Forums / Roleplaying / The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)

The Treasure-Seeker(RP game)
16:35:44 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer's feet pounded against the cold, wet snow. He kept looking back furtively over his shoulder, the snow blinding him with its whiteness. He stumbled and fell, the cold white snow turning to water. He dragged himself up and ran on, his energy almost spent. He could hear the howling of the wolves in the background. He continued on, shielding his face with his hands from the snow. He found himself beside a lake, covered in ice, with nowhere else to run. He turned around and collapsed, to see the creatures amble out of the woods, dismounting their mounts. There were around two dozen or so. The haunting faces imprinted themselves onto Killer's mind. The stench of the dead rotting flesh got to him, and he scrambled up and edged out onto the lake.
               It was freezing cold beneath his feet, causing him to shiver. The ice shifted slightly. He fell down onto the ice, and it cracked audibly. He started to sink. Suddenly, he was lifted from it and dropped on the other side. He looked up to see his rescuer, a beautiful maiden, her hair flowing down past her shoulders, wisping in the wind. He looked back at his pursuers, stopped at the ice, the first few taking tentative steps onto it. The fair maid spoke, talking loudly to be heard above the noise of the biting winds. "They are dead, they should not be intelligent enough to understand the dangers of the ice." She whistled, sharp and clear. A troll appeared, his massive bulk almost blocking Killer's view. In his left hand he carried a spiked club, in his right, a battle-axe, blunt and stained from use. He smashed the first few down with his club, breaking it on the fourth. He then wielded his battle-axe with both hands, hacking and slashing at the dead corpses, animated and eerie. The fell down like dominoes, none could stop the troll's wrath. One of the mounts, a werewolf jumped at his unprotected back. It was smacked out of the way by a bolt. An elf appeared, shooting arrows at all she could see. Her aim was true, each monster fell with each twang of an arrow or bolt. She then took out a blowpipe, and shot a few more. There were but a few creatures left.
              Another being, an orc, appeared, right behind a were-creature of some kind, a knife taking it in the ribs. It turned around, little affected by the gash along its throat. A corpse suddenly lifted itself off the ground, launching itself at the creature. It stopped it, but its bones went everywhere. The troll cleaved the were-beast in two. The last of the creatures was no more. The soldiers began taking the creatures apart, and burying them, in fear of them being used again. The woman helped Killer to his feet, and took him back to the camp, his small weary feet barely able to manage it. He was shown to a bed after a meal, which wasn't the best, having being quickly prepared by a wizened dwarf, who though making a fire appear from nowhere, couldn't do the same with food. The woman apologized to the old man, she was the cook, but also the healer, and had to attend to cuts. Killer drifted off, only to be woken during the night by the sound of the voices of the hardened troops. Killer recognized the voice of the orc assassin, having but once heard him speak.
                 "Those creatures were controlled by a powerful necromancer, I couldn't control them, apart from the dead ones. That is, the ones that died twice, though I suppose it could have been more, looking at the scars some of them had. We had best move camp and leave that young 'un here, they might strike again." The wizard followed this up, it was clear he detested the previous speaker, but kept it hidden. "Lyrok, we have to wait here and wait 'til the young halfling can move. Besides, the only way to go is further north, to even colder wastelands. Let us stay here." The others provided no further argument, they respected the dwarf's thoughts.*

Alright, this is an RP game, you have to get money. There are a few races, namely: Human; Dwarf; Elf; Halfling; Orc; Troll; Slynoth. They have different traits and abilities, of which I will speak further of later. You can become skilled with different weapons, of which I will explain further later. There are many class skills, of which you can almost become everything of together: Paladin; Necromancer; Elementalist; Cook; Assassin; Rogue; Thief; Ranger; Smith, etc. (Look, I'll explain everything more fully later, don't worry). There are three main skills, which you need for classes: Dexterity; Strength; Intelligence. Explain everything in further detail...

(Sorry about making this again, but it's a better title really... and I don't want anyone to be confused. Leave the other thread alone)

19:09:02 Jun 20th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok, all skills, classes, weapon skill are 10 levels each. You gradually increase in skills(Dex., Str., Int.) with time. You pay to learn classes(I just named them that to make it handier, they're Ranger, Smith, Healer, Surgeon, Necromancer, Elementalist, Tamer, etc.) Takes one day to learn each level, as well as the money. Weapon skill also increase with time. Firstly, I shall start off with the weapons.

All weapons fall into these groups(If you can think of any weapon which might not, or you're not sure of, just ask me here. This also includes unarmed fighting, and skills used):

Ranged(Dex. Sometimes need Str. to wield)

Bows(Crossbows and Bows)
Throwing(Anything you throw by hand, using nothing else(e.g. axes, stones, ropes with stones on them(bolas), excluding daggers)
Shooting(Everything else, slings, darts(by blowpipe))


Staffs(Long weapons equally balanced sides)
Swords(You know the things, includes dagger, dirks, throwing knives)

sorry, got to go

20:54:56 Jun 20th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Out of curiosity, why don't throwing daggers go under Throwing?

00:13:54 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Because that would be sensible... Well because err... just. (Sorry for such a miserable excuse, but most people willl be going for swords and they're better with this, a ranged weapon as well) I'm changing it now though.

Ranged(Dex. Sometimes need Str. to wield)

Bows(Crossbows and Bows)
Throwing(Anything you throw by hand, using nothing else(e.g. axes, stones, ropes with stones on them(bolas), throwing knives)
Shooting(Everything else, slings, darts(by blowpipe))


Staffs(Long weapons equally balanced sides)
Swords(You know the things, includes dagger, dirks, throwing knives(for stabbing with))
Axes(A stick with a blade on one end, one side or two, you know the things. Curved in the way)
Spears(One pointy end at the end of a stick, used for stabbing with, inc. pike, fork etc.)
Club(Stick heavier on one side than the other. Includes clubs, err... maces etc.)

(I'm pretty sure I've forgotten something, could you inform me of some weapon that doesn't fit into these catagories?)

Unarmed Combat

Kick-boxing(Str., Dex.)
Swerfup(Dex. Deadliest, but difficult to master.)

Now, the way this works: Every two days you can level up with one weapon, and you MUST have the weapon to level up in it.

Just before I go, I'll explain the money system quickly.

Copper coins(A few can buy you food and shelter for the day)
Silver coins(Worth 10 copper coins)
Gold coins(Worth 10 silver coins / 100 copper coins)
Platinum coins(Worth 10 gold coins / 100 silver coins / 1,000 gold coins)

00:25:23 Jun 21st 08 - Sir Wraith:

I can't think of anything else. Seems pretty good. I'd like to join  whenever sign-ups are open. :)

00:42:04 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Alright, here you go, but I haven't explained everything yet...

  1. Killer

Classes: Right, there are lots, so I'm just going to stick them down now when I can think of them, I'll have to go to bed soon.

First of all, I better explain there are six elements when dealing with magic, as follows: Light, Darkness, Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Water - Fire - Air - Earth - Water - ...
Light <--> Darkness

Also, magic isn't strong at all until the later levels.

You cannot learn darkness magic if you have learnt light magic, and vice versa. Air, Water, Earth, Fire become more expensive as you level up the other ones, but you can still level up. The classes of magic are: ______ (Water, Fire, Darkness, Light, Earth, Air) Elementalist(They can create elementals(such as golems, earth. Inanimate objects brought about to move), and do some stuff with whatever element, like move the water quickly(they attack from afar mostly)), (Aeromancer, Geomancer, Pyromancer, Hydromancer)(can summon beings of whatever, live ones, and make swords of fire and whatnot), Necromancer(Summons undead. I'll explain surgeons later...), Paladin(can heal a bit, and is an expert at killing undead. Little magic, this class requires str. whereas all the others require int.)

Next up, just a few names, after I explain surgeons. They can heal a bit, but not much, unless you want some limb sewed back on or something. However, they can do the grisly business of attaching dead things to other dead things, to create new beings(e.g. were-beasts)

Now, here's a few names of classes before I go: Healer, Thief, Rogue, Warrior, Hunter, Rider, Tracker, Cook/Forager, Scout, Assassin, Guard, Ranger, Tamer, etc...

16:44:19 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

And also, troops need food, unless they are undead or are elementals.

Green = Intelligence
Blue = Dexterity
Red = Strength

Healer(5)(Heals people), Thief(5)(Thieves stuff), Warrior(5)(Fights, +3 to all mêlée weapons, unarmed combats), Hunter(3)(Finds food, meat. +3 bow weapons), Rider(5)(Rides animals, and other creatures), Tracker(5)(Tracks creatures), Cook/Forager(2)(Finds & Cooks food), Scout(3)(Moves quickly and has good knowledge of areas), Assassin(6)(Hides, kills people, +3 throwing weapons), Guard(3)(Cannot be stolen off unless by higher level thief), Ranger(3)(Can track, hunt, not as well as classes of the same, though +2 shooting weapons), Tamer(5)(tames animals), Smith(6)(Makes weapons of metal), Crafter(5)(Makes weapons of wood), Climber(2)(Climbs stuff), Swimmer(1)(Swims in water), Recruiter(3)(Can recruit people cheaper, and even for nothing), Elementalist(4), (Pyro-, Aero-, Geo-, Hydro-) Mancer(6), Paladin(7), Necromancer(6), Surgeon(8)

I'll explain races in the next post, hopefully.

18:06:38 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Alchemist(5)(Prepares poisons and other potions(Which assassins can administrate))

I knew I forgot something, the cost. The cost of the 2nd level is twice the 1st, the 3rd three times the first, the 9th nine times the first, and so on. The prices will be those of the first and in copper coins.

Climber, Swimmer, Scout: 10 copper coins
Guard, Hunter, Warrior: 20 copper coins
Thief, Ranger, Tracker, Recruiter, Cook/Forager: 50 copper coins
Crafter, Healer, Rider, Elementalist: 100 copper coins
Alchemist, Assassin, Smith: 150 copper coins
Mancers, Paladin, Surgeon: 200 copper coins

Now, as for the races:

Human: An average race, good all round. They have +3 to recruiter skill.

Dwarf: These beings spend most of their time underground. They are good warriors, but poor at magic. +3 to smithing skill, -2 to crafting skill, -2 intelligence(just so you know, this doesn't affect what classes they may be, just how good they are at them) +3 strength, +5 axe, -3 ranged, -3 rider.

Elf: These creatures spend their life beside trees and rivers. They are poor at mêlée, but good at ranged and magic. +3 dexterity, +5 bow, +2 intelligence, -1 strength, -5 mêlée, +2 crafter, -3 assassin

Halfling; Orc; Troll; Slynoth

18:17:42 Jun 21st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Im just doing this since it looks good so far.....props

  1. Killer
  2. Wraith(Since you wanted to already)
  3. Ernie

19:48:47 Jun 21st 08 - Mr. Killer:

Human: An average race, good all round. They have +3 to recruiter skill.

Dwarf: These beings spend most of their time underground. They are good warriors, but poor at magic. +3 to smithing skill, -2 to crafting skill, -2 intelligence(just so you know, this doesn't affect what classes they may be, just how good they are at them) +3 strength, +5 axe, -3 ranged, -3 rider.

Elf: These creatures spend their life beside trees and rivers. They are poor at mêlée, but good at ranged and magic. +3 dexterity, +5 bow, +2 intelligence, -1 strength, -5 mêlée, +2 crafter, -3 assassin, +3 scout, -5 necromancer

Halfling: These beings are similiar to humans, but are smaller and rounder of belly. -1 strength, +3 throwing weapons, -1 mêlée, -1 intelligence, +3 scout, +5 cook/forager, -1 thief, +3 tamer, -1 riding.

 Orc; Troll; Slynoth

00:44:26 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Sargas:

  1. Killer
  2. Wraith(Since you wanted to already)
  3. Ernie
  4. Sargas

10:16:50 Jun 22nd 08 - Ms. Alexria Normus:

  1. Killer
  2. Wraith(Since you wanted to already)
  3. Ernie
  4. Sargas
  5. Archblade

16:56:57 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

You may have 2 foot different from average size, either way. Min. 3'6" ft, Max. 12 ft.
(Don't go by nos. altogether, some classes are worse than others.)

Human: 5'6". An average race, good all round. They have +3 to recruiter skill, +3 to rider, +1 paladin.

Dwarf: 5'0". These beings spend most of their time underground. They are good warriors, but poor at magic. +3 to smithing skill, -1 to crafting skill, -2 intelligence(just so you know, this doesn't affect what classes they may be, just how good they are at them) +3 strength, +5 axe, -3 ranged, -3 rider, -1 climbing, +5 guard, +2 surgeon.

Elf: 6'7". These creatures spend their life beside trees and rivers. They are poor at mêlée, but good at ranged and magic. +3 dexterity, +5 bow, +2 intelligence, -1 strength, -5 mêlée, +2 crafter, -3 assassin, +3 scout, -5 necromancer, +3 healer, +1 tracker.

Halfling: 4'7". These beings are similiar to humans, but are smaller and rounder of belly. -1 strength, +3 throwing weapons, -1 mêlée, -1 intelligence, +3 scout, +5 cook/forager, +1 thief, +3 tamer, -1 rider, -1 climbing, -3 swimming, +1 healer.

Orc: 4'10". A ferocious race, powerful and beaten by none in combat, and also are good necromancers. However, they have terrible range, and other disadvantages. +5 mêlée, +2 strength, +6 wrestling, +2 kick-boxing, -5 range, -1 intelligence, +3 necromancer, -3 swimming, -2 climbing, -4 cooking, -3 scout, +4 assassin, -5 healer, -3 paladin, +6 warrior, -3 tracker, +1 thief.

Troll: 9'4". Good fighters, if only for their size, and also not too bad with a bow. However, they are dim-witted, and their size makes it hard for them to do certain things. +5 clubs, +4 strength, -2 dexterity, +3 bow, -2 surgeon, -3 intelligence, -3 thief, -2 scout, -4 assassin, -1 smith, -1 crafter, +3 guard, +2 warrior, +2 hunter, +1 climber.

Slynoth: 5'8". Very shy creatures, these are the most distant cousins of the humans, and though they have 4 limbs, one of them is a tail, they have only a single arm. They live in the forests, alone. They are very smart, but for some reason are poor at magic. +6 dexterity, +4 intelligence, -2 strength, -3 warrior, +4 swerfup, +5 staff, -7 bow, -3 mêlée, +5 climber, +2 swimmer, -6 rider, -5 recruiter, -3 tamer, +5 thief, -2 Elementalist, -5 mancers, +1 surgeon, +2 healer, -5 smith, +3 crafter, +4 alchemist, +2 scout, +1 ranger, +2 hunter.(Don't worry about this too much, all these numbers, just take into account what sort of races they are, little intelligence, bad magic, good cooks, good assassins etc. and not worry about 1s or 2s really)


Ok, just to look over the other stuff(I'll post this on top of each page, hopefully, for you lazy sods).


Ranged(Dex. Sometimes need Str. to wield)

Bows(Crossbows and Bows)
Throwing(Anything you throw by hand, using nothing else(e.g. axes, stones, ropes with stones on them(bolas), throwing knives)
Shooting(Everything else, slings, darts(by blowpipe))


Staffs(Long weapons equally balanced sides)
Swords(You know the things, includes dagger, dirks, throwing knives(for stabbing with))
Axes(A stick with a blade on one end, one side or two, you know the things. Curved in the way)
Spears(One pointy end at the end of a stick, used for stabbing with, inc. pike, fork etc.)
Club(Stick heavier on one side than the other. Includes clubs, err... maces etc.)

Unarmed Combat

Kick-boxing(Str., Dex.)
Swerfup(Dex. Deadliest, but difficult to master.)

Now, the way this works: Every two days you can level up with one weapon, and you MUST have the weapon to level up in it.


Copper coins(A few can buy you food and shelter for the day)
Silver coins(Worth 10 copper coins)
Gold coins(Worth 10 silver coins / 100 copper coins)
Platinum coins(Worth 10 gold coins / 100 silver coins / 1,000 gold coins)

Healer(5)(Heals people), Thief(5)(Thieves stuff), Warrior(5)(Fights, +3 to all mêlée weapons, unarmed combats), Hunter(3)(Finds food, meat. +3 bow weapons), Rider(5)(Rides animals, and other creatures), Tracker(5)(Tracks creatures), Cook/Forager(2)(Finds & Cooks food), Scout(3)(Stealth and has good knowledge of areas), Assassin(6)(Hides, kills people, +3 throwing weapons), Guard(3)(Cannot be stolen off unless by higher level thief), Ranger(3)(Can track, hunt, not as well as classes of the same, though +2 shooting weapons), Tamer(5)(tames animals, incredibly useful sometimes), Smith(6)(Makes weapons of metal), Crafter(5)(Makes weapons of wood), Climber(2)(Climbs stuff), Swimmer(1)(Swims in water), Recruiter(3)(Can recruit people cheaper, and even for nothing), Elementalist(4), (Pyro-, Aero-, Geo-, Hydro-) Mancer(6), Paladin(7), Necromancer(6), Surgeon(8), Alchemist(5)(Prepares poisons and other potions(Which assassins can administrate))

Climber, Swimmer, Scout: 10 copper coins
Guard, Hunter, Warrior: 20 copper coins
Thief, Ranger, Tracker, Recruiter, Cook/Forager: 50 copper coins
Crafter, Healer, Rider, Elementalist: 100 copper coins
Alchemist, Assassin, Tamer, Smith: 150 copper coins
Mancers, Paladin, Surgeon: 200 copper coins

You must have the gold to get it, and can only learn one level in each skill per day(You're not going to get every one anyway...).

In Intelligence, Strength and Dexterity you level up in one every 3 days.

17:01:27 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:


Gold: 10
Weapon(s): (You can start off with one good one or two ok ones. If you get too strong of ones, I will take them off you(you can get some more though): Oaken staff(Oh yeah, there's staffs for magic dudes(or girls), but you can't start off with a gemstone on top of them), with slingshot attached(just to show you what weapon skills they take).
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

19:55:19 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Sorry, had to go earlier.


Race: Halfling
Gold: 10
Age(any you want, and you'll stay that age unless you want to get older): 15
Weapon(s): (You can start off with one good one or two ok ones. If you get too strong of ones, I will take them off you(you can get some more though): Oaken staff(Oh yeah, there's staffs for magic dudes(or girls), but you can't start off with a gemstone on top of them), with slingshot attached(just to show you what weapon skills they take).
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

Killer had never known a home. He had lived his life wandering the country-side, mostly in the north, in the cold wasteland. He gathered little food and ate cold and raw. Recently, many undead were fleeing north to escape the wrath of the paladins(necromancers do get fed up hiring surgeons for were-beasts and even ordinary skeletons). Killer had set his sights on wielding great magic to destroy the undead armies.

Oh, and very important...
The bonuses for races and from other classes only apply when the class(or other) is level 10, and level 1 gets 1/10 that, level 2/10 that, and so on.

And just so you know, undead creatures are weaker than live ones, and have to be a whole skeleton, or almost whole, to be able to be risen. However, they aren't that difficult to raise. All creatures mixed together with some other species, sphinx, griffin, centaur, and so on, are of undead origin, but can be made live ones through the ages(through a long and painstaking process...), but you won't be able to make live ones if you're trying, sa you don't have enough time.

21:02:21 Jun 22nd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Right, my weapon uses staff for mêlée, and shooting for range. It could also be club for mêlée, but I'm just going to ignore that, there probably wouldn't be enough weight in the stone to consider it such.

Anyhow, Sign-up(also include your height, I kind of forgot)
  1. Killer - Halfling
  2. Wraith
  3. Ernie
  4. Sargas
  5. Archblade

Any questions?

21:06:53 Jun 22nd 08 - Sir Spud:

  1. Killer - Halfling
  2. Wraith
  3. Ernie
  4. Sargas
  5. Archblade
  6. Spud (Wow. Im just signing up. It looks really fun, still havnt read anything yet though. I'll get around to it.)

01:35:13 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Elf
Gold: 10
Weapon(s): A weak Longbow and a stave he mostly used for walking
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

Wraith was a poor soul who lived by the river. He had lived on a small little village far from civilizaton but he had loved his years there. He used to spend his time using his bow, which his dad had more for him personally and talking with the village wizard, who had a tendency of using water magic.

His village was burnt one day but he managed to escape by diving into the river and pretending to be dead. however, he sworn revenge and the face of the Undead's commander was imprinted in his memory.


{{Thought I'd do it for when we start ^^ }}

02:05:10 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Spud:


Race: Wood Elf (A bit shorter than normal Elf) (If I can do that)
Gold: 10
Items: Small leather pouch to carry things in
Weapon(s): His fathers Maple Longbow and his fathers small black steel dagger.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 0. (Can I take one from Str. and put it on Int.???)
Classes: None

Long story short, Spuds father was killed in the night and now Spud roams trying to find the answers he seeks.

15:59:33 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

[Well err... yeah, you can be wood elf, as long as they're not too different... You can't take one from strength and put it on to intelligence though, sorry.]

Ok, putting in a few rules.
  1. You do not decide what money you get from anything.
  2. Wait for me to decide if you get a job or not.
  3. You can't kill someone without giving them a chance to retaliate, if you are in a duel or the like. You have to wait for me to respond when assassinating or the like.
  4. Don't godmode(I'm going to try and explain some of those classes further, the magic ones really)
  5. Have fun.

  1. Killer - Halfling
  2. Wraith - Elf
  3. Ernie
  4. Sargas
  5. Archblade
  6. Spud - Elf(wood)

Race: Halfling
Money: 10 copper coins(Sorry, stupid of me...)
Age: 15
Height(sorry, forgot this): 4'2".
Weapon(s): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None
Occupation(Cook, etc.):
Army(This is if you are in one, you say the leader and rough number estimate, unless it's small, you can then say what people there are in it. Or if you control one, you say the number): Leader, Grulyn(Dwarf wizard). Slisstes(Orc assassin, necromancer), Trolan(Elf archer), Rubbador(Troll fighter, paladin), Oped(Human cook, tracker)

Ok, you all start off with the group of people I'm with, but you can wander away whenever you want. I'm going to do a map as well, and I suggest you wait until we get to a town before leaving the group.

*Killer rolls out of his blanket, shivering from the icy winds from the north. He stumbles from the makeshift tent out into the glare of the sun, and of the ice. He was almost blinded by the shining ice, seemingly brighter than the sun. He wanders across to the comforting heat of the fire, and the aroma of cooked food. He was served a broth by the woman, who introduced all of the fighters. Killer barely paid attention as he scoffed the nourishing broth down with bread. He complimented her on the cooking, he had never tasted a meal like it. The orc, Slisstes, returned, and he had gathered a small number of undead, along with two shivering elves, they were badly dressed for the icy cold, no more than Killer himself. Slisstes cut short the introductions, saying they had to move immediately, in the direction of Gullin, a nearby town.
               They set off, Killer lagging behind with his smaller footsteps, but he struggled onwards. Gruyln, the dwarven wizard, made the wind blow in the direction they were following, making it much easier to travel, but lagged behind after that, his energy used. They pitched camp mid-day, Gruyln exhausted. Killer was glad, all the undead in the world wouldn't have stirred him. They had a meagre lunch, and rested there for the day, and had a slightly bigger dinner. Even though it was delicious, Killer couldn't help but wish there was more. Slisstes announced that there were around twenty undead were-beasts following them, but they were well behind. Killer fell asleep, though his hands were almost blue and the icy wind howled outside.*

17:10:39 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Sargas:


Race: Dwarf
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 17
Height: 5'2".
Weapon(s): Two stone axes
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

A wandering dwarf who was kicked out of his homeland when he was wrongly accused of murder. He now tries to clear his name and find the person who had framed him.

17:26:44 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Name: Enris Linthos
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 3, Strength -1. (So we only use these 3 skills right now?)
Classes: None
Army: Leader, Grulyn(Dwarf wizard). Slisstes(Orc assassin, necromancer), Trolan(Elf archer), Rubbador(Troll fighter, paladin), Oped(Human cook, tracker)

Enris is a wandering Elf had come out of the woodland regions far away.  He had been traveling around the lands looking for a reason for his existance after the death of his parents and the destruction of his home.  He began wandering in the northern regions, in the snow and ice when he came upon a group of travelers who were of different races.  Curious, Enri joined them.

20:18:49 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Clips Ernire over the head.* You have no occupation yet, that is just for when the time comes. Your skills are 1,1 and 1. The racial traits only affect the skills, but are not shown. Nor are any of the other class skills. Ok, look,

Int., Str., Dex. = Skills
Necromaner, Tracker, Healer, Ranger etc. = Classes
Bows, throwing, axes, swords, etc. = Weapon skills, they go under weapons(sorry, should have mentioned that).

Could you also please not all pick elf.

20:39:24 Jun 23rd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

(Thats why I put the question mark -.- I was going to be elf before everyone started signing up anyways -.- but there was a storm last night, parties, no power, ect....and there are two and Spud >_>  and im just trying to figure how to get started so I wont be confused later -.-  and my name is not Ernire >=(  ok and the weapons skills - weapons part confused me -.- so just do a little trial and error with me until I get things right so we dont have to deal with this later.....I want to get this thing off the ground! ☺

Name: Enris Linthos
Race: Elf
Money: 10 copper coins
Items: A Leather Pack
Age: 26
Height: 6'4".
Weapon(s): Yew Shortbow, Staff.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None
Army: Leader, Grulyn(Dwarf wizard). Slisstes(Orc assassin, necromancer), Trolan(Elf archer), Rubbador(Troll fighter, paladin), Oped(Human cook, tracker)

21:50:07 Jun 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok, Elementalist: Can summon two Elementals for each level. Can move about whatever element they are of. Water beats Fire beats Air beats Earth beats Water, etc... Light elementalist summons spectres and ghosts, which frighten people, but that's about it. Darkness does the same, but all else can do damage.

Mancers(exc. Necro): Imbue weapons with spells, perfect for killing Elementals with. Also summon live creatures of whatever element.(Water is a bit tricky, sometimes). E.g. Fire - Dragon(You can only summon creatures like this if you have a high level AND are a tamer, or have one with you(unless you want to get crisped to a toast)), Water - Hydra, etc...

Necromancer: Raises dead. Can have level*50 skeletons, but they're the weakest, and undead are pretty easy to kill in comparison to live things. But you can raise an undead dragon say, and they're pretty tough.

Paladin: Kills dead. Casts spells to kill undead. A few healing spells.

Surgeon: Can stick bits of bodies together to be raised, but it takes skill. Low level ones can only put together skeletons and such.

Any qus. about anything else?

00:09:16 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Since everyone is an Elf, I'll be Orc.


Race: Orc
Gold: 10
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None


((Can't be ar§ed to type another Bio))

00:18:34 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I thought you were Halfling......and only me and Spud are elf that I can see]

00:24:45 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

I was Elf... read up... -.-

01:07:33 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Ohhhhh....Wraith...for some weird reason i was thinking you were Killer -.-]

15:58:17 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Killer - Halfling
  2. Wraith - Orc(I don't care, you can be an elf if you want)
  3. Ernie - Elf
  4. Sargas- Dwarf
  5. Archblade
  6. Spud - Elf(wood)

16:31:53 Jun 24th 08 - Ms. Alexria Normus:

Archblade Normus

Race: Human
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 17
Height(sorry, forgot this): 5'10".
Weapon(s): Shortbow and a kitchen knife
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None

17:04:51 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Killer - Halfling
  2. Wraith - Orc(I don't care, you can be an elf if you want)
  3. Ernie - Elf
  4. Sargas- Dwarf
  5. Archblade - Human
  6. Spud - Elf(wood)

Anyone else want to sign up...?

18:00:16 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[I wanted Wraith to be my brother] =(

20:16:13 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

{{Sorry Ernie, next time... ^^
I'm ok with being an Orc to make some variety  }}

21:15:32 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Race: Halfling
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 1
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None
Army: Leader, Grulyn(Dwarf wizard). Slisstes(Orc assassin, necromancer), Trolan(Elf archer), Rubbador(Troll fighter, paladin), Oped(Human cook, tracker)

*Killer wakes to the sound of howls during the night. He recalls that a group of all races had joined them before the night had settled in. He gets out of the comfort of the bed, wandering outside to see a score of were-beasts, mostly were-wolves. He whips out his staff, and starts slinging stones at them from the strange contraption upon it. He manages to hit one after having hurled thirteen stones. The beast stumbles slightly, but continues onwards, undeterred. Killer roared at the top of his voice, that alone did much more than his stones could. The camp was alive with activity, Rubbador, the massive troll came out with a lit wooden stick. The tendrils of fire licked the falling snow, the fire hissed at the intrusion. The flame soared towards the beasts, engulfing the first one it came across. Grulyn appeared, staff in hand. The air lit with spectres, Rubbador commanded them to attack the were-beasts. Though they could do no physical damage, the were-beasts ran from them, the snow hindering none. They regrouped however, and charged, more of them coming from nowhere.
               Killer found himself attacked by several from all directions, his stick twirled around, missing everything but his own feet. They fell back, bolts lodged in their skulls, cracking the remains of them apart. Killer i*beep* on the back of the head and fell to the ground, unconscious.*

Ok, people can join during this if they so wish, but I'm starting this now anyway. We're being attack by were-beasts, and you get a level up in a weapon of your choice. No godmoding.

21:25:52 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:


21:25:52 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 10
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
          Swords - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: None
Group:  Dwarf Guard - Gromil (Wields Axe)
             Elf Healer/Archer - Linolag (Wields Bow)
             Troll Hunter - Kaylin (Wields Club)

[[We're not together, are we?]]

21:36:21 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

*Wraith woke up as he heard Gromil shout. Picking up his Sword and Dirk, He rushed outside and an arrow whizzed past him and hit a werebeast a few metres away from him.

Wraith struck at the closest werebeast, just about catching it in the arm. It roared and tried to strike at him but Wraith managed to block with his dirk. Wraith struck at the werebeast as more came to join in the fray and the werebeast writhed on the ground in pain.

Kaylin was smashing at everything in his path, while Gromlin was backing him up with his axe, hacking at all that tried to attack Kaylin from behind. Linolag let loose arrow after arrow at the werebeasts but the numbers hardly seemed to thin.

As Wraith struck down another werebeast, he felt a pain in his left arm. He saw a werebeast had sunk its fangs deep into his arm and with a roar, he hacked it away. He then started slashing his way towards Linolag to try help him.*

22:07:57 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errr... yeah, we are. However, you can go away from the group whenever you want, and you could have before that anyway.

22:12:45 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Bah.. sorry about that... Then I'll type something out later.

22:17:02 Jun 24th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Nah, it's ok, leave it.

22:58:23 Jun 24th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Enris was awakened by a shout.  He rushed out of his tent and saw were-beasts moving towards the camp.  Several others were already fighting them.  Enris pulled out his bow and notched an arrow, aiming for the nearest were-beast.  He left fly an arrow and it struck between it's eyes. 

He notched another and fired, but missed.  The were-beast he missed turned towards him, and began charging.  Enris picked up his staff and twirled it above his head before bringing down with great force upon the were-beasts skull, killing it.  As Enris turned, a were-beast knocked him over and jumped on top of him, ready to tear his neck apart.  Enris desperately punched the were-beast in the face and in retaliation it slashed his arm.  Rubbador, luckily knocked the were-beast off of Enris before going back to his own fight. 

Enris leaped up quickly and swung his staff back and forth. hitting the were-beast repeatedly, but he could not get the momentum to kill it.  The were-beast then ran from several spectre's, giving Enris the time to notch and arrow and it struck the were-beast's chest.  He then finished it off with a strike from his staff.

15:52:56 Jun 25th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok, just going to giev you an idea of how many undead you can summon when you are a necromancer...

Necromancer: Raises dead. Can have level*50 skeletons, but they're the weakest, and undead are pretty easy to kill in comparison to live things. Still, an army of 500 skeletons is not to be sniffed at. Zombie(Stronger than skeleton, can shoot a crossbow without getting killed(again)), worth 5 skeletons. Were-beast(fast and fairly strong, can be ridden on), worth 10 skeletons, give or take a few for different types. Vampire(The most life-like undead. They drain energy from live beings by biting them and sucking their blood. They start off as weak as skeletons, but can become very strong), worth 15 skeletons. Undead dragon(What more to say? Not as strong as live dragons, and can't breath fire, but still... they can fly), worth 50 skeletons. Of course, there's a lot more stuff you can raise, this is just to give you a rough idea.

07:13:55 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Spud:

[[OOC: Sorry about the delay, I have to be in the mood to RP (AKA - Really tired). So here I am, half asleep. Dont worry though, I always seem to be more creative when im half asleep.]]

*Spud, watching from a nearby tree, watches as the battle gained it's intensity. Becuase Spud is not much of a fighter up close and didnt want to give his spot away, he stayed high and out of sight. Instead of joining his allies, he lept from tree branch to tree branch to the right flank and around the entire battle. Spud perched on a high tree with no limbs for around 20Ft from the surface draws an arrow in his fathers bow, aims for what seemed like a minute, and then lets the arrow soar through the air racing towards the neck/head of the lone beast that looked like a cross between a boar and a brown bear. It walked on it's hind legs but limped on it's left rear leg due to the missing flesh and muscle from it's body. Spud was unsure how this beast still continued on. Anyway, he waited for the arrow to strike...*

[[OOC: Leave the strike decision for Killer]]

15:04:57 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Spud's arrow sails through the air, and hits the beast in the right fore-leg, separating the last sinew holding the leg, and it falls off. The beast still drags itself on with its other legs, but slowly, and Rubbador comes up from behind and slashes at it with his battle-axe, cleaving its skull from its body.*

Race: Halfling
Money: 10 copper coins
Age: 15
Height: 4'2".
Weapon(s): Oaken staff, with slingshot attached.
                   Shooting: 1
Skills: Intelligence 2, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
Classes: None
Army: Leader, Grulyn(Dwarf wizard). Slisstes(Orc assassin, necromancer), Trolan(Elf archer), Rubbador(Troll fighter, paladin), Oped(Human cook, tracker)

*The were-creatures are defeated, and the remaining few flee. Killer revives in the morning, and they continue on, exhausted, knowing many more undead could be behind them. They meet up with another group of travellers in the mid-afternoon(Wraith's group, sorry about this), and spot a cave to rest in at the nearing of the night. They went in, and saw three different tunnels. Gruyln quickly asked if they wanted to split up and search, or search each individually. They decided to split up. Wraith and his group went down one way, Gruyln, Slisstes, Killer and Oped another, and the rest down the final tunnel.
          Killer stumbled several times over jutting rocks and stones, and it was a long time they were traveling until they heard a blood-curdling roar, so loud it dislodged a few stones, threatening to fall on top of their heads. A bright light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Killer started going gladly towards it, but was held back. They started running the opposite way, Killer ran in their wake, confused. Gruyln turned back, and soon after Slisstes did too. Gruyln started muttering a spell, and the air was sucked out of the tunnel, and the flames disappeared. Killer stated to choke but the air rushed back in. Gruyln fell down, exhausted. A beast came down the tunnel in his direction, blue flames emitting from his nostrils. Suddenly, it struck. It took the wizard in his mouth, and bit down, blood splattering everywhere. Slisstes flicked knives at it, but they didn't penetrate the thick skin. The dragon stood on Slisstes, and more blood was spread. Oped took Killer's hand and ran, to the end of the tunnel, pausing only to see the dragon collapse to the ground, choking, having no air to breath. Oped explained that Gruyln had placed the air around them. They waited until the others returned...*

15:36:31 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Wraith:


Race: Orc
Gold: 10
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
          Swords - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: None
Group:  Dwarf Guard - Gromil (Wields Axe)
             Elf Healer/Archer - Linolag (Wields Bow)
             Troll Hunter - Kaylin (Wields Club)

[[No probs, if you didn't do it, I probably would have tried something to get us together ;)]]

*Wraith was extremely weary as they got to the cave. When he heard the decision to search the tunnels, he sighed calling it unnecessary but followed his group down the tunnel. Slipping and sliding, they wandered down the tunnel, deeper into the mountainside.Wraith thought he heard yelling but shrugged it off as his imagination.

Suddenly, the path took a steep drop and as they went down this, they found themselves in a huge cavern, that was eerily dark. Kaylin lit a piece of dry wood and the darkness diminished. Wraith's eyes widened as he saw what was hidden in the dark....*

{I'd be happier if Killer told me whats in the dark... don't know how to compete with a dragon... =P
Oh, and from his post, I take it I have to lose some people...?}

15:55:29 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Nope, you don't have to lose anyone.

*Wraith saw a huge beast, twice the size of a troll. It had many scars running down the length of its sides, and it resembled a bull in many aspects. It was a female, and she had seven cubs, each almost as big as a human. They carried clubs, spiked with rusty iron bits. Linolag recognized the beast, and whispered softly to the others that it was a minotaur, and they had best leave unknown, though behind the creature there were many gemstones...*

15:56:45 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Does she have seven hands or are there seven of them? :S

16:00:41 Jun 26th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errr... seven cubs, as in young. Suppose I should have called them calves though, and minotaurs are a bull and human, but this one is a cow and a human, they've been around a long time, and are no longer undead.

16:17:14 Jun 26th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Ohhhh I swear I read 'she had seven clubs'.... :S
Going through it again, I understood it. =P


Race: Orc
Gold: 10
Weapon(s): 1 Bronze Sword and an Iron Dirk.
Skills: Intelligence 1, Dexterity 1, Strength 1.
          Swords - 1
Classes: None
Occupation: None
Group:  Dwarf Guard - Gromil (Wields Axe)
             Elf Healer/Archer - Linolag (Wields Bow)
             Troll Hunter - Kaylin (Wields Club)

*Wraith listened to Linolag and wished to heed his warning but Gromil's greed took over. He, as any Dwarf, couldn't bear to leave gems just lying there. He unsheathed his axe,roared and raced in, straight for the nearest cub, chopping the surprised creature down. Catching them by surprise had a slight advantage and Linolag shot a large number of arrows at other cubs. Wraith and Kaylin raced in to help.

As he reached the next cub, Gromil took a hack at the cub. Fortunately, surprise had its advantages and the axe bit deep into the minotaur cub's arm. It roared in pain and swiped at Gromil, clubbing him on the side of the head with his arm. Wraith rushed in to help and struck at the cub, cutting him across the abdomen and it fell limp to the ground.

Gromil got back up and they ran together at the next 2 cubs. They were ready for them however and each tried to swipe at them.Gromil blocked with his axe while Wraith just managed to dance out of the way. Seeing his chance, he tooka slash at the club arm's wrist with his sword while he stabbed the cub, aiming for the head. His stab went a bit wide though and hit the cub in the arm. Gromil  pushed the club off his axe and hacked fiercely, almost insanely, at the cub's legs.

Kaylin was wrestling with the minotaur adult. Unsure as to how they had both gotten disarmed, Wraith hoped the Troll could hold out against the female.

{{I want to know how badly I'm doing before continuing ;)  Seems stupid but I just has to try... 4 v 8 was too good a challenge to pass up. ^^)}}

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