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The Ancient Path
16:34:41 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The breeze shifted, causing the small man to lose his balance, which he quickly regained. He stood atop a mountain, looking down at the wonders of the world, and then the destruction behind him. He had many a weary mile to travel, but the sun was settling down and the moon had already risen, glowing softly amongst the pinkened clouds as the sun finished its journey for the day. He glanced down and saw the protruding rocks, sharp and jagged. Aye, the going would be tough, and the voyage long. He knew he had little time until they caught up. They had destroyed his home, his lands, his people. All that was left of the halflings of the west was him, sad and lonely, miles from anywhere but towering trees and barren landscape. He knelt upon the ground, a single tear falling from his face, landing with an audible plop. He settled into his tent for the night and slept...
                 The next morning he rose, and glanced out of his little shelter. The morning sun shone down on the plains, the halfling had never seen such beauty. The grimy streets of Lispol were no match to a lake shimmering in all it's glory, surrounding by tall birch, majestic oak and giant yews, just on the edge of the horizon. He had to trudge manys a mile to get there, across grassy plains and tretcherous sinking mud. Still, he knew the way, or at least he hoped. He glanced down at yellowed bits of paper. A single path, he reckoned, would take him to his destination, straight and true, with no forks along the way. Now, to find it. He stood, and made a quick breakfast of his remaining supplies, and went with a light step, all he ad to carry was a tent, high hopes, a few containers and a staff. He ignored saddening thoughts, creeping into his mind like parasites.           
                 He walked in his general idea of the path, and spied several tents bunched together in one place after but a while. He strode down, fearful of the creatures that might be there. There was diversity of races, and of skills. He greeted the first one he met, and asked where they was going. It was a human young of age, of average height, shining eyes with the wonders of adventure. His long, curly, black hair was tied loosely back. "I am not with these persons, I am questing for treasure, sought after by the king of the north, Rentos. I do not whither they are going, or from where they came. My name is Larton, and may I enquire as to your own, and your path?" The halfling paused in thought, and replied with a lie.
"I cannot recall my name, and my path is unknown. Tell me, are these friendly folk?"
        "They are indeed, at least to my knowledge. I cannot speak for them however, and you'd best greet them youself. I fear I must make my breakfast, and make my leave." He shook hands with the halfling, and wanderd off to his tent. The halfling greeted the rest of the people, and enquired after their health and path. Their answers were all the same, seeking treasure for their king, whether king of South, East, orc or elf, they all seemed to be looking for the same thing. He reckoned his path was with them, and they would at last go in the same direction for a while.


Ok, just fill in this thingy(I'll tell you if it's overpowered or not)

Age:(Human lives to (40) 80(these are average ages the live to, and then the most they can live to), Halfling (90)125, Troll (70) 80, Orc (30) 60, Elf (150) 210, Dwarf (120) 165
Race(VU races):
Occupation(not necessarily current. This can be anything, mage, soldier, carpenter or cook):
Skills(magic or anything like the above(or other) occupations, cooking etc.):
Weapons(and armour. I'll take it for granted that you have clothes on youself):
Description: (Human (average, can be 2 foot off either way, apart from halflings and dwarfs(1 foot), and troll(2 and a half foot),  5 foot nine, Halfling 4 foot six, Troll 7 and half foot, Orc 5 foot four, Elf 6 foot three, Dwarf 5 foot

Now as for magic, it goes under skills and there are different types of magic... You cannot be skilled in all areas of magic(only 2 or 3, maybe 4 depending on your chacter in general and the magic)

Healing(you can be an ordinary healer as well, using medicines instead), Earth(can move earth and stuff), Water(...), Air(...), Fire(...), Mind(Can read thoughts, force people to do stuff), Light(can create illusions...), Death(can raise dead. But only for a while, and only 5 or 6 skeletons(less depending on the skeleton of what) at a time, and it requires a lot of energy).

Magic however, takes time to cast, and someone could have stabbed you by that time. It also takes a lot out of you.

Name: Unknown
Age: 15
Race: Halfling
Occupation: None(used to be a beggar, before that, an apprentice to a cook)
Skills: Cooking
Weapons: Staff of some type of wood.
Description: Stands at four foot, has blue eyes and brown hair, short and thick. Is weak but agile and fast.

(You can have a much stronger character than mine, don't worry, and you have to start at the camp.)

20:10:01 Nov 8th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Name: Edward Deallus
Age: 23
Race: Human
Occupation: Swordsman and/or scout.  Brother of Charley Deallus III, King of Tasidian.
Skills: Swordplay and normal healer.
Weapons&Armor: Carries a sword named Purilas, made by the elves along with some leather armor.  On top of the leather is steel chain mail armor with a leather jerkin.  The symbol of Tasidian is upon the chest.
Description: Edward Deallus is 6ft 1inches tall with jet black hair and bright green eyes.  He is built athletically and is quick on his feet, which allowed him to be an effective scout against enemies.  He is on one of his journeys that he usually takes in order to see the world. 

11:11:34 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Name : Adam Raina
Age : 26
Race : Human
Occupation : Scout/Warrior Prince
Skills : Survival and all that a warrior prince has.
Weapons and Armour : Carries a ruby encrusted sword by the name of Dragfury, dual shortswords and several daggers made by the ancient Dwarves and chest armour similar to lorica segmenta only harder along with a helmet, greaves, shinguard and gauntlets.

Description: Adam is 6ft 3 inches tall with jet black hair, black eyes and and a deep authoratative voice. Has a muscularly athletic build and possesses great agility and dexterity along with nearly all the important skills that a warrior prince is expected to have.

11:29:40 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Name: Delran Dark
Age: 24
Race: Half human, half elf
Occupation: renegated officer of the elven armies
Skill: weapon master, has medicine knowledge
Weapons and armor: 2 elven one-hand double-edged longswords, an elven longbow and arrows, two elven daggers, leather armor, gloves and boots, steel breast-plate.
Description: 6ft and 1 inch tall, black short hair, black eyes. Athletic build, agile and with a great dexterity, he was one of the best fighters of he elves, until he left service.

11:41:06 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Darkin:

Name : Darkin Darkin
Age : 55
Race : Orc
Occupation: shaman/wanderer
Skills : Great knowledge of history and the land.  A potion master whose potions can manipulate the earth, fire and the mind.

Weapons and Armour: is dressed in a hooded deer skin robe, and carries a long gnarled oak staff.  Wears an orkish curved sword around his waist.  Carries small satchels of potent concoctions usually thrown in combat.

Description: Darkin Darkin has a long grey beard and a stoop which make him look almost ancient.  He has seen and done much in his life, but has an affinity for gaining knowledge rather than creating death.  To this end he spent much of his life roaming the landscape. Stands 5 foot 4 above the ground.

14:17:35 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Delran, sorry, you can't be a half and half, must pick one race.

14:26:42 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Name: Delran Dark
Age: 24
Race: elf
Occupation: renegated officer of the elven armies
Skill: weapon master, has medicine knowledge
Weapons and armor: 2 elven one-hand double-edged longswords, an elven longbow and arrows, two elven daggers, leather armor, gloves and boots, steel breast-plate, carries with him a bag of medicine.
Description: 6ft and 1 inch tall, black short hair, black eyes. Athletic build, agile and with a great dexterity, he was one of the best fighters of he elves, until he left service.

[OOC: Sry about that. Won't happen again.]

14:28:24 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

That's fine. I never said anything about it after all, sorry.

14:44:21 Nov 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Name: Karzun Demonsul
Age: 27
Race: Human
Occupation: A person of some importance in the distant land of Bronimina, his true position is unknown
Skill: Skilled swordsman, also can cast quick, but small, explosive black fireballs
Weapons and Armor: Single sided reinforced Broniminan Darksteel blade of medium length. Wears full Darksteel plating under his black cloak.
Description: Six foot two, slim build, always wears a black hooded cloak that obscures his face and entire being. Has black hair, black eyes, and remnants of scarring across his pale face.

23:38:08 Nov 9th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Name: Ranraac Wraith
Age: 89
Race: Elf
Occupation: Hunter
Skills: Archery, Basic First Aid
Magic: Can conjure up 3 different types of arrows from nothing using Magic.
Fire Arrows make a small explosion when they hittheir target.
Ice Arrows shatter into fragments, embedding themselves in the skin of the target
Light Arrows give their target a slight shock
Weapons and Armour: A long bow, about 6 foot, made from a blanched type of wood:- Flexible but powerful. A dirk in his belt made from a bluish metal that glows at night.
Chainmail made from a mysterious black metal.
Description: Ranraac was quite tall, standing at 6ft 7". His arms and upper chest were quite well developed from all the time he has spent training and hunting with his longbow. Uses a dirk which has been passed down from generation to generation in his family.
Ranraac also spent a few years wandering the country, picking up odd skills from the places he stopped at and the friends he made.

Is the magic ok? I wanted to make Ice Arrows slow down the target, but thought that would be overpowered :)

17:36:15 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Name: Dethos
Age: 60
Race: Dwarf
Occupation: Blacksmith
Skills: Forgeing and repairing weapons and Fighting
Weapons & Armour: Double-sided war axe made from a metal from a fallen st*beep*veral throwing axes and steel chain mail.
Description: Dethos is five foot 4 inches, has brown eyes, long brown hair and a brown beard. Is chubby but strong and fit.

17:54:28 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Sorry Wraith, you can't conjure them from nothing. You can enchant your arrows though, I'll allow that.

I'll start this tomorrow, sorry, don't have time today(there's also lightning starting to flash all over the place :S).

18:26:51 Nov 10th 08 - Lord Wraith:

Cheers, sounds good anyway =D

18:31:47 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Hip hip hurrah!

21:34:54 Nov 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

*Demonsul belts on his sword

18:54:55 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Some fifty questors started down the only path from the small valley, all that was remained was heavy footprints. They travelled for a long while, their previous camp but a speck on the horizon. They settled down before nightfall and set camp once more, dark clouds hovering far above, threatening and menacing. Soon, it started to rain, just a shower at first, but then it bucketed down. Killer was one of the few with a tent strong enough to keep out of the rain, and it was bigger than the rest, enough to fit ten, if tightly. People came in, demanding space. Killer took his pack and wondered out into the heavy rain, his thick cloak keeping the him from being soaked through. A myriad of raindrops slithered down to pools forming.
                In the morning, wet and battered, Killer made an early start, but soon the rest caught up to his lesser footsteps. Killer was surprised that no mounts were brought. He had left the tent behind, he needed it no longer. He spied a cave to the west, and set out in its path. Only two or three had headed off in the original direction. The path slowly broadened, a strange grass was trampled in a straight line to the cave. They arrived quickly, and soon they were safe inside, or so they perhaps thought.
                 The cave ceiling caved in, and they were trapped but for a way deeper into the cave. The torches snuffed out, a bad sign, but soon more were lit. However, none of the adventurers had lit them. The strange flames had appeared from nowhere, blue with a tinge of red. Most panicked, and Killer felt inclined to do the same, but trundled away from the atmosphere into the path where fewer torches were lit, of course, he was not alone. Some had continued straight away, most had followed after. The path diverged into five. One path was laden with gold, amongst another solitary diamonds sparkled. A third path was darkened, another covered with strange plants, and a final one, the one continuing straight from the previous path, had little in it but stones and rocks. Many arguments were heard as to which path to go, then people drifted away down various paths, attracted, doubtless, by the sparkle of diamonds, or the riches of gold. Killer waited until last to choose his path.

[Just pick a path, and then describe it. Don't worry, all paths lead to safety... perhaps. Descriptions can't contradict each other, and at the end of each path lies a dragon(no other living things though, apart from plants in the plant one. First one describes the dragon, but you can't kill it in your first post.]

20:26:56 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Edward Deallus looked at each of the caves, thinking about their possible intent.  He decided that it would be safest to take the least attractive caves.  He went straight ahead on the path with stones and rocks.  He continued for several minutes seeing nothing except more stones and rocks, but at least there were no traps or things that would harm him.  He moved forward finally sensing something ahead.  He heard what sounded like breathing and he decided to wait for someone else before moving onwards.

20:29:11 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul was not attracted to gold. In Bronimina it was worthless, as they used silver. Neither did he covet diamonds. The plants were strange, they could weaken the walls and cause another cave in. The plain passage looked to twist and turn for miles, and that would tire Demonsul out if any trials waited at the end. But Demonsul was attracted to the shadowy passage. Darkness had always been what he was most familiar with. Setting off down the passage ahead of the others, he was quickly consumed by an all-encompassing blackness that was so thick, it seeped into your body and poisoned your soul. Demonsul, however, was unperturbed, he had wielded darkness his entire life.
Continuing blindly, knowing his route went straight, he was surprised to run into a metallic wall. Feeling the smooth, cold surface, he  realized that there were individual interlocking identical lumps, kind of like...scales.
Demonsul leaped back with a foreign curse as a huge object slammed into where he had just been. He was sprayed with dirt and pebbles and a deafening roar filled the darkness. Retreating backwards, Demonsul ran into a rock wall. Turning, he groped for anything that could be of use, but found nothing. Dodging another slam of the huge object, he began to run, looking for anything of use. He found an untidy pile of wood where the remains of some kind of support beam had stood. Lighting one with a flick of black fire, it began to glow with a darkened flame, as if the shadows were trying to suffocate it.
Demonsul dropped the torch, speechless. It continued to sputter on the ground, before going out. But Demonsul had seen what was in front of him. It was a huge dragon. In the brief light, Demonsul's searching eyes had seen it all. The interlocking impenetrable scales, the lizard-like face with a mouth full of razor teeth as big as a man, the epic legs with massive hooked talons, and the huge, mace-like spiked tail.
Rolling to one side, Demonsul dodged what he presumed to be a claw, as another roar rang out though the cavern. Grabbing for his sword, he brought it out, pulling another splintered bit of wood from the pile and lighting it. Seeing the dragon once again, Demonsul stopped in fear, but dodged out of the way as the tail came down again. Slicing at it with all of his strength, Demonsul managed to make a horrible scraping noise and sprain his wrist. His sword fell to the floor.
Ah well, thought Demonsul, at least it shows no signs of breathing fire.
Rolling again to evade another claw, Demonsul began to look for an exit. He only saw the tunnel's entrance, and began to dash towards it, as the dragon's jaw closed inches behind him with an ominous snap.

22:20:26 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos Looked that the tunnels. The gold and diamonds were very intriguing but he new from tales and stories that they usually lead to danger. He noticed a man walk down the cave that had nothing but rocks and stones. It seemed like a smart course of action, there was nothing to guard so nothing would be there guarding. Dethos decided to follow the man in that direction. He could see pretty well from all his time in the mountains. The cave was dull and empty apart from the rocks. He didn’t know how long he’d been walking or how far but after a while he saw the man standing there doing nothing. Dethos approached him and asked him what he was doing?

22:35:36 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

"Something is ahead of us.  It roars with anger and I think that someone disturbed it."

Several small rocks fell from the ceiling and made Edward worry slightly.
"We need to move ahead or back.  I will move ahead."

Edward drew his sword and moved forward slowly.  He saw the tail end of a large monster, a dragon.
"Of all of the things to face..."

He moved towards the tail of the dragon and shoved his sword through it's tail.  It roared in rage and pulled it's head back to face the person who dared attack it.  He lunged at Edward but he managed to dive out of the way as it dug a hole in the ground.  Edward slashed at the side of the dragon and rushed out towards the way he came, hoping he had enough time.

23:28:23 Nov 11th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

The man moved ahead and stabbed his sword through the dragons tail. It turned around and attacked him but he managed to dive away. He then slashed the dragon and ran back towards Dethos with the dragon following him. Dethos pulled out one of his throwing axes and aimed at the dragon’s right eye. He through the axe with all his might and it hit the target. Blood spewed from the dragon’s eye and it roared with surprise, pain and anger. This delayed the dragon long enough for the man to reach him. Dethos turned and followed the man with the dragon in pursuit.     

23:50:14 Nov 11th 08 - Lord Wraith:

*Ranraac stared at the different paths curiously. He also noticed the flames which had appeared mysteriously and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. 'Things don't just appear from nothing like that. Whats going on, whos controlling this?'

Shaking off the bad feelings he had, Ranraac opted for the tunnel laden with gold. 'Gold is a strong metal, its extremely hard to excavate from the ground, this path should hold fast.' he reasoned to himself.

Drawing his bow loosely and setting an arrow Ranraac started slowly forward. The light sparkled off the walls and made his mind play tricks on his mind however soon a strange noise pricked his ears. It was like a large creature shuffling about. Seeing an opening ahead, Ranraac decided not to take any risks. 'Filaega' he muttered as his arrow lit on fire. Stepping into the opening, he swore loudly as he saw a huge, lumbering beast of old. One that had long been thought to be extinct from the world.

The huge, sharp claws glistened cruely in the firelight. Large pupils took in every last detail with what must have been a menacing grins. An armoured tail revealed a few pointed spikes and wings stretched widely as the beast noticed Ranraac.

Drawing his bow, Ranraac let loose his arrow and quickly tried tofind some form of cover. The dragon did not seem happy to see him.*

04:52:59 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Delran:

(OOC: I am quiting this RP. Sry.)

11:42:57 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Adam stood silently concealed in the shadows, watching everyone go by their own ways. As he stood there, a furious debate raged in his mind as to which path he ought to take. 'Don't go for the gold or diamonds, they always lead to peril,' while another voice said, 'Go not into the dark or the forest, is not your cousin a living or rather living-dead example of what happens when you take these paths,' The last voice told him to go where he had seen the Tasidan prince go, he had heard much about the prince. But the hearts of men were easily corrupted and so against his own wise judgment he took the path that led to the shiny metal which seemed to weave a lustrous web around the young prince's heart.

As Adam walked forward he thought that he saw some flames and cries, curiosity awakened he quickened his pace, slowly noticing that the temperature too seemed to be rising by every step that he took.

14:04:58 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Darkin:

Darkin sat on a slab of granite, watching as each adventurer entered the junction, examined the choice ahead of him and then set off on his chosen path.  He noticed a young hobbit watching as well, but decided to ignore him.  He found hobbits to be an awful bore, usually more concerned with what they had for breakfast more than anything else. 

Deciding that he couldn’t stay in this position too much longer lest his legs cramped up, Darkin gathered his belongings and moved towards the opening of the plant filled cavern.  He had no need for gold and jewels, he could trip over in the dark and he didn’t particularly feel like conversing with royalty so chose the only other path available.  Besides there may be a useful plant to be found.

Darkin continued down the path, taking not that all the plants where a form of glowing fungus.  Nothing special really.  The authorities used the glowing agent inside of them to make a luminescent paint for road signs and the like.  He picked a couple of the bigger specimens, thinking that he could make some sort of children’s toy out of them and sell them in the next market he came across.

17:37:09 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Edward retreated back up the tunnel he came until he realized that the dragon had turned it's attention elsewhere.  Wondering where everyone was, he wished he could give a loud shout to alert everyone of the dragon.  He then thought that the loud noise could cause a cave-in upon the group.  He then decided that he would attack the dragon again while it was distracted.  He readied his sword and planned to stab his sword into the dragon's side.  He hoped that his sword, being elven, could pierce deeply into it's tough hide. 

He ran as fast as he could at the dragon, which had it's head down another tunnel.   He pulled his sword back and thrust it into the dragon's exposed underbelly and put his entire body behind the attack.  The dragon raised it's body up until it hit the ceiling, dragging Edward with it until his sword came loose.  He dashed down the cave that he came from as the dragon roared and threw its body around in agony.  Some rocks fell from the ceiling as the stab from the sword throbbed and black blood poured out.  Edward stopped near the dwarf named Dethos and leaned on his sword.
"I think I got his attention finally.  Maybe one of your axes could finish him off if no one else will.  I will distract him if you wish."

17:48:36 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Alone, Demonsul was struggling with the massive cave dragon. Every time he dashed out of the way of a strike, he grew more tired, and was soon evading the lethal blows by luck. He needed a tactic.
Aiming carefully, he threw his torch into the mouth of the dragon. If it could breathe fire, it was a pointless attack, but it hadn't yet, so he hoped that this would work.
There was darkness for a moment as the dragon accidentally swallowed the torch.
The dragon shrieked in pain as the torch burned at it's throat and stomach. Taking a moment to find his sword, Demonsul rushed towards the stricken beast. Putting all his strength into one thrust, he managed to penetrate the dragon's weaker stomach scales. A fountain of blood flowed freely out, soaking Demonsul from head to toe. Screaming, the dragon turned suddenly to escape whatever was stabbing it, sending Demonsul flying into the cave wall, his sword still embedded in the dragon's side.

19:00:32 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos saw what the human called Edward did. The dragon was now wounded badly and needed finishing off. Dethos replied to Edwards words “ This beast need a bigger axe.” Saying this he retrieved his axe off of his back. It was large and was double-sided. He ran behind the dragon dodging falling rocks and jumped on to its back. He raised his axe above his head and slammed it into the dragons back. It cut through the scales easier that a normal weapon but still with some difficulty. Blood spewed out of the wound. Dethos removed his axe and ran up to the dragons head which was roaring in pain. He dived over it and brought his axe down on the upper jaw of the dragon spitting it in half. The dragon with its last remaining strength attempted to bite Dethos but the loss of blood made it weak and it wasn’t fast enough to get him all, but his left arm got court on one of the dragons lower teeth. The tooth ripped a hole in Dethos arm but it didn’t impale itself on it. Dethos landed on his back on the floor blood dripping from his arm. He got to his feet and looked at the dragon. It was still alive but wouldn’t live. It had a day at the most before the wounds killed it. The question now was do we kill it now and put it out of its misery or leave it and let it die a slow painful death. He asked Edward what he thought they should do.

19:11:41 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Edward listened to the dragon moan in its final day of death and could not stand it.
"I think we should put it out of its creature deserves pain like that anyways...kill it unless someone has a reason not to...I wish they would gather here already unless those other tunnels did not lead here."

19:26:07 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos agreed with Edward and walked up to the dragon’s head.  He raised his axe and looked into the dragon’s good eye. It looked sad. Be brought the axe down onto the dragon’s head. Black blood came from the wound. Dethos watched the life leave the dragon’s eye. He removed his throwing axe from the other and then cut out several of the dragon’s teeth and used his normal axe to cut some of its hide. He then walked back to Edward putting the teeth and hide in his bag and said “I doubt the caves would join to this one but they might all lead to a big cavern.”  

20:13:56 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Edward looked at what Dethos did and cut some of the hide from the dragon himself.
"Dragonhide armor is rare to find...I will give this to my brother Charley since it makes good archer armor.  Let's continue on and see if we find a larger cavern with the others."

20:24:00 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Without a weapon, Demonsul was doomed. But his sword was still doing it's job. Little by little, the wound it was embedded in was draining the dragon's blood. It was already losing its accuracy. Often a claw or tail strike would miss by several meters. Demonsul realized that victory could actually come quite quickly, if he evaded the dragon long enough for it to lose consciousness.
Dodging blow after blow, he ran across the floor around the dragon, stepping often in pools of blood. He had stopped to pick up another torch, and was using it to evade any attacks the dragon used. But he had not prepared for the dragon's final strike.
Losing consciousness after a especially massive roar, the dragon fell forward. Demonsul was right in the line of it's collapse. Rolling to one side, he escaped just before the dragon landed with a thunderous crash. Drawing his sword from it's flank, he impaled it through the brain.
To his surprise, this caused the dying dragon to spasm for a second. He managed to retreat with his sword in time, but the thrashing dragon crashed into the walls, before lying still against them.
The cave began to rumble. Small rocks bounced down from high above. Suddenly, a large chunk of rock slid free, blocking the entrance Demonsul had used. With larger stones falling every second, Demonsul sheathed his sword and began to evade again, this time dodging falling projectiles. Still, without a way out, he would be buried alive.
Losing his footing, Demonsul fell to the floor...and through it. Watching as the floor gave way, Demonsul shouted out as he fell, fell, a long way...before landing with a splash in a pool of icy cold water. His torch went out, and he was plunged into darkness. With a shudder, the hole through which he fell was blocked by a large boulder from above, and the entire cave above that collapsed.
Crawling, sodden, from the water, Demonsul fumbled around for any source of light. Finding none, he scouted the edge of the small cave with his hands. Eventually he found a narrow inlet, and sidling down it, realized it ended abruptly in a dirt wall. Pounding his fists against it in frustration, part of it gave way, and then the rest. Entering through, he found himself in a plain cave...plain that is, apart from the mutilated corpse of another dragon, a man and a dwarf...Edward and Dethos!
Realizing that they were leaving, he shouted, "Edward! Dethos! Wait for me!" and ran towards them.

20:36:47 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos turned around and saw a tall man in a black cloak. He was running towards them. Dethos pulled out a throwing axe and was about to throw it when he realised it was Demonsul one of the travellers that got trapped in the cave. He put the axe back and when he was close enough said, “Where did you come from?”

20:49:10 Nov 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Your can kill of the rest of the dragons now, then continue on your path]

Killer(self-appointed name, for no reason...) watched as all the people marched down the tunnels, soon to disappear from sight. The majority went down the path of the diamonds, and none came back from any path. It was time to make his choice. He decided to wander back before continuing on, he reckoned he had plenty of time and was feeling adventurous. He found the cave cleared of debris, but strangely the sky was blackened, devoid of starts. Killer had no reckoning of time, and so continued into what he thought was open air, but was just in fact a large cave, with a tunnel leading away in another direction, torches lighing the way. Killer continued down the path, and stopped in a large cavern opening, leading into the ope air once more. He debated whether going on or going back, when he heard cries from behind. The rest were coming, all to one path.

20:54:06 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Charley turned and saw it was Demonsul.  He finished packing the large pieces of dragonhide in his pack and
"Hey, I came down this tunnel with Dethos and we found a dragon.  Free dragonhide for archer armor now.  You faced a dragon too? That is insane.  So close."

He proceeded forwards and saw the halfling ahead in a larger cavern.
"Guess we are all meeting up now..."

21:29:05 Nov 12th 08 - Lord Wraith:

*Ranraac's arrow exploded as it hit the dragon's scales however the arrow just glanced off the thick scales. The explosion didn't do much either, except antagonise the beast who raced at Ranraac. Running forwards, the dragon rammed its head into the wall where Ranraac had been standing moments before.

Notching another arrow, Wraith drew the bow hurriedly and muttered a spell. The arrowtip seemed to glaze over as if icy cold. He was sure that not even a dragon's scales could withstand an arrow from such close range. Letting loose the arrow, he heard the fearsome creature yowl in pain as the arrow entered its skin a couple of inches.

Ranraac ran as he saw the beast recovering from bashing into the wall. Angered at him, it puffed out of its nostrils and stood on its hind legs angrily flapping its wings. A roar echoed around the room as it let out a fearsome breath of fire, which Ranraac narrowly avoided by jumping behind a huge boulder. What had he gotten himself into, he thought as he peered out from behind the rock. Another breath of flames licked the rock as he withdrew behind it.

Pulling back his bow, Ranraac hurriedly notched two arrows. He waited for the flames to dissipate before jumping out and letting them loose. Both hit the underbelly of the dragon and sank almost completely into the beast.

It was wounded but by no means dead yet. The icy fragments would certainly help inflict major damage, he thought as he notched one more arrow. This time he would aim. And he would use fire. to fight fire. As he jumped out this time, he noticed that the dragon had been edging closer the whole time. Narrowly avoiding the tail, Ranraac was just grazed by the sharp claws of the dragon. However, he stood strong and let the arrow fly at the beast's face. Roaring, the arrow hit its target and ripped through the muzzle into the brain of the creature. Ranraac breathed a sig of relief as the creature fell down, limp and lifeless, yet he also felt sorrow. Carving a mark on the beast, he went to continue deeper into the cave, wondering where everyone else was*

12:20:34 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

Adam had watched the fight with his hand ever on his sword Dragfury, he saw a fellow traveler fight for long with valor before he finally downed the dragon. As the elf Ranrac departed he went near the dragon and after examining it with curiosity for some time he looked about only to hear a roar behind him, before the dead dragon could as much as re-lift it's head Adam had brought down his blade Dragfury in a sweeping arc like motion and the next sound was that of the dragon's head falling to the floor. Adam after cutting off liberal amounts of dragon hide for himself quickly rummaged through the dragons remains and found a small triangular key in a space between the dragons interlocking hide, he pocketed it and after casting one last look over the place he too advanced ahead.

14:06:37 Nov 13th 08 - Sir Darkin:

Darkin came to the end of the tunnel and entered a huge cavern.  At the far end of the cavern, lay a large hulking mass.  Darkin could tell from this distance that it was the remains of a dragon. 

He inspected the carcass.  Some of the teeth had been extracted and patches of skin removed.  Darkin was filled with sorry that such an ancient majestic and wise creature had been slain in this manner.  He looked at the chest cavity it seemed to be intact.  The people who killed the beast were obviously not poachers, the heart was one of the most sought after trophies of a dragon, being used in a range of different elixirs.  A dragon heart is worth a fortune in any major city.  Darkin looked around and picked up a great axe from the place its previous owner had dropped it.  Slicing the chest open with is dirk, Darkin used the heavy axe to break open the breast bone.  It took a few blows but it gave way eventually.  The smell coming from wound was horrible, a mixture of ash and sulfur.  Darkin held his breath and half crawled into the chest cavity, using his dirk to cut the heart from the chest.  He had to try this couple of times but he removed the heart eventually. 

The heart was enormous, half as big as he was.  He dragged the heart away from the carcass and caught his breath.  He sprinkled red and orange powders over the heart from two separate satchels and stood back.  The heart began to smoulder and then burst into flames.  Golden smoke rose from the burning heart, and briefly assumed the form of a dragon in flight before dissipating into the air.  The dragon’s spirit was free.

19:21:15 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer greeted the questors, and avoided any questions., by pretending he had gone down the tunnel of the diamonds, and since he heard there were dragons, threw a dragon into the equation. No others had come back from that tunnel. There were only a dozen left(us and a few others). It was time to continue on. There was only one way, and they trudged on with a weary heart as the sun rose up over the small hilltops. Killer noticed some burdened down with a great weight it seemed, but asked no questions. They had no food to eat, and none felt inclined to try to chew dragon meat. They cut a course staright across the hills, aiming for where they thought was the nearest city. They eventually stumbled across a path, and debated whether to go onward or not, when suddenl they saw a small group of mages, sitting around a strange shape dug in the ground. It was a hexagon inside a square, with a strange criss-cross of lines inside it. It was a sign of the earth god, Plodir, but Killer didn't know the religion of his fellow travellers, and Killer believed in none. Most religious people were Zetians, but the majority were faithless. Killer asked his companions what to do.

22:42:19 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos looked at the group of mages. They looked harmless and he couldn’t see any weapons but they could use magic to fight. Dethos said “I think we should talk to them but some of us should hide around them with range weapons ready to kill them if they attack”

23:01:36 Nov 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer agreed with Dethos' and the others' reasoning(sorry, just too long to wait for you to respond to such an insignificant thing). They quickly split up into groups, Killer, Edward, Adam and Karzun, and two others would go down and talk while Delran, Dethos and Ranraac and the rest(four) could shoot from afar if need be. The young human call Larton asked who they were, and they did not reply. Even when swords were drawn, they did not give the slightest hint of a reaction. Killer passed his staff to one of them, and they exclaimed something in a foreign tongue. The staff disappeared from sight. A gruff voice said to them in halted English, "Go straight along that path," frantic pointing to a road that had suddenly appeared. "You will come to the city in a day or two. Alternatively, head along in the opposite direction and you will come to a path. It is your decision, and you can take your staff," as Killer was just about to object, the wood tossed to him in a careless manner. "First, however, you must kill the beast roaming the hills yonder," the mage continued, gesturing to near-by hills. Larton quickly enquired as to why they should. The mage continued, as if he had not stopped his speech, "If you do not, you will be killed, along with your nearby companions."
                        They decided to go to the place, not having much choice in the matter, and waited not long until the "beast" came. It was not a single creature, but each soldier's worst fear come to mind. It was each to his own.

21:26:28 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Killer faced the "beast", or at least his version of it. It was like him in all aspects, wielding a staff, much like own, but with a precious stone at the top. He stood his ground, his hand straying to the ground, a heavy stone protruded out of the ground. It was too heavy to lift, and the creature made a sudden move, twirling the staff in an arc, bringing it down on Killer's head. He slumped backwards, but quickly rose to his feet, stumbling a little. The creature hit him again with the staff, harder. It repeatedly hit his across the head. Killer cried "What have I done?". His monster merely smiled, a small smirk with the yellow edges of his teeth showing. The stone atop the staff glowed brightly, and Killer wa*beep* by a rock across the face.
                   He fell to the ground, gasping for breath as another stone hit him in the stomach. He pleaded, but they fell on deaf ears. He was battered and bloodied after many assaults of the stick, and slowly rose to his feet one last time, and the creature ran at him, and smashed the staff into face. Killer fell to the ground, unconcious.

(The creature(s) you face can be anything, use your imaginations)

22:03:03 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Dethos III:

Dethos looked at the beast. It was a giant spider about 15 feet tall. Although he had lived in the mountains with lots of spider Dethos still didn’t like large ones. It was large, black and hairy. He unbuckled his axe and ran towards the spider. It bit at Dethos with its fangs. Dethos rolled out of the way and swung his axe at the first of the spider’s legs. It cut through the leg and blood spilt out. The spider wobbled but stayed on its feet. Dethos pulled out a throwing axe and threw it at another of the spider’s legs, it cut the leg off. Dethos then swung his axe at the spiders under belly that sliced open very easily. Blood poured out over Dethos from the wound. He got to the backside of the spider and looked at it. Blood was pouring out of the spider’s under-belly and the two legs. The spider buckled and fell to the ground dead. Dethos was about to look at the others when the spider got back up. The wound on its under-belly started to heal and two new legs stared to grow back. Within seconds the wounds were healed and the spider was ready to attack Dethos again. Dethos threw another throwing axe at one of the spiders back legs. The axe cut it off the leg again but this time the spider fell. Dethos ran and climbed on the spiders back and started cutting that its back. More blood came out but again they slowly healed. Dethos thought he would need a smart way to kill it. He ran up to the spider head and started cutting it off. He was about half way through when he saw that it was healing as well. He jumped of the spider and cut off a front leg. The spider slipped and fell to the floor. Dethos had hurt his leg in the jump but managed to get to the spider’s head. He swung his axe and cut off the spider’s fangs. He picked it up careful not to stab himself with it he buried dead in to the spiders head. Venom entered the spiders head and when though its whole body. The spider shuttered and died. That was something else Dethos feared, deadly poisonous spiders. He looked at what the others were doing.

00:59:16 Nov 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Edward faced the monster and it took the form of a large snake.
"Snakes....why a giant snake?"

It quickly slithered along the ground and tripped Edward up, causing him to fall to the ground.  It bit at his face, but Edward managed to roll out of the way and stab his sword at it.  The snack pulled it's head backwards, dodging the trust, allowing Edward to get to his feet again.  He jumped to his feet and lunged at the serpent's head quickly.  It dodged with incredible speed and bit at his arm.  It tore away the armor covering his arm, but Edward managed to shove his sword through it's jaw.  It reeled in agony as a purple blood spurted from it's head and face and slammed against the ground.  Edward ran up to it and swung Purilas with all of his might, slicing the head of the beast clean off.

Edward fell to a knee, exhausted and terrified out of his mind.  He shivered underneath his armor, finally letting out the terror and fear that had filled his mind in the fight.  He finally stood up and regained his composure, hoping that this would be the last time he had to face his fear in such a way.

05:24:34 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

'No.... no stay away from me,' shouted Adam in panicky fear as his hand desperately searched for his blade, finally on finding it he drew it with great difficulty.

It was his living dead cousin Methos, clad in silver mail and armour, with a sword in his hand laughing cruelly. The laugh seemed to pierce through Adams heart and paralyze him but it also filled him with great anger. 'I....I won't spare you this time,' his voice shaking with rage. Adam gripped his sword Dragfury tightly till the white of his knuckles began to show.

With speed that would stun even an elf Adam charged forward and moved his sword in a circular motion trying to hack off Methos into two, even Methos seemed stunned and manged to sidestep him just in time but not before receiving a slash that nearly cut of his arm into two. Adam had been thrown of balance and was nearly flying in the air, while Adam was in the air Methos used a spell that slowed down time and then moved his hands rapidly muttering spells and moving his usable hand with great complexity, finally Methos pointed the face of his palm towards Adams and a blinding yellow light erupted from his hand incinerating everything, rock stone, animal all matter behind Adam. As Adam struggled to move faster he had realized what Methos was going to do at the very last moment and so he thrust out his sword Dragfury just as the energy wave left Methos's palm, the sword was nearly wrenched from Adams hands but he held fast, as Methos's attack finished Adam finally lowered his sword, the rubies on the hilt of his blade had absorbed Methos's energy attack and had briefly turned black before returning to their original colour, Adam gathered his remaining strength as he saw a drained but smiling Methos charge him, Adam stood his ground right till the last moment, Methos lunged at him but Adam with the skillful use of his blade changed the angle of Methos's thrust by a few degrees thus saving himself, with his shield Adam struck at Methos's elbow from the bottom hoping to break it, Methos however being living-dead didn't feel any pain and elbowed Adam in his face. Adam lurched back, dropped his shield and covered his face with his hands pretending to be in great pain, Methos lunged again but Adam dodged it with a duck and with a roll forward pierced Methos's heart where his heart ought to have been right till his entire blade had gone through his body. Methos stopped in his tracks and staggered back a few steps, his eyes bulging, he was croaking, ',

As Methos fell face first to the ground Adam got up and dusted himself, he then went near Methos rolled him over and pulled out his sword, as Adam was preparing to resheath his sword Methos opened his eyes which were flashing yellow and he hurled a small cursed knife right at Adams chest, 'You missed my heart again, Adam,' he said with an evil smile which turned into a scowl and then a look of pain as Dragfury went right through his heart thrice 'Dragonskin,' Adam said simply his eyes burning with the fire of his ancestors.

Adam, then got up and looked about to see what his comrades were doing.

05:25:55 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

'No.... no stay away from me,' shouted Adam in panicky fear as his hand desperately searched for his blade, finally on finding it he drew it with great difficulty.

It was his living dead cousin Methos, clad in silver mail and armour, with a sword in his hand laughing cruelly. The laugh seemed to pierce through Adams heart and paralyze him but it also filled him with great anger. 'I....I won't spare you this time,' his voice shaking with rage. Adam gripped his sword Dragfury tightly till the white of his knuckles began to show.

With speed that would stun even an elf Adam charged forward and moved his sword in a circular motion trying to hack off Methos into two, even Methos seemed stunned and manged to sidestep him just in time but not before receiving a slash that nearly cut of his arm into two. Adam had been thrown of balance and was nearly flying in the air, while Adam was in the air Methos used a spell that slowed down time and then moved his hands rapidly muttering spells and moving his usable hand with great complexity, finally Methos pointed the face of his palm towards Adams and a blinding yellow light erupted from his hand incinerating everything, rock stone, animal all matter behind Adam. As Adam struggled to move faster he had realized what Methos was going to do at the very last moment and so he thrust out his sword Dragfury just as the energy wave left Methos's palm, the sword was nearly wrenched from Adams hands but he held fast, as Methos's attack finished Adam finally lowered his sword, the rubies on the hilt of his blade had absorbed Methos's energy attack and had briefly turned black before returning to their original colour, Adam gathered his remaining strength as he saw a drained but smiling Methos charge him, Adam stood his ground right till the last moment, Methos lunged at him but Adam with the skillful use of his blade changed the angle of Methos's thrust by a few degrees thus saving himself, with his shield Adam struck at Methos's elbow from the bottom hoping to break it, Methos however being living-dead didn't feel any pain and elbowed Adam in his face. Adam lurched back, dropped his shield and covered his face with his hands pretending to be in great pain, Methos lunged again but Adam dodged it with a duck and with a roll forward pierced Methos's heart where his heart ought to have been right till his entire blade had gone through his body. Methos stopped in his tracks and staggered back a few steps, his eyes bulging, he was croaking, ',

As Methos fell face first to the ground Adam got up and dusted himself, he then went near Methos rolled him over and pulled out his sword, as Adam was preparing to resheath his sword Methos opened his eyes which were flashing yellow and he hurled a small cursed knife right at Adams chest, 'You missed my heart again, Adam,' he said with an evil smile which turned into a scowl and then a look of pain as Dragfury went right through his heart thrice 'Dragonskin,' Adam said simply his eyes burning with the fire of his ancestors.

Adam, then got up and looked about to see what his comrades were doing.

05:28:49 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

[OOC- Sorry for the double post, damned VU bug]

19:11:38 Nov 15th 08 - Lord Wraith:

[OOC: I'll post when i get home tonight. haven't had enough time to type anything out yet :) ]

21:50:22 Nov 16th 08 - Lord Wraith:

*Ranraac stepped into a clearing, looking for the foul beast he was to slay. There was not a sign of life around. Maybe he was in the wrong place? However, at that moment a figure stepped out of the bushes infront of him into the clearing.

A hooded man stood there, holding a blood-stained sword. A black cloak and hood, with a silver insignia, covered all details of the humanoid figure. Ranraac drew his bow and notched an arrow, his hand shaking slightly. "Who... what are you?" Ranraac said, his voice shaking. 'It can't be one of them.... Not here...'

"Your worst nightmare" was his answer. The man spoke with a low hiss, and confirmed Ranraac's fears. "Thundiaega" Ranraac muttered as his arrow suddenly glinted. The man let out a harsh, rasping cough and suddenly ran at Ranraac, sword at the ready. Letting loose the arrow, Ranraac quickly drew another as the man fell down dead, a few feet away and looked around fearfully.

More trouble appeared as 2 more appeared behind him. Ranraac nicked one in the leg as the other came at him, sword drawn and held high above his head. Moving sideways in a circle, Ranraac drew his dirk and slashed at his opponent. A cut appeared across the figure's arm and he fell yowling in pain.

"You know this weapon, you know the harm it will cause you" Ranraac said. His dirk shone red, even though there was little blood on it. However, he didn't have time to finish the wounded man as his companion had arrived. Stabbing and backing up, Haka got a few strikes in, even if none hit leathally. Parrying one slash, he hit the first opponent in the head with his elbow and turned around, stabbing where the face should have been. A hissing noise as the robes fell down, empty and the figure inside had vanished.

At that moment, the last enemy struck at Haka. Only just getting his dirk up, the block was deflected onto Haka's shoulder. A burning sensation filled his arm as the cruel, evil blade bit deep into his skin. Roaring with pain, Ranraac brought up his knee and struck almost blindly at the man. The knee strike connected and so, Ranraac managed to stab the figure in the back. The same hissing noise sounded, and Ranraac was alone. In pain, but alone. He wondered what they were doing here.*

17:09:48 Nov 17th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Climbing up onto a rock, Demonsul hacked at the head of the beast below him with his sword. Only it wasn't a beast. It was a Kru'hik, a walking dead, a  resident of the abandoned ice. Despite the midday heat, icicles hung from greyed limbs and half of a skull shone out through a partially rotted head. What was still visible was a human, but barely. Demonsul's strokes damaged the creature, but wherever it was mortally injured, the magic that had summoned it regenerated it. He managed to remove an arm, but the creature picked it up and reattached it. He had managed to crush the head, but it flowed out into it's original shape. He managed to destroy a leg with a black fireball, and over the next few seconds an entire new one had formed. The Kru'hik were notoriously hard to kill, and tis one was proving to be an excellent example of this. Flailing with apparent randomness, the creature was actually attacking with absolute presicion, scraping it's claws across Demonsul's armor and leaving huge scratches in the metal. Its mind was tactically asessing the battle, striking without mercy.
Swinging out wildly, Demonsul caught the creature on the neck. The head cracked off, and was sent spinning across the muddied floor. The body groped for the head, and finding it, reattached it to it's neck leaving only a bloody mark.
Desperate, Demonsul recalled all he knew of Kru'hik, an remembered it's weakness. Throwing one last fireball, Demonsul exploded the creature's head. Silver blood splattered Demonsul's cloak, coating the remains of the dragon's blood with a disgusting sheen. The headless body groped around again, but could not find the missing head, after a minute of clutching at air, the reamins of the Kru'hik sank to it's knees and collapsed in the crimson mud.
Relieved, Demonsul turned to see what everyone else was doing.

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