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Prominence 3
18:19:49 Jun 28th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Prominence 3

A Septim RP


The World of Erus has long since been dominated by three Empires: Serillia, Marfor, and Taren.

Ruled by King Garon Serillus, Serillia is a mainly economic nation, however, their soldiers are well trained and well equipped. They are one of the two main superpowers. They are also allied with Taren.

Ruled by Emperor Kullar Marfor, Marfor is a military power of incredible might, and they have been trying for decades to conquer Serillia, but have never succeeded due to the alliance between Serillia and Taren.

Ruled by King Elrom Tarenor, Taren is a torn country. Constantly under attack by Marfor, most of Taren's cities are in ruins. However, this has made their citizens mentally and physically tough, and Taren always fights off their enemies in the end.

The Beginning

You start out at the age of eighteen, you have a shack in Tarenom, ten gold coins, and a pair of rags that you call clothes. How will your story play out?
The world of Prominence is different than our own.

One real-life day = Six months in Prominence

Use your days carefully.


Beginner's jobs (days = six months)

Farm hand - 30 gold a day.
Barkeep - 30 gold a day.
Butler - 40 gold a day
Assistant - 20 gold a day, you will learn the skill of your master after two days of work. After obtaining the rank of Journeyman in the chosen skill you may not go higher.
Soldier - You are given a free course at the academy, you learn out to fight, you recieve a shortsword, but you are not payed. You service is over in two days (one year). You may be callen upon in times of war, you will be rewarded for your service with PP, gold, and other rewards.

Advanced Careers
(Day = Six months)

Class R - Skill required: Reading
Scholar - 400 gold a day.
Librarian - 200 gold a day.
Priest - 300 gold a day.

Class F - Skill required: Fighting
Highwayman - Slays the weak and innocent and steals their valuables - 375 gold a day.
Mercenary - Depends on rank.
Bodyguard - 300 gold a day.
Protector - Defends the weak and innocent - 350 gold a day.

Class T- Skill required: Tactics
Military Officer - Depends on your rank.
In the later game, tactics is a factor in military success.

Class M - Skill required: Mathematics
Scientist - 375 gold a day.
Engineer - 380 gold a day.

Class O - Skill required: Oration
Diplomat - 400 gold a day
Lawyer - 350 gold a day.

Class S - Skill required: Smithing
Smith - 250 gold a day, you can make certain weapons for yourself instead of recieving pay, but you must buy the metal.
Armorer - 300 gold a day, you repair weapons for the army.

Class C - Skill required: Thieving or fighting - Obtain thieving for a hundred gold from a shadowy figure behind the academy.
Assassin - Fighting = 200 gold a day, F+T = 400 gold a day
Fighting required for minimal wage, thieving and fighting are both required for maximum wage.
Thief - 200 gold a day, five percent chance of stealing 400 gold. Thieving required.
Thug - 250 gold a day, requires the fight skill.

Upgrading a skill one rank will give you double the pay from your job, so if you become a smith, and you go learn veteran forging for 1000 gold, you will be payed 500 gold instead of 250 gold per day.


Good/Evil - These depend on how you play. If you're a Highwayman who kills for cash, you'll be evil, if you're a valiant protector, you'll be good.
High Emperor/Supreme Overlord - 75 PP - You control the world - 10,000,000 gold a day.
Emperor/Overlord - 50 PP - You control an entire continent - 1,000,000 gold a day.
King - 35 PP - You control a country - 100,000 gold a day.
Duke - 25 PP - You control a Duchy, 10,000 gold a day.
Lord - 15 PP - You control a city - 3000 gold a day.
Knight/Ringleader - 5 PP - You command a band of followers - 0 gold a day.
Peasant - 0 PP
Slave - -10 PP

If you become a slave, you must wait ten days to have a fifty percent chance of escaping, or you can start over. You get negative PP points when you refuse to show up for military service.

You may start a guild for 10,000 gold, though you must be a master at the skill the guild specializes in. Examples: Guild of Scholars, Mercenaries Guild, Engineers Guild. You recieve 3,000 gold a day for owning a guild hall, three prominence points for being a Guildmaster, and a special room in the guild hall to act as your quarters.

Being a Guildmaster is a passive job, meaning you don't have to work it to recieve 3,000 gold a day

Now giving the option to buy buildings to own them! You can either work in them, or hire NPCs to work in them while you do other stuff, such as work elsewhere! These are the keys to BIG money! You can own up to three taverns,


Cost: 5000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day
Cost: 10000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 800 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 400 gold a day.
Cost: 20000 gold
Money recieved if you work there: 1600 gold
Money recieved if you don't work there: 800 gold

Cost: 10000 gold.
Money recieved if you work there: 400 gold a day.
Money recieved if you don't work there: 200 gold a day.
Can have one custom weapon or armor piece built a day, you must obtain the ore if you want anything above iron (steel, mithril, adamantium).

Religious Structures

To start a religion you must be a veteran in reading and at least an expert in oration. You must also say whether your religion is polytheistic or monotheistic. Currently the humans are a bunch of religions out must also build buildings for your religion:

Chapel - 3000 gold
Church - 10000 gold
Cathedral - 40000 gold
Grand Cathedral - 100000 gold

You gain 5% of the total cost of the building per day, so if you had one chapel you'd gain 150 gold a day. Each building takes one day per 10000 gold, the chapel takes one day as well. You can build up to fifteen buildings. This works the same way Guilds do, you don't have to work in it to earn the money.

Food - You must eat at least one of these a day.

Red meat - 15 gold, will help you gain and maintain an athletic build, which makes you stronger in melee combat. Don't eat more than three in a row unless you want to be a lumbering tank in battle.

Vegitables - 10 gold, eating these will make you thinner.

Bread - 5 gold, does nothing for your build, but it fills you up!

Doughnuts - 10 gold, makes you gain an obese build...which does nothing but slow you down...yeah...this food is useless...but doughnuts are good!!!


Reading - 1000 gold

Fighting - 100 gold, free with becoming a soldier for two days.

Tactics - 1000 gold

Math - 1000 gold

Oration - 400 gold

Smithing - 500 gold

Thieving - 100 gold

Ranging - 300 gold.

Journeyman: 1000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a journeyman of magic.

Veteran: 3000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a veteran of magic.

Expert: 9000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be an expert of magic.

Master: 27,000 gold a day for seven days, on the seventh day you will be a master of magic.

Courses are expensive...I have to make them that way or people becoming scholars will buy them all with their first paycheck, a course takes a day to complete and by the end of the day you will be a journeyman in that area. The ranks are:

Each rank costs triple the previous, so if you learn Journeyman fighting with your two days in the army, you will pay three hundred gold for veteran, nine hundred for Expert, and 2700 for Master.


You may also learn through books!

Length of time required to read:
Journeyman reading level - Four days
Veteran reading level - Three days
Expert reading level - Two days
Master reading level - One day

Book list

Basic Mathematics - 550 gold - Teaches Journeyman Mathematics.

Mid-Level Mathematics - 1100 gold - Teaches Veteran mathematics.

Advanced Mathematics: Volume I - 2200 gold - Teaches expert mathematics.

Advanced Mathematics: Volume II - 4400 gold - Teaches master mathematics.

Basic Strategies and Tactics - 600 gold - Teaches Journeyman tactics.

Intermediate Strategies and Tactics - 1200 gold - Teaches veteran tactics.

The Life of General Xarxes - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert tactics.

The Techniques of General Vordomor - 4800 gold - Teaches Master tactics.

The Art of the Blacksmith - 250 gold - Teaches Journeyman smithing.

Reading for Journeymen - 1200 gold - Teaches Veteran reading.

Reading for Veterans - 2400 gold - Teaches Expert reading.

Reading for Experts - 4800 gold - Teaches Master reading.

The Techniques of Avason - 1000 gold - Teaches Journeyman Oration.

The Techniques of Vorsumar - 2000 gold - Teaches Veteran Oration.

The Techniques of Telvodon - 4000 gold - Teaches Expert Oration.

The Techniques of Gorsovon - 5000 gold - Teaches Master Oration.


5000 gold coins - One room house with kitchen.

7000 gold coins - Two room house with kitchen.

10000 gold coins - Three bedroom house with kitchen.

13000 gold coins - Four bedroom house with kitchen.

15000 - two story home, six bedrooms, with kitchen.

17000 - two story home, six bedrooms, with kitchen and swimming pool.

30000 - Large estate, twenty bedrooms, with kitchen and swimming pool.

50000 - Massive castle, fifty bedrooms, armory, treasure room, prison, barracks, and stable.

Housing is quite expensive, you can upgrade your current shack though, but not much.


five acres - 1000, you recieve 200 gold a day if you choose to farm it.

Ten acres - 5000, you recieve 400 gold a day if you choose to farm it.


There are many ways to have fun, each costs a day, so if you have a lot of money and you want to have your character have fun for the roleplaying factor...some have a chance of giving money back...remember, all work and no play makes you a dull boy! (Not really...)

Go drinking: If you drink too much your liver goes to hell and death is the result.
Cost - 20 gold.

Play cards: You have a 20% chance of winning fairly, 90% with cheating, however you have a 50% chance of getting caught and thrown in jail for 3 real days. Cost - 50 gold, Possible winnings - 400 gold.

Go swimming: Do this three days in a row to gain an athletic build.

Vandalism: Considered fun to some people (I consider it annoying...). You have a 50% chance of getting caught, if you do you're in jail for 3 days.

Play chess: Intellectual game, 30% chance of giving you a journeyman tactics skill if you're a novice.

Horse racing: Costs 100 gold unless you own a horse, which reminds me, I need to add horses! Anyways, 10 gold if you have one. You always recieve a weak horse if you pay...

With age comes wisdom, but you also become senile. Upon reaching sixty years of age, your fighting and ranging skill drops automatically to veteran. Upon reaching seventy, they drop to journeyman. Upon reaching eighty, all of your skills drop to journeyman, and your fighting drops to novice. Upon reaching ninety (which is ancient for these guys!) you die of old age and your children (if you have any) take your holdings and hereditary titles. If you have no children, you must start over or...quit...>>

More will be introduced as they are required, if you want the rest, look at Prominence 2.

Warning: Things may change since the second one...

Beginning Character sheet format:

Hair color:
Eye color:

Post Description (you must post this every time you make a daily post)

Hair color:
Eye color:

18:25:37 Jun 28th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Bio: Born to Cornelius and Julia Cidellus, Gaius was raised in the slums. His family loved him, and his life was better than most. However, one day, a plague struck the city. His parents were the victims. Gaius took ten coins from his father's purse, buried his parents, and returned to his family's shack.
Description: Gaius is very intelligent and quick to learn, but isn't very learned. He has no education, but he plans on learning to read and write as soon as possible.

18:35:48 Jun 28th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Name: Michael Drake
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Slim (Starting Build)
Age: 18 (Starting age)
Gold: 10 (Starting Gold
Bio: Before this RP starts, he's just a normal guy living in Taren. He has big dreams however.
Description: Michael Drake is of average height, with short brown hair and green eyes. He just looks...well, normal.

Using my 'normal' character, as Demonsul has too much backstory for Prominence. Can't wait for it to start...

18:38:35 Jun 28th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: Forgot to add builds, thanks to Demonsul for pointing it out.

Obese - Keep eating lots of sweets.
Overweight - Eat lots of sweets.
Plump - Eat a few too many sweets.
Slim - Starting build.
Athletic - Eat red meat for three days and you'll get this build, best for balanced combat.
Muscular - Eat red meat for five days and you'll get this build, slows you down in combat.
Overly-Muscular - Eat red meat for seven days and you'll get this build, makes you extremely slow in combat, good for you if you want to be some sort of berserker with a massive hammer, otherwise, don't get this big...]]

Gaius rose from the wooden chair in his shack and walked outside with his coinpurse on his belt. He walked down the street, took a right, and walked off towards the local recruiting center for the Tarenic Army. As he approached, the short balding man eyed him.
"You joining?" asked the man.
"Yes," said Gaius.
"Name?" asked the man.
"Gaius Cidellus," said Gaius.
"Any skills?" asked the man.
"Not really," said Gaius.
"Alright, go with the other recruits, you'll be heading with them to the barracks for basic training," said the man as he stamped some papers, "Here are your papers."
Gaius took the rolled up papers and joined a small group of people. Twenty minutes later, they walked off towards the city barracks. Upon arrival, his papers were examined, and he was given a bedroll. Afterwards, he set it up, walked out to the mess hall, and ate some soup before beginning his training.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 18
Gold: 10 (army pays for your food, soup has the same value as bread)
Pay: None
PP: 0
Occupation: Recruit of the Tarenic Army
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim

18:45:00 Jun 28th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[It begins now? I assume others can sign up while it progresses...]]

Drake stood outside the recruitment office of the army. He needed a job if he was going to survive. Entering, he signed himself up.
After giving his name and details, he was given papers and sent to the local barracks, as was the procedure with all new recruits. Taking the supplies given to him, he ate a meal of soup and proceeded to the training yard, where he realized his true level of incompetence with a blade.

Name: Michael Drake
Titles/Ranks: Peasant
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Taren Army Recruit
Home: Shack on outskirts of Tarenic Capital
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim

18:50:51 Jun 28th 09 - Prince Validus Septim III:

[[OOC: Yep, jump in whenever you want. Just don't expect to get TOO far if you sign in during the mid to late stages.]]

20:01:39 Jun 28th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Name: Charley Deallus I
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Bio: Charley is the son of Martin and Elizabeth Deallus.  Martin was a fine blacksmith and his wife was a seamstress, but a band of raiders went through his town and killed his parents when they refused to give up their money.  With only 10 gold remaining from their belongings and a shack made from the materials of his burnt home, Charley wishes to make the kingdom a place where people can be safe from the powerhungry and evil.
Description: Charley seemingly has a fire burning within him that spurs him onwards in his goals.  He is quick tempered and fierce in an argument, but typically is kind natured and well mannered when around people.


Charley Deallus crawled out from his little shack outside of his old town.  He looked up at the cloudy sky and cursed silently at the fate of his life so far.  His parents were dead and his town was nothing more than a ruin.  Taking the ten pieces of gold in his hand, the clothes on his body, and a walking stick in his hand; Charley walks to the nearest unattacked town to sign up for the Taren military.
"Name?" asked the recruiter.
"Charley Deallus," he replied.
"Skills?" asked the man.
"None," replied Charley.
"Take this scrap of paper.  We cannot afford to give you anything more because paper is not entirely common in these parts.  You will give that scrap to a man inside," said the recruiter before he went back to taking the name from the next man.  Charley walked through some gates and handed the piece of paper with a number on it to the man.
"The man ahead will hand you a blanket.  Then you will go to the mess hall and begin training afterwards," he said before waiting for the next recruit.  Charley proceeded to the mess hall to eat something that they called soup, but he called animal feed.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: None
Age: 18
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Taren Recruit
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim

20:46:22 Jun 28th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: Radio Shack? Awesomeness? XD]]

23:42:41 Jun 28th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

[[OOC: Don't knock the Radio Shack.  Yes, Awesomeness is a skill XD]]

16:44:48 Jun 29th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Gaius worked hard during the six months, and even though he wasn't the most skilled of swordsmen, he proved himself with his ability to work well with others. By the end of his training, he had a basic grasp of how to fight in formation, march in formation, obey orders, set up camps, and, of course, fighting. He graduated to the rank of Private of the Tarenic Army. He was given a square certificate that represented his one free course at the Academy, along with an iron shortsword. He soon returned to his shack in the slums, where he went off to sleep with plans of beginning his course in reading on the next day.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 19
Gold: 10 (army pays for your food, soup has the same value as bread)
Pay: None
PP: 0
Occupation: None
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic iron shortsword

18:35:05 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Name: Adam Dragstorm
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Golden
Build: Slim
Age: 18
Gold: 10

Bio: A very quick learner who is silent when not rough to outsiders. Picks up fights more frequently than he manages to get food (which is rare), but underneath his hard outer shell developed to face the harsh competitive world he harbours a well mannered and polite attitude and a burning desire for knowledge which often surprises people when considering his massive mean looking build.

Description: Has a deep attractive voice and flaming eyes which seem to burn even more when he descends into battle furiously. Is an extremely ambitious but humble person who has a great desire to be learned.

18:46:14 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Adam jogged upto the Taren military recruitment centre huffing and puffing, breathing in the air deeply. Learning anything even if it be a violent art gave him a great sense of satisfaction.
After ensuring that his 10 gold coins were in a safe place he strode up to the recruiter shivering in the night cold.

'Name' came to question from the recruiter.
'Adam' replied Adam tersely.
'Ah..that gruffness is it, well we'll soon knock the living daylights ouuta you lad. Got any skills?'
'None' said Adam wondering if he should also say the ability to crack upon annoying heads.
'Well then move yer lazy butt into the hall there, a man'll give yer some things in which to sleep along with food after which yer'll begin yer training.'

Cursing the man silently under his breath Adam moved quickly. After about 20 minutes in training in which he got several bruises from sword hilts planted firmly to his head and face due to him asking too many questions he was finally starting to get the hang of using a sword. Finally after many hours he went to 'bed' a rag and a piece of cloth no thicker than a sock to cover himself. Feeling vaguely pained but satisfied even as the strange liquid called soup he'd been made to drink made a gurgling sound everytime he moved in his 'bed.'

18:49:35 Jun 29th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Michael finished his course, learning how to fight with a sword to the best of his ability. However, this was still not very high, and he knew that if he was to fight he would need a better weapon.
Eating his last army-paid meal in the canteen, he proceeded back to his shack. Altogether he thought a soldier's life wasn't too great, and he'd need to try something else.

Name: Michael Drake
Titles/Ranks: Peasant
Age: 18.5
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: Taren Army Recruit
Home: Shack on outskirts of Tarenic Capital
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic iron shortsword

21:08:39 Jun 29th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Charley managed to survive the brutal training that he was put through and by the end, he knew the basics.  He received a certificate and an iron shortsword when he graduated as a private, and went home to his shack to prepare for the next day.  Charley planned on working on his speaking skills because he felt that inspriring people would be a great way to start his life off.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome
Age: 19
Gold: 10
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: None
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Fighting = Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword

21:50:50 Jun 29th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool
Age: 18
Gold: 5 pieces
Pay: Nada
PP: Nothing
Occupation: Soldier
Home: A shack he built from various wood planks.
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan, for some reason.
Eye color: Blue, ofc.
Build: Slim
Can whistle and tell horrible jokes.
Bio:  An orphan on the streets, Travis lived among the rats for several years until he turned 18.  He moved out of town and built a small shack in the nearby forest.  Despite all of the hardships he went through, he still sticked to being honest, kind, and forgiving.
Description:  Due to living on the streets, Travis had a determination to keep moving forward, no matter what happened.  He became depressed at times when things were bad for him, but even then, he never stopped trying.

Travis woke up that day, and walked into the streets of Tarenom.  It was only a day ago that he was sitting here, walking in the mud.  He sighed, glad that he might start his life over.  He walked over to a flier lying on the street and saw that it was a recruitment sheet for the military.

"Might as well, can't do anything else with 10 coins," Travis said to himself.


Travis walked up to the barracks of Tarenom, and asked the man standing at the door if he could enlist in the army.

"Name?" the guard grumbled.
"Travis Leiondon."
"Can you do anything?"
"I can whistle and tell horrible jokes?"
"Alright, you're in," the guard snorted.  "A man in the barracks will give you a 'bed' to sleep in, and then report to the training grounds. Here, take this 'ere paper and hand it to him."

Travis took it and walked inside, to be given a small blanket and a shortsword.  He walked outside again to the training grounds, where he got his ass kicked by the trainers.  After a while, he managed to defend himself, and was sent off to the mess hall to eat some soup.  Several of the people around him choked when eating it, but since Travis hadn't ate anything for the past week, the soup tasted great to him.  He then chose a comfy spot on the floor in the dormitories, and fell asleep.

12:05:33 Jun 30th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Adam had successfully finished his course and was massaging his neck where the recruiter at the front gates had almost strangled him taking him to be an outsider. Such was the condition of Adam, his entire body was covered with bruises and cuts. The instructor would take time out specially to 'teach' Adam and promised to him that he'd never pass. But there he was, topper of the entire batch, he'd even managed to give the instructor a few parting shots in their last training session.

The soup that he'd had for morning seemed to have simply passed through him, not making him feel satisfied at all. Suppressing his hunger he passed through the town looking for some sort of employment and wondering what he'd have to resort to if he didn't get some.

Name: Adam Dragstorm
Titles/Ranks: Private, Taren Armed Forces
Age: 18.5
Gold: 10
Pay: N/A
PP: Nothing
Occupation: None
Home:Large Dilapidated shack
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 190lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Golden
Build: Slim with traces of a bulging body

Skills :

Standard issue Tarenic Armed Forces Iron Shortsword.

22:01:33 Jun 30th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Cant post today. Will update progress tomorrah.]]

03:27:51 Jul 1st 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Charley woke up the next day and went to learn how to be a great speaker by learning the skill or oration.  He began his schooling soon afterwards thanks to his free education pass given to him by the military.  Charley also ate food on the way there.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome
Age: 19
Gold: 5
Pay: 0
PP: 0
Occupation: None
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman(In progress?)
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword

03:29:08 Jul 1st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

Gaius woke up and walked to the training academy, where he gave the slip to a man at the front counter.
"Another soldier? What is it you want to learn?" asked the man.
"How to read and write," said Gaius.
"Sounds smart, Gaius...Cid-el-us?" asked the man.
"Cidellus," confirmed Gaius.
"Alright, you can start today," said the man, "Good luck."


After six months of instruction, Gaius Cidellus could read and write with moderate proficiency, placing him amongst the minority with the skill. Gaius secured a job as a scholar in a scriptorium, starting the next day. After securing the job, Gaius walked to his shack and went to sleep on his bedroll.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 19.5
Gold: 5 (bought some bread)
Pay: None
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar (starting tomorrow)
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic iron shortsword

18:09:14 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Adam walked off next day to the address he'd been given at the Military for getting some proficiency at a skill of his choice. Therefore walked off with a limp, the hurts of earlier now only just starting to recede. After about 20 minutes he reached the building and entered, walking up to a man sitting behind the desk.

"Name" came the voice without looking up.
"Adam Dragstorm, Private, Taren Armed Forces"
"Military eh," the man ran his through Adam's features, the sword and condition of his face which looked like it's been beaten with a club seemed to be enough to convince him.
"So what you here for?" the man asked disinterstedly.
"How to write and," "Read" said Adam after a moment's hesitation.


6 months passed at the end of which Adam could read and write, though his writing was a bit untidy he could manage well enough. Before the day was over he'd been recruited as a scholar and briefed about his work. Content he'd returned home that night satisfied at his work and awaiting the rigours of work next morning.


Name: Adan Dragstorm
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 19
Gold: 10
Pay: None
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar (starting tomorrow)
Home:Large Dilapidated Shack
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Golden
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman (In progress? Not sure yet)
Weapons - Tarenic iron shortsword

18:37:46 Jul 1st 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: Just discovered something. After copying ten books, you would probably get better at reading and writing. From now on, you will get better at the skill associated with the job over time. Each upgrade requires five real-life days, so after working five days as a scholar, you will pick up another rank in reading. If you work five days as a diplomat, you will have picked up new tricks from other diplomats and will gain a skill in oration. I'm surprised that in the two other Prominence games, I had never thought of this. =/]]

Gaius woke up in the morning and walked to the river outside Taren City. He had a swim to get himself clean, washed his rags until they were somewhat dirty, and went off to the scriptorium.
"Cidellus, welcome to your new job," said Jasper, the head of the Scriptorium.
"Thank you," said Cidellus.
"You'll be copying these books today," said Jasper as he pointed to a small stack of books on a desk.
"Yes sir," said Cidellus as he walked over to the desk, sat down, and started the tedious work of copying the books.


Gaius's arm was aching after the copying, but he had completed his work and impressed Jasper. The copying also forced him to pay close attention, and he learned a bit from the writers of the past as he copied. On his way home, he stopped by the butcher shop, where he waited in line.
"Serillia is at it with Marfor again," said the man as his butcher was readying the meat.
"That's not surprising, it'll end with another stalemate though," said the butcher.
"Marfor is unbeatable, don't know why we didn't just ally them," said the man.
"Marfor would betray us as soon as they wiped out Serillia, and you know it," said the butcher.
"How do you know?" asked the man.
"Because Marfor's ruling dynasty consists of a bunch of assholes, that's how I know," said the butcher.
The man was silent, and the butcher gave him his meat. After paying for it, the man left, and the butcher turned to Gaius.
"What do you want?" he asked.
"I'd like a castle, but I'll settle with a steak," said Gaius with a chuckle.
The butcher nodded, and prepared the meat. He handed Gaius the meat, and Gaius paid for it.
"What's your name?" asked the butcher.
"Gaius Cidellus," said Gaius.
"You of Serillian ancestry or something?" asked the butcher.
"I have no idea, why?" asked Gaius.
"Your face, and Gaius and Cidellus both sound pretty damn Serillian to me," said the butcher, "My name's Farilor, Sergeant Gorris Farilor, Tarenic Army."
"Pleased to meet you," said Gaius, "I'm in the army as well."
"As you heard, we'll probably both be fighting again soon," said Gorris.
"Yeah, I know," said Gaius.
"Good luck, I'd hate to see a youngster like you get his head chopped off and put on a pike," said Gorris.
"Thanks," said Gaius.
"Now get out of here," said Gorris with a chuckle.
"See you tomorrow," said Gaius as he walked out the door.
Gaius returned home, after cooking and eating the steak, Gaius collapsed onto his bedroll and fell asleep.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 20
Gold: 390
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim (athletic 2/3 - one from swimming, one from red meat)
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Weapons - Tarenic iron shortsword

20:37:40 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool
Age: 19
Gold: 345
Pay: 350 a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Protector
Home: Smelly Shack
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim (1 of 3 to Athletic)
Fighting - Journeyman

[[Meh, too lazy to write anything special.]]

Travis walked outside of his shack and sat near the Tarenom Wall, watching other people passby.  Suddenly, two shady figures approached a wealthy man, swords drawn.  Travis got up and unsheathed his sword, moving in to attack.  He swung the blunt side at one thug's head, knocking him away, and turned to his other opponent.  The man pulled out two iron daggers, and began to viciously stab at Travis.  Stabbing at his opponent, he pierced the man's torso, wounding him.  The thug ran off, clutching at his chest.

Travis turned to the wealthy man, who was looking at Travis with awe.

"Well, thank you, good sir!" the man said, not noticing the rags Travis was wearing.  "Here, take this money as your reward.  Alas, I must be going now."

Travis opened the bag, and to his astonishment, he had a small fortune of 350 gold in his hands.

"Well, these years of being good have finally paid off."

Travis walked off to town, and went to the butcher, buying some meat, and then went 'home' to enjoy his evening.

20:49:15 Jul 1st 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Charley worked with an instructor about very good speeches from the past and how to phrase things correctly so that he could become very persuasive if needed.  He then was made a minor diplomat and basically just assisted and observed the more senior ones.  Charley then got some meat and went home to sleep.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome
Age: 19
Gold: 390
Pay: 400
PP: 0
Occupation: Diplomat
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword

21:52:05 Jul 1st 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Taking yesterdays turn and todays]]

For the past year, Michael had been acting as an assistant to a Military Officer, running errands in a large command building. He had copied the tricks of his master, drawing paper battles and planning nonexistent stratagems. After the year, he thought he had a grasp of the basics.

Name: Michael Drake
Titles/Ranks: Peasant
Age: 19.5
Gold: 40 (+20x2, -5x2)
Pay: 20
PP: 0
Occupation: Assistant to Military Officer
Home: Shack on outskirts of Tarenic Capital
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword

21:57:35 Jul 1st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

omg Septim ur good :O

22:22:14 Jul 1st 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

[[This is his third time remaking this RP so it better be better :p]]

09:16:51 Jul 2nd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:


You fight for your country, and by the end, it is a stalemate. However, from the war, you do manage to loot 1000 gold coins, a steel melee weapon of your choosing, and a steel kite shield. We don't have to buy food. Because we didn't gain victory, we receive no PP. Woot! Congratulations!]]

Gaius woke up, relieved himself in a public toiler, and buckled his shortsword to his belt. He would begin wearing it from now on, to show his training in the military, and to have the security of a weapon. He then took a swim and noticed that his body was becoming more fit. After redressing, Gaius began walking towards the scriptorium, only to hear a town criew say something saddening on the way.
"War has been declared between the Serillian-Tarenic Alliance and the Marforian Empire! All men of the Tarenic Army are asked to report to the barracks for army and kit assignment as soon as possible!" exclaimed the crier.
Gaius, glad that he had his shortsword already, ran to the scriptorium and saw Jasper waiting with a longsword at his side and the somewhat fine clothes of a Tarenic officer on his person, along with several medals.
"Mr. Jasper?" asked Gaius.
"Major Kenneth Jasper of the Tarenic Army to you, soldier," said Jasper with a weak smile, "I'm closing the scriptorium until the war ends, I am glad you came to tell me that you would be unable to work, but it wasn't required."
"You're welcome, sir," said Gaius.
"Come with me to the barracks," said Jasper as he stepped out his door, putting out the flame on his last candle as he left. He locked the scriptorium's door and nodded to the guard outside before walking with Gaius to the barracks.


Upon arrival, Gaius was given the standard Tarenic kit of one spear, one leather cuirass, a leather cap, a pair of leather boots, and a plain white tunic. After putting the uniform on, Gaius packed his things into a small standard issue sack along with his rations and was given his army assignment. He would be assigned to General Chase's second army's ninth group, third row, second section. After getting into place, they waited for the rest of the citizens to arrive and get outfitted before marching out the barracks gates, and out of the city. Off to war, off to the battlefield, where the blood of men would water the grass. War, the dread of mothers of the soldiers from both sides. War, a destructive entity that desired the blood of soldiers. War, another horrid war.


After five months of minor skirmishes and intense fighting, the war ended with another stalemate, just as Gorris the butcher had predicted. However, during the war, the Tarenic-Serillian alliance had captured a major city, and the soldiers had been allowed to loot the city. Gorris managed to receive around a thousand gold in the pillaging, along with a longsword and a shield from a dead Marforian officer. The sword was unengraved, but the shield had the officer's coat of arms, as well as that of the Marforian Emperor's. Before he could use it, he would have to pay the 200 gold required to replaced them with Tarenic letters. However, he would wear the longsword as it was both a fine weapon, and a spoil of war. After returning home and being given a speech by a General, Gaius returned to his home, bathed, and fell asleep. Work at the scriptorium would begin the day after the war, and Gaius needed his sleep.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 20.5
Gold: 390
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Steel longsword (spoil of war)
Marforian steel kite shield (spoil of war)

16:59:43 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

Adam had been able to work only briefly at the Scriptorium in the course of which he earned 400 gold. The rumours of the Marforian-Taric war soon turned into realty and all soldiers across Taren were being summoned for the war.


Upon arrival, Adam was given the standard Tarenic kit of one spear, one leather cuirass, a leather cap, a pair of leather boots, and a plain white tunic. Once all his personal belongings and army rations had been stuffed into his ridiculously small standard issue army sack he reported to the 7th Army under being commanded by General Rodgers, a general who had earned himself a fearful reputation as an aggressive one. The war they fought was bitter and a hard one in which Adam earned distinction in his entire battalion even earning a comment from the Brigadier but apart from that the war was a dreary yet exciting one which resulted in many casualties on both side but in the end everyone was pretty much where they had started.
Over the course of the war Adam 'earned' a 1000 gold in bounty and got himself a unique sword from a dead Marforian Brigadier one which killed instantly anyone it made contact with as the metal was forged in poison along with a medium-small oblong shield that a strong person could wield together with his medium length sword.

Upon returning home there was the usual speech, some plundering out of the quartermasters stores for celebration for which a totally innocent company got flogged and then bed which seemed to be the best ever after continuously sleeping in the stinking moth infested tents supplied by the army. He'd have to continue his work at the Scriptorum immediately from tomorrow and he didn't want to make a bad impression.


Name: Adan Dragstorm
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 19.5
Gold: 1390
Pay: 400
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar
Home:Large Dilapidated Shack
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Golden
Build: Slim (Athletic 1/3)
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Medium Posion Forged Sword
Short Oblong Shield

19:02:53 Jul 2nd 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

"Over the course of the war Adam 'earned' a 1000 gold in bounty and got himself a unique sword from a dead Marforian Brigadier one which killed instantly anyone it made contact with as the metal was forged in poison along with a medium-small oblong shield that a strong person could wield together with his medium length sword."

[[He said "a steel melee weapon of your choosing, and a steel kite shield." Not godmod and uber the shit out of it!]]


19:12:48 Jul 2nd 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

[[OOC: Busy...short and undetailed post]]
Charley woke up and went to war.  He reported to his post and was given the standard Tarenic kit of one spear, one leather cuirass, a leather cap, a pair of leather boots, and a plain white tunic.  Some small scattered battles followed and Charley managed to join in on the plunder of a city.  He gained 1000 gold and a steel longsword plus a steel kite shield.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome
Age: 20.5
Gold: 1390
Pay: 400
PP: 0
Occupation: Diplomat
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman
- Tarenic Iron Shortsword
- Steel longsword
- Steel Kiteshield

19:38:10 Jul 2nd 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool
Age: 20
Gold: 1685
Pay: 350 a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Protector
Home: Smelly Shack
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Blue
Build: Slim (1 of 3 to Athletic)
Fighting - Journeyman
-Tarenic Iron Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Kiteshield

Meh, too lazy to write anything.  Went to war, looted, all that jazz...

21:30:27 Jul 2nd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Short post time, due to short time]]

Thrown into the harsh world of war, Michael survived on his wits, basic knowledge of tactics, and sudden affinity for new axes. Through his survival, he decided war was great (oddly enough) and signed up to be a full officer. Given the most junior rank (Septim?) he began working behind a desk in a barracks somewhere...

Name: Michael Drake
Titles/Ranks: Peasant
Age: 20
Gold: 1040 (+1000)
Pay: ???
PP: 0
Occupation: Military Officer - Rank ???
Home: Shack on outskirts of Tarenic Capital
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman (1/5)
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword
Curved Steel Axe

00:21:19 Jul 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: Himanil, do something like that again and I will have to kick your ass out of the RP. There is no excuse for that, I'll give you a single chance, don't blow it.]]

01:47:27 Jul 3rd 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

{Roger that}

17:07:17 Jul 3rd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Septim I need to know what the rank I was given is and how much I'll be earning... :O]]

17:47:59 Jul 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: 350 gold per every six months.]]

18:00:51 Jul 3rd 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Charley woke up and went to the embassy again to be a diplomat.  He listened to a bunch of older men ramble about negotiations and speeches they had given in their past and how successful they had worked.  Charley survived through the day, got some meat, and went home to sleep.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome
Age: 21
Gold: 1775
Pay: 400
PP: 0
Occupation: Diplomat
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Slim
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman[2/5]
- Tarenic Iron Shortsword
- Tarenic Steel longsword
- Marforian Steel Kiteshield


18:02:01 Jul 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: In case you all didn't read my post, you have MARFORIAN steel kite shields. You need to pay 200 gold to make them either Tarenic steel kiteshields, or even make it blank. Or else you'll be running around with a Marforian shield and could be stabbed by accident. >>]]

Gaius woke up, the aches of the campaign still surging throughout his body. He went outside to the public well, drank some water, relieved himself in the local outhouse, and then went back to his house. He buckled his new longsword, put on his raglike clothes while making a note to buy some new clothes soon, and buried his gold in the underneath his bed. He then went for a swim and ran off to the scriptorium.
"Hello sir," said Gaius as he entered.
"Private," said Jasper before pointing to a few books on the desk, "Get copying."
"Yes sir," said Gaius as he sat down and began his work again.
After work, Gaius walked outside, it was now close to night. As he walked down the street, he saw a couple kissing. Gaius then felt a sudden urge to get a wife, but he knew that he would have to make something of himself first. Sadly, he walked to the bakery and bought a loaf of bread before heading home. After eating it, Gaius fell asleep.


Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Private of the Tarenic Army
Age: 21
Gold: 1785
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 0
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Journeyman
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Steel longsword
Marforian steel kite shield

18:25:56 Jul 3rd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Working in the office, Michael did little of excitement. Due to the absence of battles, he was confined to doing a desk job. Of course, things would change, as armed men with Marforian emblems on their shields had been roaming the streets as of late...
at any rate, Michael planned on having a break soon.

Name: Michael Drake
Titles/Ranks: First Level MO
Age: 20.5
Gold: 1385 (+350 -5)
Pay: 350
PP: 0
Occupation: Military Officer
Home: Shack on outskirts of Tarenic Capital
Height: Average
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Slim
Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman (2/5)
Weapons - Tarenic Iron Shortsword
Curved Steel Axe

22:20:29 Jul 4th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Where is everyone?]]

01:47:33 Jul 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: Will have a short, yet important invasion. Marfor invaded the Tarenic capitol and took the palace, along with most of the city, before a large Serillian army moved in and pushed back the Marforians. We are now under Serillian rule, and Taren no longer exists as a nation, now being part of Serillia. After this fight, we gain one skill point in tactics, and one in fighting, along with 1,500 gold. We also receive 3 PP and an advance in rank (if you're an officer, you receive the advance due to a tactics increase, if you're a NCO, then you are bumped up to Sergeant.]]

Gaius awoke early and took a swim, afterwards, he walked to the scriptorium and began copying scrolls and books for Jasper. Afterwards, he bought a loaf of bread at the bakery, returned hope, ate it, and went to bed.


Gaius awoke to screaming and panic and quickly grabbed his longsword. He ran outside with the sword drawn and turned left to see a large formation of Marforian troops marching down the street. Knowing he would have no change unless he regrouped with the Tarenic Army, Gaius retreated down the street, running and looking in all directions as he ran. He soon reached the palace gates, where several soldiers were banging at the reinforced iron gates.
"Let us in!" roared Gorris the butcher, "We can fight!"
"We can't risk it!" yelled the voice of Major Jasper, far above.
"Then throw us weapons and armor!" yelled Gaius.
"No, I am sorry Gaius," said Major Jasper firmly, "A large number of soldiers are holding the Southern part of the city, go there."
"Gorris, follow me," said Gaius as he ran off, the butcher, along with most of the soldiers, followed Gaius through the city. There were several encounters with Marforians, but they managed to evade most of the soldiers. They soon reached the Southern part of the city, seperated from the north by the Tarenic River. Gaius ran across the bridge, and was almost shot by an archer.
"Allies? Hurry! Get across!" yelled the man in charge who Gaius recognized as Colonel Alexander Rhodes, descendant of the famous General, Winston Rhodes. The small group of soldiers ran across, and Farilor leaned against a statue, breathing heavily.
"Who is in charge?" asked Colonel Rhodes as he approached.
"He was," said Gaius as he pointed to the winded butcher.
"You have command of this group now, what is your rank?" asked the Colonel.
"Private, sir," said Gaius.
"You're a sergeant now," said the Colonel.
"Marforians, incoming!" yelled a man in the stone tower high above.
"Form a defense! Newcomers, grab packs in the buildings!" yelled Rhodes.


After a three day siege of the southern part of town, the Marforians were finally driven out of Tarenor by a massive Serillian Army under the command of General Cassius Varus, installing Calus Serillus as the governor of the newly formed Province of Taren (due to the fact that the Tarenic royal family had been massacred on the night of the invasion). Gaius, along with the many other heroes who had held Southern Tarenor, were given Stars of Sarvalai for their heroic actions. After the ceremony, Gaius returned home and sat down. Jasper had been killed in the invasion when the Marforians had taken the palace, he would need to find a new scriptorium.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Sergeant of the Serillian Army
Age: 21.5
Gold: 3680
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 3
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Steel longsword
Marforian steel kite shield
Star of Sarvalai

00:04:17 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool, Private or Sergeant of the Serillian Army?
Age: 20
Gold: 1370
Pay: 350 a day
PP: 3?
Occupation: Protector
Home: Smelly Shack
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Journeyman
Tactics - Journeyman?
Archery - Veteran
-Tarenic Iron Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Kiteshield
-Star of Sarvalai
-Yew Longbow
-120 Arrows

[[Meh, the ones with ? marks, Septim, could you tell what is what?]]

07:03:40 Jul 6th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: You are a Sergeant with 3 PP, a veteran skill level in fighting, and a journeyman skill level in tactics.]]

08:20:29 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

[[Making up for two days.  Was away.  Sorry for not posting some kind of info since it is late and I will have to post for Monday(Today) later.

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome, Sergeant
Age: 21.5
Gold: 2135
Pay: 400
PP: 3
Occupation: Diplomat
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Athletic
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman[2/5]
Tactics = Journeyman
- Tarenic Iron Shortsword
- Tarenic Steel longsword
- Steel Kiteshield

16:50:45 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Himanil VI:

[OOC-Making up for the 4 days. Sorry for not posting as I currently have my exams going on which will end by the 15th]

Adam was racing forward with his comrades secretly cursing their general who had too much of a passion for conducting offensive warfare. Arrows started flying, 2 of his comrades fell. They had reached the road blockade as another comrade fell. He was looking at the face of the enemy archer whose arrow missed him by inches striking the one behind him. Adam's hand with the sword went up in the air and came straight down on the archers skull as his comrades engaged the other archers. Adam held the dying enemy in his hands as he fell, bleeding heavily and the insides of his face horribly revealed, who spoke his last words, 'I c..............'
All of a sudden Adam woke up breathing very hard and sweating all over. 'It was a nightmare,' he muttered to himself, 'Just a silly nightmare.'
Adam went out and looked around. The cool breeze of the night was refreshing but somehow contaminated, it smelt of nothing but blood and slaughter. He looked at his award the 'Star of Sarvali', he'd done nothing but murdered other soldiers and they called him a hero for that. Contemplating deeply on the vagaries and horrors of war he went to his bed thinking of how to get work at some new scriptorium tomorrow morning.

Name: Adan Dragstorm
Titles/Ranks: Sergeant in the Tarenic Army
Age: 21.5
Gold: 3370
Pay: 400
PP: 3
Occupation: Scholar
Home:Large Dilapidated Shack
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 205 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Golden
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Reading - Journeyman (After 4 days want to know how if any upgrade will take place)
Star of Sarvali
Tarenic iron shortsword
Iron kite shield

18:03:05 Jul 6th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: For this battle, we all get 600 gold and 2 PP. If you have already posted today, subtract what you gained by that post. Sorry.=D]]

"The Marforian Army is going to arrive outside Taren in three days, all former soldiers of Taren, and all soldiers of Serillia are asked to go to the barracks for weapons, armor, and instruction," said the town crier.
Cidellus was in the crowd, they were going to be assaulted by a large army of around thirty thousand, the current garrison consisted of ten thousand. Due to the defensive fortifications around the city, they'd usually have a good chance of holding the city. However, many had been destroyed during the assault on the city. The walls had been repaired, but the ballista towers had not. It would be a hell of a fight, either way.


Gaius was standing on the wall, facing out across the field to a large number of siege towers and onagers. They would try to take the gatehouse first, and not damage the walls in case of a counter-attack. It was smart, but risky. The siege towers were pushed forward, across the plains.
"Fire!" yelled an archer commander, aiming his sword at a siege tower.
The archers fired flaming arrows at a single tower, though it didn't catch fire. The archers all readied more arrows, and the Commander yelled again.
"Continue fire!"
The archers fired, and this time, the siege tower caught fire for a short instant before burning out. The archers readied arrows once again.
"Continue fire!" yelled the commander.
This time, the flaming arrows caused the tower to remain alight, and Gaius smiled.
"Continue fire!" yelled the commander.
By the time the siege towers reached the walls, two had fallen due to fire. The siege towers waited as the enemy climbed up the tower, and Gaius's men got into formation, with javelins at the ready. The ramp was lowered, and Marforians walked down the ramp in good, disciplined formation. The Serillians threw their javelins into the siege tower, killing several Marforians, before drawing their gladii and holding their scutums (tower shields) at the ready. The Marforians began a fight with the Serillians, and by the end of it, many had been lost. Eventually, the Marforians pulled back, and Gaius knew that the onagers would begin firing soon. As they did, a massive force of cavalry washed over the onagers, purging them of their crews. After the onagers were disabled, the cavalry retreated and a large force of Serillian infantry marched in from the forest to fight the Marforians.


By the end of the day, the Marforians had suffered heavy casualties. They retreated north, back into their territory, and Gaius was given 600 gold for his role in the fight. After getting his money, Gaius bought some bread, went to his shack, ate, and went to sleep.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Sergeant of the Serillian Army
Age: 22
Gold: 4275
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 5
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Steel longsword
Marforian steel kite shield
Star of Sarvalai

20:57:49 Jul 6th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

[[OOC: Busy.  Fixed my gold amount(I think) since I didn't add the 1.5k from the last battle.  Running around a bunch today and having to clean up lots of stuff -_-]]

Name: Charley Deallus I
Titles/Ranks: Awesome, Sergeant
Age: 22
Gold: 4220
Pay: 400
PP: 5
Occupation: Diplomat
Home: Radio Shack
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 170lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Hazel
Build: Athletic
Fighting = Journeyman
Oration = Journeyman[2/5]
Tactics = Journeyman
- Tarenic Iron Shortsword
- Tarenic Steel longsword
- Steel Kiteshield
-Star of Sarvalai

01:35:30 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool, Sergeant of the Serillian Army
Age: 22
Gold: 2165
Pay: 350 a day
PP: 5
Occupation: Protector
Home: Smelly Shack
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Tactics - Journeyman
Archery - Veteran
-Tarenic Iron Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Shortsword (covered up Marforian Emblem)
-Marforian Steel Kiteshield (covered up Marforian emblem)
-Star of Sarvalai
-Yew Longbow
-60 Arrows (Half used in battle)

22:13:42 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Travis Leiondon:

Name: Travis Leiondon
Titles/Ranks: Town Fool, Sergeant of the Serillian Army, Leader of Protectors (Knight and Ringleader didn't go with my role XD)
Age: 22
Gold: 2510
Pay: 350 a day
PP: 5
Occupation: Protector
Home: Smelly Shack
Height: 6 ft 4 in
Weight: 168 lbs
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Blue
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Tactics - Journeyman
Archery - Veteran
-Tarenic Iron Shortsword
-Marforian Steel Shortsword (covered up Marforian Emblem)
-Marforian Steel Kiteshield (covered up Marforian emblem)
-Star of Sarvalai
-Yew Longbow
-60 Arrows
-Garvik Rudann
   Age: 24
   Weapons: Steel Mace, and his fists.
   Description: has brown hair, looks like he has a plump build, due to his attire, but is actually rather skinny, has a grizzled beard, and has green eyes.
   Short Bio: Owing his life to Travis, he sticked with him, following him into all the little dilemnas Travis will get into.

Travis woke up, still sore from the battle before.  He grabbed his bow, sword, and quiver, and walked out of the shack.  When Travis gazed at it, he had a sudden feeling to get a better home.  however, he needed far more money for that.  Shrugging, Travis walked off, to do his daily rounds of patroling the gates for thieves.

After patrolling for about the entire day, Travis decided to have some food.  He walked off towards the bakery, and bought himself a nice loaf of bread.  As he walked off, Travis heard the sounds of fighting.  He ran off to the source, to find three bandits beating a man.  Travis pulled out his bow, and loosed an arrow at a bandit, piercing their shoulder.  Travis then unsheathed his blade, the Marforian emblem covered up, and stabbed a mugger in the leg, severely wounding him.  The third bandit, seeing that a trained protector was attacking him, ran off.
Travis offered his hand to the victim, which the man took, and stood up.  Travis saw that the man had brown hair, a grizzled beard, and small clothing that made him looked rather plump.

"Sir, you saved my life!" the man said, gaping at Travis.
"Meh, not really a Sir, more like a Peasant, but your welcome anyways," Travis said.
"Uhh, m'names Garvik Rudann, and I would like to thank you for protecting me.  Those blasted bandits would have thought twice had I been carrying my mace."
"You can fight?" Travis asked.
"Of course I can, I've been a protector for a while, not very good of it, mind you."
"Well, why don't you join me?  My shack can hold about two people, of course, it's not very comfortable."
"Well," Garvik said.  "I actually have a house to attend to in the city, but I'll help you around every day if you need it."
"Well, at least let me buy you a beer or two," Travis said cheerfully.
"Hah," Garvik said.  "I don't need any beer, when I can brew my own!  here, try this!"
Garvik held out a bottle to Travis, which he took and drank.  It was the most delightful beverage he had ever tasted.
"Why sir, I believe this brew could out do all taverns!" Travis said, draining the bottle.
"Uhh, don't say this to anyone, but I have this strange dream of owning a tavern.  Of course, I'm too poor to afford one, but-"
"It's okay, I'll help you get one!" Travis said.  "I make a fair amount of gold myself.  Maybe if I make enough, I'll buy it for you."
"Oh joy, you would!" Garvik cheered.  "You are too kind!"
"Meh, I hear that alot," Travis smiled.


Travis went home, and eat his bread.  He then took off all his weaponry, and fell asleep on a haystack.

03:31:41 Jul 8th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VIII:

[[OOC: The "plunder" is five thousand gold coins, we also receive 3 PP each. We also receive a rank increase to Lieutenant. If you are already a Lieutenant, you receive the rank of Captain, along with a pay of 500 gold coins a day.]]

The next day, the troops of Serillia were assembled. They would soon take part in a massive offensive against the Marforian Empire which would lead to the fall of one of their major cities, Makar.


After several small engagements, the Serillian Armies met with a large Marforian Army. The Serillian Army was defeated, and forced to perform a strategic retreat. When the Serillians retreated, the Marforians chased them, and were surrounded by two more relief armies. The Serillians won a decisive victory in that battle, and all remaining Marforian troops were recalled to the capitol. Serillian forces took Makar after six months of intense combat, and the soldiers were allowed to plunder the city.


After the campaign, Gaius went back to Taren with the rest of the Tarenic soldiers while a Serillian Army stayed in Makar.

Name: Gaius Cidellus
Titles/Ranks: Sergeant of the Serillian Army
Age: 22.5
Gold: 9275
Pay: 400 gold a day
PP: 8
Occupation: Scholar, working at a scriptorium
Home: Shack in the Slums
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Build: Athletic
Fighting - Veteran
Reading - Journeyman [Job Upgrade - 1/5]
Tactics - Journeyman
Weapons -
Tarenic iron shortsword
Steel longsword
Marforian steel kite shield
Star of Sarvalai

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