Forums / Roleplaying / The Endless Battle Era Two

The Endless Battle Era Two
23:35:35 Feb 2nd 08 - Lord Seloc:

So the story, Basics:

You are in an endless battle against the undead, think zombies.
There is an endless wall, which the undead endlessly assult, you position yourself on this wall, with who ever you like (i.e. I bunch of screaming lasses, or half a regiment of slingers, or a horde of berzerk vikings.)
Unless you want to be, your not together.
You can be evil or good, but evil people are still fighting against the undead, they just kill lots of their own soldiers.
There are lots of "Npc"s in your position to, but your not in charge of any, unless they're on your wall. (I.e No telling them to attack then cut left or something.)
Your parts of the wall are customised to your liking.


No guns or anything modern, this is a fantasy based Rp.
Don't travel the wall, you may teleport places, but don't go conversing with other people.
No disobeying of the order, if you want to apply for a role in the game pm me.
I may think of other rules as I go, you must obey them too.
Magic is allowed, as long as you realise that for every one you kill, they come back to life, and a friend appears.
No short posts once the order has been made, at least 100+ words.

and ABSOLUTELY NO WINNING! or loseing, it's called endless for a reason. (You may put side stories in it.)

You first posts don't have to be roleplaying, it's only complusary once I make the order.
The rules don't come into effect until game start.

If your unsure about anything please read up on other thread, any posts by me can be considered important.

  1. Seloc
  2. Killer(may as well... hopefully I won't get sick again)
  3. Demonsul -- "My wall has more undead attacking it than yours"
  4. Meowman
  5. Cephorus Septim IV
  6. Might The God of Cows
  7. Vengence [[will be Alban next era, as got sir title.]]

00:20:12 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Im the storage guy! Ask me for materials!]

00:40:28 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Fire Nova:

[Im the storage guy! Ask me for materials!]

ont you mean weapons?

00:41:09 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[That too]

01:41:57 Feb 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

  1. Seloc
  2. Killer(may as well... hopefully I won't get sick again)
  3. Demonsul -- "My wall has more undead attacking it than yours"
  4. Meowman
  5. Cephorus Septim IV
  6. Might The God of Cows
  7. Vengence [[will be Alban next era, as got sir title.]]
  8. Sir Revenge

11:20:24 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

how many until game start?

11:31:46 Feb 3rd 08 - Lord Seloc:

Game starts 24 hours after era starts, Might don't be silly there is no storage guy, you either play properly or you don't play.

16:03:11 Feb 3rd 08 - Mr. Ding:

  1. Seloc
  2. Killer(may as well... hopefully I won't get sick again)
  3. Demonsul -- "My wall has more undead attacking it than yours"
  4. Meowman
  5. Cephorus Septim IV
  6. Might The God of Cows
  7. Vengence [[will be Alban next era, as got sir title.]]
  8. Sir Revenge
  9. Mr. Ding

17:29:26 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

stupid clock...go faster!

17:37:19 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Seloc! I told you I was the storage guy :D Where do the supply of arrows, swords, and spears come from then?]

19:37:05 Feb 4th 08 - Lord Seloc:

Wewt, ok people GAME START, the order and rules are now in play.

Any furhter questions pm me, any further *beep* please pm Revenge.

You can make little comments, ASWELL as your post in "[""]" at the start or bottom. Those thats fail to follow the rules, will be punished somehow.

Killer your first make us proud, be sure to give a discription of you part of the wall. I.e whether it's just a wall, or if it has a keep on, and whos there.

Order is as follows:

  1. Killer(may as well... hopefully I won't get sick again)
  2. Demonsul -- "My wall has more undead attacking it than yours"
  3. Meowman
  4. Cephorus Septim IV
  5. Might The God of Cows
  6. Vengence [[will be Alban next era, as got sir title.]]
  7. Sir Revenge
  8. Mr. Ding
  9. Seloc

It restarts again once I have posted.
Do not write in italics and don't point out that the list is it them, because I can't get them out of it.

Word limit is no less than 100.

20:30:45 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Killer(may as well... hopefully I won't get sick again)
  2. Demonsul -- "My wall has more undead attacking it than yours"
  3. Meowman
  4. Cephorus Septim IV
  5. Might The God of Cows
  6. Vengence [[will be Alban next era, as got sir title.]]
  7. Sir Revenge
  8. Mr. Ding
  9. Seloc
There you go... Now, I'll start, next post...

20:56:50 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer glanced along his wall. He was only one of many soldiers there, around one hundred thousand, though some were but scantily equppied and poorly trained. He reckoned around half were well prepared, if even that. No undead were comnig, so he had time to survey the wall. He recognized a face though, while his eyes travelled along the wall. Swindwyl, it was. He often wondered what had happened to the other troops along the wall since the last battle. He, himself, had woken elsewhere, and how he had got there he did not know.

         His eyes wandered down the length of the wall, as far as he could see, at any rate. The wall was poorly made, or so he thought. Not the wall itself, just it's positioning to it's disadvantage, being on a slope downhill, and nothing extrordinary could he note along the wall. Still, the sheer numbers were many more times more than the last fight. He looked at the commander[I don't have to be the leader of the troops, do I?] and saw that he was clad in much armour, and he bent a little. Killer thought so much armour pointless, making him slower. It was poorly made, and there were many places to stab at. He surveyed the land in front of them. It was on a slope uphill, and a river ran down, which Killer guessed would be used as there water supplies, as it was wide and flowing quickly, somewhere down into the wall beyond sight. Killer considered checking this out, but decided not to. Someone may enquire as to where he was going. He watched the land, wondering when the first of the undead would arrive. He would soon find out, he reckoned. He looked up at the sky, it was beginning to darken already, and it was only a few hours after noon. The clouds were pink and the sky was red. Killer regarded this with foreboding.*

20:58:16 Feb 4th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The cheek! It skipped a line! It looks odd, me writing in non-italics...

18:24:56 Feb 7th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Demonsul put down the hammer and stared into the horizon. It was too soon, they needed more time. The wall was not even finished. Scaffold stretched up into the sky. Blocks of masonry hovered, suspended by tall cranes that looked, Demonsul thought, like they had been converted from old trebuchets; they looked both militaristic and used at the same time.

The wall was not as high as they had planned when the first lines of the enemy were sighted. They were still far away, but were bearing down on the unfinished wall with great speed. This was bad news, Demonsul thought, as his troop of elite crossbowmen was yet to even show up. He gave the command to the builders to destroy the scaffold on the side of the wall from which the undead were attacking. The wall was hopefully high enough (at about 7 meters at its lowest point) to hold the foe until his soldiers arrived.

In hindsight, Demonsul wished he had focused the construction efforts on the wall rather than the tall tower behind it...

[no weapons for me will i cope?]

02:19:51 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Meowman looked at the finished product of his men's work proudly, observing the long wall, which spanned a half of a mile, of tremendous height, being at least 10 times as high as the head of the tallest man. 'Not bad for 500 men in but 4 days,' he thought. As he observed his army, any other person, put in his place would have been shocked to see such a mix of men, elves, dwarves and hobbits working together in such harmony, and all under the banner of one human mage of the wind. But Meowman had long fought in the Great Wars of the Threat of the North, and knew that all that separated beings was their heart, not their body. He had tought his wisdom as far as he could for the last 2 months, and the people who followed his were his followers and devouties, ready to die for the religion Meowman had made, which is in the fair elven tongue known as Herenal. Meowman walked into the keep which protected the only weak spot in the wall, the gate, and climed up one of the twin magic towers, observing the ten pentagrams at it's peak, and watching his fellows laying out the runes for the pentacles in the other tower. 'Oh yes,' he thought. 'We're ready for anything.'


23:36:45 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:


00:54:19 Feb 9th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[ok ok skipping Septim : (]

15:37:09 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[Might? Where are you?]

19:43:14 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Alban:

[In my view, might is notoriously unrealible when it comes to roleplaying. no offence.]

19:51:26 Feb 9th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Skipping Might]

20:06:08 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Alban:

[[Yay. *stretches fingers*]]

Alban looked along the wall, face impassive. he knew that while his men could relax for a short time, sono they would be called to battle, and fear would engulf them as they fought for their lives. but for now they could relax.

the wall had been built to exact specifications, curving round, not quite closing in on itself, forming a bowl shape. the plan was to get the undead into that central area, were they would be easy targets, packed close together. the wall came up above the eyeline of most of the soldiers, but arrow slits lined the wall, meaning they could see through them, and fire arrows of course. also, at the top of them it was slightly wider so that a sword could fit through. it would be useful when undead began to climb the wall. Also the wall was quite narrow, no more than five meters across. this meant that if the undead gained access to the wall, they would not be able to surround his men.

The men who would soon be slaughtered if they could not defend themsekves adequately, now sat staring into the sky, sharpening swords, sparring. everyone had a different way of coping with the dread that hung of the place.

Alban moved along the wall, checking that all the men had a sword and a arrow each. then he sat and waited grimly. the fighting would soon begin

[[Dont have time to count, should be more than 100 words hopefully 

09:35:57 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[238 words! 100 is less than you think once you get into it]

13:31:21 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Revenge it's your turn...

[[And might didn't post cos he is on holiday untill Sunday...]]

15:48:33 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Alban:

oh..I didnt mean to do that many! lol

18:13:26 Feb 10th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

[[OOC: Been busy of late, back, sorry about not posting, you were right to skip me...]]

19:41:07 Feb 10th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[There's still time if your still interested.]

22:04:55 Feb 10th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenges eyes burned in the night sky, the moon set a ray on the field infront of the long wall
His men known as the Immortals stood with their arms to their sides, not a whisper, not a movement
" Cre" said Revenge, his men turned to the field and slammed their long spears to the ground with a thud in time
Revenge held his long silver tipped spear to the sky and lay his armour uupon his body, he belted across then put on his mask of war, too cover his disgustingly grussom face
His hair lay down to his soldiers and his bright eyes pierced the night
A chudder hit the ground, the feel of enemy feet trebbled through the grass
A war was at hand...

23:42:33 Feb 10th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

[[You haven't described your wall]]

09:22:07 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Meowman:


14:36:51 Feb 11th 08 - Sir Alban:


17:11:18 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errr... whatever about bumping everyday, you don't need to do it so often...

17:21:11 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[I CAN'T PLAY THIS.....because Seloc won't let me be the storage guy!]

17:23:25 Feb 11th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[Might do something useful...we don't need storage! I'm building a mini-factory-thing for my chainbolts]

00:12:46 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

C'mon Ding!!!

17:06:47 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

This isnt working...skip to seloc?

00:43:23 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

["I think everyone who hasn't posted their wall by the end of round one should get a dishonourable death..."]

01:14:45 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I have a shack......with wooden walls.

08:47:49 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[First round a pratice no-one but inactives die. I'll make my post this afternoon when I have time.]

17:48:27 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Killer
  2. Demonsul
  3. Meowman
  4. Alban
  5. Seloc

Ok folks game starts here this is where people start dying, so write your heart out.
Minimum - 100 words

Seige towers manned by archmages come for you! quick deend those walls with your lives!

17:50:04 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[Since I am here, can I go now??]]

17:52:40 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

*sigh yes*

18:01:02 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[thanks. and archmages do magic, right???]]

Alban looked at his men, as they walked along the wall, or stood there staring ahead. dark blurs on the horizon had been seen not long ago, and now they had becomes solid shapes. siege towers. as they came closer, Alban was aware of a crackling glow surrounding the towers. he groaned inwardly. that was the last thing he needed, magic users. his men shifted restlessly, some fingering their bows, loosening their swords in their sheaths.

Alban gave the order for them to draw their arrows, and they silently obeyed, placing the arrowhead through the slits in the wall, sixzing up the target. then, after thinking for a moment, Alban told them to wrap the arrow heads in cloth, and then set them alight. at his order, the arrows were let loose, dozens streaming towards the siege towers. they were deflected by an invisible force, and Alban cursed. he ordered for them all to aim for the same tower. the arrows once again flew towards the tower, and once again they were deflected. at least nearly all were. some struck home, the quantity of arrows finding weak points in the defence of the tower. if set alight, and fell to the ground. there were cheers along the wall. but then figures climbed from the smoking wreck, and began to walk towards the wall, holding ladders.

Cassius watched all this impassively, until a figure appeared through the arrow slit next to him. with a curse, he struck home with his sword. the figure fell back down the wall onto the others below. all along the wall similar scenes were unfolding. the fight had begun.

18:19:01 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Wait a minute! I can't play with my shack?]

18:20:17 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

no...go back to your fight with lewatha

or make a proper wall its up to you

18:20:53 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[what ya think guys??]]

18:21:39 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[great...just dont do it bold next looks odd]

18:28:25 Feb 13th 08 - Sir Alban II:

[[I like writing in bold, I always do when writing in character for my roleplays. I will only stop if Seloc wants me to]]

18:52:09 Feb 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

[Bolds ok but I can't stand Italics]

20:10:32 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Verthias IX:

[Courtesy of Seloc..]

Verthias grazed at the line of defenses in front of him, carved from the dense granite of the terrain, and lying in front of the half-ruined wall, which spanned both sides of the pass with but a single great keep in the middle. He sneered at the state of disrepair that the wall was in - it wouldn't keep out a gang of goblins armed with pointy sticks, let alone the juggernaught of an undead army that was rolling this way. His engineers had concurred, and had got to work carving the hundred or so bunkers dotted around the hilly terrain before the wall. He motioned the squad of scouts surrounding him fowards, and started moving up to the first line of defenses.

At the base of the hills, there were carefully designed, two-storey constructions jutting forth from the bare rock - the bottom storeys were filled with the grim, heavily armoured troops of the 7th Raptors, the Vernadian First, and the infamous Marked Batallion, armed to the teeth with more lethal and outlandish weapons than the twin scimitars, shield and bastard sword that were standard-issue to all Imperial ground troops - crossbows, thaumic mines, shrunkien edged with lethal venoms, glaives, and other customised weaponry were all in evidence; most trophy weapons taken in the unending wars with the surrounding nations.

The second storey of each of the bunkers at the base of the hill was manned by at least a company of the elité rangers of Norsica - armed with longbows that could kill a fully armoured knight at 150 meters and put the third arrow into the air before the first even hit it's target. He knew that they, and the rag-tag band of Darnaskian battle-magi that his forces had linked up to during the retreat from Kerning, would make any attacker pay for every inch of ground. He nodded to one of their captains as he rode past their position, carefully winding his horse around the magical explosives placed the previous day. If he rode over one of those, the old soldier's joke ran, they'd find your body in the river. And in the mountains. And on the plain. And possibly some might end up in low orbit.

Verthias chuckled grimly as he continued up the hill and rode the hundred yards or so to the second line of defenses - entrenchments, bunkers, and firing positions dug in deep into the hill. With grim approval, he looked at the lethal weapons of war in them. There were ballistae that could throw a razor-sharp glaive three meters across with enough force to carve through an entire company of fully armoured men and their horses; trebuchet that could throw a rock that weighed twice as much as a fully grown man three miles, or one of the far more lethal constructions of the Ministry of War Magic - bombs that sprayed magical fire, frost, or acid across a whole acre of land; and more magical weapons, that even he did not know the full use of. If anything, the second line of defenses would butcher even more than the first. As he watched a crowd of battle wizards cluster around some arcane device of indiscriminate mass murder, babbling excitedly, Verthias grinned darkly again. His position would not fall without a fight.

Finally, he reached the third line of defenses, nearly half a mile back from the first. Here lay the bulk of his forces - ready to be commited to the front line of the battle at an instant's notice, either down the hill, or through the vast system of caves, tunnels, and underground rooms that held enough weapons, food, and water to keep the army going more or less indefinetly.

Sadly, they did not hold nearly enough men.

Verthias cursed as he thought once more of the numbers at his disposal. He had fifteen thousand men, veterans and elite soldiers all; Some of the regiments in the battle line had been fighting in this war for it's whole duration, twenty years. One, the 27th Bladesmen - the notorious Black Lion's regiment - had started the war with ten thousand men.

The four hundred soldiers manning the front line bunker 11-A were all that was left of them.

Verthias shook his head once more, considering the folly of trying to hold a position meant to be defended by eighty thousand with barely a sixth of that number. He knew that the three mile long and mile deep sloping hill before the wall would be coated with bodies before his position fell.

He could only hope that the bodies would not be those of his own men.

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