Forums / Roleplaying / The Battle of the Towns

The Battle of the Towns
21:33:40 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Right, hopefully this will work...

There is ten kingdoms, fighting for rulership of the continent. You are the mayor/leader/ruler/something of a town. You have to build it up, then you can either go and fight, or just produce resources. There is 100 countries, 10 per kingdom, and up to ten towns in each country(small countries, fairly small continent as well...). You have to fight to destroy these places(that aren't yours).

You have to satisfy the peasants in the town, of which there won't be too many. There is a morale, and you have to keep it high. This requires food(mixed diet as well... though it won't matter that much) housing and... that's it, I think...
You have to fight off invasions by training troops. The various buildings will be: stables(to bring up animals for your soldiers to ride); armouries(to train soldiers); smithies(to make weapons for your troops); workshops(to make wooden weapons for your troops); houses; farms; mills; bakeries; lumber camps; mining camps; mints(make money); bank(store stuff)

There will also be people you can trade with. If you want to sell something to them you can, if they come to your town, but you have to send people off if you want to buy things. More will be explained later.

There will be a few different races, 6 to be precise.
Humans - Average race. Good at the market.
Dwarfs/dwarves - Good miners, smithies, fighters and builders, poor in everything else.
Elves - Poor fighters, miners and blacksmiths, and good at everything else.
Halflings - Poor fighters, good farmers, marketers and with animals.
Orcs - Excellent fighters, terrible farmers and at marketing.
Trolls - Good fighters, excellents lumberers and good crafters(of wood...). Poor at everything else.

That's pretty much it. You can pick any of the kingdoms(haven't decided what they're called yet), or not pick any kingdom, but you'll still be able to trade.

Oh, and you get more gold per day if you get higher ranks(amount will change according to wars). Lowest rank - highest rank. You automatically start at Private, and I will tell you when you rank up(you have to fight to get these ranks, and you can also drop ranks if you do badly fighting)

Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colenel, Brigadier, Major General, General, Field Marshal

I will be doing a map of the continent. You do the map of your town yourself(not necessary) and you have 50 pieces of land in your town to start (-5 for 3 houses and 2 farms) and you can buy more, max. 500. Buildlings will take up different amounts of land.


21:40:09 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf

21:45:48 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Killer:

And don't worry, there won't be any nasty calculations, only small multiples of ten and maybe 5s.

21:48:07 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human

22:06:31 Apr 5th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human

22:14:53 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

is there a building list, a unit list, what?

22:59:07 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy-Dwarf

23:00:15 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

i think their should be taverns in the building list (not copying from VU although obviously you are by the races etc. but anyways tavernes increase pezzie income rate and happiness)

23:01:43 Apr 5th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Its always the same thing repeated
Cant you guys think of something original?

{ No offence Killer..}

23:09:55 Apr 5th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

the brewery instead of tavern, instead of mines: gold, silver and bronze shafts, instead of mill, corn and wheat fields, instead of armories barracks, plus introduce Manor of the Estate, which is wear the governor of the town lives, and increases town yeild due to organization. Plus introduce shrines you can build where you can make offerings to heroes and eventualy when enough resourses have been offered he comes to the town(different heroes - different bonuses)

02:11:52 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy-Dwarf
  5. Plato - (since when am I not) Human

02:53:36 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Plague:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy-Dwarf
  5. Plato - (since when am I not) Human
  6. Plague-Dwarf

15:27:01 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok... building list... There are upgrades of current buildings as well, which will usually take up less land but be more expensive. The unit of currency is gold, nice and simple.

(Houses people, number next to it is no. of people house. I'll do land and cost afterwards).
Huts(5) - Shack(10) - House(15) - Mansion(25) - Castle(50) - Palace(75)
Small barracks(houses troops only. 50) - Large Barracks(100)

(Feeds people. No. beside is max. amount of food. Each person eats 1 food, each person working in farm/whatever produces 10 food.)
Small crop farm(20) - Large crop farm(50) - Dairy/cattle farm(70) - Mixed farm(100)

(Trains troops. 5 different types of troop per race. Each level up gets you to train the next type of troop)
Armoury, level 1 - Armoury, level 2 - etc...

(Houses animals{mounts}. 3 animals per race. Will be said later. Three level of animals, better stables needed for better animals).
Stables, level 1 - Stables, level 2 - Stables, level 3

(Makes money. Max. amount of money is beside it. 10 gold per worker)
Small mint(50) - Large mint(200)

(Stores large amounts of stuff)
Bank(stores money)
Warehouse(stores everything)

(Makes wood)
Lumber camp(100)

(Makes metal{ore is smelted...})
Mining camp(100)

(Makes metal weapons for troops)

(Makes wooden weapons for troops)

(Keeps morale higher)
Taverne - Inn

15:58:04 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Troops... Level 1&2 troops can ride level 1 mount. Level 3 troops can ride 1& 2 mounts. Level 4 troops can(and have to) ride all mounts, level 5 can ride all mounts. Unless otherwise stated. Level 3 troops are ranged troops.

Humans - Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers, Knights, Heroes
               Animals - Horses, Elephants, Griffins

Dwarfs - Pikemen, Axemen, Axe-throwers, Bull Riders, Warriors
               Animals - Ponies, Oxen, Rocs

I'll have to finish this later...

16:01:31 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy-Dwarf
  5. Plato - (since when am I not) Human
  6. Plague-Dwarf
  7. goodboys - human

16:19:28 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

o god, lol everyones pickin either human or dwarf...i think the races need to be balanced

16:22:38 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

If I join, I'll probs be Elf but I want to see all the details first

18:18:39 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, please stop picking the same race... Otherwise the other races will be pointless.

If you don't know any of the following animals, ask me...

Humans - Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers, Knights, Heroes
               Animals - Horses, Elephants, Griffins

Dwarfs - Pikemen, Axemen, Axe-throwers, Bull Riders, Warriors
               Animals - Ponies, Oxen, Rocs(Big white bird, smaller in this case than usual)

Elves - Swordsmen, Soldiers, Archers, Riders, Healer
               Animals - Unicorns, Deer, Pegasi

Halflings - Pikemen, Warriors, Slingers, Pony Riders, Adventurers
                 Animals - Dogs, Ponies, Phoenixi(errr...)

Orcs - Goblins, Hogoblins, Crossbowers, Nazguls, Warlords
                Animals - Ostriches, Wolves, Wyverns(small dragon-like creatures)

Trolls - Spearmen, Soldiers, Rock throwers, Warlords, Berserkers
               Animals - Boars, Rhinoceri, Giant Eagle

18:20:47 Apr 6th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Giant eagles going with...TROLLS!!?!?!?!? WHAT!?!??!?!?! THIS IS MADNESS!!! They should be with Elves!!! Giant Eagles HATE TROLLS!

18:22:01 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

*deleted due to complete randomness*

18:23:11 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Give me another flying creature for Trolls then please...

18:29:37 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

18:31:20 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errr... no...

Humans - Spearmen, Swordsmen, Archers, Knights, Heroes
               Animals - Horses, Elephants, Griffins

Dwarfs - Pikemen, Axemen, Axe-throwers, Bull Riders, Warriors
               Animals - Ponies, Oxen, Pegasi

Elves - Swordsmen, Soldiers, Archers, Riders, Healer
               Animals - Unicorns, Deer, Giant Eagle

Halflings - Pikemen, Warriors, Slingers, Pony Riders, Adventurers
                 Animals - Dogs, Ponies, Phoenixes

Orcs - Goblins, Hogoblins, Crossbowers, Nazguls, Warlords
                Animals - Ostriches, Wolves, Wyverns(small dragon-like creatures)

Trolls - Spearmen, Soldiers, Rock throwers, Warlords, Berserkers
               Animals - Boars, Rhinoceri, Roc

18:34:03 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

just a suggestion...

18:37:11 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, I know, I just don't want a mix of animals. Griffin is fine, it's one of the most well-known mythological animals.

19:32:46 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Kingdoms(named after a colour, which you can become ruler of if you do really really well...) Races don't matter. May change with new leaders(always colours though...) In order of ummm... army sizes... Doesn't make a whole pile of difference which one you join... Please don't all join the same one. No alliances.  -

White(Current main kingdom, with most armies, but getting killed by all the other kingdoms)
Black(Main attacker)

(No blue as I need that colour for the sea...)

19:39:05 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

oh wait i want to change too Orcs plus ill join the Red kingdom

19:53:05 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok... here's cost and land of buildings...

No. in brackets is land, no. outside of it, cost(in gold)

(Houses people).
Hut(1)50 - Shack(2)100 - House(3)200 - Mansion(5)500 - Castle(7)1,000 - Palace(10)2,000
Small barracks(3)500 - Large Barracks(5)1,500

(Feeds people)
Small crop farm(1)100 - Large crop farm(2)150 - Dairy/cattle farm(2)400 - Mixed farm(3)1,000

(Trains troops.)
Armoury, level 1(1)200 - Armoury, level 2(2)500 - Armoury, level 3(5)2,000 - Armoury, level 4(10)5,000 - Armoury, level 5(15)10,000

(Houses animals{mounts}).
Stables, level 1(1)500 - Stables, level 2(5)2,000 - Stables, level 3(25)20,000

(Makes money)
Small mint(3)1,000 - Large mint(5)3,000

(Stores large amounts of stuff)

(Makes wood)
Lumber camp(5)500

(Makes metal{ore is smelted...})
Mining camp(5)500

(Makes metal weapons for troops)

(Makes wooden weapons for troops)

(Keeps morale higher)
Taverne(1)100 - Inn x5 effectiveness of taverne(2)1,000

Upgrades replace current buildlings.

19:54:46 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato - (since when am I not) Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human

20:01:18 Apr 6th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Killer, you may want to add much much money , food etc make

This is too avoid people coming out with obscene amounts of income
Also, I will join

I will be a little beige and Troll

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll

20:52:21 Apr 6th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Human
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

11:42:25 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

15:59:32 Apr 7th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

16:06:15 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

17:24:50 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

No blue? :-(

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

I'm wearing a brown t-shirt today, so woot!

17:27:21 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. Goodboys - human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll.

17:28:13 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf

17:28:37 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

Durza - Troll.

17:29:01 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

sorry i forgot about you...

17:29:40 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll
If you don't change it, you're automaticallly white.

17:30:27 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

I changed tyo brown and am to lazy to do it again :-p

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

18:10:36 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

(Feeds people. No. beside is max. amount of food. Each person eats 1 food, each person working in farm/whatever produces 10 food.)
Small crop farm(20) - Large crop farm(50) - Dairy/cattle farm(70) - Mixed farm(100)

(Makes money. Max. amount of money is beside it. 10 gold per worker)
Small mint(50) - Large mint(200)

(Makes wood)
Lumber camp(100 wood)(10 wood per worker)

(Makes metal{ore is smelted...})
Mining camp(100 metal)(10 metal per worker)

Now, troop cost... and animal upkeep(in food, per day) & cost. Use cost as a rough guide to power, with halflings and elves slightly weaker, orcs and trolls, slightly stronger. It doesn't really depend on that though, but higher level troops are generally better. + mean troops are good for their level(and cost), according to their race, a - bad. Animals can reproduce, give info about that later. Base the riding of animals on the level 4 troop.

Humans - Spearmen(50 gold), Swordsmen(70 gold), Archers(100 gold), Knights(150 gold +), Heroes(300 gold)
               Animals - Horses(3 food, 100 gold), Elephants(20 food, 400 gold), Griffins(20 food, 1,500 gold)

Dwarfs - Pikemen(60 gold), Axemen(100 gold +), Axe-throwers(100 gold -), Bull Riders(200 gold -), Warriors(250 gold +)
               Animals - Ponies(2 food, 80 gold), Oxen(5 food, 200 gold), Pegasi(5 food, 1,000 gold)

Elves - Swordsmen(50 gold -), Soldiers(70 gold -), Archers(100 gold +), Riders(200 gold +), Healer(500 gold)(Heals troops, useless fighter. Heals mostly after fights)
               Animals - Unicorns(3 food, 150 gold), Deer(2 food, 200 gold), Giant Eagle(10 food, 1,500 gold)

Halflings - Pikemen(40 gold -), Warriors(100 gold -), Slingers(90 gold), Pony Riders(150 gold), Adventurers(250 gold -)
                 Animals - Dogs(1 food, 50 gold), Ponies(2 food, 80 gold), Phoenixes(1 food, 3,000 gold)

Orcs - Goblins(50 gold +), Hogoblins(80 gold +), Crossbowers(70 gold -), Nazguls(300 gold), Warlords(200 gold +)
                Animals - Ostriches(2 food, 150 gold), Wolves(5 food, 300 gold), Wyverns(50 food, 2,000 gold)

Trolls - Spearmen(40 gold +), Soldiers(100 gold +), Rock throwers(150 gold), Warlords(200 gold -), Berserkers(500 gold +)
               Animals - Boars(4 food, 200 gold), Rhinoceri(5 food, 1,000 gold), Roc(20 food, 2,000 gold)

19:02:51 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Population - You start off with 10 people, 3 huts, 2 small crop farms and 500 gold. Your population increases by 5 people every day, but may be more as you advance, and when that happens I'll inform you.
As for animals, you start off with none, and you can buy some. You can have another animal(of the same type...) between 2 every so often, and the young has to grow before you can have another. Here's the length of time for each animal... in days, real.

               Animals - Horses(5), Elephants(15), Griffins(20), Ponies(5, Oxen(10), Pegasi(10), Unicorns(5), Deer(10), Giant Eagle(20), Dogs(5), Phoenixes(30), Ostriches(10), Wolves(10), Wyverns(30), Boars(10), Rhinoceri(10), Roc(25)

Ok, nearly finished. All I have to explain is how you fight, and how you travel, do the map( :( ), bonuses and... weapons... The map will take a while, the rest won't...

19:03:14 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

nm, the map I drew stank

19:07:26 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

If you insist... There is 100 countries, 10 country per colour, some sea, colour according to kingdom. The sea is blue... Make it fairly big.

Edit: *Sigh*...

19:08:12 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Okay, 'll try again

19:23:12 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

ill try, do you want it an island?

19:30:11 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

So... is white going to be a side? Also, I need another idea for black, black isn't gonna work very well when people attack it.

19:36:18 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Gold color?

19:43:16 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:



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