Forums / Roleplaying / Wasteland

21:17:00 Jan 29th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:


In the year 7402 AC (After-Civilization. After the rise of the first Civilized nation) the world was set on fire by the greed and bloodlust of the impurity that was mankind. Nobody had time to find out who fired first, all that mattered was that most of the world was dead. Burned in the fiery cloud that is nuclear armageddon.

Every city was blown to bits, no town survived.

The only people that survived were those that were far away from civilization when it was wiped out. Those people are all that remain of the human race. Can you rebuild the charred remains of what was once the lush planet of Erus? Lets hope so...for humanity's sake...


James Septim felt the blast from the dense forest and was knocked off his feet, the shockwave was felt all over the world. He then noticed the light burns on his face, and saw that most of the trees were dying. They were far less immune to the effects of the bombs than humans. Septim soon got up and saw that George was alright.
"What the hell was that?" asked James.
"That was a freakin' nuke!" yelled George.
"A nuke? From Marfor?" asked James.
"I have no friggen clue!" yelled George.
"Dad! What's going on?" asked Jeffery.
"I don't know, son. Lets go check on your mother," said George as he grabbed his rifle and ran off into the bush, Jeff grabbed his rifle and followed. James did the same.


"Thank Mastros you're alright!" yelled Catherine as she hugged James.
"I'll be fine," said James, "You alright, John?"
"I'm fine dad," said John, "Is grandma and grandpa okay?"
It was then that the shock hit James, everybody he had ever known was dead. Everybody except the people in the cabin. He kept the tears inside him though, trying to stay brave for his son.
"They'e fine," lied James before he fell into one of the leather chairs, "I need to think..."


20:17:43 Feb 2nd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Post where you were when the bombs went off and then your reaction...don't start making outposts or anything yet...]]

20:22:23 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: actually i get to go for now, so this is a quickie]

Benme looked up to see what that massive noise was and saw his worst nightmare. He pressed down on the gas and turned the car right around, away from the mushroom cloud. "I'll go see what the situation is at the outpost the when the radiation is gone, I hope some people are still alive" He stopped the car 10 miles away from the base and got a book out and waited.

20:30:23 Feb 2nd 09 - Sir Shmeh:

Gordon felt a sudden rumble before he was thrown off the side of the highway into a cave formed by several large boulders. He was in pain, intense pain, there was no one around no one else to help him.

"Help!" he shouted but all he managed was a ho@rse cough.

He tried to get to his feet but fell again.

As he regained his speech he began talking to himself.

"What has happened here, those imbeciles! It must be them, who else?"

He continued on like this until he noticed that the sun was rising and he needed somewhere to sleep.

"Damn, I need a place to rest, there must be some place not destroyed. I'll have to just walk in some direction until I find some civilisation."

[OOC: It wouldn't let me write ho@rse because of the @rse :(]

20:35:13 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[not even supposed to be on, i forgot to mention that benme also has partial amnesia, so even though i say he just drove away form the nuke, he has no memory of that so he has no idea how he survived]

21:24:20 Feb 2nd 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul awoke in a concrete cave. Groggily, he tried to remember how he got there. He remembered light...and noise...great gods, the nukes! No wonder the building he was in had collapsed.
Crawling out of the rubble, Demonsul found himself in the middle of a forest. The Broniminan-Cidellian piste he had been riding had stopped overnight at a hotel/refueling station type thing, and Demonsul had been allocated a ground floor room.
Feeling daunted by the impossibility of the situation, Demonsul began to search the rubble for any other survivors.

23:03:30 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Zack didn't hear it at first but he felt it. He and Larry were thrown wildly into bramble some 30 feet away. He looked up and saw the leaves seeming to vaporize instantly around him and the temperature seemed to rise a few degrees. He looked and said, "Larry?"

"Over he-" there was a scream in the distance and they both stood up and ran towards it.

When they got there they found Randall flag pinned under a tree branch. He was much closer than they had presumed. They shouldered their weapons and Larry said, "Hang on. we'll get you out!" Ghost and Larry together had to heave three times and finally pitched it off of him.

"What kind of cluster**** was that?" Randall said.

Zack replied, "I dont know man but your coming with us and were going to se if anyone else survived this heck hole."

23:44:42 Feb 2nd 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

Far away, travelling to the small town of Sanalaros, a man named Darin Henderson sat at the wheel, listening to the morning news.

"And today, it's a beautiful 62 degrees outside, the skies as blue as the saphire I got my wife today.  Now, onto different matte-"

A large explosion far off in the distance caused Darin's police car to turn over, the trees lit on fire.  Cursing at the top of his lungs, Darin clung onto the wheel.  The car rolled down the street for ten minutes before it finally stopped.  Darin's ride luckily landed on the wheels, and Darin began to drive as fast as he could to Sanalaros, sweat dripping from every pore.


"Holy sweet mother of..."

The entire city was nothing but a crater lit on fire.  There wasn't even a small pile of rubble left.  Darin fell down on his knees and wept, for he was coming to this town to visit his brother, William.  Cursing, he slowly stood back up and opened the car door.  He drove it back to the forest, the safest place there is, and started the search for other humans.  He heard that there was a log cabin out in the country.  Perhaps he could find some answers there.

00:35:11 Feb 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: We aren't immune to fireblasts...O.O

Oh well...><]]

01:20:30 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

Loki sighted down his rifle and was just about to take his shots when a massive roar erupted in his ears and he blacked out. He woke up some time later and immediately remembered what happened, he ran out of the forest and the only thing he could see was a mushroom cloud, and off in the distance a car traveling towards him. He started going after the car not knowing what he would find.

[OOC: my last one with bemne was really bad so here is the real one]

Bemne was on his way to the military base when BOOOMMM!!! his car was thrown wildly about. "OH snap nukes!" He yelled. He immediately turned the car knowing that the nuke probably blew up near the base. He needed to get away from their and wait until the radiation dissapated, then he could look for survivors.

[OOC: I think this is much better]

Nate was driving along to the military base for some more doctor work when he heard a giant explosion. He immeditly started looking around for what the noise was when, his car started getting bucked about then "whoosh!" the whole car got thrown off the road. The last thing he saw was the world tilting around him then, nothing.

[OOC: yeah for me!]

02:54:37 Feb 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

After a few minutes of resting, James got up.
"I hope the car still works," said James as he walked outside, after a few attempts, the vehicle started. The car had been out of range of the EMP blast that the nuke sent out (so those cars you guys used wouldn't really work...:-/). After getting everybody in, along with the firearms, the ammunition, the food, blankets, untainted water, and some other things, James drove off. He had to look for survivors...he had to...

17:10:03 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: um did everyone post? cause if they did we need to know what we can do next Septim]

18:46:24 Feb 3rd 09 - Sir Shmeh:

[OOC: me too :(, what can we do next?

im new to this so i may need some help xD]

21:25:11 Feb 3rd 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: Just wait...]]

After a day of searching, Septim and his group has found six people: Robert Arkon, Howard Wolfe, Rebecca Wolfe, Vera Farilor, Gregory Farilor, and Harold Farilor. Gregory and Vera were a married couple, and Harold was their son. Howard and Rebecca Wolfe were married as well, but in their late forties, their son and daughter were probably dead.


As the small convoy drove over a hill, they say something somewhat amazing: vegitation. The large valley below seemed untouched by the horrors of nuclear war, and by mankind. It was unknown what had saved it, but nobody really cared. As they drove up in an SUV and a minivan, they got out and surveyed the area. After finding apple trees, an unradiated river, and many other things essential for life, they set up some cruide buildings and waited for more survivors.

[[OOC: Now, come find this valley. =D]]

22:17:14 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

Bemne tried restarting his car but could not. He walked all the way to the base and managed to get some construction machines working. He heard some noises behind him and turned with lightning agility. Loki yelled " Wow there! I'm come in peace, hehehe" Bemne shook his head and asked "You wanna get in the bulldozer and come help me find some survivors? "Sure" Loki hopped into the bulldozer and got himself used to the controls. Bemne hooked up some more construction vheciles and started putting some heavy weapons into them. Loki looked at some of the weapons "wow is that a browning, a saw, oh awesome a nade launcher!" Bemne grunted "once were done loading everything we can lets get going as sson as possible. They finished loading and drove off into the dark.
Nate woke up with a major headache. "Ah man my head" He mumbled to himself. He kicked open the car door and starting walking towards the road, he saw some headlights and ran out into the middle of the road. "Hey! over here! over here!" Bemne stopped the backhoe and yelled to him "Find somewhere to hang onto!" Nate climbed in with Loki. "Hey my names Nate whats yours?" Loki took the proferred hand "the name's Loki and grumpy chops over there is Bemne or "Boom-boom" Nate looked out at the barren waste land. "Lets go find some more people" he said with a grin.

22:45:12 Feb 3rd 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

Darin drove down the road heading to the location in which a log cabin was built.  When he arrived, it was deserted, but had recent signs of human activity.

"Dammit, so close," Darin cursed, and got back into his car, and decided just to keep driving.


The car jerked for a small moment, as the gas was slowly running out.  Swearing much, Darin beat the car horn.

"Dammit, keep moving..."

The car continued to go until it went off the road and towards a cliff, overlooking a valley.

"...dammit, stop!"

Darin slammed on the faulty breaks, which broke the moment he touched them, as he and car slowly fell of the cliff, into the valley.  Bracing himself, the car crashed into a bundle of trees, and then everything went black.


Groaning, Darin slowly got up, lying on his back in the ruined car.  The car should have been destroyed the moment the nukes fell, but it managed to last a day.  The sick stench of the pizza left in the glove compartment finally took its toll, and drove Darin out of the car and to the trees.

"How could these trees possibly survive?" Darin wondered.  "MAybe I can find some humans who survi-"

The moment he walked out of the forest which he crashed in, a large SUV drove by and kept driving, to the nearby river.  Darin was left standing in the grass, staring.  He then broke into a fast sprint, trying to catch up.

"Hey!  Wait for me!"

01:36:44 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Sephiroth:

Zack and Larry walked up the road they had come out to with Randall limping ahead of them. They came up to a truck at dusk that seemed to have its windows covered with something... Zack raised a fist and told Randall, "Stop. Lar watch him. I'll check this out."

Zack sidled up to the driver's window and grimaced. There a man sat motionless; his brains and blood plastered against the rear window. In his hand was a .45 pistol and in his other a picture of his wife and kids. He felt a moment of pity and then remembered he had lost the same things yet he had not resorted to this-at least he had Larry. Still it felt like the weight of the world was baring down on his shoulder in that moment.He threw the man to the pavement, knocked out the back window (it was a really disturbing reminder), and said,

"lets go."

Everyone piled in. Zack turned the keys and was happy to find that at least the truck still worked.  They began to drive off hoping they would find somebody. Anybody.

15:17:27 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: only 3 people posted, didn't more sign up???]

17:56:52 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

[OOC: Zyrike can't count xD

i count 5, or 6 if you include septim]

18:04:33 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

Gordon walked for several hours along the side of the highway, he finally given up looking for life on the highway, he set off across the deprived and desolet land.

After walking all day Gordon spent the night under a large rock, which was not comfortable for him.

The next day he woke up and continued on his journey

"Help, Is anyone there?" called Gordon every few hours.

He came across a hill midway through the day, he sighed and began on the ascent it took him a matter of half an hour to reach the crest of the hill. He looked down upon the valley.

"People, people!!! Hello!!!"

Despite the exausting journey he had just made, he sprant down the hill into the valley below.

19:26:04 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: actually i was counting the people after he had said find the valley =P]

Benme looked at the desolate landscape and could see no life. He sighed and yelled Loki "Hey climb on your roof and see if you cant sight any life!" "sure thing!" Loki climbed up and saw a glimpse of some trees a long way off. He yelled with happiness "Yeah! Hey Boom-boom! I've sighted some trees about half a day that way. Lets go!" They drove off each hoping they find some more survivors.

19:30:03 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

After the man made his way down the hill, Robert Arkon approached him with shock, but he kept it well hidden.
"My name is Robert Arkon," said Robert, "Welcome to Oasis."

19:33:16 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

Gordon gasped out of breath and shocked to his core at the same time.

He managed to splutter

"Hey i'm Gordon. Where is this...? What is this...? How did you...?"

19:33:43 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[Edit button disappeared before i remembered this, about 5:00 eastern time my guys are going to find the Oasis alright?]

20:02:19 Feb 4th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul kept walking. He had been walking for days, just to get away from the ruin, the sight of death. There had been no other survivors.

One day, Demonsul woke, after walking in his sleep. He had not remembered falling asleep. The view was astounding.
There were trees all around! It was as if he had found a place unaffected by nuclear blasts. Looking around further, Demonsul realized he was in a valley, and that there was some kind of encampment up ahead...

21:21:05 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: I'm bored : ( ]

They reached the trees right when Loki said they would. Nate shouted "I see some people! I see some people!!!" Loki laughed with joy, he jumped out of the bulldozer and ran up to greet one of them. "I'm Loki that is Nate and over the Bemne, we didn't think there would be any survivors, but were at your service and ready to make stuff "

23:53:07 Feb 4th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

"Welcome to Oasis everybody!" yelled Arkon, "My name is Robert Arkon...I don't know who the hell nuked us...but I guess it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we've been blown to hell! Now, nobody is to touch any of the trees, this place's ecosystem has to be as fragile as hell based on how small it is. We'll make our buildings out of metal from the cities. Right now, lets socialize a bit, get to know eachother, we have enough fruit on the trees here to last us a long time. We'll elect a leader afterwards..."

00:07:34 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

"Hey everyone I'm Loki a sniper! If anyone gets into trouble just call me and I'll take care of it. Now over is a boom-boom Bemne, hes a engineer and doesn't like to talk much so direct any building needs towards him and Nate there. Nate is also a doctor so and injuries you sustain just go to him. Thank you for listening and hope you have a good stay in paradise!"

Bemne once again shook his head at Loki's antics and went over to Robert. "Hey when do you want to go out and collect some materials, I've brought lots of construction equipment with me. oh and you might want to check out the armory I brought along. I recomend the PSD rifles, their compact powerful and EXTREMLY accurate, Its my favorite gun because if you hit some explosives just right it makes them go boom." With this Bemne smile and walked away.

18:06:19 Feb 5th 09 - Sir Shmeh:

"Hey my name is Gordon, i was a high court judge before the... anyway i will do my best to keep the peace amongst this valley"

19:15:10 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[OOC: everyone has left this thread... and the roleplaying forum]

23:46:07 Feb 5th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

[[OOC: You must understand that people take time to do quality posts...this doesn't move at a million miles an hour...]]

23:48:28 Feb 5th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

[Everyone still hasnt posted... plus I have nothing better to do then wait on the forums...]

16:36:32 Feb 6th 09 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

[[Join a few more forums then! I myself take partition here, at SMWCentral, and currently Pardus again.]]

00:40:03 Feb 7th 09 - Mr. Bill Larson:

[[OOC:  Or simply have a normal life, such as: dating, drugs... whoopsie, didn't mean to say that one out loud. XD]]

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