Forums / Roleplaying / The Noldor in the land of Zeta

The Noldor in the land of Zeta
03:58:38 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

This is based on the true story of my character, so all the events are true, while small details are made up to dramatize the story. It's style takes after that of one of Charley Deallus' RP's but i forgot what it's called. i hope you guys like it!

here's a little intro: Manwe is lord of the noldor, the dwarven clans. there are many other rulers that he interacts with (all real rulers and real things that happened.).

03:59:25 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 1

The city of Amon Ereb lay silent as the night passed. A night watchman, or watch-dwarf, paced the walls, watching for the glimmer of an enemy’s armor, or the shadow of an assassin. Turning, he looked towards the keep, a stronghold dwelt in by the royal family. Manwe, Lord of the Noldor or the dwarven clans, ruled the city of Amon Ereb as the capital of his small kingdom. The royal family was small but consisted of Manwe, the king, his wife Firila, and his three children. His eldest son and heir was Fingon, 19 years old, and a strong axe-bearer and great warrior, the general of half the Noldor’s troops. Manwe’s second son was a 17 year old named Angrod, a silent, compassionate dwarf who thought before he acted. Angrod’s 14 year old sister, Finduilas, was a gentle creature, kind but firm, and could be a good leader in need. She was betrothed to the son of one of Manwe’s most trusted allies: Lord Virah. Now, Manwe, Firila, and Fingon slept in the keep, while Angrod and Finduilas were in the city of Nargothrond, a fortress under Manwe’s command. The soldier turned back as he heard a slight sound below him. Leaning over the wall, he peered down into the shadows, searching for something out of place.

Angrod paced his room, waiting for more news of the approaching army. That after noon, there had been a sighting of an army of 1,000 men approaching the city of Nargothrond. Angrod had hidden the fact from the general public, and the only people who knew were himself, his generals, and his sister, Finduilas. A knock on the door roused him from his thinking. Opening it, he was confronted by Thurgon, his general, and Finduilas, who were both garbed for war. An inquisitive look crossed Angrod’s face and Thurgon immediately nodded.

Yes sir, they’re here.

Angrod quickly turned, and within the next three minutes, he was wearing a chainmail vest, a leather jacket, iron gauntlets, a steel helm, and a blood-red cape. A long elven-made sword was strapped to his side. Nodding at Finduilas and Thurgon, Angrod swished past them and raced down the hall. A minute later, he arrived at a set of stairs which he followed down to ground level. From there, he climbed a ladder to the top of the wall. Seconds later, his sister and general arrived, breathless. Squinting into the night, Angrod saw it. A column of soldiers, orcs, marched through the valley, a golden standard at their head. Biting his lip, Angrod pivoted toward Thurgon.

 Rally the troops. We defend our people….wait. Send a messenger to Amon Ereb. My father will know what to do.

            Two hours later, the sun rose over Amon Ereb. The dwarf guard yawned, waiting for his replacement. Scratching his beard, he stretched his arms and began to rub his eyes. As he pulled his hands away, he involuntarily gasped. Winging towards him was a messenger pigeon, one of the most common means of long distance communication utilized by the rulers in this land. Whistling, the dwarf beckoned to the pigeon, which was trained to recognize the uniforms of Lord Manwe’s troops. Banking, the bird soared above before circling to land a few feet away from the dwarf. Reaching out, the dwarf gently unwrapped the message from around the bird’s leg. Unrolling it, he caught himself before starting to read it.

It’s a government affair, I shouldn’t read it without permission, he thought. He sighed. Just one little peek…

The dwarf unrolled it and began to read, furtively glancing about himself to make sure he was alone. This is what he read:

To Lord Manwe of Amon Ereb

From Thurgon, General of the Noldor

My Lord, we are in great times of trouble. Nargothrond is under attack by the demon Szalor! We need help! Please send…


That was all the dwarf read before gasping and racing down the stairs. Running through the city, he upset many market carts and disrupted the quiet morning. Reaching the keep, the dwarf banged on the door with his heavy fist. A few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal two of the dwarf royal guard standing next to each other. Wordlessly, the dwarf thrust forward the message, and was immediately granted permission to pass. Darting between the royal guards, the younger dwarf raced up a spiral staircase until he reached the top, breathless. Waving the paper at the other guards that approached him, he caught his breath and sped down the hall. Arriving at an oaken door, the dwarf lifted his fist, but before he could knock, the door opened and Lord Manwe stepped out. Black hair dangled to his shoulders and his eyes were piercingly blue. He was dressed in a red night-robe but his sword was in his hand. He held out his hand and snatched the letter. Reading quickly, Manwe gasped as he finished. Throwing it down, he turned back to his room. As he turned, Manwe growled at the guards, go, prepare our people for battle. We march as soon as possible…tonight.

But Lord, we can’t get everyone ready in one day, complained one guard.

Oh all right. Tomorrow at noon. No later. We will save the people of Nargothrond. They are our brothers, our friends…our sons.

06:01:10 Nov 7th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 2

Angrod’s ears filled with the sound of battle. Below him, inside the city, the battle raged between his forces and those of Szalor. Leaping down the stairs from the wall, he brandished his sword before thrusting it through the chest of an orc. As he pulled his sword free, Angrod heard Szalor’s trumpets blaring.

Yes, he thought, they’ve had enough. They’re retreating!

Climbing t a spot where he could see outside the city, he saw the orcs pulling out and marching away, still facing the city.

Haha, that’s right. Back, you cowards, back!

Suddenly, Angrod noticed something wrong. Instead of retreating south, where the orcs had come from, they were going north, towards the city of Amon Ereb. Turning to a soldier, Angrod said, quickly now, get me General Thurgon. And quickly!

A few minutes later, the general arrived, panting, with a bloody sword and tarnished mail.

Are you all right? he asked.

Yes, of course. Now quick, we must follow those orcs. They’re going towards Amon Ereb. We must stop them before they get there!

But my lord, we haven’t got enough men and they’ll pick us off in no time with those archers! We can’t go now!

Fine, said Angrod, then when can we leave?

Sometime around…maybe tonight? Or tomorrow morning?

Tomorrow morning? Angrod asked. But we can’t wait that long; by that time, they’ll almost be there!

Seeing Thurgon’s face, Angrod sighed and said, alright, tomorrow morning, bright and early.

            The sun rose to it’s apex as Manwe and his army prepared for war. A few minutes after noon, Manwe sat in his room, armed and ready for war. Closing his eyes, he wondered if any of his people would survive this war. Yelling erupted outside his room and Manwe stood and walked to the door. Opening it, he was greeted by three soldiers who breathlessly explained the commotion.

Lord, we saw…we saw…there’s an army here!

Another guard took over. They’ve arrived; our brethren at Nargothrond must have been defeated. I’m sorry lord, but most likely, your son Angrod…

Bowing his head, Manwe clenched his fists.

Come with me. We will drive these abominations from our city, and avenge the death of our people!

Together, the four dwarves walked down the stairs out of the castle and through the city, gathering soldiers as they went. Arriving at the main gate, Manwe yelled from their mist, Open the gates, by my order!

The response was slow, but within the minute, the gates were open and the dwarves poured forth onto the plains.

            The gates to the city swung shut, but provided little defense from the orcs clustered outside. The stone doors were battered and cracked and could shatter at any moment. Above them on the wall, Manwe sat, staring into the night sky. They had been slowly pushed back all afternoon until now, at 10:00, they were back inside the city. Casualties for both sides were low, but Manwe didn’t think his soldiers could hold out much longer. They were tired, with the look of a hunted rabbit in their eyes. They were bruised and battered, and their energy was gone. Their cloaks were tattered and their armor stained with blood. All in all, they were a sorry lot, not strong enough to last till morning.

02:25:32 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 3

            The moon shone bright, and the night was clear. A column of soldiers marched north, up a hill. At their head stood a young man, red cape billowing in the night wind. As he reached the top of the hill, he barked, Thurgon, quick, come here.

The general hurried towards him. Yes, my lord Angrod. What is it?

It, said Angrod, pointing, is Amon Ereb.

Following Angrod’s hand, Thurgon squinted into the distance.

Aha, I see it now.

Come Thurgon, we will reach the city within the hour.

The soldiers doubled their pace through the grassy hills.

            Manwe and his general sat upon the wall, watching the orcs batter at their gates, and occasionally loosing an arrow. Below them, the gates would shatter at any moment, and after they fell, the dwarves would be crushed. Suddenly, a horn rang out. But it was not one of the orc horns, from the sound of it, Manwe could tell it was a dwarven horn. But why would one of our people be blowing a horn right now? They wouldn’t do tha--…unless…I dare not hope.

Manwe stood and scanned the horizon with his eyes. A line of men were slowly advancing down a hill, far away. He squinted harder and barely made out the standard at the head of their column. It was a white dragon on a red background, the standard of the Noldor.

            An hour passed, and the gate to Amon Ereb shattered under the battering rams of the orcs. Pouring forth into the city, they wreaked havoc and were only stopped by small pockets of resistant dwarves. One of these consisted of Manwe, his general, and three normal soldiers. They were faced off against six orc foot-soldiers and a shaman. The general had a spear in his thigh, and was thus unable to fight, as was one of Manwe’s soldiers, who had been blasted by some evil magic and lost an arm. Manwe’s sword was slathered in blood, and three dead orcs lay at his feet, one bereft of his head. Leaping forward, two of the orcs killed one of Manwe’s soldiers, but before they could draw back, Manwe lunged forward and impaled one with his sword. Two more orcs rushed at Manwe’s general, who thrust his sword up from where he sat and stabbed it up one of the orc’s throats. The other orc immediately cleaved off the general’s head. Manwe and his one healthy soldier rushed forward, slashing at the orcs. Two orcs fell before them before Manwe’s companion died. The wounded dwarf now stood up, blood gushing from his shoulder. His good arm held a dagger, and he was prepared to take some orcs with him to the underworld. Throwing himself at one of the orcs, he slashed with his dagger. The orc blocked and then counter-attacked, but his blow was parried by the dwarf’s dagger. Pulling back his arm, the dwarf stepped backward and hurled his dagger at the orc. The weapon flew through the air before thudding into the orcs chest. Gurgling, the orc fell to the ground. As the wounded dwarf reached down to pick up his dagger, the one remaining orc foot-soldier swung his sword downwards, through the dwarf’s helmet and embedding it into his head. As he tried to tug it free, the orc was beheaded by Manwe. Now, Manwe and the shaman stood across from each other; they circled each other, weaving through the bodies of the dead. Manwe lunged forward, driving his sword downwards, but was blocked by the shaman’s staff. Manwe swung again, this time from the ground up, but was again blocked. Twirling his sword, he shoved it forward, hoping to skewer the shaman. The dark magician batted the sword aside and put his staff forward, muttering a few words. Manwe flew back and smashed against a wall. The world tumbled upside-down, and then Manwe blacked out.

04:25:47 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Hey, someone else has read the Lost Tales Book 1 by Tolkien. Welcome to the Lord of the Rings fan club! Yay!

17:05:21 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

tolkien rocks! have you read 'children of hurin'? it's really good

17:22:37 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 4

Manwe’s eyes cracked open, but he was blind, for blood was running down his face and over his eyes. Blinking, he shakily raised his hand to wipe away the blood. As he wiped it away, his vision improved and he could see a figure approaching him. His eyes snapped open and he saw that it was the shaman. Pushing himself upright, Manwe groaned and fell back. His whole back was torn and bloodied. When the shaman was a few steps away, it raised its staff and muttered another incantation. Manwe wheezed as the breath was squeezed out of him, and his chest was compacted by an unseen force. His vision turned red and his lungs burned. As he began to fade away, he heard yelling. Pushing his eyes open, he saw a group of soldiers running towards him. The shaman turned, and thrust his staff at the soldier fifteen feet away and an explosion blew them all apart. The shaman turned back and increased the pressure on Manwe’s chest. Suddenly, through all the pain, Manwe felt cold. The pain was fading, and it felt like he was being dipped into a river of cold water. Suddenly, a warm liquid splashed on his face, and he felt himself falling, falling, falling, before he crumpled when he hit the dirt. His eyes cracked, and he heard muted yelling. He knew something had happened, for the pain in his chest was gone, but he didn’t know what. The world faded and the sounds turned first to whispers, then to silence.

18:42:09 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 6

Two weeks later, Manwe marched at the head of a small army, which was training to protect their people from, and eventually destroy, Szalor. Negotiations had been made with Szalor’s kingdom, Angels of Death, for a temporary peace. Now, the army in training drilled outside Amon Ereb, practicing maneuvers, tactics, swordsmanship, and siege warfare. As Manwe marched, a horseman rode up next to him.

Lord, he said gruffly, we have received a reply message from Lord Sandro of the Guild of the Fallen. It reads: Sir Manwe, you are accepted into the alliance Guild of the Fallen. We shall honor each other and others outside the alliance, for honor gains friends. From Lord Sandro, good luck.


            A week later, the bounds of Manwe’s kingdom contained four cities: Nargothrond, Amon Ereb, Tol Sirion, a city that Manwe had built, and Southern Pass, a small fort that Manwe had taken control over. The campaign had lasted for a few days, and the casualties were low, as most of the people in Southern Pass had surrendered without a fight.

            Manwe sat in his room, reviewing some messages that had arrived. As he picked one up, the door burst open, and a messenger ran in. Lord, a message for you.

The messenger bowed and left, closing the door quietly. Reading the message, Manwe grunted and pounded his fist on the table. A week before, he had sent a scout to settle a city near a friend of his, Sir Struddle, but now he learned that the men were killed by his enemies, and the city taken. Cursing, Manwe stood and exited the room, and was greeted by another messenger.

Sir, a message from Nargothrond. Oh, and another from Lord Gokken.

As Manwe walked down the stairs, he read the first letter. It read:

“To My Father and King, Lord Manwe.

When I was asleep in Nargothrond, the beacons at Southern Pass were lit, and an army passed us in the night. I expect that is one of Szalor’s and it is headed towards Amon Ereb. I and Firila are about to depart, leading an army after them, while Thurgon is in control of Nargothrond and has a few troops at his disposal as well. Thank you,

Your son, Angrod”

Manwe cursed and opened the other letter.

“Lord Manwe, King of Amon Ereb and the lands beyond, I send greetings. I am in the alliance of Military, which is at peace with your guild. I am about to launch an attack on Shalock, one of Szalor’s cities, and I hope you will assist me in the attack. Farewell

Lord Gokken of the Military”

Manwe smiled. Calling his secretary, Waldern Gessif, he dictated a letter.

“Lord Gokken, your letter arrived at the perfect time. A small army of Szalor’s has invaded our territory, but as soon as we repel it, we will be able to counter-attack. If you will do it with us, I will be very happy, and the attack will most definitely succeed.

Lord Manwe of Amon Ereb”

Now send that. I will be preparing an army.

Manwe smiled and walked down the stairs.

19:24:21 Nov 8th 08 - Mr. Manwe:

Chapter 7

Angrod ran at the head of his dwarf army. Dwarves rarely rode any animal; instead, they ran. Puffing, Angrod stopped at the top of a hill and looked toward Southern Pass. Along the mountains there was a chain of beacons so one could see the next one in line, and when one was lit, soon the whole chain of them would be lit. Angrod squinted and saw the beacons, all of them lit. as his eyes reached the one at Tol Sirion, his eyes flicked downward and he saw a group of men approaching the city.

Quick, that’s them. We must catch them before they break into Tol Sirion.

Renewing his quick pace, Angrod loped down the hill, his people behind him. As he reached the bottom of the hill, his sister caught up with him.

Angrod, she said, we are almost there.

Together, they doubled their pace, sprinting towards the city.

            An hour later, Angrod stopped behind a small hill and crouched, watching the camp of the orcs. Drawing his sword, he nodded at Finduilas and they both charged forward, leading their men. Angrod threw himself at the first orc he contacted and swinging his sword, he severed its head. Thrusting it forward, he caught it under an orcs helm and shoved it in deeper, destroying his face. An orc leaped at Angrod and he threw up his shield to block the blow. Pushing the enemy with his shield, he knocked the orc over and then stabbed downward into the orcs heart.

            Finduilas twirled her staff and smacked an orc on the head with it. Spinning it again, she stabbed two more with the spikes on either end. Two orcs swung at her, but she blocked both of their swords with her staff, stabbed one in the chest, and swung at the other. The orc parried her staff and stabbed at her. Deflecting the thrust, she kicked the orc in the chest and plunged the spike into his chest.

            As Angrod and his people slaughtered the orcs, the gates to Tol Sirion opened and the militia poured out, headed by Lord Celebrimbor, a nobleman who controlled most of the city. Caught between two armies, the orcs were crushed and destroyed. Before long, the only one left was their captain, a tall warlord wielding a huge axe. Across from him stood Finduilas and Angrod. Every once in while, one of the three would feint at the other and they would all move. Angrod leaped forward, sword swinging, but was blocked by the warlord. The huge orc lifted his leg and kicked Angrod, sending him flying. For a few minutes, Finduilas and the orc exchanged blows before Finduilas leaped forward with her staff spinning. The warlord swung his axe downward and shattered the staff. Finduilas gasped as her indestructible staff splintered to a thousand pieces. As she stepped backward, the orc drew a dagger and shoved it into her side. Stumbling, Finduilas fell to the ground, blood dripping down her side. Raising his axe, the warlord prepared to destroy her. A cry rang out and Angrod rushed forward and threw his shield at the warlord. The orc swung mightily and the shield shattered. But Angrod had created an opening. Pushing with all his might, he shoved the sword through the giant warlord and out the other side. The massive orc toppled on top of Angrod, crushing him into the ground.

02:45:25 Nov 11th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 8

Angrod awoke, surrounded by his men. He was bruised and battered, but that was all. Around him were Thurgon, Celebrimbor, and other minor officers. Angrod sat up quickly and wiped some blood from his forehead. His chest was bandaged from where he had been kicked, and as he sat up, pain stabbed at his side. Ignoring the pain, he gingerly stood, helped up by Celebrimbor, and looked around. The battlefield was scattered with bodies, but Angrod could see no live orcs. As he cleared his throat, a messenger on a horse galloped over a hill and raced towards them. As he arrived, the messenger leapt of his horse and bowed before Angrod, holding a letter out. Gesturing to Thurgon, Angrod watched as Thurgon reached out and took the paper.

Just tell me what it says. Sum it up, and dispense with the pleasantries.

Nodding, Thurgon read the letter and then looked up at Angrod.

Here is what it says, in simple terms. Your father, Lord Manwe, wishes that you will gather the troops that you have been fighting with and meet him and his army at Southern Pass. From there, you two will launch a simultaneous attack on Szalor. Lord Gokken will attack the city of Shalock, while we will attack Ragnarok. Your father requests that you arrive at Southern Pass by tomorrow night.

Thurgon waved the letter in the air. That’s about it.

Angrod nodded. I understand. Our troops will dine and rest inside Tol Sirion; he looked at Celebrimbor, who nodded. Then, tomorrow morning, we will depart.

            Manwe and his aides stood atop the walls of Southern Pass. Manwe expected that his son and his troops would arrive that night, if his son was still alive. The messenger had not returned, and Manwe was worried. If Angrod died, the kingdom would be left to Finduilas. Manwe trusted her just as much as his son, but he didn’t know if anyone else would respect a woman as queen. Even before Fingon had died, Manwe had known he would give the kingdom to one of his younger children. Fingon was more of a warmonger and not much use as a diplomat. Of course, he would have been a perfect general in Angrod’s hands, but alone Manwe didn’t trust him. One of the aides tapped Manwe on the shoulder.

Look, my lord. The messenger returns!

Peering into the night, Manwe saw a lone figure at the peak of a hill. The man looked back, and seconds later, an army crested the hill. Squinting, Manwe could make out Angrod’s special standard. His son was alive! Now together, they would fight against the demon Szalor. And together, they would crush him.

04:30:14 Nov 12th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 9

Ragnarok had been a bustling city of trade, a center of the world markets, a gathering place for traders, and a city of wealth. But now, all of this had changed. The city was under siege, surrounded by the red tents of Lord Manwe of the Noldor. In one large red tent, Manwe, Angrod, Thurgon, Celebrimbor, and a few more officers dined, conversing over the war so far. It had been somewhat low in the case of casualties, but for the Noldor, those casualties were important. Angrod’s two siblings, Lady Finduilas and Lord Fingon, had been killed when Szalor invaded. Now, this counter attack was led by Angrod, the one surviving child of Manwe and Firila. He was a sharp, loyal, trustworthy and quick-thinking warrior who, Manwe believed, could run the kingdom just as well as his father, or his father’s father. A fist banged on the table and woke Manwe from his thoughts. Looking up, he saw Angrod pointing to a spot on the map, and heard him speaking loudly.

-if we don’t strike here, there’s no chance of us beating them.

Celebrimbor countered quickly and fiercely.

But if we attack there, we’ll leave the path open for them for a counter-strike. And if I know orcs, they’ll take that chance, no matter what the cost!

Thurgon also added his plan, talking over everyone else in his loud voice.

I say we wait to attack. We’re not even fully prepared, and if we wait a few days to let the men rest, our casualties in the battle will be cut in half!

 Manwe stood and smashed his fist onto the map. Yelling over their voices, he bellowed one word.


Turning toward him, the rest of the generals quieted, leaving Manwe to speak. Manwe continued.

Remember, Angrod is the commanding general in this battle. We must leave it up to him to make the right choice.

They all twisted to look at Angrod, who sighed, apparently not as happy as most would be with his authority. Thinking, he began to speak.

Thurgon, as suggested by you, we will attack tomorrow. In order to appease you all, I will take certain elements from all of your plans.

Manwe smiled at his son’s idea.

Uuh…father, do we have any cavalry?

Manwe nodded, biting his lip. Yes, we have a few, but not too many. Use them wisely.

Angrod resumed.

Celebrimbor, you will lead our cavalry in a circuit around the city and then make for a full gallop towards the gate. Thurgon, you will be attacking at the same time with a third of the infantry. Another third of the infantry will, at that time, be on the other side of the city, hiding near the western gate. You will commence the attack at the same time, but only a few minutes into the fighting, the cavalry will retreat as if they have been beaten. Hopefully this will inspire hope, as well as over-confidence and too much courage, into the enemy who will sally forth in an attempt to gloriously defeat us. The cavalry will attempt to then get between the men and the city, when they—

Celebrimbor sighed loudly. Apparently, he and Thurgon had been hoping for an exceptional plan, but this was too common.

I’m sorry my lord, but that’ll never work. I’ve been fighting my whole life, it’s what I do, and this is one of the most common maneuvers. Trust me; they’ll be ready for it.

Angrod looked at him. Did I ever say I was finished? As I was saying, they will attempt to get between them, but will sadly fail. However, at that moment, the orcs will be surrounded, with their backs to the city, and will therefore send for help from the other side of the city. As the extra troops leave the western gate, I will attack them, throwing confusion into their forces and splitting them down the middle. All their forces will rush to the western or eastern gates, leaving the southern and northern gates unprotected. This will be when the southern gate will be attacked by my father and his third of the infantry. Well?

Thinking, the generals, one by one nodded and accepted his plan.

03:46:50 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

No, sorry. I tried reading the Book of Lost tales and only read at a speed of like 1 page for 5 minutes, when I read other books like Eragon I read a speed of 1 pager per 1 minutes or faster. I lost intrest after about 100 pages of skipping around.

03:46:52 Nov 16th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

No, sorry. I tried reading the Book of Lost tales and only read at a speed of like 1 page for 5 minutes, when I read other books like Eragon I read a speed of 1 pager per 1 minutes or faster. I lost intrest after about 100 pages of skipping around.

23:45:16 Nov 17th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 10

Manwe and his infantry lay behind the hill, not moving, not talking, but simply waiting. Peering over the crest of the hill, the king watched the tiny dots that were soldiers on top of the wall. Suddenly, yells erupted inside the city and the dots rushed to one side. More noise came and they turned the other way. Chaos reigned on top of the wall until finally half of the dots were running one way, and the other half the other way. Then, the wall was empty. Turning, Manwe nodded. Creeping up to the top of the hill, the dwarves crawled, readying their weapons. At the top, they rose to a crouch, where they waited a few seconds. Then, standing, Manwe raced down the hill, his men behind him. Trying to remain quiet while rushing down a hill in armor was harder than Manwe expected. As they neared the city, the rattling and banging apparently caught someone’s attention, for suddenly, a head poked over the wall. Doubling his pace, Manwe sped towards the city, watching a growing bustle atop the wall. Manwe arrived at the gates seconds before his soldiers, who threw their weight at the wooden gates. Swinging axes, maces, and swords, they thrashed at the gate till cracks split it into pieces. With a final swing, a giant mace-bearing dwarf shattered the gate and it fell to pieces. On the other side stood a few orcs who valiantly resisted. Their efforts were futile, for they were killed within minutes. Rushing through the city, the triumphant dwarves split into two groups, one heading for the west gate, the other for the east. Manwe led the attack on the west gate, hoping to see his son amidst the fighting. As they arrived at the gate, they saw a large group of orcs. Some stood on the wall, other on the ground, still others climbed the gate to shoot arrows through small holes in it. As Manwe’s dwarves fell upon them from behind, Manwe rushed toward a small hut at the bottom of the gate, hoping it controlled the machinery which could open the gateway. Sure enough, it was full of gears and chains, and one large rope tied to a large metal block. He promptly swung his sword and sliced through the rope, and was immediately rewarded by the noise of the gates creaking open and cheering from outside. Peeking out a small window in the hut, Manwe saw dwarves pouring in the gates, led by his son Angrod.

The next morning, Manwe and his victorious generals met inside the city hall of Ragnarok, as their soldiers lounged about the city. The generals discussed what to do about the city of Shalock. Earlier that morning, Manwe had received a letter from Gokken saying that the city of Shalock was his. But hours later, he had received another message that Shalock had already been lost. Its new owner was an orc named Overcome, one of Szalor’s friends. Now, Manwe discussed whether to attack Shalock or leave Overcome alone. Thurgon and Celebrimbor, drunk on their victory, thought they should push on and attack Shalock, while Angrod was more cautious. As they argued, a third messenger walked in and announced that he had a message from Overcome. Manwe opened it and read it aloud.

Dwarf scum,

the cities of Shalock and Ragnarok are mine. Retreat from Ragnarok, or you, as well as your minions, shall be slaughtered and sacrificed to--

Before Manwe could read more, Thurgon banged his fist on the table.

That’s it, he growled. I don’t know if you’ll stand for it, but I won’t. he can’t just call our race scum and tell us to leave. I don’t care if I die, but I’ll purge that orc of the earth if it’s at all possible.

Celebrimbor nodded. Angrod furrowed his brow before smiling and nodding.

They’re right. He did insult us. And, if we don’t attack him, he’ll attack us. So I say we attack them now, while our troops feel glorious and invincible, while their confidence is higher than the stars. Anyway, now’s as good a time as any.

Manwe smiled and nodded.

Good. We attack tomorrow night. We march tonight.

23:46:34 Nov 17th 08 - Sir Manwe:

samulis: i actually haven't read the book of lost tales. i started it, but couldn't go on. however, 'the children of hurin' is not only middle-earth history, it's an exciting story. you should read it, as should all tolkien fans.

01:02:02 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

This is a very addictive read. Even though it doesn't get points for originality, it gets lots for good writing.

01:29:12 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Manwe:

really? it's addictive? and gets lots for good writing? why thank you!

21:07:21 Nov 18th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

All you should do is make it bigger. :O I am so addicted to reading more, sorry. I like good warrior tales like this.

21:40:19 Nov 18th 08 - Sir Manwe:

k, thanx...make it bigger meaning- add more?

i'm working on it, but i'm busy on school so i don't get to work that much

01:51:49 Nov 19th 08 - Duke Arzun:

<3 Tolkien

02:57:36 Nov 19th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Yes, by bigger I mean write more.

02:48:00 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

here's the next chapter, hope you like it!

Chapter 11


Angrod charged down a hill, leaping through the orcs swinging his sword. Shalock was surrounded by hills, and the noldor troops charged down them toward the city, cutting through the orc defenders. Angrod leaped in the air and landed on top of an orc, whom he promptly beheaded. Behind him, his group of infantry yelled and swung their swords. To Angrod’s right, Thurgon and his cavalry charged down a hill, and to his left, Celebrimbor and Manwe bore down upon a group of shamans. Angrod turned to face forward, and slammed into a huge orc. Tangled together, they toppled down the hill, limbs flailing. At the bottom, they flew apart. As soon as he was standing, Angrod was charged at by the orc. Both of them had lost their weapons, so it was a battle of the fists. Swinging his right arm, the orc buried his fist in Angrod’s stomach. Grabbing him by the throat, the orc hoisted the dwarf above his head. Jerking, Angrod searched for a way out as his breath seeped out of him. Grabbing the orc’s arm with one hand, he swung his other arm at the orc’s head. The monster growled and dodged the blow. Angrod could feel his death approaching, and the sounds of battle became muted. All that he could see was his opponents sneering face. Pain seared through Angrod’s chest, ad he jerked violently. A temporary glimpse of sane thought glazed his mind and he tensed. Swinging with all the strength left in him, he brought his knee upward into the orc’s elbow. A resounding crack pierced Angrod’s ears, and he crashed into the ground. As his mind cleared, he saw the orcs standing above him. His arm hung limp, and he was cursing. Angrod stood and swung his arm at the orc’s head. The orc blocked with his good arm and began to batter at Angrod with his fist. But soon, the tide of the battle changed. Angrod was slowly recovering strength with every breath he took, while the orc’s pain grew with each swing of his arm. Finally, the giant made a false swing and Angrod kicked him in the leg. Stumbling, the orc pulled something from his sleeve. A long black dagger, evil-looking and twisted, settled in his hand. The blade was stained with dried blood. Roaring, the orc slashed at Angrod, who ducked and grabbed the orc’s broken arm. Squeezing it, he pulled with all his might, yanking it side to side. Yelling in pain, the monster fell to its knees, and swiftly received a kick to the head. Baring his teeth, he dropped the knife. Angrod took this chance and swept the weapon from the floor. But as he puled away, he was seized by the orc who crushed him against his own body. Grunting, Angrod clenched his fist and drove the dagger into the beast’s back. Pulling it out, he plunged it in again and again until finally, his opponent toppled to the earth. Standing up and looking around him, Angrod realized that the battle was still going, but had almost passed him. Looking forward, he recognized that he was almost at the base of Shalock. Smiling, he walked over to his sword, picked it up, and sunk it into the body of a wounded orc, resting in a pool of its own blood.


02:55:03 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

very dramatic fight. I like it.

17:16:46 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

thanks samulis! you're the only reader it seems...i should've had a better title

17:47:27 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

im reading it xD...just havent said anything till now because you said i wasnt reding it =Þ

20:24:03 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

? that's a kool smiley, btw

20:35:08 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

lol xD im reading your story , actually im reading most of the stuff in here so ppl post your dam storys now! =Þ

20:56:59 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Read 'The Squires Tale'

21:47:08 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

i already am...when is the next chapter coming? xD

22:07:11 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Bragi


11/20/2008 3:35:08 PM
lol xD im reading your story , actually im reading most of the stuff in here so ppl post your dam storys now! =Þ
You are bored? Read these few that were part of a series of stories and RPs I made.  Some are not too long, but they are all follow my RP family's history.(about 90% accurate with the family history) The Deallus family history starting with Ernest Deallus(AKA Ernie The Orange)
Antioch Series(The Shadows, The Coming of Darkness, The Great Hunt(RP), The Exodus-Called(RP), The Exodus-City of Telrion(RP), Steel, Blood, and Tears.
The Shadows
The Coming Of Darkness
Steel, Blood, and Tears

Part of the Haldinian W*beep*ries(Dead Silence(RP), The Sins Of Mankind, The Hades Organization, Hades(RP-died)
The Sins Of Mankind
The Hades Organization

22:09:15 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Like he always says, Charley Deallus is a God.

22:29:36 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

sorry, i'm busy with school, so i can't just be pumping out chapters every few minutes...but i'll try

22:36:59 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

i'm working on it right now...

22:47:07 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 12

Manwe stared at the top of the wall, hoping to see some movement. But there was none. Manwe’s guards had been watching the wall for hours, and there had been no sound or movement coming from the city. The gates were impenetrable, obviously guarded by some magician’s spell. Gritting his teeth, Manwe began to walk toward where Angrod and the generals supped in a tent. The earlier battle had gone well, and they had defeated all the orcs and arrived at the base of Shalock. But since then, there had been no signs of life coming from the city. Manwe shook his head, thinking.

Bum bum…

A drum sounded somewhere. Mysterious and deep, it’s booming voice inspired fear in all who heard it. Clenching his fists, Manwe tensed and looked toward the city.

Bum bum… There it was again.


Angrod looked over at his father as he stared at the city. There was something mysterious about all this. The drumbeats came again, and Angrod shivered. He could feel the evil, the hatred, the darkness, behind the sound…


Bum bum…bum bum… bum bum…

The drums slowly, gradually, grew faster. As they did, every single dwarf, old and young, one by one stood up and faced the city. Sweat trickled down Manwe’s forehead.

Bum bum, bum bum, bum bum

Faster and faster beat the drums, and the faster they went, the greater grew the dwarves fear. Angro had kept his head through all this, although he was scared also.

There must be some kind of enchantment, he said to Thurgon. Looking over at the general, he realized that he was oblivious. He shook as his eyes bulged towards the city. Pushing Thurgon, Angrod began to yell.

Wake up! It’s an enchantment! If we— his voice was drowned out by the drums. Raging, they roared at an inhuman speed.

Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum… and then a creak. The gates to the city slowly opened. Every eye turned toward the city. Then…Bum! Each dwarf stumbled and at this last drumbeat, a legion of orcs poured out of the city. Clad in black armor, they pounded toward the dwarves. Crying out in fear, the dwarves scattered and fled into the hills, pursued by their demonic foes.

22:47:20 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

chapter 13 coming soon...

23:25:13 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Bragi:

lol thanks Charley xD now ill have something to do betwean ticks =)...and sinse im talking about stories Septim if you happen to look in here id like to ask: why wont you continue whit A heros tale? xD

keep it up Manwe =D and any other story teller =Þ

23:27:23 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Septim has like 1000 stories in his mind at one time and ADD while making them.  Meaning he cannot seem to finish one before starting another XD

23:29:47 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

did you like this chapter? i liked it, cause i was imagining it in my head...but, other people, i don't know...

23:33:14 Nov 20th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Twas fine

23:50:53 Nov 20th 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

I like the suspence that you applied, but what spell was used?

23:51:19 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 13

Angrod ran, enveloped by the fear that had recently overwhelmed him. His focus had faltered for a split second, and during that time, his mind lost control. Now he was a wild animal, pursued by hunters. Looking back, his eyes perceived three orcs chasing him toward the forest. Turning forward, he smacked into a tree. First brown, then red and finally black filled his vision as Angrod fell to the ground.


Manwe leaped over a fallen tree and headed deeper into the forest. Behind him, he could hear the ogre rampaging through the woods. His senses were sharpened, but he had lost the ability to judge things and think about them. Suddenly, as he ran deeper in to the trees, he felt a clamp slipping off his mind, as if it had been in a vice, but had now slid out. A few more seconds, and the pressure on his mind was gone. Manwe panted as his mind expanded and he felt like a normal human being. He realized that his former animal state must have been the result of an enchantment cast on him through the drums, but now he was out of hearing range and therefore, free. Looking around, he had no idea which way to go. Now, the trees seemed dark and evil, instead of warm and comforting as before. Whirling, he looked the other way and saw an opening. As he made his way toward it, he heard a quiet twang, followed by a queer whistling noise.


Angrod leaped to his feet, his mind clear. Blood streamed down his face, but his head felt fine. Turning away from the tree, he saw his three pursuers, just yards away and running. Spinning, he leaped into the forest and ran into the darkness. His mind was free now, so the enchantment must have passed. But looking at other dwarves running away, Angrod realized it was something else.

It must have been the hit on the head. Maybe it released me from the spell…

Looking around, his eyes barely pierced the blackness. A few dark shapes were trees, but other than that, the clearing he had arrived at was empty. His senses alert, Angrod stiffened. Clenching his fist, he waited. A slight snick alerted him and he spun quickly. His fist thudded into something soft, and Angrod heard a quiet groan. Pulling the thing closer to his face, Angrod barely made out the shape of a dwarf. Shaking it, he roused his comrade and began to question him.

Are you all right? Still an animal?

The dwarf groaned and shook his head.

So, it must be a knock on the head, Angrod thought. Helping his companion, Angrod walked deeper into the forest, where he lit a tree branch to use as a torch. As they continued through the trees, Angrod thought he heard a hushed laugh, but shook it off as his imagination.

23:52:39 Nov 20th 08 - Sir Manwe:

wow, i wrote that in an hour, and didn't revise it at all! the spell that was used? eh, just made it up...some DTA(Dwarf To Animal like STG, heehee) it wears off under certain circumstances...

00:11:37 Nov 22nd 08 - Sir Manwe:

Chapter 14

Thud. An arrow embedded itself in Manwe’s side. Stumbling, he fell against a tree before falling facedown on the ground. Blood was soon slathered across his chest, side, and back, and he was quickly losing consciousness. As he faded, he heard a deep voice say gruffly.

Well that was a fool thing to do, filthy spawn! Lord Szalor wanted this one alive! You better hurry it back before it dies.

Another voice retorted angrily.

This is my business, and I’ll deal with it, you son of a dog, Rigal. It’s no matter. I’ve wanted to have one of these for a while. Don’t worry, Szalor can have it when I’m done with it. By that time, it’ll be missing a few limbs.

The voice cracked and began to laugh as Manwe’s vision turned black.


Angrod helped his dwarf companion after him. His name was Maedhros, and he was a squad captain. He and Angrod had been walking for what seemed like hours, but they couldn’t escape the forest. Everywhere they looked, there were more trees. Then, Angrod heard the snicker again. Whirling, he saw a glint of light and a blade sunk into his shoulder and he dropped the torch. Roaring, Angrod grabbed the arm holding the blade, and wrenched it as hard as he could. With his left arm disabled, Angrod could still fight well, for he was right-handed. Pulling the sword out of his shoulder, Angrod swung at the mass in front of him. The blade sunk into flesh, and blood splattered. His enemy fell, and by the dim torch light, Angrod could barely make out an orc. It was garbed in traditional armor, but the rag that served for his belt was red instead of the normal black. This set him apart as an assassin, which flared Angod’s temper. Raising the sword, the dwarf swung it downward into the orc’s head. Leaving it embedded in his enemy’s head, Angrod kicked the orc to the ground. Picking up the torch, he looked around to see which way to go next.


Three hours later, Angrod and Maedhros still wandered through the forest. Both of them were tired, and they had no idea what time it was, for the sun didn’t shine through the trees. Angrod was just starting to nod when something woke him up- a sound. It was the sound of a branch snapping. Maedhros looked at Angrod, and Angrod looked at Meadhros. Turning towards the sound, Angrod saw a shadow leap out and shoved the torch at it. In front of Angrod stood two dwarves, frightened by the sudden flame. Angrod nodded, and they exchanged in a few minutes conversation. When they had spoken, they resumed walking, together.


Within the next few hours, their party grew to eleven dwarves, some traveling alone, some in groups of up to three. Now, Angrod led the group, holding a torch, while others were distributed throughout the group. Past the dim light, nothing could be discerned other than a few darker shadows. Sighing, Angrod turned toward his followers and sat down.

Alright…we bed down here right now.

He leaned back and closed his eyes, and within the next few minutes was fast asleep.

01:24:16 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

wow. you really got me there when they captured Manwe. I wasn't expecting the spell to work that strong! How did the archer(s) get that far into the forest where Manwe had ran to?

01:28:20 Nov 22nd 08 - Sir Manwe:

umm...they...ran? i don't know, i guess they followed him or something...i never really thought about it...

01:45:02 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

oh. I was just wondering if the drums had any effects on the orcs, like making them stronger.

01:56:03 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Manwe, did you ever live on Zetamania? I found the lost cities of Tol Sirion and Amon Ereb. I think I will take them for a memorial to your power.

06:41:14 Nov 22nd 08 - Sir Manwe:

yes, i am on zeta currently...some orc was pestering me and finally came out and attacked me...i didn't have enough troops and he took my cities...all those cities-- Amon Ereb, Tol Sirion, Nargothrond, Southern Pass, Shalock, and Ragnarok wer mine...i really miss ragnarok, it had a 400k economy by itself...

17:54:25 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Samulis The Magnificent:

Mr. Overcome and Ms. Demetria of Oblivon have ownership now. They are peaceful with our kingdom, and I owe my survival to them. I will make a pilgrimage though.

01:39:54 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Manwe:


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