my many unfortunate predecesors. I grab the closest thing to a blade I can see in range of my hand, an axe, and grab it, swinging it wildlyat the neck of my assailant. I knew my swordplaying skills where not well-practised, and hoped that these creatures where not used to their prey fighting back. Luckily, my hope was not ill-founded. As my axe formed a great slice through the thing's arm and it fell to the floor, i picked up it's blade and waved it threataningly at the now left-handed beeast and her three companions. After a moments hesitation, they fly off in search of an easier catch. I stumble out of the cave, exhausted, though I decide to keep the blade with me. It is  only then that I realize: i don't have a clue who i am, where I am, where I come from or why I am here. I make it my personal goal to find the answers to these questions as I stumble out of the cave and into the surrounding forest...

11:52:36 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

In the forest there is a large wolf, facing you. Blood drips from its mouth and it prepares to leap. Unfortunately for you, the blade you wield is rusty and it falls into the undergrowth, leaving you with a rotted handle.

The wolf leaps at you, jaws wide.

12:02:59 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I dodge, jumping to the right, hoping and praying my reflexes where sharp enough. There were, and the wolves jaws whistled by me by a hair's breadth. As it got up and prepared for it's next strike, I looked around desperatly for some meathod of escape. I found one in a large but rotten Yew tree. I placed myself between the wolf and the tree, waiting for it's strike. i found my reflexes improving with every fake lunge the wolf made, and I realized I was most likely of hunter descent. "No time to think of that now," I though to myself, and the wolf jumped in the air towards me. I stepped to the side, and the wolf flew past me, it's head crashing through the thin layer of trunk and into the hollowness of the rotten tree. It crashed to the ground with the break of support, landing on the wolf through a chain of events that may have seemed comical had they not been  so...real. I move on, hoping that the dangers of this forest where not as many as they so f*beep*emed...

[[BTW, how long do I have to be inactive before i get killed? Cos have school tomorrow, may not post for 12-24 hours...]]

12:18:23 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[dont worry, its about 2 days-and you might get lucky if i am forced to miss a day]

You proceed further into the forest, but slip down a muddy slope into a valley completely hidden by ferns above. You cannot climb out, so you proceed to the east, because the west has been blocked by a landslide.
Further along, you realize that the ground is shaking. Another landslide is coming! You look up and see the rocks bouncing down the muddy slope...


12:31:48 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

DAMN!!! I realize that it is hopeless to run, so I look for a way out, dodging as I do so (I realize I've been doing this a lot recently). "Yes..." I spot my salvation in a small carevn in the mountain. I run through the falling boulders, relying on Lady Luck to allow me through. For once she seems to be on my side, and I reach the open mouth of the cave. But then I realize that she was toying with me when I see the cave entrence blocked by the boulders. I muffle a sob and turn around to see what I beleived to be my resting place. Instead, I found that I had probably just used up my life supply of luck: I was in a tunnel, not a cave! I started through the mountain...

12:34:04 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Wraithish:

*As he walks deeper into the tunnel, he sees a pair of glowing yellow eyes. With a roar, a huge brown bear comes out of the shadows. The tunnel is very narrow and there is no space to go around the bear.*

23:34:12 Jan 27th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

"Oh my god, not again..." I look around, look up, look down, but realize theirs only one thing I can do: RUN!!! I turn around and sprint for the exit, hoping that my head-start is enough to keep me ahead of the bear. It is only then that I remember: The tunnel is blocked! Well, too late to stop now... When I reach the entrance I notice something I didn't see before: A slight crag to my left. I hoped and prayed that it was big enough for me to fit in. I was wrong. I went bacck to the middle of the tunnel, deciding that my only hope was to tire it out untill it went away. It charged, and i sidestepped, but not enough: although it's jaws missed me, I still had it's paws to deal with. It's left paw slammed me against the wall with enough force to harm a hill-giant. Conviniently, I was pushed towards the bit of wall with the cag in it, and the power of the blow was strong enough to open it up. So I scrambled in, far back enough that the bear couldn't reach me. It stood their trying for roughly 2 hours before it got fed up. In it's anger it rammed the boulders at the entrance with it's shoulder, and I was suprised to see them give way. Long after it had wandered back into the tunnel, I stepped out and proceded down the valley...

00:14:20 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Well, I guess this means I win the game then...

18:24:12 Jan 31st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

I was waiting for someone else to post a situation
come on guys

00:14:26 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Meowman:

ye i no...

00:32:04 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Killer:

*A man steps in the way of Meowman, taking out two hatchets, and throwing one at Meowman, keeps one in his hand in case he doesn't manage to hit him with the hatchet. He waits...*

09:28:05 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Meowman:

"Bugger..." I dive out of the way of the hatchet, finding myself sprawled on the ground. "Are you retarded?!? What the hell was that for!?!" The man didn't reply, just took aim with the second one. 'This guy's phycotic,' I thought to myself, as I picked up a stone. I threw it at the man, hoping to knock him out or at least disorientate him, but he threw the hatchet at the same time. But clearly, Fate had desided he wanted to toy with me some more, because the stone struck the handal of the hatchet, throwing it off-co*beep* and it hit the ground a few inches away from my rib cage. I grinned, picked up the hatchet, and threw it at the man, who was still recovering from his shock. He tried to sidestep, but too late: the hatched landed, umbedded deeply in his skull. I walked on...

17:35:17 Feb 1st 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Lol time to mix things up a bit...

Army of hatchet guys! With a sprinkling of crossbowmen! And elite knights blocking off the way you came!

04:35:03 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Oh come on Demonsul no-one could escape from that alive, I'd look totally stupid if I tried to make it happen...

11:17:30 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

a clue: the knights are at war with the crossbow/hatchet guys

12:05:13 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Meowman:

oh, ta...

15:59:23 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Ding:

(4hrs to reply, he dies?)

15:59:50 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Ding:

[OOC:oh well]

00:34:10 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

No I still got 4 hours...

00:47:34 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I ducked, preparing myself for the inevitable, as the hatchets and crossbowmen fired. But Iwas suprised to find only a few projectiles thuding into the ground around me, with the majority hitting the knights, with whom I thought they were allys. I seized my chance and ran. The crossbowmen noticed me and aimed. 'Well, this is where it ends then,' I thought. I was wrong. As the bolts were fired, I found myself sailing through the air, with the bolts flying through were I had been a second before. I looked up and gulped. I was in the talons of a giant eagle! 'I hope this fellow is friendly', I thought...

12:54:29 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*The Eagle flies high into the mountains and drops Meowman 10 metres through the air into a Nest. Meowman thinks it is safe but 5 Giant Eagle Chicks turn towards him, snapping their cruel beaks hungrily.

The Nest is small and has steep natural walls surrounding it.*

02:21:57 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

How did I guess that would happen lol.

This is getting kinda boring u can kill me if you want.

16:48:32 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:


New victim required: next person who posts

19:07:39 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

I'll be the victim.

15:26:06 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Ok, we have the second victim

Victim History

  1. Meowman
  2. Cao Cao
Who will give the first situation for our new victim?

15:42:42 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Three mysterious figures appear out of the shadows. One wields a hammer, the other a polearm and the third has a sword. They surround Cao Cao*

01:24:38 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

I quickly look at the three figures and size them up. I think to myself "that guy in the middle with the sword doesnt look too tough." Thinking quickly I make a feint to my left then rush the middle guy knocking him off his feet. I quickly pick up the sword and swing it violently at the charging hammerman. Its a clean cut, right through the neck!

Then suddently the third figure comes charging out of the shadows, i easily brush him aside with my sword and run into the distance. 

01:27:10 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

[How about he goes to the local tavern and rents a room? If he does, can i be the Innkeeper?]

01:41:48 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:


*Cao CaoWalks into local tavern and rents a room*

01:45:59 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

(you went too fast)

"Hello, and welcome to Kettle Pot Inn.  How may I help you?"

06:01:53 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

(Arvious you are just supposed to give me obstacles to overcome)

"Hello I would like to rent a room"

09:34:36 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

The price is 1 billion gold! Theres an obstacle!
You must rent that room now Arvious has mentioned it...

(Plus yes, Arvious, OBSTACLES)

15:02:25 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Hmm, 1 billion gold is an obstacle.

But luckily in my past life I was a master burgular and knew exactly what to do. I sneaked over to the local bank and peered into the window. By a miraculous stroke of luck the vault was aready opened for me! "This will be easy" I thought to myself.

I casually walk into the bank and look around, only three security men. I walk over to the desk closest to the vault, it was empty right now. I quickly hop over the desk and sprint into the vault. I snatch up exactly 1 billion gold and stuff it in my pockets. I then run out of the bank

19:19:09 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

The price is 1 million gold. MORE MONEY FOR YE!

"Okay! Be careful;! The attic has huge spiders that come out in the halls every night!"

01:40:39 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

As I am sleeping peacefull in my room, suddenly I hear a strange noise coming from somewhere inside the walls. I wake with a start, and try to listen to see what the strange noise is. It was an odd creaking and groaning noise, almost as if the walls were filled with little creatures. "This doesnt sound good" I wispered to myself. The creaking got louder and louder, and it began to surround me until all of a sudden, it just stopped. Then suddenly the walls came crashing down and hundreds of giant spiders began to swarm around me!

I began stomping and kicking furiously but the spiders were just too big and there were way too many of them. Then I came up with a plan. I ripped one of the posts off my wooden bed, and dipped it into the gas lamp I had at my bedside liting it aflame. The fire had an instant effect, somehow it blinded the spiders. I swung my makeshift torch around wildly, knowing that my only chance of escape was to jump out the window. Just as the fire was about to burn out I made a mad dash for the window and dove straight through crashing through the glass and cutting up my face, but landing safely down on the ground. I then ran off into the jungle.

01:46:39 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

*runs up with lamp and sword*

"Here spiders! Where did Cao Cao go?"

13:56:35 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Cao Cao is supposed to be the only charectar... and I think it looked better when the victim had like, no skills... but that's just me... How is CE doin, Cao?

17:31:36 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Arvious is no longer innkeeper, the inn burned down and he died (lol)

How about in the forest there is a huge ent (tree monster) that wants you dead

23:30:04 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:


00:07:53 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

Aaand that would seem to be it from Arvious :P. I'll be the next victim, then.

00:14:07 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

(CE is doing pretty good Meowman, we are currently 4th place on Mantrax so I cant complain. Where are you now, still with KoC?)

Ok now its time to deal with this tree monster. Unfortunetly my torch had already burned out so fire was not an option. I decided my best course of action was to run away until I came up with a plan, so i turned and darted into another part of the forest. As I sprinted through the forest I ran into vines and bushes, tearing the skin off my legs and arms. As I slowly began limping I realized i needed to come up with a plan quick, otherwise I was done.

Then suddenly the ent came crashing through the bushes and sent me flying. I landed hard on the ground, and realized that my leg had been broken. I though I was done for, but luckily I looked behind me and saw a lake! I knew that was my only chance of escape so I began to crawl towards the lake. The ent was coming closer and closer with each step as I frantically scrambled for safety. Just in time I reached the lake and tossed myself in, and when the creature followed after it quickly rotted away.

12:07:15 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Um... how does that work? It's a tree. And anyway Cao, there was very high inactivity in KoC (Rolan actually hadn't been heard from for 16 days, among others) and there were 2 on Fant and 1 on Mant when I came back in, so I left them a note and moved on. I am now in HH on Mantrax...

*Three swift and long crocodiles swim towards Cao Cao*

17:04:58 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

And the ent is made STRONGER by immersing its roots in the its still chasing you AS WELL as the three crocodiles

21:54:11 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

(Duh... everyone knows that when an ent goes in water its lungs fill up with water and it dies)=P

Anyways when I turned around and saw the ent and three crocs following me I began to swim away, but my injured leg was dragging me down. As I struggled to stay afloat the creatures began coming closer and closer to me. One of the crocs swam ahead and was charging at me with great speed, and i had no means of escape! The only thing I could do was throw my already injured leg into the croc's mouth to protect the rest of my body. The croc then chomped down furiously on my leg, tearing away the skin. As the blood was flowing the croc secured his grip on my leg and began to drag me onto land for his next meal.

Things were not looking good for me as the three crocidiles began to prepare for their feast and i was barely holding onto conciousness. Luckily for me the ent wanted to eat me himself, and he wasnt very happy about the crocs stealing me away. Just as I was about to be eaten the ent came charging out of the water and flung the crocidiles away. As the two creatures were preoccupied with their fighting i somehow mustered up the little strength I had left and crawled slowly away. Lucky for me once again i came across a small cottage...

16:58:00 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

How about a cannibal axeman living inside? How does that sound everyone?

16:58:55 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

As you crawl up the cottage, the door is opened by a kind old man. You stagger gratefully inside, and he tends your wounds before you drop off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, however, a half-dozen swordsmen kick down the door and rush in, and another one comes through one of the windows. They obviously don't like you being there...

17:00:23 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Hmm...Verthias's was better

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